"Wait, wait a minute!" When Bai Jin spoke, it was too late, Anna's hands were already touching her

's back.

"Eh?" Anna was a little dazed. "Master Bai Jin's back looks like a girl's.

"Yeah!" Bai Jin hurriedly slapped Anna's hand away, covered her chest and shrank to the corner, with a little shame.

A few rays of pink flashed on Nan's face.

Seeing this scene, Anna didn't know why, but there was a hint of wanting to bully Bai Bai in her heart.

Jin's thoughts were immediately dismissed by her.

Really, what on earth was she thinking? How could she have such thoughts? Could it be that even she herself

Didn't she even discover her own dangerous hidden attributes?

"Don't touch me casually." Bai Jin seemed to be aware of his rudeness, lowered his head slightly, and whispered


"But, Mr. Bai Jin, I am your personal maid. If you want to take a bath, you can naturally

I'm here to serve. "It's like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Anna knew she couldn't do it but she did it anyway. It's better to say that she couldn't stop.

"Let me change your clothes for you.

"No need, it's getting late, you should go and have a rest." Bai Jin blushed slightly, she was really worried

Some people are not used to strangers touching her body, so they haven't responded yet.

"No, it's okay." The ordinary maid had already retreated at this time, but Anna, a little girl

The maid didn't know what was going on, her face was red, and she rushed towards him as if she had been given blood.

"How can there be a maid who lets the master change clothes himself? Don't worry, just leave everything to Anna.

Now, you just need to stay where you are and enjoy everything." Anna's flushed face already said

It is obvious that this person has fallen into some kind of uncontrollable madness at this moment.

She suddenly felt that she could do it, so she stepped forward, and then

It hurts. "Anna Duck sat on the ground, covering her red forehead with tears in her eyes.

"Even if it's just a joke, I'm a little angry." Bai Jin stood there, pinching

The fist that had just punched the person frowned slightly.

"Hug, I'm sorry, young master, I got a little carried away if I wasn't paying attention, um, I'm sorry."

After being punched in the face, Anna woke up a little and apologized with tears in her eyes. Looking back on her outrageous behavior just now, she looked like a female gangster. No, she was completely a female gangster.

"Go back. Thank you for helping me clean today." Bai Jin sighed and spoke in a gentle tone.


"Well, I, I understand." Anna left the room a little disappointed, but that was all.

, she became even more convinced that this unfeminine master must have some unknown secrets.

"Huh, after a busy day, and just having a confrontation with the out-of-control maid, Bai Jin really

She was so tired that she packed up her clothes and sat on the bed, dazed. After a while, a clear and pleasant ringtone came from her cell phone.

Bai Jin knew who was calling. She would always call at this time and looked at the caller ID.

The name above made Bai Jin feel warm in her heart.

"Good evening, Ji Yue."

"Good evening Bai Jin~ How are you doing today?"

"Well, it's not bad or good, it's about the same as yesterday.'

"You haven't encountered any emergencies that are difficult to solve, right?" The first thing I call every day is,

Ji Yue had to confirm Bai Jin's safety, as if the place she stayed in was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and her life was in danger every day.

"No." Bai Jin thought for a while, hesitated again and again, but still had no intention of informing Feng Ya leader of the abnormal situation.

Ji Yue-

On the one hand, I don't want her to worry. On the other hand, it's probably out of some selfish motives. Intuition

Tell her that the Kazaya family does not have any ill intentions towards humans.

Not only that, the latter also mentioned that they are not the real threat to the human federation.

Everything we have done so far has been to maintain the order and peace of the Human Federation. If what is said is true, then wouldn't it be the existence that destroys the peace of the Human Federation?

No, they probably didn't give it their all.

"Then, Bai Jin was not seduced by a bad man, right~?"

"My identity here is male, so far I've disguised myself well, no one can tell." Bai Jin

Said silently.

"Oh, that's it." Ji Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

That's okay. Is it possible that a woman can pop up and make her green?

"Can Bai Jin have enough to eat over there? Can you sleep? If you can't sleep and feel homesick, I can sing you a children's song from my hometown~ to help you sleep."

"Well, you sing it."

At this moment, Muzun, who happened to pass by the Yanzhao leader's mansion and met Ji Yue on the phone, slightly twitched his mouth.

Twitching, he thought he would be able to eat less dog food after Bai Jin left, but he didn’t expect that every night

You still have to stuff yourself with dog food before going to bed.

Forget it, he was almost used to the feeling of being stuffed with dog food anyway.

In Ji Yue's long singing, Bai Jin's breathing gradually became steady.

"Good night, my dear~ See you tomorrow."

"OK, good night."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Jin took a shower, took off her bra, took a deep breath for a long time, and

only at

During this time she could remove all pretense and achieve complete relaxation.

To be honest, she misses Ji Yue and the Flame Spear Leader a little. No matter how she relaxes at home, she

She was allowed to show herself as much as possible in front of Ji Yue and tell her all her troubles.

Ji Yue listened, and the latter always reminded her with a smile, like a shining angel.

That's right, in Bai Jin's heart, Ji Yue is an angel who has saved her from darkness many times.

Angel, whether it was the first time they met or now after many years, Ji Yue's brilliance in her heart never faded.

The door was locked to prevent outsiders from breaking in. Although everyone was already asleep at this point, we still had to

Prevent intrusive maids from breaking in.

After preparing her lessons as usual, Bai Jin discovered that the weekend would be in one day, and this was her first time.

On the first weekend after arriving at Feng Ya Ling, she was a little confused.

On the weekend, where should I go?

Even tutors have rest days, and students must pay attention to the balance between work and rest.

It is not advisable to forcefully teach the teacher the knowledge, and the third lady must be given a chance to relax.

So, where does she go on the weekend?

"That's all for today's make-up lesson."

"Eh? Is this the end?" Luo Lin was a little surprised. She always felt that her butt was getting hot even before she sat down.

I feel a little uncomfortable being tied up.

"You have almost learned all the knowledge I taught you. I can't continue to fill you with too much, or you won't be able to digest it." Bai Jin explained and walked out of the room.

"Oh, by the way, I wish you a happy weekend." Bai Jin said her blessing stiffly, with a blank expression on her face.

The look on his expression was really a bit too forced.

"Hey, is Mr. Bai Jin leaving at this time today?" Xiangxiang was a little surprised and looked at the time.

, it’s not even dinner time yet.

"Well, I've finished teaching what I need to teach." Bai Jin's answer was concise and to the point, and he immediately walked out of the door.

"Really, let's forget about that one." Luo Lin stretched herself greatly. "Wow, it's so hard

It's the weekend, I can finally sleep in tomorrow. "The young lady has also had a hard time going to school these days. "Xiangxiang said with a smile.

"Humph, it's okay. In fact, going to school is not without its benefits. If it weren't for going to school,

I may not even realize the benefits of weekends, and there are more. The most important thing is that I finally don’t have to use weekends.

Seeing the face of the facially paralyzed man, this is the most comfortable place!" Luo Lin snorted.

"But, I think you seem to like Mr. Bai Jin quite a lot."

"Who, who likes that guy? ?Don't say these disgusting things to me, okay? That guy has

What's good is that he looks better, teaches more seriously, and treats me right.

Nothing good. "Luo Lin turned away her head and puffed out her cheeks.

"I announced that tonight I will stay up all night playing games until the next morning and then sleep again.

Sleep until the afternoon!" Luo Lin raised her hands in the air and declared.

"Okay, okay, let's eat first.

Bai Jin left Luo Lin's residence and went straight to the Lord's Mansion. There was another reason why he took a stand so early.

That's because someone took the initiative to find her.

"Ah, it's Master Bai Jin. Go in, my lord has been waiting for you inside for a long time."

En looked at Bai Jin with a smile.

I don’t know if it was Bai Jin’s illusion, but she always felt that Ryan’s attitude towards her was much kinder.

Compared with the previous deliberate alienation, God now views his own people more.

Lord Bran is still very busy today, which can be seen from the mountains of documents on his desk.

The official and trivial matters that this lord needs to deal with every day add up to how troublesome it is.

"Oh, Master Bai Jin, you are here." Bran smiled kindly and pointed to the man not far away.


"sit down."

"Lord, do you have anything to do with me?

"Well, it's a little personal and a little business." Bran smiled cordially at Bai Jin. "As expected I didn't

Misjudged you. "

"I've heard everything from Xiangxiang. You've done a great job. Sure enough, there's no one better suited to do this than you.

As a father, I would like to sincerely say thank you. You have done this for me.

Things you want to do but can’t do. "

"Then there are some official matters." Bran handed a letter to Bai Jin. "Master Bai Jin, you are working for me when you come here. Naturally, I cannot let you down for promotion at the Knight Academy."

"But you can't go back for a while, so I thought of a way to get you a knight in advance.

The college's diploma, of course, is temporary. You must continue to accept and complete the commissions within the Fengya Territory. After completing a certain number, we will issue you the Knight Graduation Certificate of the Temple Association, and it will also come with honors. The knight's medal, coupled with the awards you have won in various commissions, with these, your future will be extremely bright.

"Well, thank you Lord." Bai Jin's reaction was very dull, and she just nodded slightly.

"Then forget it, it's nothing. Haha, just be busy. If anything happens, just go ahead and

go back. "The lord seemed to have thought of something, but in the end he did not say it.

Instead, I typed haha

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