"I apologize to you for the border crossing. I hope that your Majesty the Queen will be able to send my

My sister gave it back to me. "Ji Yue took a deep breath, and her words gave Lilias enough face.

"Ah~" Ji Yue's performance really surprised Lilias. After all, the Shinra clan was young.

A man with a strong temper should not make peace with her so easily.

The girl in front of her was much more rational than she imagined, if she were an ordinary member of the Shinra tribe.

I'm afraid that I just have to accommodate myself to the hatred brought by my bloodline and fight to the end.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Lilias asked.

"Ji Yue.

"What's your last name?

Does Her Majesty the Queen even need to know this?”

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to know, are you two really sisters? Are you biological sisters?

Sister, are you the adopted one?" However, Lilias did not intend to let them go.

The horns are full of teasing meaning.

"Her Majesty the Queen is such a gossip. My sister and I are naturally biological."

"Ah? My biological child?" Lilias joked as if she had heard some funny joke.

He looked at Ji Yue and then at Bai Jin. "I know a little bit about human genetics, but you two even have different hair and eye colors.

I'm curious how your parents managed to give birth to two children with such different appearances.


"Even if you have to take care of this, Her Majesty the Queen must have stretched her hands too far."

"Haha, really." Lilias glanced at Bai Jin. "Did you see that even she herself

I can't explain clearly, but your so-called sister seems to be hiding some of the terrible facts about you. "

"Queen of vampires, you are too imbecile if you plan to sow discord. You and my sister

The time we have spent together is less than a fraction of our time. The bond between us is not you, an outsider.

Can step in. "Ji Yue said confidently.

"Of course, you can also try and see if your evil words can really seduce my sister.

"What a boring little girl." Lilias narrowed her eyes, knowing that her trick didn't work.

"But, what I said before is indeed not a lie to you. You and your so-called sister

Indeed not biological

"I've known it for a long time." Bai Jinyi said seriously.

Huh? "Lilias was caught off guard.

"I've known what you said for a long time. It's not a secret at all." Bai Jin tilted his head.

Oh, that’s actually the case. Even so, how much do you know about your life experience?


"I don't care." Bai Jin said indifferently. "If Ji Yue knows but doesn't tell me, then she must

She has her reasons, and she must be doing it for my own good. "

After hearing these words, Ji Yue below was moved and a little ashamed at the same time. The reason why she didn't

Bai Jin was told about her life experience, and it was entirely out of selfish desire.

"I'm really becoming more and more interested in you~" Lilias pinched Bai Jin's cheek

There was a hint of flushing in his face.

For some reason, she wanted to bully this cute and innocent knight girl and watch her surrender.

Show surrender to yourself in a humiliating gesture.

He doesn't know what will happen if he turns her into the vampire he hates.

What about funny expressions?

It's a pity that Sheng Lun's blood probably conflicts with Ratsambo's blood. This bite

It is estimated that the other party will melt directly.

In history, there has never been a Scarlet Queen who sought out someone from the Shenglun family for her first embrace, so

Neither side knows what the consequences will be if they do this.

Although Lilias had this idea, it was just an idea. She had to put it into practice.

It is impossible to take action. After all, there is only one precious opportunity for first love, and it cannot be used in this kind of situation.

On unrelated people.

"what a pity

Bai Jin didn't know what the pity in Lilias' mouth meant. For a moment,

She caught Lilias' expression.

It's so lonely and lonely——

Will the king of the country feel lonely? No, the whole country belongs to her, and for

What makes you feel lonely? Maybe you saw it wrong

In a blink of an eye, Bai Jin broke away from the tree man's shackles and returned to Ji Yue.

"Sister, sister, are you okay?" Ji Yue hurriedly checked Bai Jin's status.

Arms, head, forearms, abdomen, chest, neck, thighs, calves, feet

You need to check everything!

"Um, Ji Yue, don't touch me. I'm fine." Bai Jin was a little embarrassed and looked at Lily again.

In the direction of Yasi, there was no one around.

"Your blood tastes good, little girl. I'm very satisfied with it. Thank you for the treat~" the voice replied

It passed by my ears, but I couldn't see him.

"Oh, by the way, the little girl from the Shinra family mobilized an army and drove the army to the orangutan.

At the border of the Red Blood Territory, this can already be considered a provocation. Although I personally don’t care much about it,

But your colleagues may think otherwise. "

"Little girl Bai Jin, don't you want to know how to harm each other? This is a very good

This is an opportunity for you to experience it. "

Throwing these meaningless words, Scarlet Queen Lilias disappeared.

"Miss! And, young master?" The housekeeper trotted to Ji Yue and Bai Jin's side.

Bai Jin was stunned for a while.

"Mr. Butler, what did you see?" Ji Yue glanced at the old butler.

"No, I didn't see anything. The young master and the young lady are safe, so I am naturally very happy." The butler, who knew the current affairs, lowered his head and said nothing.

Being able to reach the position of the great butler of the Flame Spear family shows that this butler is very able to see the situation clearly.


He knew that the future of this eldest lady was limitless, and she had taken over many tasks at such a young age.

Territory affairs, and handled them in an orderly and orderly manner, showing his talent as a leader for the first time


Nowadays, Ji Feng has delegated many matters of the Flame Spear family to Ji Yue. One is

In order to train her abilities, the second is to familiarize her with these matters in advance. As for why Ji Feng

It's unknown why he surrendered his power so readily.

Nowadays, Ji Feng is still the one who talks openly about the Flame Spear Leader, but the core members like the old housekeeper

But he has noticed that this mansion has changed.

"My brother's clothes were torn in the previous fight. Could you please Mr. Butler, go and give them to the young master?"

Prepare a new men's clothing. "Ji Yue can be said to be telling lies with her eyes open, facing someone as big as Bai Jin -

Referring to things as deer and horses, directly referring to women and insisting on men.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Naturally, the old housekeeper would not ask any more questions. He would do whatever the master asked him to do.

What to do, this is a loyal and lovable servant.

"Miss, the whole army is waiting outside the woods now. Look

"Let them wait."

"As ordered." The old butler withdrew.

"Ji Yue, have you called all the troops led by Flame Spear over?"

"Well, because I was worried about your safety, sister, I brought a few people with me." Well, it is true.

Hundreds of millions of people.

"Wouldn't this be good?" After hearing what Lilias said just now, Bai Jin was somewhat worried.


"That vampire queen seems to have a point. If she brings so many troops, it will attract

It was probably a diplomatic incident. "Bai Jin is not an idiot who doesn't understand anything. He doesn't know anything about the Human Federation.

I still have some understanding of diplomatic matters.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem." Ji Yue smiled lightly and stroked Bai Jin's hair. "What

It's not as important as your safety, sister. "

Bai Jin's pretty face turned red. "Does this really not cause any trouble?"

"It's okay, at most some little maggots will scream to prove their existence afterwards.

Sister, you don’t need to worry about anything. "

"By the way, sister, do you know this person?"

"Eh?" Just as Bai Jin was stunned, a knight came over carrying a fainting strong man.

"Blake? Hasn't he left yet?

"This guy is squatting at the border sign and is very sneaky. If he is not from Temple College,

As for students, I want to get rid of him. "

"Hey, he is my companion, not a bad person."

"Is it because of this man, sister, that you disobeyed and came to this place?" Ji

Yue tilted her head and looked at Blake who had fainted with a smile. The latter seemed to feel

Feeling a chill, I shook my shoulders.

"It's better to kill this kind of creature that looks like a fly~" Ji Yue's smile

Rong gradually became dangerous.

"No, he, he actually doesn't want to cause trouble to others. I have to follow him before he causes any trouble."

This kind of thing happens. "Bai Jin tried to explain.

"Okay, okay, of course it's not my sister's fault, everything is other people's fault, but since

Sister, if you don’t want this guy to be obliterated, then don’t obliterate him, but~~I have to give him a little

Just a small punishment will do. "Ji Yue smiled sweetly.

Black felt like he had had a long dream. He dreamed that he was with a student from the Knight Academy.

A young pretty girl made a bet to test her courage, but gave up halfway due to timidity.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and rushed into the border of the Scarlet Blood Domain to look for Bai Hibiscus.

But he bumped into that pretty face that he was so envious of, turned out to be a girl?!

It was indeed a dream, with no logic at all.

Blake, who regained consciousness, gradually woke up from the darkness, and what came into view was

Strange ceiling.

Where is this?

"You're awake, young master~" At this moment, there was a tingling sound that made his skin crawl.

The voice came from behind him.

It's not that the sound is too artificial, but that the person making this sound is obviously a boy.

It was as if a seven-foot-tall man covered in hair was moaning in front of him.

It's so delicate that it makes people feel chills.

"Who are you?" Looking back,

It almost scared Blake to death.

Standing behind him is a muscular man who is a hundred times rougher than his voice.

The kind with chest hair.

At this moment, he was looking at Blake in an ambiguous and provocative manner.

"This is a club. A young lady sent you here, saying that you need something in this area.

Service~here, the money has been paid for you, the whole package.

"Wait, wait a minute?! What lady, I don't know what you are talking about, hey!

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