"Well, first Bai Jin, you should go back first. My young lady said she would let the elders

My husband is here to see a doctor, so I won't bother you anymore. "The maid looked at Bai Jin with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter." Bai Jin waved his hand. "Although it is my first time to be a teacher, the student's body is out of shape.

The problem is, as a teacher, how can you just sit back and do nothing. "

"But it will keep you waiting."

"It's okay, what I'm best at is waiting."

The foreigner was a little embarrassed. After all, Luo Lin had given instructions not to let Bai Jin enter her body.

Half a step inside the house, which means that even if she is waiting, Bai Jin can only wait outside the house, but

Letting guests stand outside is not the way to treat guests.

Seemingly seeing the maid's difficulty, Bai Jin did not force her and stood outside the house.

, fold your arms with your hands, close your eyes and relax.

"Miss, Mr. Bai Jin seems to have no intention of going back at all. He would rather stay outside.

He was waiting for me, and he said that he had two medical skills and could show it to you. "

"Tsk, he's a tough guy again." Luo Lin bit her head.

"Miss, how about we let Mr. Bai Jin come in and throw the teacher outside the room?"

Wait, even if a passing guard sees the impact, it won't be good. "The maid suggested.

"No, I won't let that kind of guy enter my home!" Luo Lin hugged her quilt and looked like

It's the kids making trouble.

"Huh, wait, let's see how patient that guy is and how long he can wait." Luo Lin Leng

hummed. "Anyway, this lady has plenty to eat and drink here. Let me see if he can go a day without eating or drinking.

Just standing there. "

After saying that, Luo Lin stood up from the bed and stretched out.

"Xiangxiang, I'm going to get up."

"Hey, miss, are you going to go to class?" Xiangxiang was stunned for a moment, then said happily.

"No, if I look directly into that guy's face, I would rather die!" Luo Lin muttered. "

I just felt hungry and got up to eat something. Hum, by the way, give it to the shop at the door.

Tell me, I'm eating now~ Humph, he's so greedy.

"Miss, I think Mr. Bai Jin is not a bad person. When he first met you, he acted more normal than all the tutors in the past." The maid hesitated to speak, but finally spoke.

"So what, if you look like that, you must be hooking up with girls a lot," Luo Lin said.

The prejudices held by Hibiscus cannot be eliminated for a while.

"Master Bai Jin, it's already noon, why don't you go back and have a meal first before coming back?"


"It's okay, I've had breakfast." Bai Jin didn't even open her eyes.

"But it's noon now."

"Yeah, I know, but I've already had breakfast."

"Well, the gentleman who teaches is indeed a bit weird.

"Uh-huh, um, the lady is having a meal, and she asked me to bring you a message, asking if you want to come in.

Are you going together?"

"Is that okay?"

Of course not!

Luo Lin thought of this while sitting on the attic looking down.

This is just teasing him. Want to come in? There is no door. She will refuse him severely.

Let him have a taste of embarrassment and embarrassment. "Now that she has the strength to eat, I think her illness is almost better." Bai Jin

Put down his hand. "Can you let me in?

The maid didn't expect that Bai Jin was thinking about this problem. "Miss, there is a high probability that she

You won't be allowed in. "

"Then I will continue to wait."

Luo Lin, who was watching all this from the upstairs window, clicked her tongue and closed the curtains.

Out of sight, out of mind.

"Forget it, ignore him and eat."

After lunch.

"Xiangxiang, I want to go for a walk, come with me." But, miss, the gentleman is still waiting at the door.

"Huh? It's been an hour since lunch, it's already afternoon, and he hasn't left yet..." Luo Lin

It was a bit unbelievable, and then I felt extremely irritated. I was blocked at the door and couldn't even go for a walk. ?"

"Miss, why don't we invite that gentleman in for a chat."

"No, talking to him will stain my tongue." Luo Lin snorted. "I don't believe it anymore

After standing all morning, he can still stand all afternoon and all night without eating or drinking!"

So, it was time for dinner.

"Mr. Bai Jin, it's already evening now. I've been standing all afternoon. I haven't eaten lunch. I always have dinner."

You have to eat it, you still

"I've had breakfast." Bai Jin said solemnly.

The maid was speechless, why are you still saying this?

"I know you have had breakfast, but we are talking about lunch and dinner now." The maid said

It turns out that she and this young man are not on the same communication channel.

"Ok, I know.

No, I don't think you know.

Bai Jin's attitude was firm, and the maid couldn't persuade her, so she had to hide in the room obediently and keep the situation in mind.

Tell Lorraine.

"That guy is

Are you really planning to confront me? ?" Luo Lin learned the same thing

Unexpectedly, he became very angry and frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Okay! I just won't leave the house. Let's see if he can hold on or if I am patient!"

"Hmph!" Luo Lin took out her mobile phone, and she lay on the sofa wearing a nightgown and playing with her smooth thighs exposed.


Soon, it was time to go to bed.

"This Luo Lin bit her finger and peeped through the gap in the curtains, only to see the moonlit night

Below, the figure stood upright, like a benchmark.

"Hehe," Luo Lin laughed dryly, closed the curtains, and muttered. "

Forget it, the guy will go back after I go to bed anyway. "

"It's impossible to stand outside all night. That's impossible. I even fell asleep."

Who is he standing for? There is no such stupid person in the world. "

Luo Lin didn't know who she was talking to. She took a bath under the service of the maid and then changed. Put on a new nightgown and sleep comfortably on the bed.

The next day, the sun rose three poles.

Luo Lin lazily got up from the quilt and continued to utter some unexplained sleep babble. "Well, I didn't sleep well last night. I woke up so early this morning." She yawned and looked at the display

The alarm clock on the bedside table, stretched out.

"Xiangxiang, let's go have breakfast."

"Hey, miss, are you awake?" Hearing the movement in the house, Luo Lin's maid opened the door and entered.


"Well, let's go, I'm a little hungry." Luo Lin rubbed her sleepy eyes and spread her fluffy hair.

The blond stood up, looking like he wasn't fully conscious yet.

"Miss, are you planning to go out for breakfast?" Xiangxiang had a look of surprise on her face.

"Well, let's go for a walk.

"But, didn't you say that you would fight to the end with that Mr. Bai Jin? If you go out now,

But it's about to hit. "

"Huh? That guy came so early, tsk, it's really unlucky." Luo Lin rolled up her pussy.

ocean. "It's so annoying that I can't avoid him even if I get up so early."

"Miss, according to the maid on duty, Mr. Bai Jin didn't come back all night last night.

Xiangxiang hesitated and told the truth.

"? ? ?What? He, he, he, really stood outside all night? ?

"It's true. Last night, the maid who was the last to serve still saw Mr. Bai Jin standing outside before going to bed.

Without leaving, the maid who changed the guard said that Mr. Bai Jin had been standing outside all night without "Xiang Xiang"

They were all a little moved.

She saw the perseverance and determination of this young man. He didn't even leave at night and went directly to

Standing outside all night, this is too dull, right?

Luo Lin was silent for a moment, then immediately ran to the window and opened the curtains.


That guy is still standing where he was yesterday, not moving a centimeter!

"This person is like Luo Lin, who couldn't find an adjective for a long time.

"Is he stupid? ?"

"Miss, you'd better go see Mr. Bai Jin. Let's go talk to him now. He doesn't know how to do it."

Ben ignored us. If he really continues to stand like this without eating or drinking, sooner or later he will not be able to hold on anymore.

What happened when I fainted from hunger?

"Tsk, who cares about him? He likes to stand, I didn't force him to stand." Luo Lin snorted. "

If you don’t go out, just eat at home. You can bring the food back. "

"Okay, we get it.

By the way, prepare some for the idiot at the door. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just afraid

He fainted, and when the time came, the old man) L came to trouble me, by the way, don't say it was me who asked him to do it. "

"Okay, I understand, miss." Xiangxiang, who turned around to leave, suddenly heard Luo Lin's words.

With a little smile.

"Mr. Bai Jin, let's have something to eat." Xiangxiang returned to the pavilion from the dining room and handed the basket to Bai Jin.


"Is Miss Luo Lin's illness getting better?" Bai Jin did not take the answer, but asked this question.

Mr. Bai Jin, why are you doing this? You can also see that the young lady has taught you

Xue seems to be a little repelled. "Xiangxiang wanted to speak as tactfully as possible. "No matter what,

I will try my best to reject you.

"Is that so? Then I'll wait until she changes her mind." - Didn't sleep or eat at night.

Bai Jin's voice was still the same when he spoke. Although the voice was not loud, it was full of energy.

"You know, there were many tutors before you, but none of them succeeded.

He even left without even attending a single class. "

"Then they failed." Bai Jin chatted with Xiangxiang like this. "Anyway, I was hired

He was invited and left with his tail between his legs. "

"But I'm sure I won't be them

Xiangxiang felt that the topic seemed to be unable to continue.

"Mr. Bai Jin, please eat something. You haven't eaten for almost a whole day."

"No, I'm not hungry."

"Not hungry? ? Xiangxiang's eyes widened. "Are you sure you don't want to eat? ?"

"I told you I had breakfast." "That was yesterday's breakfast!"

Bai Jin stopped talking.

Xiangxiang tried her best to persuade the other party to eat something, but this blond young man was just a fool.

If he didn't advance, he would remain silent in the end, and the helpless Xiangxiang could only give up.

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