"Hold, hold on." When those cold and ruthless eyes turned to him,

Bai Jin felt as if her heart had stopped beating.

"Oh?" The silver-haired girl's scarlet eyes were fixed on Bai Jin quietly, and the corner of her mouth

There was a hint of amusement, as if he was planning to listen to what this human girl wanted to say.

"Even if they are people who want to harm you, just retaliate in kind, right? Let them live."

It's better to die and let their companions watch. Isn't this too cruel? Bai Jin gritted his teeth.

, had the courage to say these words.

Even if her reason tells her that she should remain silent at this time, besides, the power among vampires

The struggle for profit has nothing to do with her. No matter who loses or wins, it is all their own fault. She should not do it at all.

Time to intervene.

However, seeing such cruel and inhumane behavior, Bai Jin couldn't help but stand up.

"What you mean is that you want us to keep these things, and you want to imprison us in a dark cage.

The life of the guy who makes our life worse than death, right?" The silver-haired girl seemed to be interested,

Otherwise, I wouldn’t waste my time talking nonsense with Bai Jin.

"No, no, but you don't have to kill them in such a cruel way, right?

At least give them a break. "

"Happy? The silver-haired girl laughed. I don't know if it was teasing or mocking. "I want pain.

Fast? Easier said than done?"

"Why, aren't you the same race?" Bai Jin couldn't understand.

"Same race, so what?"

"Anyway, there is some affection in it.

"There is no such thing." The silver-haired girl said decisively and ruthlessly.

Bai Jin couldn't understand why the silver-haired girl could be so cruel and ruthless. "Can you vampires be so cruel and merciless to your own kind?"

"Then let me ask you a question, are you humans a family that loves each other?"

"Of course, we knights have created today's glory with our faith."

"Looking at Bai Jin's sworn look, for some reason, the silver-haired girl just wanted to laugh. Maybe it was to laugh at her innocence, or maybe she was sighing at her stupidity.

"You are really cute, Little Sister Cow."

"It's rude to call others a disparaging word like cow." Bai Jin said somewhat

Not convinced.

"It's so cute, but it's a pity that sooner or later you will grow up and face this cruel fact sooner or later."

The silver-haired girl shook her head.

"If the Human Federation is really as peaceful as you say, it doesn't need knights.

It is because of chaos that organizations with chaotic management emerge, and your temple is internally rotten.

It's very serious. I seem to have said something that I shouldn't have said. "The silver-haired girl caressed her mouth


"What does rotten Yan mean?"

"You can figure it out for yourself, pure and innocent Miss Knight Ji~ I just hope that by then

Don't look for your mother in tears with your whole outlook ruined. "The silver-haired girl mocked Bai Jin with a smile.

"No matter what, we should at least respect their last bit of dignity, the dignity of living.

Aren’t they just like us, living beings? Even if we retaliate in kind, we should not

Their dignity is ruined

"Being able to say such innocent words proves that you haven't fallen into that vortex yet." The silver-haired girl also said

I don't know if I'm laughing or laughing at myself.

"It is just a luxury to be involved in it and to be alone."

"If you are not careful at all times, you may die in your own bed one day. There is such a thing as happiness

Too luxurious. "

"Cruel means are not the goal, they are just a means for us to protect ourselves." The silver-haired woman

The child's smile had a somewhat complicated meaning. He didn't know whether he was laughing at Bai Jin or himself.

"Forget it, you won't understand what I'm telling you. Really, why should I waste my time?

Do you have time to explain so much to an unrelated person like you?" The silver-haired girl held her forehead in distress.

At this time, five more sergeants were dismembered, rotted, and their internal organs were dug out.

"Forget it, let's just treat it as my whim. Let me ask you - As a person,

As individuals, according to the knowledge that has been instilled in us, as vampires, we should be extremely evil existences, right? Why should we plead for them?"

have no idea. "Bai Jin shook his head blankly, and finally lowered his head in a weak manner.

She was very tired from the previous overloaded battle and blood loss, and could no longer stand up straight.


"But in my opinion, they are just like me, they are living people, even if they are on the wrong path,

The price of life should be paid for the road, but at least the dignity of life should not be trampled on

"As I said just now, they are just like us, they are also living beings, right?

"The silver-haired girl was silent. For some reason, she felt a strong irritability in her heart.

This has never happened before.

She was a little tired of this girl's innocence and blindness, and even wanted to yell at her.

The urge to yell her awake, grab her head and force her to see the world clearly.

The silver-haired girl knew that she had broken her guard. This was something that had never been heard of before. Elegant

If she would actually lose her mind for a human being -

It must be because this cow has big breasts and no brains, which makes me angry. Well, it must be so.


The subordinates were tortured and killed one by one, but the officer's eyes were unmoved. Maybe he had given up long ago.

Hope of life, death as home.

Amidst the chaos, rivers of blood flowed, and finally it was his turn.

"Then, how shall I take care of you? ~Unknown Mr. Officer." The silver-haired girl took a deep breath.

Angry, her pleasant smile bloomed again, and she came closer to the officer, like a happy little rabbit.

"Don't worry, I will never remember your name, not just me, but you too

In the eyes of the master behind you, you are just an abandoned child, not even a dog.

"Of course, I know you don't care about this, it doesn't matter, I just want to make it clear to you, you

This coming and going is like walking in this world in vain. In the end, nothing is left behind, and nothing is left.

People remember you.

"But~~I'm in a good mood today and don't plan to kill you. You know that, right? I never kill anyone.

There is always a principle, that is, leave a ~~ for your master, let him see it and understand the consequences of thinking wrongly. One day, he will be like you. "The silver-haired girl sneered.

Bai Jin turned her head away, she didn't dare to look.

The silver-haired girl cruelly cut off the officer's limbs and used a magic spell to prevent his injuries.

The mouth was regenerated, and the scene was terrible to watch.

"Whether you can survive or not depends on whether your boss is willing to save you. If he comes early, you will

If you can survive, but come late or he has no intention of coming, hehe, you will be lonely and desperate here.

Let's bleed dry~" The silver-haired girl said the most vicious words in the sweetest tone. "So, if you want to hate, then hate your master. Look, you work so hard for him,

He actually didn't want to save you until the end~" Not only did he want to trample on his dignity, but the silver-haired girl also wanted to destroy her heart.

Without letting go, he had to break this officer who was on the verge of death but could not die no matter what, from body to mind.

Brushed all over.

Devil, this girl who looks harmless and has nothing to do with violence is an out-and-out

The devil who doesn't buckle.

Both Bai Jin and the officer think so now.

It's just that Bai Jin still can't understand why such a young child can be so cruel and cruel.

Vampires are really as described by Ji Yue. Are the entire tribe lunatics and perverts?

"Then, it's your turn." Throwing aside the officer who had cut a human stick, the silver-haired girl turned to the white-haired girl.

hibiscus. "Although according to past practice, he dared to appear under my nose and humiliated me with words.

Human beings can't get it. I'm sorry that you saved my life for now, but I'll let you go this time.

There's a way out

Bai Jin, who was afraid of this moody vampire girl, did not dare to speak.

He simply nodded.

The situation in front of her was a bit miserable, and she desperately wanted to leave here.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. Well, I guess you should know my name.

".Zhi Boxin turned his head away.

"I don't know? Then why don't you dare to look into my eyes and speak?"

"You just heard what they called me."

No, no, no. "The strong desire to survive forced Bai Jin to lie, and she lowered her head

I'm afraid that if I tell the truth, I'll be like those sergeants and be raped by this cute girl.

Lippi's demonic killing.

"No~ Then let me tell you officially now. That's right, I am the blood of the contemporary generation.

Clan Queen, Supreme Ruler of the Scarlet Blood Realm, Lilias

Ratsambo. "

"Human, you must have heard of my name in the Human Federation, right?"

"I, no, I haven't heard of it, I don't know." Bai Jin stood up with some difficulty. "that

If there's nothing else, I'll leave first

"Wait a minute, I didn't give you permission to leave, right?" Lilias grabbed Bai Jin's clothes from behind and said,

However, just with the strength of a little girl, Bai Jin had no room to break free at this moment.


"You, didn't you just say that you would let me live?" Bai Jinlian said, who was extremely frightened.

The words were a bit unhelpful.

The bloody scene just now was so shocking that she began to doubt herself

three views.

"Yes, I said I would let you live, but I didn't say I would let you go." Lilias

Licking the corners of his mouth, he put his head on Bai Jin's shoulder and patted her cheek. "after all,

Your blood is so delicious. "

"It's so delicious that I'll never forget it."

"A bit, I don't want to let you go."

"Why, why is this like this!" Bai Jin collapsed a little.

"Besides, you saved me before. I am a person who knows how to repay kindness. I haven't expressed my gratitude to you yet."


"No, no, no, really no."

"It's okay, I have to thank you. It's a matter of principle~"

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