Blood Princess and the Knight

48~Lord of Wind Arrow

The endless green fields, the rotating windmills, and the figures working in the fields, the wind arrow leads

The countryside seems to be no different from the Flame Spear Leader.

In a large territory like this, the people's lives are still pretty good. After all, these are the territory's leaders.

If the local people are the sign of a place and have a sallow complexion, they are trying to suppress local rule.

It's the face of the enemy, so most civilians like to run to these large territories.

After all, the lords here are not short of money, so they sacrifice their face to exploit the few oils that the common people have.

There is no need for water. Not only is there no tax increase on farmland, but it encourages people to farm and promote it.

Many preferential policies.

For example, if you cultivate a certain square meter of land, you will be exempted from tax on part of the land. For common people, this is

It's not a small favor.

In order to prevent loneliness during the journey, Ryan chattered beside Bai Jin and introduced the special features of the Feng Ya collar.

Color, such as delicacies, precious medicinal materials, places of interest, etc.

Bai Jin half listened, half looked at the scenery outside the carriage, and raised some questions from time to time, but Ryan answered them all.

to answer.

"This is the castle of the Wind Arrow Territory. Our lord built a circle of castles around the central territory.

The fort defense network makes it impossible for any armed force to go to the municipality through the fort.

The forts are almost always built near farmland and can serve as sentinel towers and become a tool for farmers.

A protective umbrella to maintain law and order while protecting the safety of agriculture. "

Ryan next to him kept bragging about how his lord was considerate of the people and how he

He thinks about the people and the entire territory.

"Master Bai Jin, your territory doesn't have such benevolent governance, right?" After saying that, Ryan didn't forget to add something.

sentence, looking at Bai Jin with a smile.

"No, we are taking precautions and prohibiting any suspicious persons from entering or exiting the territory." Bai Jin

He replied nonchalantly.

"Haha, it turns out that's the case. I've learned a lot." Ryan nodded slightly.

The carriage stopped in the capital city of Fengya Territory and stopped in front of a luxurious mansion.

Bai Jin raised his head slightly and admired this mansion, which was different from the style of the Flame Spear Leader.

The Flame Spear Leader's mansion is full of strong ancient imperial style, while this mansion is more of a modern style, with a triangular roof and sunlight evenly smearing on the eaves and walls, giving people a different kind of feel.

Such a soft feeling.

"This is the residence of Lord Feng Ya. We have arrived at our destination. Master Bai Jin, please get out of the car.

"Tell me, where is this place?

"Of course it's the residence of Lord Feng Ya." Ryan smiled.

"Why did you send me here?" Bai Jin tilted her head. In her opinion, she was a proton.

Wouldn't it be better if she couldn't just go to a separate mansion? Would she be able to live and eat with the lord of the Wind Arrow Territory?

Some can't stand it.

"It's like this. My lord has heard of your name for a long time, and hereby arranges to meet you.

By the way, I have a few things to ask you. "

"? A question mark gradually appeared on Bai Jin's head.

Is she a famous big shot? Why do the lords want to meet her? What has she done?

Such a big event that shocked heaven and man?


Bai Jin couldn't understand why Lord Fengya, a divine dragon, could not see his head or tail.

She would want to meet her in person, even if her current identity is the proton of the Flame Spear family, there is no need

Is not it.

After stabilizing her somewhat clogged chest, Bai Jin knew that this place was different from home.

The problem is not big either.

This is the Wind Arrow Territory, a place where once the secret is exposed, there will be complete social death.

She might even be used as a blackmail to make her do something she doesn't want to do.

Everything is possible.

So here, she has to be careful everywhere.

"Miss Bai Jin, please wait a moment. My lord is currently busy."

"Okay." Bai Jin got off the carriage and sat down in the courtyard, looking at the scenery.

"Mr. Lane, Mr. Lane!" A guard hurriedly ran to Lane's side.

"Ms. Mara's cat is lost again, and she is looking for the lord in a hurry!"

"The lord is very busy now. Please inform the soldiers on guard in the Law Enforcement Department about these matters and ask them to go." Hearing this, Ryan ordered.

"Lord Ryan is in trouble! Mr. Jack said that the gold pen he had treasured for many years was stolen."

"Okay, I will inform the lord later. By the way, is the eldest lady in the territory?

"The eldest lady hasn't come back yet.

"I'll go find the Lord later."

Bai Jin looked at the interaction between Ryan and the two Feng Ya leader guards with a confused look on his face.

What's the problem? Looking for a cat? Can such a thing as looking for a cat be blamed on the lord? ?

Bai Ji couldn't understand. It was absolutely impossible for the Flame Spear Leader to notify the lord of these things.

, maybe even the local guards would not care about such a trivial matter.

"Sorry, there are a lot of things in the territory. The lord is busy with everything, and it is really hard to get away.

, please forgive me, Master Bai Jin. "Lian said apologetically

It's okay, do all these trivial matters in your territory belong to the supervisor?" Bai Jin asked.

"Isn't it the lord's duty to serve the people and relieve their worries?" Ryan instead-

Bai Jin asked with a strange face.

"Bai Jin was speechless, not knowing what to say.

"But you have to do all these trivial matters yourself. Do you, Lord, have enough energy?"

"The lord is indeed very busy, but he said that these are his responsibilities, because he is responsible for

The heart must be determined personally.

"Is that so?" Bai Jin nodded thoughtfully.

"After waiting for a long time, Master Bai Jin, the lord is able to pull away a little and let you go in to talk."

After a while, Ryan walked out of the mansion.

"Okay." Bai Jin was a little curious about the leader of Fengya Lord, who had a strange behavior.

What's going on.

This lord spends all day huddled in his own territory behind closed doors, so many people have never seen him.

His true face is rumored to be a depressed and slovenly man, and he is also rumored to be a neglectful man.

A stubborn old man with worldly feelings, there are different opinions anyway, and there is no definite explanation.

Bai Jin was not interested in these things at first, but after seeing the lord's behavior for the first time, he

She became slightly interested in this lord.

The layout of the room is not complicated and is divided into five floors. The lord's office is in the innermost room on the fifth floor.

"The lord is inside, please invite Master Bai Jin." Ryan made a gesture of invitation, not

When he planned to go in, the lord obviously asked him to wait outside.

Bai Jin opened the door, and the scent of incense came to her nostrils. This smell was slightly familiar to Bai Jin.

, seems to be the smell of some precious spices, but the Flame Spear Leader does not use this kind of incense, so

I am not very familiar with Bai Jin.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, but something has temporarily delayed me." A gentle voice said

Jade's soft male voice came, paired with the unique lavender smell of this type of incense, it has a unique style.


Bai Jin felt dazzled for a while. The tall man in front of her was not only handsome, but she was also very handsome.

I can't find any other adjective now.

It can be said that since Bai Jin was born, Bai Jin has never seen anyone so handsome.

Man, so much so that she temporarily lost consciousness.

Exquisite facial features with sharp edges, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, tall height, and perfect golden proportions

The body and the eyes full of kind temperament are like the masterpieces of the Creator. In this man

There is no such thing as a flaw in a human body.

Simply, too handsome to be a human being

Sorry, I lost my temper. "Realizing how rude it is to stare into someone's face, Bai

Jin quickly looked away.

"It doesn't matter, it's me who should say sorry for making Master Bai Jin wait for so long." The man

Zi also seems to know how attractive her appearance is, and she seems to be used to others staring at her.

You can't see this kind of thing with your own face.

"This is the first time we meet. I am Bran, the lord of the Wind Arrow Territory. I have heard for a long time that Master Bai Jin is a heroic young man.

"I can't take it seriously." Looking at Bran, Bai Jin always seemed a little reserved, so she tidied up a little.

own emotions.

Is this the Lord of the Wind Arrow Territory? He is neither a gloomy person nor a bad old man.

Instead, he was a handsome man who was very different from him. This was something Bai Jin did not expect. She secretly looked at her.

Pick up on each other.

Sure enough, the rumors were not credible.

"The way I invited you here earlier was somewhat rude. I hope you can forgive me. After all, I am not

A person who likes to fight for love. "What Bran was talking about was naturally about protons.

"Mr. Bran came to see me specially. Is there anything else you want to say to me besides this?" "That's it, Master Bai Jin, you performed well in the Knight Academy, and now, you are...

As the proton of the Flame Spear family, I probably have the right to order you to do some things that are natural to you.

thing. "

"Oh no, don't get me wrong, I don't want to force you. If Master Bai Jin doesn't want to, just say so.

I won't be embarrassed. "Bran added quickly.

"Is there anything you want to ask me to do, Sir Bran?" Bai Jin was surprised.

"To be precise, it's a request." Bran smiled slightly.

"If Sir Bran wants to ask me for something, you might as well say it, but I may not be able to do it."


Young Master Bai Jin is really an upright person. "When Bai Jin was looking at Bran,

Bran was also looking at Bai Jin, and suddenly praised him.

"Why do you say that?"

"Probably, intuition." Bran said a somewhat ethereal word.

"The thing is very simple. I would like to ask Miss Bai Jin to teach my little daughter."

"Teaching?" Bai Jin was puzzled. The dignified head of the Fengya family and the supreme ruler of the entire Fengya Territory

Will I be unable to find a teacher to teach my children?

With his name, what kind of famous teacher can't be found?

"Yes, I wonder what Master Bai Jin wants? Oh, I told you, do you have any idea about this matter?

You have the right to refuse, I don’t want to force you. "

"Yes, yes, but

Can you tell me the reason?" Bai Jin couldn't understand what the other party meant by doing this.

What does it mean?

"I am no better than those famous teachers.

"Young Master Bai Jin is so humble. Your achievements are at the top of the Knight Academy, and

And you are also Mr. Watch Knight's disciple. In terms of professionalism, you are definitely not bad. "

Do you even know this?

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