Blood Princess and the Knight

58~Isn’t it just a matter of having brains?

"Tsk, was that intentional? I actually bought such a large size for my swimsuit. I almost fell asleep again.

You made a fool of yourself in front of everyone!"

"Then, how did the lady solve it after that?"

"Is this question hard to trouble me? Just put a few pieces of cotton inside and pretend on the shore.

The physical discomfort was dealt with. "Luo Lin raised her head, looking very proud.

"Miss, what about the homework assigned by the tutors today? Did you bring it back?" Xiangxiang asked curiously


Brought it back. "Luo Lin's voice stopped suddenly.

"Then, before dinner starts, would you like to get familiar with it~?" Xiangxiang said, holding her hands.

"Why do you have to deal with such troublesome things?

"But miss, if you don't do your homework today, you may have to be tutored the next day.

We have publicly named and criticized you, so it doesn’t matter if you are embarrassed in public?”

"Well! I, I didn't say I wasn't pretentious, but do I need to do it so early? After dinner

It doesn’t matter if I do it again, I’m very tired after taking classes for 3 days. "

"Okay, but I've agreed beforehand that I won't help the lady with her homework." Xiangxiang Yizheng

The Word of Words.

"Tch! I, I didn't mean that." Luo Lin muttered and turned her head away, exposed.

His thoughts were almost written on his face.

"Well, it's okay if you don't. Well, Xiangxiang is going to cook first. Miss, you can take a rest and take a look.

Do your homework. "Xiangxiang left, and Luo Lin was the only one left in the room.

"Tsk, isn't it just homework? How difficult can it be?" Luo Lin put her bag in her schoolbag with her mouth full.

All the homework books were poured out.

In addition to the required skills for knights and priests such as swordsmanship and sacrificial ritual, the courses at Temple Academy also include

Mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc. are all compulsory courses.

With these workbooks filled with inexplicable symbols, Luo Lin ate them hard with a high school student from a certain blue star.

The expression and feeling during the Mathematical Olympiad were exactly the same, and I had the inner question: What the hell is this? ?

"Here, are these words the chapter code left by Baland, the alien demon god? ?" Luo Lin bit her tongue.

Teeth, just seeing these colorful characters made her feel like she wanted to faint on the spot.

Turn to the first page, but you can’t understand it. Turn to the second page, and you still can’t understand it. Turn to the third page, and you still can’t understand it. Turn to the third page. What the hell is this?

Luo Lin felt that she was going crazy. She bit the end of the pen and her small fingers trembled slightly.

I wandered around for a long time but couldn't write a single word.

"What is a derivative? Why do I need to find it? What is a function? Concept

Which one are you referring to? ?" Luo Lin threw the pen aside and lay on the desk, her face flattened.

Only mochi.

"Is this the so-called power of advanced mathematics? I want to die with the symbols flying all over the sky.

It was like the whisper of an ancient god, making her upset and angry.

Let me ask, what can't you do when you are extremely angry? The answer is obvious, of course it is numbers.

Physical and chemical.

Luo Lin felt that even if she scratched her scalp, it would not help. She should not be able to understand.

"How's it going, Miss? How's your research going?"

"Ming Ming . . Xiang Xiang." Luo Lin, who was previously full of energy, burst into tears at this moment. "I read

don't know. "

"Then, what exactly can't be understood?" Xiangxiang seemed to have expected this.

"I can't understand anywhere..."

The one who can’t understand a single word?”

"Well, this is simply the text of the demon world. I can read every one of them, but I just can't read it.

Don't know what it means. "Luo Lin was lying on the table, like a dried fish that had lost its dream.

"Miss, I think your level is quite serious and you need to be re-educated from scratch." Xiang

Xiang sighed.

"What's the point of talking about these things in re-education now?"

"Of course it works. If you continue like this, Miss will become a useless person!"

"Uh!" Xiangxiang's words were like a sharp knife inserted into Luo Lin's heart.

"You can't expect to gnaw at the old man for the rest of your life, right? Or do you think, Miss, you don't know what you are doing now?

How decadent is it?"

"Wow!" Another knife stabbed into Luo Lin's soft heart, injuring her completely.

"You, what are you talking about? I, I'm still young, right? I'm underage.

"But Miss will officially become an adult in three years. Xiangxiang doesn't think you can learn much in these three years?"

Knowledge that the young master will use in the future. "Xiangxiang said seriously what made Luo Lin heartbroken.


"Xiangxiang, when did you become so venomous?

"I'm just telling the truth for the sake of the young lady." Xiangxiang patted Luo Lin's shoulder and rubbed it.

Lifted her soft blond hair.

"But, it's still too late now. Look, Lord, isn't this considering your future?"

, have you found a tutor for you?"

"Huh? You mean, let me take the initiative to ask that guy to teach me..." Hearing this, Luo Lin's

The mouth bulged into a small ball again.

"No! I didn't want that nasty wooden man to teach me, and now he's asking me to go

Please him, this is not it! .


Isn't this embarrassing? "Luo Lin whispered.

"In that case, the young lady will probably have to wait until the next day to be criticized by the teacher in front of the whole class.

Come on. "Xiangxiang sighed, with an expression of helplessness.

"Hey, Xiangxiang! Can you bear to watch me be publicly executed like this?"

"I can't bear it, but compared to letting the young lady continue like this and become a useless person, she is still a virgin.

It's better to be punished. It is said that when there is pressure, there is motivation. "

"Well! How can there be such a thing?"

"I'm sorry, Miss, Xiangxiang can't help you this time. You have to get through the difficulties on your own, Xiangxiang.

The only thing Xiang can do to help you is to cheer you up and, by the way, help you ask for help from your teacher.

"Okay, okay, I know, although I'm still very reluctant to do so, even I have always doted on her and stood here with her.

Everyone around her said this, and Luo Lin knew that she had no choice this time.

"You call that guy in."

"Okay, miss, wait a moment.

"Mr. Bai Jin, my lady asks you to come in and help her with her homework.

"?" A question mark slowly appeared on Bai Jin's head standing at the door. She thought it would be inevitable today.

It was all in vain. What she didn't expect was that the progress was a little too smooth. She succeeded before she even started waiting.

"By the way, how are your mathematics, physics and chemistry?


"Oh, that's good." Xiangxiang breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she didn't agree to do homework for Luo Lin.

Because she didn’t want the young lady to continue to be decadent, and on the other hand, she herself was very good at mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Even if you are an idiot, you can't do it.

This is not the first time that Bai Jin has come to Luo Lin's residence. He is already familiar with it. The whole house is decorated

The decoration is very girlish, and from time to time some guards will pass by, all of them are pretty girls.


"Huh, you're here." When Luo Lin entered the boudoir, the latter was holding her chin with one hand and turned her head very

Looking at Bai Jin impatiently.

"Take off your coat. Also, you need special slippers. I don't want my room."

Dirty by outsiders!"

Bai Jin did as he was told, took off his coat and put on a pair of slippers.

"Come on, Mr. Bai Jin." Xiangxiang cheered for Bai Jin quietly. "You know, over the years, you can

No one of the opposite sex is allowed to enter the lady’s room, and you are the first one!”

"Yeah." Bai Jin didn't know what this sentence meant, nor did she understand the first alien who entered the room.

There was something weird about sex, she just nodded to show she understood. "Don't get me wrong. You are also a tutor hired by our family. We can't let you eat here."

Here you go, take a look at these homework assignments. "Although it was essentially asking for help, Luo Lin was not interested at all.

He has no consciousness of asking for help, and his posture is very high.

"What, you can't do these questions?"

"What's wrong?" This was the first time Luo Lin saw Bai Jin, with a surprised look on her face.

It's nothing, it's just that I didn't expect that there are people who can't do this kind of question. "

"Hello?? What do you mean??" Luo Lin felt that the stinky-faced paranoid in front of her was insulting her intelligence.

business. "Are you telling me I'm a fool?"

"not at all.

"Hmph! I'm too lazy to talk to you. Please teach me how to do these questions."

"Do you still need someone to teach you?" Bai Jin tilted her head, with a bit of confusion on her face.

"?What do you mean? If you don't teach me, then why are you here?

"But, can't these questions be solved with hands and brains?" Bai Jin didn't want to ridicule.

Who, she just told her feelings truthfully, but

"You, you, you, you" Luo Lin's face turned red with anger, including the shame of being humiliated and the anger of being ridiculed.

"You Muyu! You don't want to teach me, but you still mock me? ?"

"Mockery? How can I be sarcastic?" Bai Jin was puzzled.

"Yes!" Luo Lin trembled all over. She thought Bai Jin was a dull and honest person, but she didn't expect it.

This man with facial paralysis is actually a hidden villain!

It looks so good-looking, but I didn’t expect it to be completely black when cut open.

If she hadn't considered that she might be publicly executed tomorrow for failing to hand in her homework, Luo Lin would have done it right now.

It's like rushing forward to fight Bai Jin to the death.

"It doesn't matter, just ridicule if you want. Since you said it's easy, then quickly solve these questions

All done!" Luo Lin said in a commanding tone.

"But, if that happens, wouldn't it be me doing my homework?" Bai Jin tilted her head.

"But I just can't do it. Is there any way?" Luo Lin said giving up on herself.

"Then let me set an example

Then you can solve it by applying the formula like this, do you understand?"


"Okay, now that you understand, do it again."

Huh?" Lorraine-

He took the pen with a confused face and looked at the pile - it was completely arranged in an irregular manner.

The numbers are clueless.

Obviously, her brain and her hands have not learned how to do it. In the end, her mind went blank while holding the pen.

, nothing can be written.

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