Blood Princess and the Knight

47~Temporary farewell

"Mr. Lane, who gave you the right to contact other people in my mansion behind your back?" broke in.

The black-haired girl in the conference room looked coldly at the fat man in a dress who turned around slowly.

"Miss Ji Yue, I have to say a few things. First, it was not me who found Master Bai Jin in private.

It was Master Bai Jin who came to me and asked me to sign this contract. Secondly, others

It is very impolite for a third party to eavesdrop or intrude during a conversation. "See Ji

Yue looked a little flustered, which made Ryan feel relieved.

I was still worried that I would not be able to find a way to restrict this girl with unlimited potential. Now is this opportunity.

It was actually delivered to my door automatically. It really took no effort to get it without any trouble -

After reading this, he silently clamped the contract signed by Bai Hibiscus in his arms and put it away.

"Well, the contract has been finalized. Miss Ji Yue will not forcefully seize the contract and destroy it, right?

?" Ryan spread his hands and joked.

"Brother, why are you doing this?" Ji Yue clenched her fists and stared at Ryan. "This man is clearly trying to lure you into taking the bait!"

"Ji Yue, it's okay."

"Come here, guards!" Ji Yue ordered coldly, and two armed guards opened the door.

"What are your orders, Miss?"

"Mr. Lane, should you hand it over yourself, or should I get it myself?" Ji Yue said coldly and ruthlessly

Looking at Ryan, if sight could kill, Ryan would have been killed by her hundreds of times.

"Miss Jiyue, are you planning to break the contract by force?" Ryan raised his eyebrows slightly, his face changing slightly.

"I never break a promise, it's just that Mr. Lane, you broke your promise and secretly

Since someone related to me signed a contract without my consent, I'm sorry. Don't blame me for taking the

Destroy it with force. "

"Miss Jiyue, let me emphasize again, this has nothing to do with you. This is Master Bai Jin

The contract with me has little to do with you. You have no right to interfere, right? "Ryan's words were a bit guilty.

It means, after all, this is the Flame Spear Leader, and family members of the Flame Spear Leader have been kidnapped without permission.

It doesn't make sense.

"Mr. Lane, do you want me to do it myself?" Ji Yue didn't care about the aristocratic reserve.

Now, it's about Bai Jin, she will never give in at all.

"Miss Jiyue, your current behavior is not at all what you should do as an heir to the Thirteenth Family.

Please pay a little attention to the image of what you do. "

"No need to talk nonsense, just do it." Ji Yue ordered coldly, making it clear that this matter was not negotiable in her eyes.


Someone wants to keep her sister under her nose. Once she thinks of this Ji Yue,

It felt like all the pores in his body were immersed in madness and boiling.

Absolutely, we will not allow such a scumbag family to get close to my sister, ah, it’s so annoying, obviously, obviously

Ming is about to become an adult, and she and her sister will be officially married soon. Why?

Why do these unscrupulous trash always come to hinder them? ?

Ah, why don’t these garbage bugs just disappear? ? I really want to set them on fire

Burn them all, it's best if they all die

"Ji Yue." At this moment, a pair of gentle arms hugged her from behind and hugged her.


"It's okay, Mr. Lane is right, this is my own choice."

"Being pulled into a warm embrace, Ji Yue regained some sense.

"These guys with bad intentions have bad intentions, and they will do you harm." Ji Yue was anxious to explain.


"It doesn't matter, just regard it as my own experience.

"However, this is not training at all, this is house arrest. They want to use you to contain them.

Brother, I told you that this matter is none of your business. You don’t need to be responsible for it. What’s more,

No sacrifices are required. "

"It's okay, they won't do anything to me." Bai Jin hugged Ji Yue from behind. "and

This is not a sacrifice, it is my own personal decision. "

"It's not okay to stay at home all the time. If I don't go out and see things, I may never be able to move forward."

Take the first step.

"So, I also plan to go out on my own to see things, travel around, and gain more experience.

, learn more about this world. "This is also a decision Bai Jin made after careful consideration.

Since you have decided to go on resolutely, you must understand the world and people well enough.

Similar to the customs and customs of various regions in the Federation, and by the way, experience them everywhere.

Is this really okay, brother-sama, when will the next time we meet?"

"In two years' time, it will be your coming-of-age ceremony. I will be back by then to help you personally.

Send congratulations

But even if Bai Jin said this, Ji Yue was still reluctant to separate from Bai Jin.

In this new life, I thought I could spend my life peacefully with the people I love, but in the end

It’s because people are not as good as God, or in other words, nine out of ten things in life will be unsatisfactory, and everything will be smooth sailing.

Living a full life is a luxury.

Just live

If you keep doing this, trouble will keep coming to your door. After all, people can only live in constant pursuit.

on top of the solution.

Ji Yue wanted to keep Bai Jin by her side forever, but the latter was not satisfied with this.

She wanted to go out and see more people or things. Rather, it was exactly this. As a knight, she wanted to go out and see more people or things.

The journey didn't end there.

It’s not just about sacrificing herself, but Bai Jin herself really wants to go out and see things, not limited to

Yu Yanzhao led this small place.

After thinking about this, Ji Yue could only sigh secretly, smiled bitterly, and rubbed

Bai Jin's smooth and fluffy hair looks like an old man who is about to leave his daughter after watching her daughter grow up.

Like mother.

It seems that no matter which world line it is, as a knight, she has never chosen to stop her journey.


Before leaving, Ji Yue and Bai Jin had their last date, and they walked around hand in hand.

The streets and alleys that I have walked through.

That day, Bai Jin put on a beautiful suspender dress and tied her hair into a braid.

Like a stunningly beautiful noble princess.

As a farewell, Ji Yue left Bai Jin's hairband, and Ji Yue also took the one she wore with her

The pendant was given to Bai Jin.

"This is my amulet, let it stay with you instead of me." Before leaving, Ji Yue

So said.

Looking at Bai Jin, it was as if she wanted to be engraved in his mind forever.

"It's just a trip. Ji Yue, just think of it as my own cultivation. It won't be long and I will be back soon." Bai Jin smiled.

"Take good care of Ji Yue." Then Bai Jin said to her childhood sweetheart and best friend Shen


"Of course, but compared to this, I think you should take better care of yourself." Wood Falcon said slightly

Closing her eyes, Bai Jin wanted to live alone in a completely unfamiliar territory. Honestly, she couldn't

It was hard for Falcon to imagine how the other party could take care of himself.

After all, he knows Bai Jin very well. This careless guy doesn't know how to take care of others.

She couldn't even take care of herself. Ever since she was little, Bai Jin had not taken care of him. She didn't let him take care of her.

Even if it's good.

Therefore, when it was mentioned that Bai Jin was about to travel to Fengya Leader for training, Mu Shun was a little worried about this.

Will the guy lose himself one day?

"It's almost time, Master Bai Jin." Behind him is the Fengya family's motorcade, and Fatty Ryan has already

I have been waiting by the carriage for a long time.

The Fengya family is at its peak among the thirteen families, and its momentum has even steadily surpassed

One of the Flame Spear family.

As the saying goes, the first bird is shot, but strangely, such a family has not been attacked.

The other families jointly suppressed him.

Some people speculate that this is because even though this family has a big business, it is cautious and low-key, and does not step on red lines.

There is no excessive behavior, and there is no reason to grasp it. As for what it is, it doesn’t matter.

People know it. It is said that there were indeed several families who planned to unite to give the Fengya family some advice.

However, this plan failed before it even started to be implemented. Those who planned to target the wind

The Ya family was inexplicably brought back to before liberation.

Looking at Bai Jin who was gradually walking away, Ji Yue felt unwilling but more of a sense of relief.

The final helplessness.

Her brother, no matter which world line he is in, doesn't like to be restrained, as long as she still remembers

Remember chivalry for a day and she will never stop.

It's okay, it's okay to go outside and see it.

"Wait a minute, brother!" Ji Yue seemed to have remembered something again, and ran to Bai Jin in a few steps.


"Don't forget to bring your mobile phone with you. You have to call me every few days.

"Yeah, I won't forget it.

"Also, brother, remember to wear pajamas when you go to bed. Don't do it immediately after meals.

Go exercise. If the food in Feng Yaling is not delicious, just call me and tell me. I will send someone to give it to you.

Food, and then Ji Yue was like an old father who sent his daughter away. No matter how much she told her, she didn’t feel it was right.


The people seeing him off and those led by Feng Ya all had dark hair. Ji Yue was usually cold and charming.

Bi, I didn’t expect that there would be such a nagging time.

"Ahem, Miss, I think Bai Jin has almost remembered it. These are your instructions.

Children should note that Bai Jin is no longer a child, right? "Wooden Falcon is in time, come on

He grabbed Ji Yue who wanted to say more.

"Brother, take care." Ji Yue forced out a forced smile.

"It's just a temporary farewell. I will be back soon." After saying that, Bai Jin looked at Ryan. "

Mr. Lane, after two years, I can go home to visit my relatives, right?"

"Well, this is your freedom, of course we have no right to interfere." Ryan said matter-of-factly.

After getting on the carriage, the shadows of Ji Yue, Mu Falcon, and the familiar scenery around them became farther and farther away.

Bai Jin also felt a little uncomfortable, and got out of the car on the spot and ran back to Ji Yue.

She didn't want to move, but she still held back.

She has grown up. If she cannot take charge of her own business, she will always be Ji Yue's burden.

Can't really help her.

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