Blood Princess and the Knight

52~Pretend to be sick

"Miss, Master Bai Jin is also a distinguished guest of the lord. What you say will make Bai Jin first

Life is difficult. "Ryan sighed.

"I stress again, I don't need such a thing as a teacher." The girl snorted coldly, and then

Pointing to the door. "Besides, this is that man's distinguished guest. What does it have to do with me? That man

If someone likes him so much, let him go find that man. "

"Mr. Lane, please take him away. I don't welcome any males here."

Hey hey. "Ryan looked helplessly at the girl and then at Bai Jin.

"Miss, Mr. Bai Jin hasn't eaten yet. Even if it's out of politeness, you shouldn't drive him away."

Well, you have traveled thousands of miles to bring it from Yanzhu, so you can’t not give it to them even a meal, right?”

"Tsk." The girl pursed her lips, obviously dissatisfied with this, but did not refute. "Then eat

After dinner, let him leave quickly. "

After that, the girl sat on the main seat under the service of the maids, and deliberately moved the bench far away.

He picked up a little bit of Bai Hibiscus, and his behavior and demeanor were as if he ignored Bai Hibiscus.

"Ah, I made you laugh. Master Bai Jin, this is my third lady, Luo Lin."

"Uncle Ryan, why did you tell others my name without my permission?" Luo Lin resented.

He looked at Ryan.

"Exchanging names is a basic courtesy, Miss Third.

"It's not like I want to know his name. Who wants to know him?" This little blond loli was very interested.

He said unceremoniously, hugging his small chest with both hands, and accompanying his master with a pair of golden ponytails.

The emotions swayed up and down like beating golden flames.

Ryan scratched his head and thought about whether his third lady would be like this for a while.

He would accept Bai Jin as a tutor. He looked at Bai Jin apologetically and planned to ask Bai Jin again later.

He apologizes.

Not long after, the food arrived. It was surprisingly plain, mostly vegetables.

It's hard to imagine that this is actually the food eaten by the daughter of a lord.

But Luo Lin didn't complain, she was used to it.

Bai Jin was a little confused. Feng Yaling didn't look like those remote villages. Logically speaking, there was no need to be frugal. Why was the food here so weird?

Don't say it has to be extravagant, at least serve some cooked food, it's just raw and cold vegetable water.


Place a vegetable platter in front of each person, covered with a layer of dressing similar to salad dressing

Put a fruit plate next to it, mostly tomatoes, and pair it with a glass of water. This is the style.

Ya received a luxurious lunch.

Even the weight loss meal is not like this, after all, this is really good for lunch.

It's a bit too plain, to be precise, it's too plain.

It’s okay if we don’t even have cooked food, but it doesn’t make sense if we don’t even have meat.

Seeing everyone eating, including Fatty Ryan, Bai Jin felt that she was the only one

It's not good to be alone without a knife and fork.

"Eh? Mr. Bai Jin, is the food not to your taste? Hehe, I almost forgot that you

It will be someone from the Wind Spear Leader. I will tell the dining room to prepare some meals for you from the Flame Spear Leader. "

"No need." Bai Jin refused lightly, although she did have some concerns about Feng Yaling's eating habits.

It’s hard to get used to it, but she’s not a picky eater and can eat anything as long as it’s edible.

But she was a little puzzled. If he ate these all the time, how did Ryan grow into a big fat man?


"Hmph~" At this time, Luo Lin hummed a song and seemed to be eating happily, or maybe

The reporter said that she encountered something that made her happy, so that even the food she ate tasted better -

No one spoke during the meal.

"I've finished eating. Everyone, please eat slowly." Luo Lin stood up first and took the silk scarf handed by the maid to wipe it.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, he dropped a sentence and left with the maid.

"Well, Master Bai Jin, are you full?"

"Yeah." Bai Hibiscus wiped the remaining juice from the corner of her mouth. I don't know what kind of vegetables these leaves are.

, it seems to be quite delicious after you get used to it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re full or not, as long as it tastes good enough.

"Haha, I thought you weren't full. After all, the third lady has a special physique.

It's so vegetarian that I don't usually eat here, but occasionally I open a small restaurant when I come here. "

"Yeah, I can see that." Bai Jin looked thoughtfully at the other party's fat physique. "I apologize to you for what you said earlier."

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Bai Jin tilted her head, feeling very strange.

"This Young Master Bai Jin, my young lady was not like this before. The reason why she became like this

This kind of rejection of men is really hard to explain. In addition, the young lady’s mother raised her eyebrows when she was very young.

She passed away, and only her two sisters were with her.

Bai Jin listened quietly to what the other party said without making a sound.

"Lord Bran is usually very busy, so he neglects to take care of the young lady. I think maybe

It is precisely because of this that they are separated. It seems that they accidentally talked too much. I think

What I'm saying is that the lady is really a kind-hearted person and she didn't show it.

So naughty,

Although naughty is the nature of every child. "

"I know.

"Master Bai Jin, that child has never had any real friends since she was a child. Those who accompany her

Only her maid, we old people, are not considered as ‘men’ in her eyes.

In the ranks, so she was not excluded. "

"You want me to help her make some friends of her own age?"

"Of course this is the best, but now it seems that it is impossible." Ryan smiled bitterly.

said. "If you feel that this task is too difficult to complete, then I can go and talk to the leader now.

Your Majesty, please tell me, I believe he will understand.

"Mr. Lane." Bai Jin did not answer, but drank all the water in the cup. "promise

I will not go back on other people's requests, nor will I break my promise. "


"No but." Bai Jin stood up. "I will do what I promise. If you promise, I will do it."

"Okay, if you insist, I will support you, but I have to remind you in advance of Miss's evil deeds.

The drama techniques are sometimes very good, and Evil Ryan seems to be unable to find an adjective for this aspect.

He could only add with a strange look on his face. "He has no lower limit when it comes to teasing men, and he always elevates the nature of his pranks to a higher level."

Several levels, even the level that makes people suffer from mental illness, but for women, it is

Very gentle

"I understand, thank you for reminding me." Bai Jin looked at the time. "I would like to know which subject does the Lord want me to teach Miss Luo Lin?"

"The best thing is to take into account every subject, including practical combat, etiquette, sacrifice, and academic subjects.

Haha, but I know this is unlikely. "Even Bai Jin, who is a top student, cannot

Being able to take care of so many subjects.

"Okay, I understand, I've taken care of it all.

"Ah, are you serious?" Ryan's eyes widened.

"I'm not talented. I think I'm qualified to teach a child who has just turned fifteen." Bai Bai

Jin Xin vowed.

"Then, okay, everything is left to you. If you have any difficulties, just ask them. The lord and I will

It's support. Let me ask you, how sure are you?"

"I'm not sure, I just hope that I will be lucky enough to live up to my destiny."

, I now know why Miss Ji Yue values ​​you so much.

"Huh?" Bai Jin turned her head and met Ryan's admiring gaze.

"Given time, you must be a qualified knight, maybe you can even become a knight

king. "

"Your Excellency, you are joking." Bai Jin did not take this seriously.

"Miss, it's time to get up."

"Humu, what time is it? Don't worry about me. Let me sleep a little longer. I like to sleep in.

Luo Lin, who felt very sleepy, was also in bed today.

She had almost forgotten all about the tutoring thing a few days ago. She had no idea about it at all.

Take it seriously.

"No, Miss, today is your class day. Mr. Teacher is already waiting for you at the door.

It's been almost an hour and it would be rude to stop. "The maid urged.

Teacher?" Luo Lin, who was lying on the cork bed, didn't react for a long time after hearing this.

It wasn't until he completely digested this information that he sat up from his bed.

"Teacher? What teacher? ? Is there such a thing as a dedicated teacher in Lorraine?"

"Have you forgotten? The blond gentleman whom Mr. Lane introduced to you that day?"

"Tsk, didn't I tell that guy not to come?" Luo Lin rubbed her long, messy hair in a very nondescript manner, her beautiful body lazily put up an alluring pose, her graceful figure

The maid next to her was dazzled by her posture.

"Ahem, miss, no, no matter what, you have to go see that gentleman.

I have been waiting outside since nine o'clock. Until now, if you continue to pretend to be asleep

No matter what, it doesn't make sense. "

"Then just let him continue to wait. I didn't ask him to wait outside. Really, what the hell?

Why do you want me to meet a nasty male? ?" Luo Lin muttered, not thinking about meeting Bai Jin.

One thing is ten million reluctances.

"If you don't want to go, don't go. If he wants to wait, then let him continue to wait!" As she said that, Luo Lin immediately used the sheep.

The down quilt covers his head, like an ostrich that doesn't accept reality.

"If you don't go, don't go! Don't say anything. Also, don't let him come in and wait, that guy's stinky feet

You will trample my little house into dirt!"

"But it seems that the teacher will not leave until I wait for you.

"If it's really troublesome, then tell him that I'm sick and can't go, and let him go back by himself."

At this moment, outside the house.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Teacher, my lady seems to be a little unwell today. As for the class,

"Are you feeling unwell? It's just right. I have learned how to treat diseases with my master before. You might as well let me

I'll go in and have a look. "Bai Jin is unmoved

The lady said no, she rested to herself. "

"Oh, remember to call me when you're done resting. I'll go in on time to see her. If nothing happens,

I continued my teaching duties. "The white hibiscus oil and salt will not come in. I will stand at the door and won't leave no matter what.

Like a wooden figure.

(Sorry, I haven't been able to sleep these days, and my mental state is not very good. - I accidentally made mistakes in my code.

Got it

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