"If I remember correctly, it's not teaching time yet." Bai Jin said without thinking.

Lord Bran intended to make her a teacher for his little daughter L, and she agreed.

But the time for teaching is obviously not today. At least a buffer time must be given, at least until the next day.

Zhou is right.

"Ahem, this question is indeed like this, but I think before the first class

It wouldn't be a bad thing for you and the third lady to meet each other and get to know each other. "Ryan coughed dryly


"In other words, this decision is your own, Mr. Lane, right?" Bai Jin


Well, it can’t be said that I made my own decision. I think if the lord knows that I

He will definitely support my idea. "Ryan obviously lacks confidence in saying this. The actual situation

I understand everything.

"So, that's what you mean by asking me to go back for dinner, right?" Bai Jin asked silently.

"Ahaha, I am doing this for Master Bai Jin's sake. The lord should have told you three times.

Doesn't the young lady have a weird temper? If you take office without taking a vaccination, how can it be difficult for you?

To avoid friction, if they met beforehand, both parties would be prepared

Bai Jin sighed. "Mr. Lane really has good intentions.

"You should work for the Lord. After all, the lord is very busy and cannot take care of many things.

, we helpers usually can’t help much, if we don’t try our best in this regard.

The words just don’t make sense. "

"Okay, please lead the way, but it's not okay for me as a proton to dine with the host's daughter.

Isn’t it not good?”

"What are you talking about? My lord said that you are a distinguished guest. Since you are a distinguished guest, why not

Sit with the master?"

The courtyard structure of the large mansion of the Wind Arrow Leader is very different from that of the Flame Spear Leader. For example, the dining area of ​​the Flame Spear Leader is

The meal is in the hall of the same floor pavilion, but Feng Yaling is different. There is a separate pavilion.

As dining room.

However, it is not a collective dining hall like the Knight Academy. This kind of private dining room can be called a private room. It is surrounded by artworks, hanging paintings and other things that cultivate sentiments, and there is a table in the middle.

A long red cloth table is placed with a row of exquisitely crafted white birch wood benches.

The style of the entire room is bright and translucent, with sunlight spreading evenly on the white wooden floor.

The antler sculpture behind the main seat adds a bit of natural flavor, as if you are in a hut in the forest.

The meal was average.

When Bai Jin and Ryan arrived at the restaurant, no one else came, just the two of them.

"Miss Bai Jin, sit down first. You came back a little early, so the meal hasn't been served yet, haha, I don't know.

Does the flavor of Daofeng Yaling suit your taste? If you don’t like the taste, please tell me.

The dining room we received still had several chefs who were born in Yanzhao. "

"Yeah." Of course Bai Jin knew that this was just a polite comment. No matter how much he thought about it, it was impossible for him to do it for a person.

He went to change the food as a proton, it was just a casual talk, and she didn't take it seriously.

Bai Hibiscus is seated next to the main seat, while Ryan is located on the right side of the main seat, in the middle.

Sitting in the middle should be the position of the master, that is, Lord Bran.

""Oh, I forgot to tell you. The lord is busy with business and usually doesn't eat here.

So the only people who come here to eat are the third lady and her servants. "

"Is that so?"

"Hahuji, why did you wake me up so early?" A long and lazy voice

The sound of dispersion drifted in from outside the dining room.

"Miss, it's getting late. It's almost past noon. If you don't get up to eat, you won't even be able to win."

I couldn't even make it in time for lunch. "

"Eating and other things are not as important as sleeping.

"Miss, please don't move. At least put on your clothes!"

"With no outsiders watching, why should I wear such formal clothes? It would be too much trouble if I don't.

"However, it's better to put it on quickly because there are guards watching outside.

What would you do if you were exposed?"

"Just do whatever you want to do. Anyway, I don't plan to get married in the future."

This conversation was passed into Bai Jin's ears every punctuation mark, and her expression became a little weird.

This third young lady led by Feng Ya is really a strange person.

"Haha, I made Master Bai Jin laugh. My young lady is actually a very kind-hearted person.

He is usually very considerate of his subordinates. Even if he is lazy, Ryan is a little embarrassed. This is how he explains it.

Shi Dao.

As soon as he finished speaking, footsteps approached, and an angel-like girl was surrounded by maids.

Xia yawned and walked into the dining room.

Bai Jin only felt as if a golden sun flashed before her eyes, burning her eyes.

The girl who walked towards the moon was so dazzling, just like the bright moon in the starry sky.


The translucent white gauze vaguely wrapped that wonderful body, a pair of golden

The twin ponytails hang down over her waist like beating gold, and her fair skin is as flawless as mutton-fat jade.

Flaw, that essence

The dreamlike and tender facial features are like a masterpiece gifted by the gods.

It is hard to imagine that the word beauty can be perfected in this underage girl

interpretation, even Bai Jin, who is a woman, felt her heart flutter when she saw the girl.

Is this the youngest daughter of Lord Bran? Yes, her father is so good-looking, and her daughter

It is definitely also extremely excellent.

"Eh? Uncle Ryan, why do you have time to come to my place today?" The girl obviously got along well with Ryan.

Familiar and full of smiles, just like rays of soft sunshine.

"Why, can't I come and see you if I have nothing to do?" Fatty Ryan said with a smile, looking at this

There is no evil thought in the eyes of the flawless girl, but only the care and concern of an elder.

It's not that man who asked you to come, right?" The girl's beautiful eyes narrowed into slits.

"No, no, of course this is not the Lord's order." Ryan waved his hand quickly.

That man?

Bai Jin raised her eyebrows. Based on the following text, the man the girl was referring to was obviously her father.

Dear Lord Bran.

There seems to be a conflict between father and daughter?

"Miss, Lord Bran is also your father after all. No matter what you say, you should never use that word."

Let’s call him a man. " Ryan was a little helpless.

The girl turned her head away in dissatisfaction and muttered something softly.

Bai Jin guessed correctly. There is indeed a conflict between father and daughter. The conflict is even so great that the girl

Do not call your biological father father.

"Is this person a new servant? The girl slowly moved her eyes to Bai Jin and glanced at

Cross each other's clothes. "Why aren't you wearing a servant's uniform? Besides, why did you bring this man to me?"

Coming here?"

"Miss, please put your clothes on first." The maids following the girl were a little anxious.

This pajamas is exposed to the eyes of a strange man, and my young lady will be taken advantage of.

That’s great!

While the maids were hurriedly putting on the girls' clothes, Ryan was observing the ones next to them.

White hibiscus.

The latter's face was calm, as if he hadn't seen anything. He was not a normal man at all.

Sex is how a beautiful girl of the same age should behave.

This shocked Ryan even more.

Good guy, you are still calm after all this. This young master Bai Jin is really not an ordinary person.

, it is not an exaggeration to call him a saint.

You should know that the appearance of his young lady will shock any man who sees him for a long time.

But God comes, no matter how good the self-control is, he turns away his head with a red face. It's good for him, just like

The person standing in front of him was not someone of the opposite sex.

It is precisely because the charm of my young lady is so great that the tutor she hired

Teachers all failed to resist the temptation. Either they would make some ideological mistakes, or they would simply

I couldn't bear to apply for resignation.

Why don’t you just hire a female teacher? Sorry, even a female teacher can’t resist

Live the power of a girl’s appearance.

Of course, the most common reason for resigning is because this young lady is too out-of-touch.

If she refuses anyone to teach her, whoever becomes her teacher will be kicked away by her in various ways within a month.

This is what really gives Bran a headache. The girl refuses to have contact with anyone, and it is not enough.

She left home and didn't even go to school. She just curled up in her own little world, and the guards around her only

There are women.

"Ahem, miss, this is not a servant. Let me introduce you to you. This is a servant.

Young Master Bai Jin is a student of the Knight Academy from the Flame Spear Territory and currently lives in my Wind Arrow Territory. "

"Hello." Bai Jin stood up and bowed slightly

Why do you have to introduce this kind of person to me?" The girl frowned slightly, and

And speaking is extremely impolite for a guest.

"Well, miss, you see you are already fifteen years old. You should go to school no matter what.

Learn it. " Ryan tried to explain.

"I don't like school.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you don't need a place like school, but you should always find someone to teach you how to do it.

Do you need professional knowledge about it? Otherwise, you won’t learn anything at home and spend the whole day in a muddle.

Feeling too empty?"

"I don't think so." The girl pushed aside her golden ponytail and pouted.

"Even if this is the case, you should learn something. You can't continue to be decadent like this." Seeing the woman

The child kept following him, but Ryan was not annoyed and continued to explain.

"So, Mr. Lane, you don't want to tell me that it's you who found the trash for me again this time.

Teacher rubbish, right?" Looking at Bai Jin, the girl's eyes gradually became unkind.

"Let me guess, this is what the man asked you to do, right?"

"Well, Ryan didn't expect the girl to be so sharp. I didn't know what to say for a while.

So good.

"Why did you bring him here? I don't welcome strange men here. Please take him away, Mr. Lane." The girl snorted.

"I knew it, you came to me for sure

There is something going on, is this what it is for?"

"Miss, this is the Lord's order. If you say this, it will put Master Bai Jin in a dilemma." Ryan sighed.

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