"Brother, welcome back~. Why is it you?" opened] Ji Yue who welcomed Bai Jin home.

His expression was stiff, and then he changed his face in a Sichuan Opera sequence. He looked at the door with a cold face and looked alone.

wooden tenon

Tenon is a little speechless. This is his home. Isn't it reasonable for him to appear here?

Does it make sense?

"Where's my brother?" When Ji Yue saw Mu Ju, she didn't even intend to call him by his first name. She could only sneer at him.

A meaningful vision.

"Bai Jin, you're not back?" Mu Ju was a little surprised. He thought that Bai Jin needed some peace and quiet.

That’s why I didn’t go to the cafeteria for lunch, and I didn’t wait for him to go home early in the afternoon.

"Don't you and your elder brother spend the whole day together? Don't you know where she is?" Ji Yue's expression

It gradually became weird.

"Well, we weren't together today. I thought he went home early." Muzhu felt the same way.

Very strange.

Bai Jin is the kind of person who wakes up on time, goes to school on time, comes home on time, eats on time, takes a shower and goes to bed on time.

She is a good student. She would never do such things as leaving early or not coming home on time.


"What happened?" Ji Yue's expression instantly became solemn.

Douban also realized the seriousness of the problem. "I don't know very well, I didn't follow you today

She has met, but I think it has something to do with the school rumors.

"Rumors? What rumors? ? Please make it clear." Ji Yue frowned slightly.

"The situation is like this." Mu Ju will be spreading rumors about the Knight Academy these days and the current situation.

The causes and consequences of

A bunch of ignorant muggles. "There was a hint of anger in Ji Yue's cold voice.

Mu Ju was a little surprised. You must know that with Ji Yue's cultivation, no matter what kind of situation she is in,

He doesn't know how to swear. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen Muzhu looking so angry.

"Why are you telling me this now?

"I thought it wouldn't cause much trouble. After all, Bai Jin is not the kind of person who would

People who do stupid things for the sake of rumors. "

"First gather the servants and find her first." For some reason, Ji Yue felt a bad feeling in her heart.

A premonition, she just hoped it was just her illusion.

"Give me your blood.

"Huh? Bai Jin, who was being held up by something, only felt a pain in his neck.

The blood was flowing out of her body at an extremely fast speed.

The good silver-haired girl clings to Bai Hibiscus' snow-white neck, with two fangs rooted in Bai Hibiscus.

In the delicate skin.

There was a numbness in her neck, and Bai Jin could feel that her blood was being absorbed by this little girl.

The child was withdrawn from the body bit by bit.

"You, Bai Jin looked at the silver-haired girl attached to her with difficulty,

He quietly showed his fangs and that cunning smile of success to himself.


Bai Jin had a guess in her mind. This was indeed the scarlet blood domain. Then vampires appeared.

There are indeed extenuating circumstances here.

In other words, now she is dealing with a group of vampires again? ?-

Thinking of this terrible fact, Bai Jin's heart trembled.

She was just a fledgling knight apprentice, and unexpectedly she met a vampire when she went out.

It's as terrifying as encountering the Demon King BOSS just after leaving the Novice Village.

She couldn't help complaining in her heart, why could something happen to her wherever she went? ?

Everyone has what they fear most. If you want to rank among animals, then

What Bai Hibiscus is most afraid of is undoubtedly creatures such as caterpillars, spiders, bats, and snakes that live in the dark.

And if we were to rank among creatures, the creature that Bai Jin fears the most is none other than vampires.


She has been afraid of the dark since she was a child, and she is also afraid of these creatures living in the dark. If she is in-

Something suddenly emerging from the darkness would scare her half to death.

The fear of vampires has long taken root in her heart, not just because of the demons of the Human Federation.

Most of the reasons for the demonic propaganda stem from the three views that Ji Yue has instilled in her since she was a child.

In Ji Yue's description, vampires are more disgusting than maggots in stool, more twisted than irregular life forms in the void, and more terrifying than the mutated monsters in Wuzhi Forest.

Therefore, in Bai Jin's concept, the image of vampires has long become dirty and unhygienic.

The virus is all over the body, it is ferocious and cruel, and the irregular twisted energy grows ugly outside the body, and the whole body is covered with viruses.

A useless monster.

The disgust and fear of this creature drives Bai Jin to want to stay away from this creature as much as possible

, so she began to struggle desperately.

"Quick, let me go! Don't stick to me. Have you taken a shower? Don't spread the disease.

Give it to me! The first thing Bai Jin, who is somewhat mysophobic, can't accept is that the other party doesn't like to talk.

Hygiene: The whole body is dirty.

"Don't move." The fangs were still inside Bai Jin's body, and the silver-haired girl couldn't help but hug her tighter.

Seeing that Bai Jin was very dishonest, she had to pull out her fangs first~

Come out, and then in front of Bai Jin's ear

He took a breath of hot air and said with a smile. "My fangs can penetrate your veins like a straw.

It will suck your blood out in this way. If you move it arbitrarily, your blood vessels will rupture. "

Hearing that the other party actually used his teeth to pierce his skin and blood vessels, Bai Jin became even more uneasy.

"You, stop it! Have you brushed your teeth? ? Let go, you can bite such dirty teeth.

What should I do if others have a bacterial infection? ? I don’t want to catch something weird like you


"Huh? ?" A big hash mark appeared on the silver-haired girl's head. She didn't want to pay attention to it.

This cow is covered in blood, but the other party actually despises her for being dirty?! This is simply unbearable! "Call me dirty? Haha, you actually said that my teeth are dirty?" The silver-haired girl smiled softly.

The horn twitched a few times. "I haven't despised you for being a human being with parasitic diseases, but you despise me for being dirty? ? Hehe,

Haha, you can secretly enjoy your blood being chosen by me and becoming my food.

"Who would take pleasure in something like this? ?" Bai Jin gritted her teeth, no wonder Ji Yue said vampires

They are just a group of inhumane demons, and now there is one more thing to add, that is extreme narcissism!

Bai Jin felt that she had no room for communication with this group of inexplicable creatures.

"In other words, these sergeants are also vampires? Let me go! You dirty bat who repays favor with revenge. I saved you with good intentions, but you want to suck my blood and take away the diseases you carry.

You infected it with me, don’t you think you are going too far? ?” There was a trace of tears in Qitu Ji’s eyes.

She really wanted to shake off the little white-haired bat clinging to her body and run away.

But the other party's teeth pierced into her body, making her afraid to act rashly.

The purity now is like when she was a child, a caterpillar fell from the tree and got on her face

on her face, she knew that the caterpillar was on her face, and she watched the caterpillar squirming at will, but she couldn't

If you dare to take it off, your whole body will freeze.

The kind of thing that makes people lose their sanity is no different from what she is experiencing now, and even

Even more terrifying!

"Come on, come on. I can't stand it anymore." Bai Jin's voice was a little trembling. She really

She was so scared, thinking about the dirty virus-carrying creatures lying behind her and biting her

flesh, sucking her blood, this kind of thing is really terrifying.

"I'm begging you, Miss Bat, please pull out your teeth. I really don't want to get sick.

I don’t want my skin to ulcerate or be ruined

"Miss Bat?" The silver-haired girl was so angry that her smile cracked.

"Don't compare us with those inferior creatures, okay? We are the nobles of Eternal Night.

, is a high-level race with immortality. I don’t dislike you, a despicable monkey. You know the blood is already good.

Dao? ?'

"You haven't taken a shower yet? I'm much cleaner than you stinking monkeys. Don't you want to?"

You want me to cling to you? I'm not happy with it! If my life wasn't at stake, do you think I would be willing to follow you?

You dirty milk~cows are stuck together? We should be worried about whether we will get sick if we suck your blood

Woolen cloth!"

"Then you should go down." Bai Jin almost cried, just like a little girl who is afraid of caterpillars and spiders.

So, now she just asks this vampire lady to be kind and stop torturing her and get off her body quickly.


"It's too much to compare such a cute and charming person to a bat pest!" I don't know why.

What? The silver-haired girl pouted, acting like a child at this very inappropriate time.

"Then, that lovely vampire lady, can you please get off of me? I understand my mistake.

"Oh, I'm coming down here? Can you survive when I'm down?" The silver-haired girl pursed her lips and signaled.

She looked at the stunned sergeants in front of her.

"Look, we are now grasshoppers on the same boat, - both prosperous and prosperous, and both suffer losses. You first

Your previous behavior has pushed you into our camp, and they will never let you go.

As for the eyewitnesses. "

"I don't want to get involved in your vampire affairs. I'm too young, little vampire."

Sister, please don't hold me back, please let me go. "

"Tsk, aren't you a knight? Aren't you human knights particularly particular about helping the weak?

?Seeing such a cute little Vampire girl being bullied by a group of weird people, don’t you have a clue?

"Are you touched at all? ?" The silver-haired girl was a little angry, lying on Bai Jin's shoulder and playing with it~

The end of Bai Hibiscus's hair.

"The golden one, eh, it looks pretty~~"

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Okay, we are almost sixty full from eating, so let me let you, a low-class person,

Let's see what a real curse is. "The silver-haired girl licked the remaining blood at the corner of her mouth.

The traces still hung on Bai Jin's body, and a thin and brainwashing chant sounded quietly.

"Captain, what are they doing?"

What are you still doing? ?Watching a show? Didn't you see that Lilias was about to use a magic spell?

?Stop him quickly!"

But hasn't her magic power been exhausted? Human blood can't provide it at all.

It’s magic, right?”

"Who knows? ? Rush up and stabilize her!"

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