Blood Princess and the Knight

56~It’s all that facial paralysis!

"It's really unlucky!" Luo Lin, who had gone through all the trouble to reach the classroom, found out that

One morning, the classroom was empty. All the classmates and teachers had gone out to eat, leaving her alone.


After finally finding the classroom, she couldn't be happy. She threw away her schoolbag and looked for it everywhere.

He took a seat, held his face in his hands and pouted.

"I didn't bring my mobile phone, so how long do I have to wait here for the teacher to come back?" Miss Luo Lin said clearly.

I ignored another serious problem, that is, it has been so long since breakfast time, and it is time for lunch.



Rubbing her deflated belly, Miss Luo Lin kept thinking. "So hungry, why?

Why are you so hungry after only half a day?"

However, if you are unfamiliar with this place, where should you go to eat? Really, if I had known

You should not leave in a hurry and ask Xiangxiang clearly before leaving. Now I don’t even know where the canteen is.

What should I do?

Moreover, even if she knew where it was, it was absolutely impossible for her to squeeze in when there were so many people.


The entire canteen is as crowded as a canned shark. If you move your heels even slightly, you will bump into someone.

I probably had to scratch my shoulders when I walked back and forth. It was really unacceptable!

What should I do if the staff in charge of food asks me what I eat?

How do you answer their questions? Do you directly answer what to eat? It feels so silly, pretending to be elegant,

It’s so embarrassing. What if it offends others? I’m still so embarrassed.

Luo Lin was so confused that she stood up, hesitated for a moment and sat down again, and then got up again with hunger.

He came over and finally sat down aggrievedly.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, all this is due to that annoying facial paralyzed man, if it weren’t for

He and I will not be forced to go back to school, let alone encounter this series of bad things, hum! Jin

Fa Loli's eyes were filled with tears, and she lay on her side on the desk, her lips raised with stubbornness.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot! Damn guy! The little pink fist kept punching the Euler table, as if every time -

The punch hit the face of the paralyzed golden retriever, which was surprisingly painful!

"Hmph, don't think you'll win like this. I won't admit defeat. Just wait, facial paralysis man. Isn't it just a lunch? Today I'm going to show you my perseverance!" Luo Lin looked into the air. wave

Her little fist seemed to be standing not far from her, making a fierce declaration.

However, when she didn't know it, two girls gathered by the classroom window.

I forgot to pick up the textbook, but unexpectedly captured this amazing scene.

A very good-looking girl of the same age who they didn't recognize was shaking her fist into the air.

Not only that, but he was still waving his fists and cursing something, as if he was fighting with the air.

"Here, who is this young lady?

"I don't know, maybe he's a new transfer student?"

"She, who is she talking to?"

"I wonder if it's possible that she's talking to something that ordinary people can't see?" The two said.

A young girl shivering

I'm so hungry, still so hungry. At this time, even a piece of bread would be good.


Miss Luo Lin clutched her stomach and lay on the table, thinking sadly.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, you won't be hungry when you sleep.

With a crisp bell ringing in the afternoon, Luo Lin stood up from her desk in a daze.

"Excuse me, are you the classmate Luo Lin who has been staying at home to recuperate all year round due to her frailty? -

A Mediterranean man dressed as a teacher came to Luo Lin at some point and knocked on the desk.

"Oh, it was Luo Lin who rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned, until she lost consciousness.

As I gradually woke up, I realized something was wrong.

She always felt that there were several eyes staring at her from behind, making her feel like sitting on pins and needles.

No, more than just a few.

After Luo Lin looked around, she realized that the classroom was already full at some point.

Students, these students have different expressions at this moment, and they all look at the teacher who is interacting with them with a strange look.

Talk about her.

Teeth ah ah ah!

After a long silence, a bomb exploded in Luo Lin's heart.

This, so many people are looking at me, so shameful!

Did you sit in the wrong seat? Or did you oversleep and didn’t get up when class time came, and you still need the teacher to remind you?

No matter which one it was, she felt so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Woohoo, it was such an embarrassment to appear on the first day of class. It’s over. She doesn’t want to continue in this class.

I have been on probation, is it still too late to change classes?

"Ahem, classmate Luo Lin, I know you are physically ill, but your spirit in being able to persist in class is very good.

The points are worthy of everyone’s learning. However, if you are in class, please try your best to keep up with the teacher’s progress.

If you have any questions you don’t understand, you can ask the teacher or classmates after class, and everyone will try their best to help you keep up with the progress. "

Teacher Mediterranean coughed twice and said slowly.

"Yeah, yeah" Luo Lin lowered her head

Bag, to her ears, these words were tantamount to a scolding.

He lowered his head and blushed at a loss.

She could even hear the surrounding students discussing something in whispers.

Everyone must be saying bad things about her, saying she is a fool who oversleeps or something.

It's over. It caused such an impact on the first day of appearance. It must be irreversible.

"Well, although Luo Lin has always been a student in our class, due to health problems,

This is my first time meeting you all, so let me introduce myself to you. "

Introduce yourself?!

Luo Lin began to feel a little at a loss, her hands were entangled underneath, and her lowered cheeks were full of

panicked -

Determined. "She suppressed the tremor in her voice, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"Well, it's better for everyone to get to know you. After all, we have to get along with each other for three years in the future.

Yes. "Teacher Mediterranean pushed up his glasses.

"Okay, I understand." Luo Lin took a deep breath and took out the eldest lady's usual

With his business voice and aura, he turned around and faced everyone with an indifferent expression. On the surface, he was as calm as an old dog.

In fact, a lot of people were panicked.

"The third daughter of the Fengya family, Luo Lin, it's nice to meet you all." She finished her words calmly.

, Luo Lin turned to the teacher. "Is this okay?"

"Uh, it's okay..., it's okay." Teacher Mediterranean couldn't say much. After all,

She is the eldest lady of Feng Ya Leader. In theory, although the academy run by the Temple Association is not under the control of Feng Ya Leader, even the current principal will have to give him three points of favor when he meets Mr. Lord.

If the other person doesn't want to talk too much, then so be it.

There were more whispers below, and they all seemed to be discussing Luo Lin, but they were very

It was so quiet that Luo Lin couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Probably nothing good to say

However, this is not the case.

"How cool. Did you hear that she is the third lady of Feng Ya Ling!"

"As expected of a young lady from the Fengya family, her aura is just different. I am so envious of such a sister.


"Blonde, she's so good-looking, like a queen, so cool, I feel a little sad

It’s moving!”

"Okay, okay, everyone, just be quiet. I know there are classmates who have never been masked before returning to school. Everyone.

They are all curious, but now it is math and physics class time, so everyone should put their minds away and take out their textbooks.

The students' voices suddenly fell silent. It was obvious that this Mediterranean teacher was still very active in this class.

It's very majestic.

"I am the head teacher of this class. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me." Simple communication

After a while, Teacher Mediterranean returned to the podium and came up.

Luo Lin, who was at a loss in her heart, continued to maintain her arrogant posture and rummaged through her schoolbag in the same manner.

textbook, and then she discovered a serious problem.


I don’t know if she left in a hurry and forgot to take it. There were only a few miscellaneous books in the schoolbag.

, there is no textbook.

It's over, she must have left in a hurry and picked up the wrong school bag!

I rummaged desperately through my schoolbag, even looking in the mezzanine, except for a few unknown books, so I couldn’t hand them out at all.

There is nothing but useful miscellaneous books!

So embarrassing, so embarrassing.

Luo Lin seemed to cover her face and ran out of here.

There is no other way, Luo Lin can only pretend to have a book when there is no book, - Vice

With an extremely cold look, he held his cheek and looked at the blackboard.

The female students who saw this look were whispering again.

"Very cool!"

"But Luo Lin, it seems like she didn't bring any textbooks with her?"

"Really, what do you know? Luo Lin is a young lady from the Fuya family. This kind of pediatrician

She didn't even need a textbook, she just took a look at the problem and wrote down the solution process in her mind.

Out. "

"Oh, that's it!"

Luo Lin didn't know what these girls of the same age were thinking in their minds. The real situation was that at this moment

At this moment, she was so panicked that she could no longer utter a complete sentence. She was terrified throughout the class, for fear that the teacher would call on her.

, but having to look confident, is really a torture.

The frightening class was finally over. I thought I would be able to survive today with this momentum.

Today's Luo Lin once again received bad news.

"The next class is swimming class. I heard that you bought a new swimsuit. I really want to see it~"

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. I've been growing a little faster recently. I didn't expect it. No.

I have to change it. "

"Hmph, what are you showing off here? Everyone is growing in shape. Why are you so proud?

Swimming lessons? ?

Luo Lin was shocked.

Are there any such courses? ?

She covered her head and fell into distress. Naturally, she had to wear a swimsuit when swimming, but she couldn't even

I didn’t bring any textbooks, let alone a swimsuit! -

After reading this, Luo Lin stood up and walked out of the classroom.

"It's over, it's over. Now I'm going to be the focus of the whole class again." Luo Lin leaned against the toilet in despair.

In front of the partition board.

"It's all because of that hateful face

"Are you calling me?"


At this moment, Dorothy's familiar voice reached her ears.

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