"Miss Luo Lin, today's class is about to begin." She followed the same pattern, changed into a pair of slippers and took off her coat.

Bai Jin walked into Luo Lin's bedroom.

"Okay, okay, I understand, why do you have to emphasize this kind of thing again? Also, stand away

Point! After yesterday’s contact, Luo Lin realized that she had overlooked one point, that is

It's the distance between her and Bai Jin.

You must know that for so many years, no one of the opposite sex has entered five meters away from her, let alone

It was impossible to enter her boudoir.

On the other hand, Luo Lin also found it very strange, whether it was psychologically or physically, she always rejected men.

She actually didn't reject Bai Jin the way she rejected other men. This was something she found extremely incredible.

Hearing this, Bai Jin obediently stood two meters away from Luo Lin.

"Let me ask you, last night, were you the one who helped me into bed and covered me with quilt?

“I think this kind of thing just needs to be thought about with your brain, and you can probably think of it.

"Hey, what do you mean? ?" A big hash mark appeared on Luo Lin's head.

How come this hateful facially paralyzed man feels like every word he speaks is mocking him? ?

"I'm just telling the truth." Bai Jin tilted her head

Forget it, for the sake of you helping me with my homework, I won’t argue with you. "When Luo Lin opened her homework book, as expected, it was covered with Juanxiu's handwriting that she didn't recognize or be familiar with.

Having said that, the handwriting of this paralyzed man is quite beautiful. It is so beautiful that it doesn't look like it could be written by a careless man.

"Although these assignments are completed for you below, after all, they are not completed by you independently, so you have to spend more time to understand them afterwards.

"I know, I know." Luo Lin said impatiently.

“I’ll push you.

"Hey, are you finished? Today's homework is more than yesterday's. Take the time to understand yesterday's homework."

Today’s question is, what should I do with today’s homework? ?”

"Have you finally realized that this is the point, Miss Luo Lin?" Bai Jin said slowly.

Today is the end of the day. If yesterday's things are not completed, you have to spend more time today to complete yesterday's unfinished things, and then complete today's things. "

"Okay, okay, don't read it. I can't do it, so what can I do?"

"So, if you want to keep up with the progress, you have to work several times more than others." Bai Jinyi-Ben

The honest way

"Then, let's start today's class." Bai Jin said calmly. "With the lessons learned last night, you should

Shouldn't you be delaying time on purpose? "

"You devil!"

"Well, as long as you don't delay the time deliberately, that will do nothing but make you sleep later.

Can't do it. "

Luo Lin stood up and planned to leave the room.

"Where to go?"

"Go to the toilet, okay?"

"Big or small.

"Do I even need to inform you about this?" Luo Lin blushed and turned around. "You're such a big pervert, you actually

Want to know this kind of thing!

"I just want to remind you that it's almost dinner time, if you are thinking of using this as an excuse

If you delay talking until you have eaten, you may not be able to eat today. "

"? Why?"

"I won't let you go to dinner until you learn and understand yesterday's homework." Bai Jin

She quietly said the words that made Luo Lin turn pale.

"You, you! Tsk! What you say doesn't count! Xiangxiang, someone is bullying me here!

"I forgot to tell you. I have already discussed it with your maid. Although your maid can't bear it,

But I still agree with it. "Bai Jin added. "So, it's not feasible to expect her to help you.

able. "

"You!" Luo Lin gritted her teeth. She didn't expect Bai Jin to do such an amazing job, nor did she expect Xiang Xiang to be so good.

FAW colluded with Bai Jin. "This little traitor, I can't spare her while she sleeps!"

"Okay, Miss Luo Lin, let's start studying today's lesson."

Luo Lin pursed her lips and sat back in her seat aggrievedly.

"Don't you want to go to the toilet?"

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble? ?" Luo Lin only felt that her little fist was a little hard.

Time passed very quickly, but from Luo Lin's perspective, this period of time was undoubtedly very long.

In the past, a game could last half an hour. At this moment, no matter how hard I scratch my skin in my seat, I can play a game for half an hour.

Ten minutes passed.

"Well, I'm a little hungry."

"I'm just a little hungry. It doesn't affect my studies. I haven't learned three questions yet. Let's continue." Bai Jinmo said emotionally.

And another twenty minutes passed.

"I'm really hungry

“It doesn’t matter if you are hungry. Studying when you are hungry will undoubtedly improve your efficiency.

It has a scientific basis and must be maintained.

"Keep it up, you idiot! Now I'm so hungry that I can't even concentrate. How can I keep it up?"


"I haven't finished studying today.

We agreed that we would not give food before homework.

"Who told you? ?You are already corporally punishing students!" Luo Lin said angrily.

"How about you figure out your position? You are just a tutor hired by our family."

To put it bluntly, you are just a servant. You, a rebellious servant, dare to starve your master of food. How audacious!"

"I didn't eat either." Bai Jin said calmly. "I won't be able to eat until you learn how to do it, Miss Luo Lin."

"So, let's get on with it."


"Xiangxiang, it's time to eat. Go and ask the lady and the tutor to come down for dinner." Luo Lin

The captain of the guard, a girl who stood tall and straight, was a little confused when she didn't see Luo Lin at the dining table.

At this time in the past, Xiangxiang would have called Luo Lin down to eat.

"No, Miss, I won't be able to get down for about half an hour today." Xiangxiang sighed. "You eat first

"Miss, won't you come down for dinner?" Miss the head guard was stunned. "Why is this?"

"The lady is working, don't disturb her."

"Miss, you are actually starting to work hard?" The captain of the guard was a little surprised. She had been following Luo for a long time.

Lin's bodyguard, she still had some idea of ​​what her young lady was like.

That style of life is, at best, decadent; at worst, it's just a useless person who eats and sleeps.

After sleeping and eating, I lay on the sofa with Happy Shui'er in my arms and played mobile games. I stayed up late playing games and reading novels until I fell asleep.

I sleep until noon. Most of the time I don’t eat breakfast. I just lie on the sofa and play with my mobile phone in my nightgown.

It simply takes the word laziness to its extreme.

"Well, anyway, I have indeed started working hard." Xiangxiang didn't seem to want to say this.

The question continues. "Let's eat first. I'll heat it up for the lady when she comes down later."

Is this related to the tutor?" The captain of the guard smelled something different.


"Well, Xiangxiang thought hesitantly and nodded.

"He is in the young lady's room now?" The young lady of the bodyguard had met Luo Lin's tutor.

She is quite good-looking, the kind of appearance that easily pleases girls, but her personality seems completely different from her.

on the contrary.

"How can a man and a woman stay in the same room? What's more, they are still young

The young lady of the guard could not sit still.

"Don't worry, just leave it to Mr. Bai Jin." Xiangxiang didn't move. It was obvious that the other party's behavior was caused by

With her permission.

"No, I cannot allow young lady to be alone in a room with a strange man." After saying that, the captain of the guard

Just as he was about to get up, Xiangxiang stopped him.

"Xiangxiang you

This usually well-behaved and sensible maid showed a completely different temperament at this moment.

, even the captain of the guard who was supposed to have the highest strength here had to obey her words and sit down obediently.

"Sharonai, I am the personal bodyguard of the young lady appointed by the master of the house. Have you forgotten?"

Tao, although the hand held was just a fork, it was like a sharp sword. "

"The guard lady can only sit down obediently.

"Don't worry, if it's Mr. Bai Jin, there will be no problem.

"But Xiangxiang, don't you still know the self-control of creatures like humans?" Sharonai still had some thoughts.

Unwilling to do so. "Even if you have sex, you can't help but attack the lady, let alone the men?"

"We are the same race as Miss, so we are immune to a great extent, but the same cannot be said for humans.

These brief moments of life cannot withstand the blood of the young lady.

"Salonai, you have violated the purpose of the master of the family. At least in the eyes of the master of the family, human beings are not

It's not as useless as you said. "Xiang Xiang said quietly.

Having said that, isn’t it the fact?”

"Okay, stop talking, I will be responsible for my actions." Xiangxiang stopped the topic. "regardless

How about it, Miss needs a peer to communicate with and talk to. "

"As long as there is no threat, it doesn't matter who the person is."

The clock's hour hand is approaching nine o'clock.

"Thank you for your hard work." For the first time, there was some admiration in Bai Jin's words. "Your talent is amazing.

In just one extra day, I have completed the courses on several topics. I have to say that if you focus more on this, it will not be difficult to become a top student. "

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm going to die." Luo Lin, who was exhausted and paralyzed, could no longer hear Bai Jin's words.

I no longer have the energy to even eat at the dinner table.

"Hurry up and eat. After eating, we have to complete today's course load."

"If you lie down, you won't be able to sleep tonight."

"You are indeed an out-and-out devil!" Luo Lin said viciously, and then her eyes filled with tears.

Shuizhi lay down and started eating, as if every bite he took was biting on Bai Jin's body.

"Right, that

"Huh?" Bai Jin, who had just picked up the knife and fork, heard Luo Lin calling him, raised his head and saw the latter's

He puffed up his cheeks and looked away, but his face looked blushing.

"You, your phone number

What’s the code?”

"Huh?" "No, don't get me wrong, I just think it's convenient to have your phone number to contact you!"

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