"Hey, can you tell me your phone number? Misunderstanding, just thinking it would be convenient in the future.

Just contacting you. Luo Lin turned her face away, trying to pretend not to care as much as possible, but the blush on her face betrayed her.

Bai Jin tilted her head and looked at her sideways, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

"What do you mean? ? Do you agree to tell me? Is it fun to leave this lady alone like this?


"I don't care, it's just that there is an extra man's phone number in your mobile phone address book.

Will the code be bad? Bai Jin tilted her head and asked.

"A paralyzed man like you knows it's not good." Luo Lin pursed her lips. "What can I do? Since you are my tutor, shouldn't I record your phone number?"

"Yes, yes, but I don't have the number of contacts in your phone so far.

is zero. "

"You guy! Don't say these strange things. Believe it or not, I want you to have a taste of it."

"?" Luo Lin showed her little tiger teeth and threatened fiercely.

"Yes, yes, but my phone seems to be running out of battery.

"Why are you talking so much? Hand over your phone quickly." As she said that, Luo Lin took Bai Jin's phone away.

Cell phone, opened the other party's address book, and immediately started laughing.

"Tch, you guys have the nerve to accuse me, but your own phone book only has two communication numbers.


If you don't want to record the phone number, just give it back to me. "Bai Jin stretched out his hand.

"Why are you so stingy? I just want to look at your phone address book?" Luo Lin muttered.

Mouth. "Speaking of which, who is Mu Chu and who is Ji Yue? Is it your friend or your family? Or is it?

Lovers? Or family members and friends, family members and lovers?

"Miss Luo Lin, I think these questions are too few for you. You should do some additional questions."

It is best to do the review homework tomorrow morning. "

Ah, okay, okay, I'm not kidding anymore. "Seeing Bai Jin's face gradually darkening, Luo

Lin didn't dare to continue joking, otherwise she would really not be able to sleep today.

However, Luo Lin was still a little happy because she had never seen Bai Jin with such a deflated expression.


“Speaking of which, besides these apps, don’t you have anything else on your phone?

so boring. "

"What else do you want?" Bai Jin was puzzled.

"For example, something that you don't want others to see, the kind that you usually look at." Luo Lin


"Which one is that?"

"You don't know, right?" Luo Lin looked at Bai Jin mysteriously and smiled slyly, feeling in her heart

Made a calculation.

In the past, I was led by this hateful facially paralyzed man. Today, I want to make him ashamed.

Shame on you!

"How about we make a bet? I bet you will have this kind of video or picture on your phone."

"So which one are you referring to?

"Are you still going to keep pretending?" Luo Lin grinned, looking like she had a chance to win. "but

We can only stop here. No matter how serious a boy is, he will be curious about that. Haha, you must be too.

Yes! So no need to pretend anymore.

"Is that so?" Bai Jin didn't understand. Anyway, she said it was so.

"Humph, you'll be embarrassed when I find you!" Luo Lin looked like she was determined to win, as if she was already there.

After seeing Bai Jin's secret being exposed, Dogeza asked him not to tell the secret.

"First of all, you must hide this kind of thing very secretly, and you will hide it in a place where no one can find it.

What’s the least likely place for someone to dig into it? Yes, it’s the phone’s memory disk!” As she spoke, Luo

Lin confidently searched for Bai Jin's cell phone, but found nothing.

"Impossible, how could you not have such a serious person like you?!"

You must have stored a lot of these videos behind your back!" Luo Lin was unwilling to give up, gritting her little tiger teeth and persevering.

"Who did you listen to?" Bai Jin tilted his head, feeling that Luo Lin didn't seem to be the kind of person who often

Personal contact existed, who would talk to her about this?

"No, I didn't find it. I understand. That's it." Luo Lin suddenly understood and pointed at Bai Bai.

Jindao. "This phone of yours is a backup phone, not your real phone at all."

"What on earth are you talking about?

"The answer is obvious. This phone has nothing except the necessary boot programs.

I can’t even find a music APP, and there are only two contacts. That’s right, you definitely don’t use this phone very often!”

"So what are you talking about."

"Hmph, there's no need to defend yourself. Only two people know about your phone, and they haven't downloaded anything yet.

Which software is definitely your backup machine? The proof is

"The communication records on your mobile phone are very sparse. There is absolutely no communication from last month.


With that said, Luo Lin opened Bai Jin's address book, and her fingers became stiff.

Scroll from top to bottom, the communication records are not

There are fewer than ten, the oldest dating back several months,

No matter how old it is, it has been automatically deleted.

How, how is it possible? ?" Luo Lin was a little at a loss, and then she awkwardly put her hands on her hips and laughed twice.

, "Ha, you, you disguise yourself very well. Mr. Bai Jin, you are worthy of being so good at acting."

"So, what are you looking for?" Bai Jin still didn't understand, so she guessed it casually. "I think

The thing you are looking for is not in my phone, but it must be in your phone. "

"Gudong!" Luo Lin stiffened her body and immediately denied it. "No, no! I don't

It would be so, so strange!

"But I saw that you were so proficient in the process of searching my mobile phone just now. You can tell by looking at it that you often call me.

Open something like that. "

"One, that's nonsense!" Unexpectedly, Luo Lin, who had captured an entire army, panicked.

"No, there isn't, so what are you panicking about?"

"Well!" I didn't see Bai Jin's embarrassed look, but I was embarrassed first.

The phone number is recorded, I’ll return the phone to you, hum!”-

Familiar again and again, Luo Lin is indeed an out-and-out genius in learning, but later

The students simply did not focus on their studies at all.

In just a short time, Luo Lin learned what others needed to learn in weeks or even months.

After initially understanding it, all that needs to be done in the end is to deal with a few variations and learn to draw inferences from one example.

"Don't you know this question? Look carefully, this question should be dismantled first." With that said, Bai Jin took the pen from the opponent's hand and skillfully wrote down the steps to solve the problem on the paper.

During this process, Luo Lin did not look at her calculation paper, but looked directly at herself.

The light is evenly applied on Bai Hibiscus's fair cheeks, her long and dense eyelashes are blinking, her long platinum hair is like fine silk, her watery eyes are like sapphires from the deep sea, and her slender hands

Holding the pen with your fingers, it looks very beautiful. That charming face is full of seriousness and concentration at this moment.

He was staring at the calculation paper intently, not noticing that his student was distracted.

Unknowingly, Luo Lin was dumbfounded and didn't know why she used the word "overwhelming country and alluring city".

Describe a man.

He works conscientiously and perseveres, giving people a sense of security. The most important thing is that he looks good.

You have to look like a monster.

There must be many suitors for this kind of person outside, right?

Only then did Luo Lin realize that her understanding of Bai Jin was only that she was her tutor.

Apart from this, she knew nothing about Bai Jin.

Only then did she realize that she had become curious about this man with facial paralysis at some point, and she couldn't stop it.

Lost it.

"Are you really listening to what I'm saying?"

"Ah, ah." Luo Lin was stopped and quickly looked away.

"I've finished the demonstration. Please explain it to me. Then I will give you some similar questions."

You do it and see. "

"Oh, Luo Lin took the pen holder that still had the other person's body temperature and solved the problem, but her mind was not on solving the problem at all. She solved the problem in three strokes, five and two.

"You have a strong talent for learning."

"Humph, of course, I am a genius.

"Thank you for your hard work. It's getting late. You should go to bed quickly."

"Are you leaving?

"Do you want to do more exercises?" Bai Jin glanced at her.

"In no mood!

"That's alright. Consolidate your knowledge and don't waste your studies because of this." Bai said.

Jin started to pack up his things.

"Hey, it's already so late. You don't have anywhere to eat." Luo Lin called Bai Jin. "Not as good as

Stay and eat. Of course, I’m not inviting you. I’m just hungry because you’re tutoring so late.

Zi's ​​words are too pitiful. "

Bai Jin did not refuse, and the two of them went downstairs and happened to bump into the patrolling guard.

The latter glanced at Bai Jin and set his sights on Luo Lin. "Miss, are you okay?"

"Ah? What can happen to me?" Luo Lin was puzzled.

"It's okay. Just hope you're okay." After saying that, the captain of the guard left, leaving a confused Luo behind.


"Boss, have you completed today's teaching task?" Xiangxiang seems to have been waiting for many people in the restaurant.

It's time.

"For now, it's done." Bai Jin nodded.

"Huhu, it's all because of this guy who starved me to death."

After the two of them had eaten, Luo Lin, who was lying on the sofa and was bored, suddenly felt bored.

"Hey, are you going back now? If you go back, what will you do?"

"Prepare lessons and then go to bed."

"It's so boring," Luo Lin complained. "You might as well come and play games with me."

"Why are you so indifferent? ?" Luo Lin pouted, then stood up and held her back.

White hibiscus sleeves. "Come back and play games with me.".

Is this also a teacher’s job?”

"You're so annoyed. No matter if it's true or not, sit down and I've been doing exercises with you for so long.

, you accompany

I play games, isn’t it natural?”

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