Blood Princess and the Knight

41~cruel and ruthless

In the Flame Spear Hall, the black-haired girl sitting in the middle had a gloomy face, folding her arms, as if she could

Feel the extremely oppressive air.

"How many days have it passed? There are so many of you, and you've searched through the Flame Spear Territory and you still haven't found anyone?" Ji

Yue's words seemed calm, but they contained turbulent waves.

"Miss, we have indeed searched everywhere. We even dug through the sewers of the Flame Spear Territory.

I've been there all over the place, but I just haven't seen Master Bai Jin.

What do I need you for?" Ji Yue tilted her head, but her calm eyes released a kind of

The dazzling light seemed to be able to swallow everything.

No matter what, once things involve Bai Jinjiyue, she will lose her cool.

"Sorry, miss, we will send more manpower and mobilize the entire mansion to search for Bai Bai.

The whereabouts of Master Jin

"I don't want to try my best, I just want results."

"Yes, yes! We promise to find the young master, please give us a few days."

"Miss, I don't think there's any need to look for it anymore. It's very possible that Bai Jin is no longer in Yanzhao.

Once you get it, even if you continue to look for it, it will be a waste of time and will not help. "Mu Ju interrupted.

"Then tell me, what should we do?" Ji Yue's mood dropped for a moment. "Bai Hibiscus,

My brother never does this kind of thing without saying goodbye. He is always on time every day.

Sure, something must have happened to make it like this. "

"Miss, I probably know where Bai Jin is now.


"This morning, I asked my classmates and they said they had seen Bai Hibiscus a few days ago.

, it seems that someone from the Sacrifice Academy came to the door and asked him to go to the Scarlet Blood Territory to show his courage.

Something like that. "

"Afterwards, everyone thought they were joking and didn't pay much attention, so the matter was dismissed.

That's it, but afterwards neither Bai Jin nor the students from the Sacrifice Academy came to school, until today

"Scarlet Blood Territory Ji Yue stood up instantly. "You said, Bai Jin went to the Scarlet Blood Territory? ?"

"It's very possible. Maybe most people don't care about meaningless bets, but Bai Jin is different. She may really take this bet seriously."

"Scarlet blood domain, scarlet blood." Yu Jiyue's hands trembled and her eyes were stern. "Why?"

Will it be the Scarlet Blood Realm? Why is it that place??"

"The vampire's lair is indeed unsafe, and even its borders are full of unknown dangers.

Mu Ju obviously didn't understand what Bai Jin was referring to. After all, the only one with the memory of the past life was

Ji Yue is just one person.

Is this the end of the world line? After all, we still can’t escape this disaster? ?

Ji Yue clenched her fists unwillingly.

No, it shouldn't be like this. Isn't it just to let yourself travel with memories?

Did he change everything?

No matter vampire or elf, don't try to stop her!

"Give me the order to mobilize all available armed personnel of the Flame Spear Leader to follow me.

Heading to the border of the Crimson Blood Realm

Miss, it's nothing to be a straggler, but if you are an organized armed personnel, that's not a big deal.

It will be regarded as provocation or undeclared war by the Scarlet Blood Territory. "The old housekeeper's face changed after hearing this.

"My brother disappeared in the Scarlet Blood Realm. Shouldn't I ask them to blame him?"

"But vampires are different from other demon species. Let alone vampires, this matter

If other families were held accountable, it would be hard for us to explain. They would use this as a reason to blackmail me.


"Then if that's the case, don't follow. Prepare your horses. I'll go by myself." Ji Yue didn't want to at all.

Talk nonsense to these people, she only cares about Bai Jin's safety now, other than that, everything else is a dog


"Eh?! Forget it, young lady. If you are held accountable, please hold accountable. Come on, follow me quickly."

Miss. "Accountability is a trivial matter, but if the young lady makes a mistake because of this, it would be a big matter!

"Quick, stop Lilias!" The sergeants did not care about the magic spell being released, and drew their swords.

A silver-haired girl chanting magic spells.

"Block it for me."

"Block for you? Then let me go first." There was an oil bottle behind him, and Bai Jin couldn't even use

not open.

Seeing the ferocious-looking sergeants who were desperately charging forward, Bai Jin could only carry a soldier on his back.

dodge as a child.

However, these soldiers completely fell into a state of madness and wildly waved their swords at Bai Jinjin.

Blade, he no longer even has any scruples about hurting Lilias, he will interrupt Lilia no matter what he says.

Silk casting.

Are these guys suffering from mental mania? They are just casting spells one by one. Is there such a thing?

Is it scary?

After all, two fists are no match for four hands. There is a DEBUFF on the back and the previous fighting strength is withered.

Exhausted, Bai Jin soon became unable to dodge.

It has to be said that the vampire lying on his body is really calm, and the sword shines brightly.

He flashed in front of her and remained calm even in the face of danger. There was no sign of any disorder in his breathing, and he muttered something in his mouth.

The vocabulary of no-silk stop

Pause and trembling.

At the critical moment, forced by the desire to survive, Bai Jin exploded her potential and squeezed out the remaining

The last bit of spell power briefly summoned Radiant Armor, blocking the soldiers' blades.

"You, how long do you want me to hold on? I can't hold it anymore. Bai Jin gritted his teeth and formed a ball shape to protect him.

The armor of the two men dimmed gradually, not because the swords were slashing, but simply because there was no energy.


Before he finished speaking, a huge figure covered everyone -

After a moment of silence, everyone looked up and saw a tall tree man with vines and tree skin slowly walking toward them.

It seems.

"!Oops!" Upon seeing this, the officer didn't care about his subordinates and ran away, but before he could run away,

After taking a few steps, he was pulled back by a tree and someone holding him by the collar.

The other sergeants who had not figured out the situation were either trampled to death by the trees in panic, or

So he was in chaos, releasing the magic spell without any rules and trying to set the tree people on fire.

However, these magic spells pose no threat to the tree people at all, given their quality and size.

Here, even if it is a big fireball, it will swat it away nonchalantly.

"Obix, tie up all these guys." While Bai Jin was in a daze, the silver-haired girl had already gotten off her back, moving her slightly sore wrists and ankles, and said

The giant tree man gave the order.

When the tree man heard this, the two huge holes flashed with green light, and vines stretched out from the back of his head easily.

He gathered all the fleeing soldiers and tied them together.

"Huh?!" Bai Jin next to her didn't escape either. She was hung up by the vines around her ankles.

"Hey, wait a minute, you tied it wrong. Put down the blond cow and tie everything else up.

," the silver-haired girl added after seeing this.

The tree man immediately let go of Bai Jin, who was still hanging in the air, lost traction and fell to the ground.

He fell to the ground and almost fainted.

"Tsk." The silver-haired girl hugged her chest and returned to her usual aloofness. She walked towards him first.

She killed the officer who was showing off his power in front of her before.

"You were the one who told us to obey earlier so that we wouldn't suffer less physical pain, right?" Silver-haired

The girl looked coldly at the officer who was tied behind his back by tree vines and kneeling on the ground facing her.

"Oh, it's just a fluke."

"Lucky?" The silver-haired girl smiled suddenly, then stepped hard on the officer's chest.


"Do you think you can deal with us with your idiots? You're the lucky ones.


"Ahem, we are dead soldiers. We have already anticipated the failure. If your Majesty, you

If you try to find out who it is that gives us instructions, you will be disappointed. You will get nothing. "officer-

While coughing - he taunted.

"Who are you asking? No, we have stopped doing such stupid things a long time ago." The silver-haired girl smiled.

He looked at the officer nervously. "I am more interested in tormenting your mind than I am in knowing who is behind you.

Very interested. "

Yes, there are not even a thousand but eight hundred people who assassinate and kidnap her every year. Find out who is responsible one by one.

It's completely meaningless. These dead soldiers won't speak, and even if they speak, the information they get may not be

Really, even if you really kill one of the masterminds, it will only create more opponents.

Since it was such a thankless effort, the silver-haired girl had long since lost interest in deceiving the culprit, and turned to

However, she is more interested in making the daggers that assassinate her feel worse than life, and at the same time frighten the person behind them who has always been against her.

"Ahhh!" The tree man forcibly opened the mouth of a sergeant and poured a strange pollen into it.

Among them, the soldier's skin was soon torn to pieces, and the rotten skin showed no signs of self-healing.

The rot continues

Soon, the soldier's skin was like dry and cracked soil due to excessive water loss.

They are wrinkles, as if the bones are covered only by a layer of skin.

However, even though he was like this, he was not dead yet. His throat was dry and hoarse due to loss of water.

Roaring, it can be seen that he is suffering from a great degree of pain at this moment.

The other sergeants turned their heads away unbearably. This was the result of the failed assassination.

, all of them are ready.

There is no need to beg for mercy, because even if they beg for mercy, they will not let them go. All they need to do is

Just waiting for death is enough.

Wailing is the funeral song of all assassins, but the silver-haired girl never tires of it. She changes her ways,

Constantly torturing these soldiers, each sergeant has his own way of torture, his own

The method of death was undoubtedly extremely cruel.

Some had their limbs and heads entangled and were cut into pieces, some were stabbed in the heart and were still alive.

The top is coated with powder and burned.

Bai Jin next to him watched all this blankly, even if the tragic death was not a human being, even if all the people died tragically,

It is said that murderers will always be killed, but such cruel killings are really inhumane.

This silver-haired lolita looks as glamorous and delicate as a doll, but on the inside she

Extremely cruel and violent, looking at her increasingly bright smile, she doesn't even think about what she has done.

How cruel

"Stop, stop." Even though she knew she shouldn't speak at this time, Bai Jin still stood still.

He got up and walked to the silver-haired girl tremblingly.

"No matter what, killing like this is a bit too much.

"Oh?" The silver-haired girl turned around, her expression no longer as arrogant as before, and she just took off her disguise.

Indifference remains.

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