"Huhuhu" the pretty girl on the bed turned over, showing no sleeping posture.

The upper half of the naked body is clearly a slightly green body, but it adds a bit of strangeness.


"The snoring girl's body rolled back and forth on the bed, her pajamas that could no longer cover her body covered with

It means wrinkles, but the girl seems to have no intention of waking up.

After rolling on the big bed for a long time, the girl seemed to gradually realize that something was wrong, her eyebrows gradually

They squeezed together and sat up from the bed with a snap.

"Strange, why didn't anyone wake me up today?" Luo Lin said with a confused look on her face.

"Miss, are you awake?" Xiangxiang, who was waiting outside, pushed the door open and entered.

"Xiangxiang! Where are my clothes?! Hurry, it's too late!" Seeing this, Luo Lin said in a panic. "now

What's going on? Why didn't anyone remind me to get up? What time is it? I missed two days of school.

I'm definitely late for class!"


"Quickly, get my schoolbag over here. I'm sure I'll get scolded at this point!"

"Miss, today is Saturday, there are no classes."

"Today is! Huh?." Luo Lin was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that today seems to be the weekend, so there is no need to go to school.

Class is coming

She remembered that yesterday she clearly planned to play until very late before going to bed, but while playing, she unexpectedly

He fell asleep with his eyelids drooping.

Could it be that because of going to school this week, my biological clock has been set back?

"So, that guy isn't coming today, is he?" Under Xiangxiang's service, he slowly walked downstairs to eat.

Lorraine, who had made it earlier, asked slowly.

"Yes, today is the weekend. Master Bai Jin will not come to help you with your homework, and he himself

There is still work to be done. "

"What do you usually do when you have something to do?" Luo Lin asked curiously.

"Well, that's unknown."

"Now, why don't you go see what that guy is doing?"

"Miss, it hasn't even been a day and you miss Master Bai Jin?" Xiangxiang covered her mouth and smiled.

"Who misses the man with facial paralysis? I'm just curious about what he does on the weekend!" As she said that, Luo Lin came forward seriously.

"Let me tell you, that guy usually doesn't work because he has something to do and the work ordered by the lord.

He has to do it, - once no one is looking at him, his true face will be exposed!"

"true colors?"

"Yes, yes, for example, go out on the street to pick up girls, take them on dates, hold hands, kiss

Kiss, and then in the end it was so shameless!" Luo Lin thought about Bai Jin hugging her left and right.

He said with a blushing face enjoying the scene.

"Miss, do you regard Mr. Bai Jin as a stallion? It is impossible for anyone to

You dated several girls in the past few days, right?" Xiangxiang held her forehead, admiring her young lady's imagination.

"How is it impossible? With that guy's appearance, is it difficult to deceive a few innocent little girls? I'm pregnant

I suspect he will take action against people from our college!" Luo Lin looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

"But, miss." Xiangxiang hesitated for a moment before asking. "Who does Mr. Bai Jin want to date?

That's their own business. "

"Even if Mr. Bai Jin really goes on a date with someone, I don't think we have the right to interfere. After all,

After all, that's someone's private matter, isn't it? "

"Just, even if it's like this, I'm worried that some ignorant and innocent girl will fall into that

It's just a trap by this guy. It's obvious that the man with facial paralysis is just better-looking, other than that he's completely

I can't find any advantages.

"But I don't think Mr. Bai Jin would do such a thing.

"What do you know? It's called a person's appearance! Who knows if that man with facial paralysis is - behind his back?

He is a scheming bastard who specializes in deceiving innocent little girls, hum!" Luo Lin's words will be worn tomorrow.

He said it through colored glasses. If that were true, she might be the first one to be deceived.

"Pfft." Xiangxiang laughed.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny? Is what I said funny?" Luo Lin asked confused.

"It's nothing, I just think that Miss, you really like Mr. Bai Jin. I won't see you for a week or so."

Him, his mouth is full of him. "Don't say such words that can cause misunderstanding. Who likes him? I just feel like my ears are protruding today."

However, after getting clean, I felt a little uncomfortable. "" After breakfast, Luo Lin lay on the sofa playing mobile games.

It was obviously a rare weekend, and I felt very uncomfortable whether I was lying down or sitting down.

"Really, you should cherish such precious game time, why can't you enjoy it?" Luo Lin gritted her teeth, threw her phone aside angrily, and sat on the sofa bored.

Lai shook his legs.

"What is that guy doing?" He reached out to his phone, but he didn't click on the mobile game, but clicked on it.

I opened the address book and felt melancholy looking at the only record of communication numbers.

"Wait, wouldn't it be good to call him directly? Tsk, this

Otherwise, it will make you want to see me very much.

Like him, he will definitely laugh at me in his heart!" Luo Lin puffed up her cheeks and fell into a tangle.

"No, no, no, no! I definitely shouldn't be the one to call him! Humph?

After battling with the air for a long time, Luo Lin's trembling fingers reached for the dial button.

"Huh, I'm just curious about what he usually does on weekends. Don't get me wrong!" Nope!

Knowing who she was talking to, Luo Lin pressed the dial button.

Along with a long voice and her anxiety, the phone was connected.

At this moment, Feng Ya leads a certain wild ridge.

"? "After confirming that it was not an illusion, a blond girl in a smart outfit held a sword against the beast's neck.

Son, - took out the ringing mobile phone on his waist.

"Luo Lin?" Looking at the caller ID, the blonde girl looked a little surprised.

At this moment, the girl had taken off all her previous men's dress makeup, and her long, platinum hair was covered with hair.

The black bow is tied into a high ponytail, and the silver metal women's armor curves the girl's curvy figure.

The lines are perfectly outlined, and under the skirt is a pair of exquisite plate boots. The silver armor leaves wrap the narrow arch of the foot, and the heel leaves a gap for the Achilles tendon.

This knight's attire was given to her by Ji Yue before leaving, saying that she originally planned to wear it in the knight ceremony.

He gave her a surprise as a gift, but it seemed unlikely due to temporary changes, so he gave her this exquisite knight's skirt and armor made of rare metals in advance.

Coming here has come in handy. After all, it is impossible to expect Tianhui to be turned on for a long time. More

When you go out on missions, armor is essential.

Bai Jin got up early this morning, and after finishing her routine exercise, she went straight to the nearby adventure.

The Insurance Association accepts commissions and earns points.

Despite Lord Bran's promise, she still had to earn these commission points herself.

Her grades were excellent in both studies and studies, and she no longer needed to stay at the Knights.

Once you have entered the academy, you can be directly promoted to a knight once you have accumulated enough combat experience.

"Why is it her?"

She didn't expect Luo Lin to call at this time, because she was busy cleaning up now.

Where are the wolves and wild beasts that harm the villagers?

"Hey, what's the matter?"

I called you so late, are you doing something bad behind my back?" Stay calm.

After hearing Bai Jin's voice on the phone, which was deliberately lowered to appear neutral, Luo Lin panicked at first.

Then he spoke.

"Bad thing?" Bai Jin tilted her head and thought for a while. "No."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of metal collision. A moment ago, Bai Jin was forced into a corner and suddenly turned into a man.

Seeing an opportunity, the poisonous wolf that turned into a husky immediately launched a counterattack, but its attack was counted against Bai Jin.

Unexpectedly, his teeth and claws were jammed by Bai Jin's sword, and he could only make a whining sound.

"What's going on over there? Are you fighting? Why is it so noisy? Is there a dog barking?"

"No, it's not a dog barking." Bai Jin corrected calmly. "It's a wolf."

"Wolf?!" Luo Lin almost dropped her phone when she heard this. "You, are you fighting with a wolf?

"Yeah." Bai Jin nodded.

Did I disturb you? ?" Luo Lin's voice was trembling. "How are you?

Ah, are you injured?


"How's the situation? Do you need help?


"Hey, can you stop answering so calmly?" For some reason, listening to the other party's words

Luo Lin's voice, which had no change in tone as before, became a little angry.


Forget it, you look like you're okay, so what are you doing?

, why did you go to fight with the wolf?"

"Delegated tasks."


"Is it weird?"

Where are you now?"

"There is no Fengya Leader. There is probably a village on a certain mountain near Fengya Leader. I forgot the name of the village."

Luo Lin covered her forehead. She had met her the night before. Why did she show up the next morning?

Did you dance with wolves somewhere on the mountain in Feng Ya Ling?

"Don't worry about me now, find a way to get out quickly!"

"No need, the call is over." Bai Jin held the phone between her arms and kicked Poison Wolf's belly, one by one.

Point pulled out the sword that was pierced into it.

"Ah? Have you finished the fight?"

"Well, it's just a few wolves." Bai Jin picked up her cell phone when she had some free time. "Can I help you?"

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just that, um, I'm just afraid that you're not familiar with the Wind Arrow Territory.

, I feel bored on weekends, so I called and asked,

Are you bored?" "Don't make assumptions. I called you because I thought you were bored. It's very risky to guess.

That's rude!" Luo Lin jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Is that so? If nothing happens, I'll hang up the phone first."

"Hey, wait, um, how long will it take for you to come back?" Luo Lin hurriedly stopped her.

Stop, the way to stop talking when you want to speak.

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