Blood Princess and the Knight

45~The so-called warrior

That incident passed quickly, and since then, the family seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The change.

Mr. Butler is frowning and taciturn all day long, and Wood Falcon is always in a contemplative state. I don’t know what he is doing.

Thinking about something, this home seemed to be cast in a light haze.

"Wooden Falcon, what happened?"

"Nothing happened." Facing Bai Jin's question, Wood Falcon had a strange expression. "What else could happen?

It’s just a normal thing, why do you ask me all of a sudden, did you not sleep well yesterday?”

"Then, what's going on with the group of guards outside the mansion? They're not taxis under our family's name.

Soldiers? Why are they blocking our door? "

"Who told you they were blocking the door? You see, we can come in and out freely." Mu

Falcon shrugged, as if he didn't care much about the matter.

"So, what are they here for, and who sent them here?"

"Let's talk about business. Don't worry so much. This is not your concern."

The eldest lady will handle this kind of thing. It's useless for us to worry about it, isn't it? "Wooden Falcon

Bai Jin's questions were evaded in various ways, but he didn't answer directly, which made Bai Jin's dissatisfaction intensified.


What exactly happened?

Bai Jinneng vaguely felt that he was inseparable from the other twelve families. The thirteen families of the Human Federation

Rather than cooperating, it would be more appropriate to say that the clans restrain each other.

Each family has its own factions, and they don't want each other to be too powerful.

To the point of annexing oneself, and then there is an endless supply of ways to weaken the opponent.

As the leader, the Flame Spear family has many younger brothers and complex forces. It is one of the thirteen families

One of the most powerful families in China, it is a thorn in everyone’s side and a thorn in the side of all families.

the key targets of suppression.

Therefore, they will never miss this good opportunity to suppress the Flame Spear family.

"The people from the Fengya family haven't left yet. They've been hanging around the door for several days."

"Isn't that right? If you are caught, you will not forgive others. Now the eldest lady will be in a difficult situation, right?

"At the corner, Bai Jin heard the conversation between the two maids.

"The people from the Fengya family seem to be determined to take this opportunity to suppress our family.

It's really too much to make such an exorbitant request. "

"Yes, yes, I actually want the eldest lady to remarry, or send a family member over,

Isn’t this just wanting a proton? ?

"What did you say? ?" Bai Jin suddenly came out after listening to the whole story, startling the two maids.

"Bai, Master Bai Jin, how could you

"Is what you just said true?" Bai Jin lowered his head and spoke in a gloomy tone.

"I, we didn't say anything just now."

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, young master, it's really our fault to chat while working, you see

Hey, where are you going?

"Stop the young master quickly. Miss Ji Yue has ordered the young master not to run around these days."

In the office of the Yanzhao leader's mansion, Ji Yue was suffering from a headache as the face tortured her mind day after day.

A member of the Fushiya family.

"Miss Yanzhu, if you really don't want to remarry, we won't force you to do so. We just need to send someone to you."

Members of the Flame Spear family can just come to our side. "

"Do you think this is possible?" Ji Yue ignored the chubby man in a dress. "You guys

Isn't it the same as asking me for protons that can contain the Flame Spear family?

"There's nothing you can do if you think so. At least, this proposal has received support from nine families.

Agree, more than half, so please abide by the rules. "

"It's up to you. If you want to send guards to set up a dragon gate formation in front of my house, I don't care.

However, I am not responsible for the food, drink, and toileting of your guests. Please take care of it yourself. "

"No problem, but I want to remind Miss Yanzhao, it's not just about setting up the dragon gate formation.

Question, if you don’t accept the application, it will be considered a violation of the regulations when the Human Federation was first established.

The family will be temporarily deprived of the Thirteen Family seats, and all family members will be under surveillance

"It's up to you. If you have enough time, I don't mind continuing with you.

Keep playing. "Ji Yue said coldly.

"Then, as you wish."

Bai Jin left the door silently. She did not try to force her way into the scene, but

A decision was made in the heart.

Walking out of the main entrance of the mansion and looking at the guards who had sealed the mansion on three floors, she

I don't understand why the people of the Fengya family are making things so difficult for them.

We are all human beings, and we are all in the same camp. Even if we have differences and disputes, we should not treat them as

Internal friction is carried out. In this way, the devil will be the proud one in the end.

Everyone, why do you have to fight with each other? We are all human beings, and we are all under the command of the temple.

Why do the consecrated families have to fight each other to the death?

Bai Jin suddenly remembered the words that the blood queen Lilias left for her before she left.

"Don't you think

Human beings are as harmonious as one family. Don’t you dare to imagine that people of the same race are harmonious?

Are they persecuting each other? Very good. This time, you have the opportunity to witness it. Open your eyes and see clearly.


It is said that many families took this opportunity to add insult to injury and robbed many of the names of the Flame Spear Leader family.

stores, taking this opportunity to block chain stores and various products opened under Yanmao's name in their territory.

brand store, and all this is just because of conflicts of interest.

For the sake of profit, they did not hesitate to use this unfounded crime against their own boss.

In order to benefit, it is more important to guard against one's companions at all times than to guard against demons, but it is just

For the sake of profit, they abandoned their due honor and chivalry and put more energy into

Infighting and fighting for power.

They don't have the ability to protect their people against demons, but they have the ability to gain profits from internal fighting.

They do, and there are many.

Is this the current situation of the Human Federation?

For the first time, he realized how big a mistake he had made. The impact on his three views made Bai Bai realize...

Jin felt a sense of despair about this world.

She felt that her mind was in a state of confusion, and she followed her instincts to eat like a zombie.

Various physiological activities are performed during sleep.

Yes, living things can survive as long as they follow their own instincts, and they can live longer.

Well, isn’t that what they are?

Giving everything to the control of desire can make a lot of profits and benefits. On the contrary, those who truly persist for their beliefs have few good endings, and even those who have believed in them all their lives have not had a good ending.

The idea of ​​​​faith is just instilled in them by those who are greedy for profit. The purpose is to make people

The public blindly pursues ideals, and they can control everyone's thinking with ease.

So, what is going on in this world?

Bai Jin, who had a preliminary understanding of this society, fell into confusion and bewilderment. She didn't know so much

Over the years, what exactly is she insisting on? Even her highest ideals are nothing but those dirty things.

The pie created by those in power can be seen, but out of reach.


"Oops! Wood Falcon's gun poked Bai Jin's face again, which hurt the latter.

Only then did he slowly come out of his daze.

"What's wrong with you today? You're not energetic at all. Looking at you like this, I don't think it's because you haven't slept.

Okay, what, are you worried?" Mu Shun raised his eyebrows. Bai Jin was the most serious during training every day.

When you hold the sword, you will show full enthusiasm, but today's appearance is really disappointing.

Dare to compliment.

He was as dull as someone who was awake, acting preoccupied and clumsy in his moves.

Wood Falcon successfully broke through her defense several times and almost hit her, but she herself had no idea about it.

Therefore, Wood Falcon directly adopted a radical approach, picking away the latter's long sword, and stabbed it with a light spear.

on her face, making a clear sound like a slap in the face. At the same time, the girl's shock was like a silver bell.

The cry also came.

"No, there is." Bai Jin shook his head.

"You still say no, you almost have the words "something happened to me" written on your face and you still say no?" Mu

Falcon raised an eyebrow.

"It's okay, keep going!"

"It's okay. I'm afraid your thoughts are not here right now, and you can't even guard against a casual shot from me.

I'm so bored, why continue?" Wood Falcon pursed his lips.

sorry. "

"why apologize?"

Bai Jin shook his head and remained silent. "Tell me, you already know what happened, right."

Seeing Bai Jin's slight nod, Wood Falcon sighed. “Curiosity killed the cat, I say

The eldest lady will handle this kind of thing, why don't you take care of it? So what are you struggling with?

What? Is it because I didn’t help the eldest lady or something?"

I had doubts about what I stood for, and at the same time I had doubts about my own justice.

Questioning Ouch!”

"Can you please stop speaking so bluntly?" Wood Falcon rolled his eyes at the girl.

Bai Jin covered her head and looked at Mu Falcon aggrievedly.

"To put it bluntly, because the Human Federation is not as simple and beautiful as you think, you begin to doubt

Are you alive?" Wood Falcon sighed.

"This is not like you, Bai Jin.


"This world is full of people who are eager for power. Is that what you think?"

"Then if this is really the case, doesn't it further prove that perseverance is valuable?"

Bai Jin was stunned.

"Well, the Bai Jin I know should think this way, although he is a bit dull.

, but the so-called true warriors are not those who do not know what fear is, but those who understand the meaning of death

There are people who are still brave enough to move forward in the darkness, aren’t they?”.

Thank you, Wood Falcon, I understand. "Bai Jin stood up and thanked Mu Falcon.

Then he left.

"Thank me? ..., I should thank you." Looking at the direction Bai Jin left, Mu Falcon

The corner of his mouth curled up.

"Justice and kindness, aren't these what you taught me?

"Chivalry, it is precisely because of the "words and deeds" taught by you, a fool, from childhood to adulthood, that I am right

It firmly believes in it. So, how can you stop here and move forward? "

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