
"You don't need to say anything, that annoying guy is waiting outside the door again, right?!" Luo Lin, who was lying barefoot on the sofa playing mobile games, had a look of sadness on her face.

"Yes, she also asked if you are feeling better today and if you can start today's class." "Hmm!" After these two days of getting along, Luo Lin already had a general understanding of what kind of person Bai Jin was. Yes, that is a stupid young person who cannot be persuaded by ten cows once she decides something! It is useless to reason with her, besides, I have no reason to reason with.

"Damn it, does that guy really think he has won??" Luo Lin threw the phone aside, put her chin in her hands and fell into deep thought.

"Xiangxiang! I've decided!" Luo Lin stood up as soon as she slapped the table. "I want to go back to school!

"Ah?" Xiangxiang was stunned, as if she had heard something so impossible. "Did I hear you right? Miss, are you going back to school?"

"That's right!" Luo Lin looked like she had made up her mind. "I figured it out. Only by doing this will the guy stop pestering me, and I can legitimately regain my freedom!"

"Are you sure about this?" Luo Lin, who had black lines all over her head, felt that this was probably just the heat of her own lady for three minutes, and it was not certain whether she could sustain it for three minutes.

"Of course I'm sure. When has this lady ever regretted her decision? You can go through the resale procedures for me tomorrow. I have to go back to class." Luo Lin snorted. "Instead of facing that guy's stiff face every day, I might as well go back to school. At least I don't have an annoying guy following me around every day!"

"Ok, I see."

My young lady tried her best to avoid Bai Jin, even going to the school she least wanted to go to.

But, why bother? Mr. Bai Jin is not a devil, he is obviously a very good person, so why doesn’t my young lady like to see him?

Xiangxiang couldn't understand.

"Master Bai Jin, you'd better go back. My young lady said she was going back to school, so, um, I said you don't need to come from today on." Xiangxiang and Bai Jin explained.

"Go back to school?" Bai Jin tilted her head. "This doesn't delay taking tutoring classes, right?" "Wrong?"

"I think she has missed so many classes and it is necessary to make up for them. She goes to school in the morning and comes back to make up classes in the evening to consolidate her knowledge. How nice."

"What a ghost!" At this moment, Luo Lin puffed out her cheeks and rushed out of the house angrily.

"It's okay to listen to those teachers who were born in the choir in the morning, but to see your face at night, don't you want me to live??"

"As the saying goes, if you give up and lose, you will gain. It may be harder at the beginning, but you will feel more relaxed after you catch up on your studies."

"In my leisure time, if I hold those boring books all day long, I will definitely drown! I have a disease that requires me to play games for five hours a day before I can fall asleep!"

"No, I think your sleep quality problem is just because your life is not fulfilling enough and you don't exercise enough. It has nothing to do with playing games." Bai Jin analyzed in a serious voice without any fluctuation.

"Can you please stop making everything so easy? I'm not a machine. Repeating these boring things all day long without leisure time will definitely break it!" Luo Lin seemed to be a person who had problems with her parents due to uneven time distribution. Like quarreling children.

"But everyone is like this."

"Everyone? How can anyone like me go to school in the morning, go to school at noon, and go to school in the afternoon, and when I get home, I still have to listen to a dead-faced person reading nonsense at night??" Luo Lin muttered.

"Miss..." Xiangxiang was a bit dumbfounded. She was happy that her young lady could now have sex with a normal man, but she was also helpless that nine out of ten sentences the two of them said were bickering.

"Everything you give up must be rewarded. From my side, I think it's because you spent all the time you should have spent on studying on eating, drinking and having fun." Bai Jin said expressionlessly.

"As a result, you now have to spend more time making it all up, which I think is fair."

"Guh!" She couldn't say anything, and she couldn't get angry. Luo Lin could only make a big face at Bai Jin.

"What a disgusting bastard! What a disgusting bastard!" After saying this, Luo Lin ran back into the house.

"You bastard, you bastard, go to hell, you idiot!" Luo Lin returned to the house and pulled her rabbit.

The little pillow vents its anger.

"Miss, will you go to school tomorrow?"

"Go, why don't you go." Luo Lin snorted. "I will never regret what I have said.

Just go to school and you won't see his stinky face anymore. "

"By the way, let's tell that man to take this facially paralyzed man back, Miss.

Go back to school voluntarily and don’t need any tutors!”

Xiangxiang could only do as she was told, but based on her years of experience in serving Luo Lin, this little girl must be

The three-minute heat will probably be revealed when the class starts tomorrow.

Xiangxiang's guess was not wrong. Sure enough, when she woke up Luo Lin the next day, the difficult-to-serve master again

He turned his back and refused to admit his fault.

"Xiangxiang, close the curtains quickly!

"But miss, it's already time to get up."

"What time is it? I haven't had enough sleep yet!" Pulling the quilt over her head, Luo Lin continued to sleep soundly.

"Miss, if you continue to sleep, you will be late for school." Xiangxiang sighed. "

You are the young lady of Feng Yaling, and you represent the face of Feng Yaling. "

"Being late or something, I'm just going to school. What does it matter if I'm late? I don't believe it."

There is no one in the world who is never late for school!"

"But everyone is late only occasionally, and Miss, you are finally willing to go back to school. It's your first day back."

It's rude to be late for school. "

"It's so troublesome. So who stipulates that you have to get up at eight o'clock to go to school?" Luo Lin

I couldn't get up even though I was holding the quilt.

"Miss, if you don't want to go to school, Mr. Bai Jin can legitimately teach you.

Tsk!" Hearing this, Luo Lin pouted and kicked off the quilt with her messy hair.

"Change my clothes for me!

"Miss, you have to go to school today. You must abide by the rules and regulations of the campus and enter the school wearing your school uniform." When she came to the dressing table, Xiangxiang reminded

Are you talking about that school uniform with terrible fabrics and poor quality? It’s so annoying. I don’t know if I’ll get skin diseases or something if I wear something like that. "

"But these are the rules of the campus. If you don't wear school uniform, the security staff will not let you in."


"I know, I know."

Under Xiangxiang's service, Luo Lin changed into her school uniform.

"Why is this tie so tight? My chest feels so tight." said Luo, who was wearing a female student uniform.

Lin complained.

"Probably, miss, you've grown up a bit, so, um, your chest will feel a little tight. Wait.

When I have time, I'll find someone to customize one for you. "

A master and a servant left the hut surrounded by guards.

"Humph, are you still standing guard here?" Glancing at Bai Jin standing outside the house, Luo Lin's lips were full of ridicule.

Oh, even though he is only as tall as Bai Jin's chest, his little head is raised high.

"I'm sorry, I have to go to school. I have some very unfortunate news for you.

You are fired. From now on, you don’t need to teach me anymore. I will learn it myself. "After that,

Luo Lin walked away humming a song.

I don’t know why, but being able to feel proud in front of Bai Jin makes her feel very happy.

As a young lady from the Feng Ya collar, educational resources are naturally available to her. Luo Lin went to school in her second year of study.

The same goes for my sister. I went to Feng Yaling's Card Academy. This school has been certified by the Temple Association and has been

It has produced no less than a hundred senior church officials, so it can be said to be an out-and-out prestigious school.

And precisely because it is a prestigious school, this college also has many rules. For example, in order to cultivate

Students’ independence and autonomy, the college prohibits students. They also bring a ‘book boy’ with them to school, that is, prohibited students

Stop servants from entering the school.

"Miss, I'll send you here. Remember to get water when you're thirsty, and go to the cafeteria to eat when you're hungry.

Must listen in class

"I know, I know! Don't treat me like a three-year-old child) L, okay? I understand these things.

Not wanting to listen to Xiangxiang nagging like an old mother, Luo Lin grabbed her schoolbag and ran into the college.

"Really, don't treat me like a child all the time. I haven't done anything like going to school yet."

Treat it as a thing, it seems so difficult. "Luo Lin was walking with her schoolbag and then stopped.

Silent, she only had one question at this moment: where is this place, where am I?

Where is the original classroom? ?

Because she had been on leave for so long, Luo Lin completely forgot where her original classroom was.

This has created a very embarrassing situation now

"Hey, do you think this can trouble this lady?" Luo Lin didn't know who she was talking to.

He pursed his lips, picked up his schoolbag and ran across the campus.

The position of the sun high in the sky means that it is already noon.

"Huhu, Miss Luo Lin was breathing heavily. She didn't know how long she had been running in this school.

I felt like I was completely dehydrated.

"I hate it, why does a college have to be so big?" She began to complain for no reason.

After running for so long, I finally returned to the starting point.

Xiangxiang has left. No trouble is allowed in the school. She really can only drive her car.

Chrysostom went to ask someone else.

However, how difficult is this for a young lady who has never left the boudoir? Especially when she has never had any contact with outsiders.

Luo Lin has experience in human contact. Although this is a women's college, there are still some male teachers.

"Classmate, if I remember correctly, is it class time now?" At this moment, squatting in the middle

The young Luo Lin was caught by the teaching director despite her desperate situation.

"Classmate, which class are you in? What's the name of the class teacher?" the dean adjusted his glasses.

"Eh?! No, sorry!"

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