Blood Princess and the Knight

38~The inevitable encounter

"How can anyone ask for help in this wilderness? ?" Blake wanted to rush in to help, but he couldn't.

Seeing the blood-stained notice board, his legs and feet retreated awkwardly.

This place is already within the territory of the Vampire Clan. Even if there is a cry for help, it cannot be human.

Such a cry for help, why can’t that silly boy understand? ?

Blake decided to give up.

"Ha, this, how can you blame me for this? That kid ran in by himself, what does it have to do with me?

The matter, yes, it’s none of my business. Besides, even if I go there, I can’t help. I can only do it in vain.

Last life. "So consoling himself, Blake turned around and tried to run away, but he never did.

Can take steps.

He gritted his teeth and could only sit on the ground resignedly. "Okay! Silly boy, I'm here

I'll wait for you here, but if you don't come for half an hour, I'll leave first. "Blake shouted towards the depths of the jungle, and he didn't know who he was shouting to.

At this moment, a certain jungle in the mountains at the junction of the Human Federation and the Scarlet Blood Territory is

There is a drama going on.

"Your Majesty, you can't escape." The heavily armed sergeants held knives in their hands and killed a wounded man.

The tired silver-haired girl was cornered.

"Come back with us, if you can. We don't want to fight with you."

"It sounds like the injuries on my body were not caused by your own hands." The silver-haired girl

She smiled mockingly. It could be seen from the luxurious dress that this girl had a high status and was by no means an ordinary person.

Since ordinary people, this elegant and gorgeous dress is now covered with blood stains.

Even so, the girl didn't look that embarrassed. Her face was as beautiful as if it were made by a god.

She doesn't look like a human being. She wears long silver hair that is intoxicating with the stars and a tattered blood-stained dress.

Not only did it not create a feeling of embarrassment for her, but it added a touch of strange charm.

"If you don't resist, we will naturally not use force. It is difficult to disobey orders. If you are captured without restraint, you can at least

Let you suffer less. "

"Is it hard to disobey orders? They are really a group of loyal soldiers." The silver-haired girl grinned.

The arc of ridicule. "So, you know what you are talking about? Your loyalty is to point the finger at your own queen."

"Since His Majesty is unwilling to submit, we have no choice but to offend him." We don't intend to fight with the person in front of us.

The girl continued to talk, because the sergeants knew that they were in the wrong, and no matter how they argued, it was meaningless.


"Are you sure you want to attack me here?" The silver-haired girl smiled confidently. "Think twice

Everyone, this is the border between the Human Federation and the Scarlet Blood Territory. There are several sentries posted.

As long as I shout for help here, several teams of people will respond to my call. "

"Your Majesty, stop lying to others. These words may frighten others, but they cannot frighten us. Sooner or later

We investigated clearly before coming here. You did not place any sentries at the human border, or even

There is not even a song station. "The leading officer laughed.

"Besides, Her Majesty the Queen, would it be too much of a loss if you shouted for help?"

"You don't believe it? Well, don't regret it.

"Your bodyguards are still on the other side of the mountain range. To shout here, excuse me, is not only embarrassing.

It has no other function than the eyes. "

"The investigation is really clear. It seems that there is a traitor among my personal guards, right." The silver-haired girl

He narrowed his eyes.

"Besides, if there really was a sentry here, wouldn't you have called out earlier? Do you need to wait until now?"

"Okay, this is what you said." The silver-haired girl took a deep breath, then raised her hands to the trumpet

He turned to the sky and shouted in an extremely miserable voice.

"Save, life, ah!"

"Help, a bunch of weird guys are bullying the little lolita! Come and save me, Wu Ming

Well, you, stop shouting. "The sergeants were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that they were usually so majestic.

Her majesty, the blood queen, who gives off a sense of oppression with every move she makes, would actually do such a shameful thing


The sergeants were a little helpless and a little amused. They couldn't help but stop each other from shouting -

It's really embarrassing. If foreigners see this, they won't want to admit it's him.

Our Majesty the Queen.

They can't stand it anymore when a man of his age is still acting cute here.

"Stop barking. It's useless. There aren't even any birds around here. No one will come to you."

"Help, help, the monsters are so scary. They said they wanted to take me to see the goldfish, woo woo woo

", come help me." The silver-haired girl's eyes were filled with tears, and she kept shouting while wiping her tears.

The sergeant's words fell on deaf ears.

That's enough!" The officer couldn't bear it any longer and signaled to his subordinates to take action quickly.

Take people back.

"Come with us, Your Majesty, we will ensure your safety."

The silver-haired girl turned a deaf ear to this and kept shouting, never letting anyone go.

There was no chance of being saved, even though she knew it would be useless.

"Is it possible for you to return it?

Are you hoping that a just friend who happens to be passing by will come to rescue you?" The officer raised his eyebrows.

Moreover, when a vampire screams for help, even a righteous partner would probably be dismayed if he saw it.

It will come.

Jokingly, he and his subordinates drove the girl to the edge of the cliff.

In order to limit the girl's ability to escape, the officer initially asked his subordinates to damage the girl's wings.

Keeping her from flying makes it easier to capture.

"There's a cage." The officer glanced at his subordinates, and the sergeants silently dragged out a cage with words written all over it.

An iron cage with enchanted patterns.

"Okay, Your Majesty, that's it. Stop screaming, it's a waste of energy.

"You guys, are you going to use something as inferior as this to me?" the silver-haired girl narrowed her eyes.

"The conditions are poor, I may have to aggrieve you."

"Tsk, you really have no taste. Why don't you put me in a decent cage? This kind of thing

Don’t you think it’s too much to use it to imprison a beautiful girl?”

"We never dare to underestimate Her Majesty the Queen, please?" The officer opened the cage and looked inside.

Bian pointed. "This journey will be a bit boring, please don't take it off your Majesty the Queen.

Ha." The silver-haired girl shook her head helplessly. She knew that she had no choice this time. Kiss her.

The guards were far away from her, she herself was injured, and no one would come to save her.

Failure in the political struggle is so cruel, although as a queen she will not be deprived of it

Life, but from now on, you may lose your freedom forever.

"Stop!" At this moment, a sharp shout came in.

"?What's going on? Didn't we find out clearly that there is no one in this place where there is no shit? Intelligence

What do those guys in the Ministry do for food? ?”

"I don't know, but there are indeed no sentries here, and there is no intelligence indicating that

There are sentries or patrols here. "The sergeant was also very strange.

"Do I need to ask the Intelligence Department?"

"There's no time, and there's no need." The officer stared at the road between them and the girl.

The golden figure in the room had a hint of weirdness in his tone. "He is not a vampire, he is a human being."

"Humans?" So, this is the junction between the vampire territory and the human federation. Human beings appear here.

Class is indeed a reasonable thing.

So the question is, how did this human being have the courage to set foot in the Scarlet Blood Territory?

"Let your criminal behavior stop here." Bai Jin pulled out the long sword that he carried casually.

Stand firmly in front of the girl.

"What is this human talking about?"

"have no idea

"Enable the communication and translation spell." The officer's fingers moved in the air, and a small magic spell appeared.

The spell formation was immediately generated.

"Human, who are you? What are you doing here? Are your actions personal or human?"

Federal official order?" The officer opened his mouth with a series of questions.

Bai Jin was startled and thought about how the group of people talking just now sounded like birdsong. Why did this happen?

Can your son understand it?

"Again, is your behavior a personal behavior or an official directive from the Human Federation?" the officer continued.

Continue to ask questions.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. My behavior is personal, but what you do is human and divine.

There is shared outrage and no one will stand idly by. "Bai Jin's voice was righteous, but she didn't understand the other party.

What's the point of saying that, but in her opinion, neither official instruction nor personal behavior has any

the difference.

"In other words, human being, your behavior is a personal behavior?" the officer snorted coldly.

Do you know that you are already involved in the internal politics of the vampire clan?"

"Getting involved in politics? I don't care what kind of politics it is, politics that doesn't even spare little girls, don't


The officer had a strange look on his face. Not only that, but he and the followers behind him also looked at him strangely.


They all thought in unison: Where did this idiot come from?

"Brother, you came just in time! These weird bastards want to bully others and take them to watch whales."

Fish, Wuwu saw that his call for help really worked, and the silver-haired girl didn't care about her call.

I wonder if this human being has some IQ problem? He quickly pretended to be pitiful and about to cry.

His scarlet eyes were filled with tears, and he looked pitiful.

"So the officer's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that the queen would

However, there is no lower limit to this, and in order to deal with his own kind, he actually acts cute and fakes crying in front of humans.

Sure enough, did they underestimate her?

"Tsk, you are really nosy, human, don't you want to die?" Regarding this extra change,

The officer was very irritated and said through gritted teeth.

Killing a human being is as simple as eating and drinking water for them of the second-level species.

It's just that the steps were not arranged as the officer thought, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Shut up." Bai Jin pointed the sword at the officer's nose. "Abducted children, you are familiar with this kind of thing

It’s not like it’s the first time you practice. Scum like you, no matter which race, I will

want you

We will be brought to justice!" With that said, Bai Jin picked up the girl.

Where did this hot-blooded idiot little guard with a strong sense of justice come from? The officer was speechless.


Good, good smell

Taking the opportunity to lie down on Bai Jin's neck, the silver-haired girl suddenly felt the urge to bite this human.

Veins, the urge to taste her blood.

Her blood is a little special, I want to try it

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