The group of girls on campus is one small circle after another.

"Hey, did you see it?" During the break, a small group formed a circle to discuss.

"what do you mean?"

"What else could it be? Miss Fengya is still as radiant as ever today!

"Having said that, Luo Lin seems to be in a bad state today. The dark circles under her eyes are so obvious.

Everybody saw it.

"What does this prove? Student Luo Lin must have spent all night studying with her books in her arms, forgetting all sleep and food last night.

I have forgotten the time!" a girl hummed with conviction. "Those dark circles under the eyes are a symbol of studiousness! You guys

These people want it but they don’t have it yet. "

"Yes, you are indeed Miss Luo Lin. As the third lady of the Wind Arrow Leader, it is not without reason.

, this fierce pursuit of progress is really worth learning from all of us.

"Compared to us who only know how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, Miss Luo Lin is the only one in Feng Yaling Academy.

The light.

"In order to catch up with the progress, Luo Lin studied with us so hard and diligently.

Fen, it’s so touching!”

At this moment, Luo Lin didn't know what the classmates behind her were talking about, because

Because she slept too late yesterday, she was in a state of lethargy when she woke up this morning.

His charming eyes were full of despair and listlessness.

Yesterday's experience was simply a torture for her. The tragic girl's will.

Gradually being worn away, his thoughts were gradually eroded and infected, and finally he completely degenerated and was reduced to being at the mercy of others.

of marionettes.

However, even though her consciousness was so weak that she could not understand human speech, the cold-faced demon still

Not going to let her go.

"Leave me alone, I want to rest, wuwuming, I really have no energy left, - not at all."

"No." The man grabbed her arm and pulled her back from the bed. "Based on universal rationality

You can't rest now.

"I'm burned out

"But you haven't learned anything yet. If you go to school tomorrow and are asked by the teacher, you won't be able to say anything. And

"You haven't touched any of your homework yet. If you can't hand in your homework tomorrow, you will be punished by the teacher.


"Punishment, public execution, etc., it doesn't matter!" Luo Lin gave up on herself.

road. "I want to sleep, I want to sleep! Stop torturing me and having to get up so early the next day. I

He will really die!

""No, there is a high probability that you won't die if you look back. "

"What does high probability mean?"

"No matter what, you have to learn the first question today, otherwise, I won't let you sleep.

think. "The blond devil refused to let her go no matter what.

"Help! Someone is abusing a child!"

So, Luo Lin was forced to stay up all night for almost a whole night, until she knew that she couldn't deal with this

Only after the merciless demon touched her even a little bit did she calm down and learn from her with peace of mind.

The solution to the question.

When she finally solved the first question according to the gourd picture, her long-stressed spirit relaxed.

Lazy, clicked, rolled his eyes, threw himself on the desk and fell asleep.

"Are you asleep now?" He looked at the little blond girl who was lying on the table, drooling from her sleep.

Li, Bai Jin sighed.

Forget it, I can probably only get here today.

Put the little guy on the bed and take off his clothes.

They are all girls. Bai Jin has no taboos in this regard. It is indeed not easy to sleep with clothes on.


After taking off her shoes and socks and helping her onto the bed, Bai Jin accidentally glanced at a strip of hair on her chest.

A pendant with strange functions.

"?" For some reason, Bai Hibiscus always feels dizzy when staring at this pendant, as if

The space around the Buddha pendant produced a burst of magical distortion.

People who don't have magic power will never be able to sense it unless they get close and feel it carefully.

Unfortunately, Bai Jin, who possesses the magic spell, meets this condition.

She frowned slightly, and involuntarily reached out to the pendant on Luo Lin's chest. She could feel a

The magic was resisting her approach.

What's this?

She was so curious that when she came back to her senses, she had already taken off the pendant.


The scene in front of her was illusory, and Bai Jin felt dizzy, as if she had been remembering it for a while.

There is confusion and misunderstanding in some details.

When she concentrated again, she suddenly froze.

Luo Lin's appearance has still undergone some changes. Although her appearance has not changed, these changes are enough

It subverts Bai Jin's racial concept.

I saw that Luo Lin's ears that should belong to the normal human category actually became pointed.

Like the elves described in fairy tales.

After removing the pendant, Luo Lin's seductive temperament exploded as if she had been suppressed for a long time.

Bai Jin was stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had fallen in love with Luo Lin at some point.

The bed is currently pressing on the girl's body, her hands are hanging in the air dishonestly, as if she is about to fall asleep.

What do girls do when they go?

Too dangerous.

Bai Jin quickly climbed down from the bed, looking a little embarrassed.

The alluring and sinful aura of a girl is like poison, and both men and women will be attracted to her without knowing it.

Unconsciously, I fell into it.

As her consciousness gradually returned to clarity, Bai Jin held her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief, glancing at the other person's pointed little ears.

The mood is a bit complicated.

Could it be said that they are not human beings?

Bai Jin put the pendant back on Luo Lin's neck, covered her with the quilt, and took a deep breath.

Looking at the calculation formulas filled with scratch paper and the exercise book with only the first question written on it, Bai Jin sat down.

Come, pick up the pen and paper.

No matter how confused she was, now, she was just this girl's tutor.

"Student Luo Lin, it's time to hand in your homework."

The next day, when Luo Lin was lying on the desk and unconsciously falling asleep, the voice sounded like a life-threatening dream.

The nightmare woke her up.

Her eyes were as wide as goldfish, and she stood up suddenly as if she had received some emergency response.

She looked blankly at the math committee member who walked up to her and held her homework book, giving her a kind smile.

It is indeed a very kind smile. However, people's vision is always determined by their current emotions, just like

For example, Luo Lin is in a state of anxiety and anxiety now, and she feels full of dissatisfaction with herself no matter what expression she looks at.

Full of malice.

It's all because she didn't do her homework last night

Yes, even though she was vaguely conscious, she still remembered that she clearly did nothing last night and listened to a few

After reading the bible for an hour, I threw myself on the table and fell asleep, without moving a single bit of my homework.

, I only wrote the first question!

What should we do? Just tell the truth directly

"I, I, the words are on my lips, but I can't say anything. This kind of thing

The love is so shameful that it is unspeakable.

"Are Luo Lin feeling uncomfortable?" the mathematics and science committee member asked with concern.

"It's not just that I slept a little late yesterday and was not in a good state of mind.

"Is that so? Don't be in a hurry. Take your time with the homework. Just take your time looking for Luo Lin. Anyway,

It's still some time before class begins. "She didn't see Luo Lin's embarrassment. After all, in her opinion, Feng

The eldest daughter of the Ya family must be perfect. How is it possible that she doesn’t do her homework on the first day of school?


The eldest lady must have worked too hard and slept late last night, which made her a little dazed this morning.

But the confused Miss Lorraine also has a different flavor.

Luo Lin definitely didn't know what her classmates thought. She had always thought that they

The students looked at her strangely, so they did not dare to approach anyone and refused anyone to approach her.

"No need, just take it." Luo Lin took out a stack of homework books from her schoolbag without confidence.

Not daring to look at the other person's face, he handed it over to the other person's hands.

"Okay, okay~ I'm disturbing Luo Lin."

"It's nothing." Luo Lin glanced at him guiltily.

The next day at school, I handed in an empty homework book for the first time. How brave do you have to be?

How can you do such a thing!

But it’s no good if you don’t pay.

Luo Lin could only lower her eyebrows, but secretly she could dig out a skyscraper with her toes.

'Miss Luo Lin is so docile and polite. She is indeed a daughter of a nobleman. She is clearly enjoying such

He is so humble when speaking despite his lofty status. He is truly a role model among his peers!

What she didn't expect was that in the eyes of others, her shy attitude turned into humility.

He was polite and polite, and his favorability level rose slowly for a while.

Class has started. Class is a kind of torture for Luo Lin, although she always reminds herself not to lose focus.

Don't be distracted and listen carefully to the lecture, otherwise you will be tortured by the devil again tonight, but her mind

I just can't calm down, my mind always wanders from time to time, and even if my mind doesn't wander, it doesn't make any sense.

Because she couldn't understand what the teacher was saying at all.

All heavenly books are easier to understand than this!

In addition, she didn't sleep well last night. Luo Lin's eyelids drooped and she almost couldn't hold on anymore, and her body shook.

She was dangling for three seconds, as if she would fall down the next moment. Unfortunately, the teacher didn’t call her name during the entire class.

, maybe she was lucky, or maybe the teacher had other plans.

The afternoon class was as usual, except that Luo Lin became more nervous. After all, what was different from the morning class was that

, the teacher has seen the homework done by the students today!

Those who did not do well will be named and criticized, right?

"Students, be quiet for a moment." Teacher Mediterranean adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Yesterday's homework,

I have already corrected it. Although I had already expected that the situation was not good, after all, yesterday's homework was difficult, but I did not expect that you would be so wrong!"

It's over, it's over

Luo Lin quickly lowered her head.

"Here, I would like to highlight one of my classmates, Luo Lin. Please stand up."

Sure enough, this is still the case.

Luo Lin lost all hope and stood up slowly, looking at Teacher Mediterraneo desperately.

"Okay, now everyone please give me a warm round of applause and encouragement."

"Eh?!" Amidst the applause, Luo Lin was stunned.

"Yesterday's homework, only classmate Luo Lin did everything right. I couldn't find a single mistake.

You should also learn from others. New classmates who haven't gone to school much are so much better than you. Find your own problems. "

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