"It's okay, but I'm just an ordinary Knight Academy student. My education level is

It is limited and cannot be compared with regular teachers who have obtained teacher qualification certificates.

"Young Master Bai Jin is so humble. You are the top student in the Knight Academy. I believe in your

Level and strength.

"But I am not a professional teacher after all."

"It doesn't matter. It's your word and it will be fine." Bran vowed.

"I want to know why Mr. Blanc, you have to choose me?"

"This question is a long story," Bran sighed. It seemed that the matter was a bit unspeakable.

"My daughter's temperament can't be said to be weird. In the past, it was

Anyway, let’s not talk about this kind of thing. In short, she will not accept the teachings given to her in the regular classroom.

Moreover, I don’t think regular teachers are qualified for this job. "Bran said meaningfully.

"Of course, I won't let others help in vain. Young Master Bai Jin needs to stay in my house for the time being.

Di bar, I promise that as long as you accept my proposal, you can enter and leave Fengya Lingda at will.

The door of the house, as long as the range of movement is within the Fengya Territory, is within the allowed range. "

"I'll do my best." After thinking for a moment, Bai Jin agreed.

"Great, I am honored that you can agree to this unreasonable request of mine." Bran looked at

He seemed to be relieved when he went up.

"Everything is left to you, Master Bai Jin."

"I can't guarantee that I can do a good job, but I will try my best." Bai Jin nodded.

The answer came.

After the two parties had a pleasant discussion, Bran seemed very happy and took Bai Jin to visit in person.

He entered Feng Yaling's large mansion and acted as a commentator nearby.

"It was probably more than ten years ago that I became the lord of the Wind Arrow Territory." Bran said with emotion.

Bai Jin looked at Bran in disbelief. "You take good care of yourself."

"Really? Haha, Master Bai Jin is really good at talking." Bran smiled, and then seemed to

He asked Bai Jin hesitantly, as if he was concerned.

"Master Bai Jin, I forcibly took you away from your fiancée. You feel dissatisfied and resentful.

It's reasonable. I thought I would explain this matter to you more, but now it seems that I haven't.

Is necessary. "

"Because in my opinion, you are a very sensible person who takes the overall situation into consideration. I think you should

You can understand what I'm doing.

"At least I can assure you that everything I am doing now is for the peace of the Human Federation.

flat. "Looking at the endless mountains and rivers, Bran said calmly.

"Yes." Bai Jin didn't know how to answer the other party, so she just nodded.

People's hearts are separated from each other. Although Lord Wind Arrow seems to be a very responsible lord,

Who knows what his true thoughts are?

However, even though Bai Jin repeatedly warned herself not to trust strangers easily, she still had a crush on this Bu

Lord Lan has some good feelings.

Maybe it's because of the other person's appearance, or maybe it's because of the other person's behavior, or maybe it's because of the other person's behavior.

I felt a somewhat familiar aura on him.

"Lord, Miss Mara's cat Lane is standing not far from the two of them, saying nothing.

And metaphor.

"Oh, I understand. I'll let the law enforcement department deal with it later. Sorry, Bai."

Master Jin, as you can see, I am a little busy and cannot continue to accompany you. "Bran said apologetically


"It's okay. Official business is the most important thing. Mr. Bran, please go and do your work." Bai Jin nodded in understanding.


"Thank you for your understanding, Ryan. Please take Miss Bai Jin's tour on my behalf."

"I obey your order." Ryan bowed slightly.

Bai Jin had a strange feeling. She felt that she was not here to be a hostage, but

Come as a guest.

"As for the third lady, well, you probably haven't gotten up yet. I'll take you to your room first."

Come on, the maids have almost sorted it out for you. "

"Yeah." Bai Jin followed this fat man. After getting along for a long time, he found that this fat man

In fact, it's not that annoying, if you don't make others angry.

"I almost forgot to explain. I am the general consul of this mansion, and I usually help with matters.

The lord handles some trivial matters of the lord, but these matters are almost handled by the lord himself.

I wasn't of much help. "As they talked, the two arrived at a small pavilion.

"This is your future residence, are you satisfied with it?"

"Well, I'm satisfied." Looking at the two-story pavilion in front of her, Bai Jin didn't express anything.

There are no requirements for accommodation.

"As long as you are satisfied, I am worried that the environment here is worse than where you originally lived."

After the servants moved the luggage brought by Bai Jin into the house, Bai Jin thought for a while and spoke.

"Mr. Steward Ryan, I want to go out and have a look. Mr. Bran's

"Oh, Lord Bran has already told me that you can go anywhere in the Fengya territory and you won't be able to find it.

Just give me a call and I'll have someone pick you up.

"No need, I'm not a child anymore, I won't get lost."

"By the way, if possible, Master Bai Jin, please come back at noon, just in time

Can make it in time for lunch. "Ryan glanced at his pocket watch.

"Huh? Okay, I understand." Although Bai Jin didn't know why he needed to be deliberate when eating lunch.

Emphasis, but since the other party said so, Bai Jin will just do it. After all, the host here

It didn't embarrass him too much.

"Huhu dragged all the luggage to the bedroom, and Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

It is too difficult to disguise yourself in front of a group of strangers, because of the wrong gender

Problem, Bai Jinnian no longer considers which actions are too feminine and unnecessary, which

Some of these actions seem a bit over-the-top.

It’s really tiring to not be able to relax your nerves every moment, and

Bai Jin took off the bra wrap that was wrapped around her chest and sighed.

As she grew older, her male and female sexual characteristics became more and more obvious, and then she noticed the person disguised as her own.

Identity is getting harder and harder.

Although I'm used to wearing a bra wrap, it's uncomfortable to have it wrapped around my chest all the time.

If possible, I really don't want to wear something like this.

"Master Bai Jin, Master Bai Jin? Is it convenient now?"

"Eh! ?" The sudden voice outside the door caught Bai Jin off guard, and she hurriedly pulled it out in desperation.

Put on your coat and turn your back.

"Um, Mr. Lane? ?You're gone, aren't you? Is there anything else you need to explain?"

"Master Bai Jin, if it's convenient, I'll open the door." Before Bai Jin could say anything, Ryan opened the door.

Enter through the door.

"I almost forgot, Master Bai Jin, this is the maid we allocated to you, and you will be taking care of her from today on."

Taking care of your daily life, if you need anything, you can explain to her that this is "seeing Bai Jin's back."

Looking at himself, there was an indescribable awkwardness, and Ryan was confused.

"Yeah, I understand. If nothing happens, please go out first. I'll change clothes later!" Bai

Jin's voice was a little panicked, so much so that he was almost frightened out of his original voice.

"Oh, that's it." Ryan suddenly realized that he didn't care about the previous change.

High-pitched voice.

"It's okay, it's okay. You don't need to do things like changing clothes yourself. There is a maid here.

Anna, I will leave Master Bai Jin to you. "Ryan patted the maid on the shoulder, showing a hint.

He left with a deep expression.

"Yes." The girl named Anna nodded, and it could be seen from her clenched hands that she

A little nervous now.

After all, what Manager Lane asked her to do was not just take care of Bai Jin's daily life.


"Master Bai Jin, I'm here, just leave everything to me."

What, why is this?!

"Back off first!" Bai Jin tried her best to calm down.

"Eh?" The little maid Anna was stunned and stopped.

"Turn around!"

"Okay, okay." Hearing Bai Jin's urgent voice with a hint of command, Anna timidly

Turned around.

"No peeking!"


Seeing this, Bai Jin quickly tied the cloth strip, then got dressed and tied her hair back into a men's braid.

"Okay." When she turned around, Bai Jin still returned to her usual calmness. "You can turn

Come here, Miss Maid. "

"Yes." When her eyes came to Bai Jin's delicate face, Anna was slightly absent-minded, and then immediately looked away.

Opening his head, a slight flush appeared on his cheeks.

Bai Jin looked at Anna.

The girl seems to be still young and not yet an adult, but even so she is already somewhat proud.

Although her appearance and breasts are not as exaggerated as those of Bai Hibiscus, they are still small and have certain fundamentals.

There is a world of difference between an invisible washboard.

Long straight black stockings, black leather shoes, and a black servant uniform formed a very sharp contrast with the fair skin.

This contrast makes the girl a little more attractive.

As if deliberately, the girl's maid uniform is much more revealing than the usual maid uniform.

It's the kind of thing that most young men can't hold back after seeing it.

"Well, Master Bai Jin said you want to change clothes, right? Then, let me help you."

"No, I don't want to change it." Bai Jin refused and turned around, thinking about how to

When he got rid of the 'exclusive maid' assigned to him by the wind arrow leader, a pair of hands fell from her

Surrounded behind him, hugging his slender waist


?" Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the maid's sudden outburst meant.

"Master Bai Jin, you don't need to feel shy." Anna blew hot air on Bai Jin's earlobe,

Ambiguous way.

"Young men are definitely in great need. In this regard, Manager Ryan also asked An

Na, in fact, Anna is not only responsible for Master Bai Jin’s daily life, but also in all aspects

The service~" The hints have reached this point, and I understand it naturally.

No young male can resist such a temptation. Of course, these words are taught by Lane.

What Anna said was that she herself was not yet a minor and had never experienced any of this. However, when she did it, it made sense.

Very outside, on the road.

In fact, if possible, Anna doesn't want to be so close to a strange man, after all

After all, she is also a reserved girl, and she doesn't want to be exposed in this world - except for her appearance.

On someone who is good for nothing.

It’s just that it’s hard to disobey the master’s orders

What are you talking about?" However, her combination of punches only aroused Bai Jin's unclear questions.

"Also, maid, could you please stop hugging me? I kind of hate people touching my body.

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