"It's all the fault of that man with facial paralysis! No matter how you think about it, it's all his fault!" Luo Lin hugged her while leaning in the toilet cubicle.

He was so resentful that he hammered the door of the cubicle angrily. "If it wasn't for that guy, I wouldn't have come back at all

When I go to school, I won’t encounter these things. Speaking of which, it’s all that guy’s fault!

"Are you talking about me?" came a familiar voice from outside the cubicle that made Luo Lin feel toothache.


How come you are here?" Luo Lin couldn't believe it when she opened the compartment door.

She looked at the expressionless blond young man standing in front of her.

"Are you mistaken? This is a girls' school. How did you get in? ?

"I don't think this question is very important." Bai Jin still looked inexplicably angry.

Big indifferent.

"No, this is important!" Luo Lin took a step back. "This is a girls' school, except for the teachers

Men, stop, your current behavior has already constituted a crime! All I have to do is yell here

, how do you think your situation will be?"

"Before this, I felt that your situation was not very good." Bai Jin tilted her head.

"What's the meaning?

Wait, are you thinking? ?" Seeing him walking towards her step by step

Bai Jin and Luo Lin were momentarily panicked.

The unforgettable black memories that remained in the deepest part of her mind came up, and she was horrified, her beautiful eyes

Staring wide, his legs trembled and he kept retreating.

That memory awakened her fear of men, so that her eyes gradually filled with fear when looking at Bai Jin.

Afraid and embarrassed.

The picture gradually overlapped with the scene in her mind, and the man who forced her into the corner reached out to her.

"No, don't come over, don't come over!" Luo Lin, whose mind was in confusion, yelled in panic.

stand up.

Bai Jin tilted her head and couldn't figure out the situation, but she still stopped and touched it from her arms.

"Don't, don't touch me!" Luo Lin looked in horror at the person in front of her who had also pushed herself to a dead end.

Man in corner.

Familiar scenes, similar actions, the same men, except that the people are different - everything

It completely overlapped with what happened a few years ago.

Could it be that this man brought some strange tools?!

After feeling around in her arms, Bai Jin found what she was looking for.

"Don't bother me." Luo Lin was stunned when she saw what Bai Jin took out from her pocket.

I saw Bai Jin taking out a long loaf of bread from her coat, folding textbooks,

A wrapped swimsuit.

These, these are?

"You forgot your things."

Eh?" Luo Lin opened her eyes wide and slowly lowered her resisting hands.

She looked at Bai Jin's eyes, which were still extremely clear and without any impurities, and her expression was the same.

No expression as usual.

"You came here just to give me this?

"What else do you want me to do?" Bai Jin's eyes showed a hint of confusion.

Luo Lin's pretty face turned red, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak when she recalled her previous actions.

"You haven't had lunch yet, right? Besides, you forgot to bring your textbooks, and I remember the next class correctly.

If you were taking swimming lessons, you probably didn’t bring a swimsuit. "Said, Bai Jin expressed these words with an expressionless face.

Something was given to Luo Lin

Luo Lin felt overwhelmed holding this pile of things, but after thinking for a moment,

I felt like something was wrong.

"Wait, how do you know this? Could it be that you have been following me for a whole day?

Tsk, bad

"Your servant told me." Bai Jin explained calmly. "She told me that you took the wrong backpack out of desperation, and this college doesn't allow outsiders to come in, so she asked me."

"I read your class schedule in advance and thought that since you didn't bring your textbooks, you definitely didn't bring your swimsuit either.

And with your awkward personality, you might not choose to go to the cafeteria. Bai Jin said it seriously.

Do your own analysis.

"Okay, okay, stop talking, you win!" Luo Lin said hurriedly, holding the swimsuit in her arms and covering her face.

"Hmph, well, I'll just thank you this time." As she said that, Luo Lin turned away her eyes.

A seductive blush appeared on her pretty face. "But don't get me wrong, even without your help, I can get through today smoothly! Humph?

"By the way, how did you get in?" Luo Lin asked what she was most curious about.

"You came in over the wall." Bai Jin replied calmly and calmly.

"Oh, you got in over the wall, huh? ? You, did you get in over the wall?

"No one else is allowed to enter this academy, even if they tell the guards clearly that they are going to deliver something.

, so Xiangxiang suggested letting me come in. "Bai Jin said with a relaxed expression.

"You, did you really do that?

"There's no way, right? I'm your tutor and I have to put your studies first.

Even if you break the rules, there is nothing you can do about it.

Haha, do you know what consequences this will have?

"have no idea

Looking at the white hibiscus always makes the mountain collapse.

Luo Lin, who looked in front of her without changing her expression, felt...

Big fire.

"If nothing else, if someone comes into the bathroom right now, you will really be socially dead!"

"Yeah! Before Luo Lin finished speaking, a female voice came out.

The two of them turned around in unison and saw several girls not far away looking at each other in panic.

"Luo Lin, are you okay?"

"Who is this man?!"

"Who else could it be? Student Luo Lin screamed like this just now, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

There must be something done by this man!"

"Call the teacher quickly, someone from outside broke into the campus!"

"What happened?" At this time, Teacher Mediterranean also came after hearing the news and came with him.

There is also a female teacher.

There are more and more people around, whether they are theatergoers or people maintaining law and order.

"Classmate Luo Lin, are you okay?" He glanced at Bai Jin, then looked at Luo Lin, who had a look full of pear blossoms.

, Teacher Mediterranean pushed up his glasses with a solemn expression.

It's over, I really got what I said.

"No, it's okay." Luo Lin waved her hands hurriedly.

"Sir, who are you? Why do you appear in the toilet of our school? Don't you know that our school is a girls' school? Also, what have you done to the students of our school? Please show your relevant documents. If

You can't hand over any of them, so we can only send you to the nearby vigilante knights. "The female teacher picked

He raised his eyebrows.

"Wait a minute, this is a misunderstanding. There are too many people. Although Luo Lin was too nervous to speak, she still

Still insisted on speaking out.

"He, he is my tutor. He came to give me the things I forgot. The guard outside the door

Wei refused to let in, so his method was a little more radical. Luo Lin didn't care about Bai Jin's identity.

Yes, straightforward.

"Really?" Seeing Luo Lin say this, everyone was still a little doubtful.

"Don't be afraid, Luo Lin. With the teacher here, this man can't do anything to you. In fact,

Just tell the teacher about the situation. "The female teacher said to Luo Lin.

"Everything I said is true. Look, these are the things he just sent to me, and

Luo Lin gestured to the swimsuit and textbook in her hands, and came up with an idea.

Even if Bai Jin is his tutor, it is an absolute scandal for a man to break into a girls' school.

To reduce the impact as much as possible. Can

"Besides, she is actually a girl!" As she said that, Luo Lin stepped forward and untied Bai Jin's hair.

Her platinum-blond hair was hanging down freely.

"So, is that so?" The female teacher breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and then looked at Bai Jin seriously.

"What do you call this lady?"

"Bai hibiscus.

"Your classmate Luo Lin is the tutor, and she also climbed over the wall to join the school?"

"Yeah." Bai Jin nodded.

Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thought that this idiot's reaction was quite fast and he didn't panic because of her own troubles.

show surprise

The way this guy takes his hair down, he really looks like a girl, even though he's wearing men's clothes

No suit can hide that feminine temperament.

"Do you know the rules of our school?"

"I know, but when my students encounter difficulties, even if they are rules, I can only break them."

Seeing the swimsuit and textbook in Luo Lin's hand, the female teacher sighed. "It's normal for Luo Lin to forget to bring her textbooks on her first day here. What you did was indeed a bit extreme. I won't make an exception."

"Thank you."

"Okay, okay, let's break up. Let's go back to class if there's nothing to do." At this time, Ji Zhong

Teacher Hai came back and shook the phone in his hand.

"I just asked the principal to confirm it. Mr. Feng Yaling personally confirmed that he had indeed arranged for Luo Lin.

There is a tutor lined up. There is nothing to do, so everyone should go back. "

"You guys, don't do such troublesome things in the future, do you understand?" Luo Lin said privately.

He poked Bai Jin's waist.


Thank you very much this time. "


Don’t you have any other expression besides um?”


"You guy!

Silly, huh. "

It was time for recess, and Bai Jin and Luo Lin walked to the school gate.

"Hey, starting tomorrow, I'd better not come."


"Everyone in the school doesn't like me. I feel like a superfluous person here." Luo Lin muttered


"Do you think so?" Bai Jin tilted her head. "But I think everyone likes you very much,

It's just that you act too arrogant, and everyone doesn't know how to approach you. "

After saying that, Bai Jin left.

"Ah, I was actually taught a lesson by an idiot.

"Mr. Bai Jin, how is the progress?" At the corner, Xiangxiang's head popped up.

"Well, it's done.

"Thank you. I can only ask you to do this kind of thing. By the way, I forgot to tell you."

I know your lady’s size. Is the swimsuit you bought the right size? ?”

"Probably." Bai Jin hugged her chest. Regarding the swimsuit, she used her own size as a reference.

At this moment, in the changing room of the college.

"Tsk! Why did you buy such a big size for that stupid piece of wood? ?How should I go to class if it's so loose??"

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