"Hey, is that guy still standing at the door?" Luo Lin, who was bored and playing in the room, was holding her cell phone.

asked casually.

"Yes, Mr. Bai Jin refused to leave, and even refused the food I delivered."

"Oh, that guy who doesn't know what's good or bad will be killed if he doesn't eat. Let him starve to death outside." Luo Lin hummed.

There was a sound.

"But, miss, are you planning not to go out all day today?"

"Hmph, I won't accompany that guy when he's stupid. If he doesn't go out, my head will be damaged.

Today, no matter what, I want to go out for a walk!"

"But if Mr. Bai Jin doesn't leave the door, he will definitely bump into him as soon as he goes out."

"Who told you I was leaving through the main entrance?" Luo Lin snorted.

"What do you mean, miss?"

"Why don't I just go out through the back window? It seems like she can trap me to death."

It's a big deal. "

"Miss from the back, do you mean to turn it out from the back? But if you do this, is it possible?

These are not suitable. "Xiangxiang was a little ashamed. "You are the third young lady of Fengya collar. How could you do this?

What about this kind of unsightly thing?"

"So what, if no one sees it, it means it didn't happen. For such a simple reason, you

You don't understand. " Luo Lin said easily.

ok, I get it. "As Luo Lin's personal maid, Xiangxiang has long been attracted to the former's

Now that you are familiar with the stubborn character, you won’t have much emotion.

"On the first floor there are windows at the front. The windows on the second floor are quite high. How do you plan to get down there?


"Hey, Xiangxiang, you must rarely watch late-night TV series, otherwise you wouldn't ask this question.

kind of problem. "Luo Lin shook her finger inexplicably.

"Eh? Does this have anything to do with the TV series?"

"Of course it does. There is a trick in the TV series that is often used by princesses who are locked up in high-rise attics.

That is to tie the clothes into a rope, fix the ends and then shrink it down from the top of the pavilion little by little.

Come, complete your escape!"

Xiang. Xiang was speechless. She felt that she couldn't keep up with her young lady's thinking. "Miss

, is it possible that you want to imitate the plot in the TV series?"

"Why not? The plots in the TV series are also adapted from real people. It's not a joke.

It's nonsense, it's an adaptation, not a random fabrication. How can you find material for a TV series without some real plot? "Luo

Lin said matter-of-factly.

"Go get ready quickly and get my clothes."

Xiangxiang could only do as she was told, even though she felt that her lady just wanted to give it a try on a whim.

Just try this way of playing.

The ingenious Xiangxiang tied these clothes into ropes under Luo Lin's command.

You must know that these are all custom-made silk fabrics, both in terms of materials and workmanship.

The kind that can't be bought online, and its value cannot be measured by money.

It's unlucky for these clothes to end up with such an owner who directly regards them as...

Use hemp rope.

"You fix it on top, and I'll shrink down along the rope.

"Miss, how about I go down first, otherwise no one will pick you up later." Xiangxiang said briefly

Sisuo suggested.

"No need, it's just like playing on a slide. I'm not afraid." Luo Lin straightened up.

He lifted his waist, gathered his golden hair into a bunch, grabbed his belt rope and kicked the wall with his feet, learning to

The plot in the TV series is slipping away little by little.

However, she still ignored one thing, that is, the actors in the TV series were all professionally trained

Trained, they tried the same movement no less than ten times and hundreds of times, and they were naturally proficient in using it, but she

It’s different. I don’t know why the force exertion point and the kick-off point are different at all.

"Hey!" Luo Lin, who stepped in the air, was suddenly shocked. She clutched at straws that were swaying like straw in the wind.

The broken belt screamed.

"Miss!" Seeing this, Xiangxiang was anxious and wanted to call the guards and other maids over quickly, but then

He was worried that something would happen to the lady when he left, and was in a dilemma for a while.

"Wow! Okay, so high! Come on, come to the rescue. The building is quite far from the ground.

At a height of more than ten meters, you can't usually feel it when looking out from inside the house. In this dangerous situation, the fear was amplified dozens of times, so that Luo Lin's hands and feet began to become weak.

She now regrets that her sister wanted to teach her a power called magic spell but she refused.

Regarding this matter, no matter what kind of creature it is, when it is in crisis, its mind will tend to go crazy.

Desire to survive and seek ways to save themselves.

In this case, people are often overcome by fear before the crisis overcomes them.

With her limbs extremely tense, Luo Lin felt that her limbs were starting to become weak.

"Click!" Finally, his hands were overwhelmed and relaxed.

"Yeah!" Luo Lin only felt that her body was weightless and sliding down, and her whole heart seemed to fall into the abyss.

Average among them.

It's over, it's over, if you fall here, even if you don't die, you'll be disabled.

"Flapping!" The huge pain she imagined did not come, and she felt like she fell into a soft place.


She slowly opened her eyes, and what came into view was a cold, expressionless face.

"Are you okay?" The voice of the young man in the dress was somewhat neutral, even a little soft.

It makes people feel very comfortable.

"Thank you. Xie was still in shock. Luo Lin apologized subconsciously. When she saw the other party's face, she

When she looked up, her face suddenly turned red.

The blond young man held her in a princess hug, standing upright and erect, with delicate facial features.

But he had a fortitude that was different from his appearance, with a cold face and no waves in his voice.

This kind of aftermath, which was similar to the suspension bridge effect, made Luo Lin's heart move and her whole body stiffened.

Maintain the original posture - motionless.

Wait, wait, does this person’s face look familiar?


After her thoughts gradually calmed down, Luo Lin hesitated at first, and then recognized her on the spot.

White hibiscus.

"You, you, you! How is it you? ?'

"Didn't you scream for help?

Bai Jin's rhetorical question made Luo Lin feel speechless.

"I, I didn't let you save me. You still plan to hold me for as long as you want. Let me down quickly!"

"Miss, are you okay?!" At this moment, Xiangxiang also came over with her attendants, well,

The attendants are all young women.

The attendant at the head is a brown-haired girl with a long sword tied to her waist and a single ponytail.

Lin breathed a sigh of relief after being uninjured. She turned her gaze to Bai Jin and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Miss! Are you okay? ?" Xiangxiang held up her skirt and hurriedly ran to Luo Lin.

"It's okay, what could happen to me?" After the near miss, Miss Luo Lin spoke forcefully.

Woke up.

"That's good, this will kill me!" A few tears appeared in the corners of Xiangxiang's eyes.

"Okay, okay, it's okay for me to be saved by some annoying guy.

Um. Luo Lin looked away unconvinced. "Bai Jin, thank you in advance. Thank you very much. If it weren't for your timely help, my little one would have lost his life."

Sister maybe

"That's where the responsibility lies." Bai Jin put Luo Lin down without further explanation.

"You, don't try to blackmail me into going to class! I will never go,

Just, even if I really thank you this time

"No." Bai Jin answered without thinking. "I'll wait until you want."

Tsk!" Hearing this, Luo Lin turned away her head and secretly raised her fingers to the tip of her hair.

"Humph, you, it's good that you know, I won't go to your class!" With that, Luo Lin asked.

Go inside.

"Miss, Miss... I'm sorry." After apologizing to Bai Jin, Xiangxiang said

and a group of attendants followed Luo Lin.

"How long do you plan to stand there?" Luo Lin stopped and pouted. "certainly

If you want to continue standing outside, I won't mind. "

"?" A question mark popped up on Bai Jin's head, obviously not understanding the depth of Luo Lin's words.


"Ah, you idiot! Luo Lin scratched her hair angrily and walked past angrily.

Come on, step on the white hibiscus

"Well, Mr. Bai Jin, Miss Luo Lin probably means to let you into the house." After Luo Lin left, Xiangxiang quietly added from behind. "Is that so?" Bai Jin thought for a moment, looked at Luo Lin who left in anger, and thought for a moment.

Then he followed.

"Sorry, Mr. Bai Jin, we don't have men's slippers here, please make do with it." Xiangxiang

I had to prepare a pair of women's slippers for Bai Jin, the kind decorated with little white rabbits.

"Yeah." Bai Jin didn't care much about this.

Secretly looking at Bai Jin, Xiang Xiang was quite surprised to be honest.

After all, this is Miss Luo Lin’s boudoir, an area where men absolutely stop. However,

Today, a real man came, but for some reason, Xiangxiang didn't have any idea about it.

sense of dissonance.

On the other side, it was the first time for Bai Jin to enter this small but warmly decorated place.

room, looking around.

Almost every corner of this room is spared, such as bow ties, cartoon dolls, etc.

The decorations and wall decorations are packed to the brim, giving people a somewhat crowded feeling.

"The lady is waiting for you in the restaurant."

The decoration of the restaurant is also on the cute side. There are no long seats, only one, which is not too big.

Small birch wood table.

"Look what I'm doing, aren't you going to eat?" Luo Lin snorted, glancing at Bai Jin. "Don't be mistaken

Yes, I didn’t plan to let you in originally, but if you continue to stand at the door without eating or drinking, you will faint.

If it falls down, someone will gossip about it, do you understand?

Bai Jin nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then spoke. "I won't faint."

"After thinking about it for so long, will you only say this kind of unnutritious words? ?"

Half-heartedly, Bai Jin sat down to eat, only to find that the dishes were not just vegetables and water.

Fruit, mixed with roasted meat.

"Don't look at me, just let the kitchen do it. After all, you don't

If you like these salads, then

I can only get some meat. "Luo Lin looked away and then added. "You should leave as soon as you finish eating. Ming

Why don't you, I don't keep any men here!

Don’t you plan to go to class?”

"Didn't I just say it! It's absolutely impossible to trick me into going to class!"

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