"You old students who have been in this class for years should learn a little better. My classmate Luo Lin has just arrived——

My homework is better than that of you old students who have been studying for many years. Shouldn't you review your own problems?" Teacher Mediterranean pushed up his glasses and said seriously.

Most of the students in the audience lowered their heads, but they admired Luo Lin even more in their hearts.

She is worthy of being the third young lady of the Feng Ya family. She is so dazzling and gorgeous that it is hard to match.

There are already many little fans who have cast their eyes on Luo Lin, who is as bright as if they were filled with little stars.

Wow, Lady Luo Lin is indeed an out-and-out genius, so powerful and versatile!

I don’t know what these classmates, whose hormones are raging during adolescence, are thinking. At this moment, Luo Lin

All I felt for the moment was confusion.

What, homework? The teacher praised her for doing her homework well? ?

Are you kidding? Yesterday, she didn't do her homework at all. She went to bed directly. Hand it in.

It's an empty notebook. What does it mean to be praised for this?

Could it be that he did it when he was sleepwalking? Or maybe this Mediterranean teacher is highly myopic?

Did you see the wrong name? Not really.

Wait, that guy didn't do it for me, right?

Recalling Bai Jin's paralyzed face, Luo Lin thought it was very possible. After all, she was in the room when she was asleep.

There was only Bai Jin in the room. She was obviously asleep on the table. When she woke up, she was lying on the bed with all her textbooks and homework put away.

Luo Lin thought that Xiangxiang did it for her, but now that she thought about it, the maid who was wearing flakes must have done it for her.

Just go to sleep.

In this way, I was helped to bed by the man with facial paralysis, and my clothes were still worn by that guy.

Did you take it off?

Ahhh! That big gangster, didn’t he do something to her body? ? Forget it.

She guessed it was impossible.

I don’t know why, but that obscene expression of trying to do something to her body was on someone’s face.

There was no sense of dissonance in any of them, but it was full of dissonance when placed on Bai Jin's face. Luo Lin really couldn't imagine the scene of this expression appearing on Bai Jin's face.

Humph, she says she doesn’t know how to complete her homework for herself, but she is very honest in her actions. For now, thank her——

Come back.

At noon, after the last course in the morning, Luo Lin sat alone in the classroom and stared blankly.

Looking out the window.

"Well, Luo Lin, do you want to go to the cafeteria together?" Several girls boldly asked Luo Lin.


"No need, I still have some things to deal with." Luo Lin held her chin in one hand and looked out the window without looking around.


"Okay, okay, we get it." After being rejected, several girls covered their faces and left in a panic.

into the classroom.

"Wu Ming, as expected, there is no way for us, an inconspicuous existence in the class, to communicate with Lady Luo Lin.

Say the last word.

And what is the actual situation?

Luo Lin, who was sitting in her seat, had a trace of sweat on her forehead.

Ah ah, why is it such a good opportunity, such a good opportunity to have a good relationship with my classmates?

Did she miss it again??

Luo Lin thought to herself.

When someone approached her and invited her to eat in the cafeteria, she actually

She was shy and reserved and refused! Looking back now, she wanted to slap herself hard!

Mingwu, if this continues, won't she always be isolated and never be able to integrate into the class?

Luo Lin lowered her chin on the table and muttered something.

"Hmph, forget it, I don't need friends like this. Why are you so worried about gains and losses?

What? ?" After struggling for a while on the desk, Luo Lin's mouth narrowed, and she didn't know what she meant by these words.

Whether to tell someone deliberately or to comfort myself.

Besides, the cafeteria is really too crowded, whether it’s due to the young lady’s reserve or convenience.

The problem is that she doesn't want to squeeze into a place that looks like a canned shark.

So today she was well prepared and took out the bento and tableware Xiangxiang had prepared for her.

I walked to the cafeteria, found a table, sat down and started working.

"Hey, where did you buy this little pendant? Humph, you didn't even ask me to buy something.

, you careful bitch.

"Didn't I call you when I went shopping that day? You can still blame me if you didn't go.

"Okay, you idiot, you actually went shopping with someone else, let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

"Come on, baby~ open your mouth and I'll feed you a spoonful~"

"You're so disgusting. Where did you learn this? I'm getting goosebumps. I dislike you. Get out of here."

Further. "


The atmosphere is really nice.

Miss Luo Lin, who was holding a luxurious bento but it was boring, thought silently.

Looking up, she saw that female students of similar age to her were sitting in pairs, making fun and jokes with each other.

They were chatting with each other, and they seemed to be in a very good relationship.

Blinking, she seemed to be the only one in this huge canteen - she was alone, conspicuous and


Um, it's so noisy, can't these people be quieter?

Luo Lin became inexplicably irritable, so much so that she couldn't even eat the delicious food in her mouth.


These female students just eat. Why should they be quiet? Why are they talking so much?

?Who are these words being spoken to? ?

Really unable to stand the atmosphere here, Luo Lin looked at her cheeks and walked out of the cafeteria with her lunch in her hands.

"Huh, it's much quieter here." When a person came to the back garden of the school, Luo Lin breathed a sigh of relief, but

A little more sad.

And just when she thought she could finally have a good lunch, a small sound came from behind.

came from behind the mountain.

Luo Lin, who has extremely keen senses, caught this sound.

"Really, do you really want to do this?"

"Don't worry, no one will see you here.

"Yes, but this is my first time.

"What are you talking about? Say it as if it's not the first time.

Huh? What's the first time? What's this sound?

Luo Lin put down her lunch box and quietly approached the pond rockery step by step.

Behind the rockery, there were actually two female students standing in a somewhat sneaky manner.

What are they doing? Luo Lin didn't understand. She put her head up and bumped into someone who was blushing.


A female student pushed another female student against the wall. They both stared at each other, but they were embarrassed.

He looked away nervously.

"Do you want to do it?"

So, now that things have come to this point, what are you still writing about?!"

Dong's female student seemed to have completely let go and took the initiative to hug Bi Dong's own female student.

"Come on, come on, it doesn't matter, haven't we already confirmed each other's feelings?

? ?It’s okay!”

"But, we are girls, and our parents will not agree.

"Isn't that why we are here?" Another female student said matter-of-factly. "treat

It’s like cooking rice before it’s uncooked, and they can’t say anything even if they want to!”

"Come on, don't be afraid, it's my first time too, isn't it? I'm here, I'm not afraid." He said

, the two girls hugged each other and began to undress each other.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh? ?" Seeing the two people's behavior becoming more and more extreme, they gradually moved in the direction of 18X

Development, the extremely innocent Miss Luo Lin had never seen this before. She was so frightened that she forgot that she was peeping.

, without suppressing his own volume. "No, shameless!

The two female students took off their tops to each other, revealing their beautiful skin. Their faces turned pink and they were about to make a move.

When he made his next move, he was stunned by Luo Lin's uncontrollable voice. He was instantly frightened and woke up. He quickly separated from the other party and looked at the corner in unison.

“Who, who’s there? ?”

"Yeah!" Luo Lin, who realized that she had missed something important, immediately covered her mouth and then ran away.


"Huhuhu! Luo Lin, who was running so selflessly, stopped only after making sure that no one was following her.

After coming down, I realized a serious problem.

"Lunch box, my lunch box was running too fast, and she didn't even have time to get it.

At least, let her eat a few more bites.

Rubbing her deflated belly, Luo Lin thought sadly.

There is no way, I will be hungry again at noon, I can’t go back to get it, right? Who knows those two forbidden foods?

Is the female student of Broken Love leaving?

Speaking of which, a girl actually has a relationship with a girl, which is absolutely forbidden in school.

It's so, so shameless to do it in the place of love! -

Lauren thought as she walked away.

Is this the norm in girls' schools? No, it's impossible. It's just a very small number. Most of them

Most girls have normal friendships, so this kind of situation cannot happen, right?

"Hey, it's almost the weekend again. Where are you going to play this weekend?"

"Well, there are some new supermarkets opened in the south of the city. Let's go shopping there~?"

"Ah? Shopping again? Are you tired of it? Besides, do you have the money?"

"Tsk, shopping doesn't necessarily cost money. This is called scouting in advance, do you understand? Speaking of which, you

Your stationery bag has been used for so long, don’t you plan to update it?”

Well, let's go take a look at the weekend. "

"See you there. I'll give you a call when the time comes. If you dare to let me know, I'll have you when I come next week.

Looks good!" I passed by two female students who were chatting and laughing, and I arranged my weekend itinerary that day.

,.Shopping and stuff like that, is shopping so fun?" Luo Lin whispered. "How can shopping be so fun?

Live mobile games are fun to play at home. "

But having said that

Miss Luo Lin, who had never experienced what it was like to go shopping with her peers, was a little curious.

I don't know why, but I have a little more hope in my heart.

What is it like to go shopping with others?

Luo Lin didn't know. She just didn't know why. When she thought of going shopping with others, she was the first to think about it.

What comes to mind is a certain man with facial paralysis.

"Tsk, just, even if you want to go shopping, you will definitely not choose him, that stern idiot,

I probably have to look after him when he walks out onto the street. Luo Lin whispered, but she already had a plan in her heart.

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