The troll army invaded one human village after another, setting up camp in the mountains, and fighting with the knights.

The regiments fought guerrilla warfare everywhere, and there was no grass growing wherever they passed. For these disorderly and rebellious troops, enjoying whatever they wanted was what they pursued.

Without the restraint of rules and allowing greed to flourish, the world will become a tragic situation of bullying.

The troll tribe is the best example. They believe that the strong should get more resources. Therefore, it is natural for them to exploit and trample other lives, including their own kind.

Bai Jin learned about the troll people's living habits from the textbook when he was in the knight enlightenment class.

Every move and every pore is filled with the savagery and vulgarity of primitive society, a giant humanoid creature that is extremely disgusting.

They only respect the strong, despise and do not care about the lives of the weak. Such a race is immune to any

Constrained by moral principles, whatever you do is expected.

There were no survivors in this village, and all the edible grain-dried meat had been robbed.

From old people over sixty to children who can barely walk on the ground, they all were spared, and the methods were extreme.

Cruel, as if killing them was a pastime and fun.

You can't let a guy like Du go, and Bai Jin can't let him go.

"Rest in peace." After burying all the corpses in the village, the white hibiscus was cut into

A simple cross was inserted on the largest grave, and a cross was drawn on the chest to pray for the deceased and wish them a good afterlife. This is the job of the temple priest, as a

Bai Jin, a trainee Knight of the Templar, also learned some details of this death ceremony and recited the Bible.

"Spend the night in peace, spend the night in peace with the soul who cried at night, and indulge in peace of mind. I wish you a wonderful life."


Putting the sword on the ground and making a sign of cross, Bai Jin bowed deeply to these unfortunate people.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Every wrong has its owner, every debt has its owner, and the death knell only tolls for all victims.

Bai Jin went down the mountain with his sword in hand. Yes, this was not the route back to the Lord Wind Arrow City. On the contrary, losing

Without the cover of the mountains and jungles, she would be directly exposed to the sight of those lurking in the darkness.

She only had one sword, but she had to do it.

Wrong souls must be appeased, justice must be upheld, and delayed justice is also justice.

Because at this moment, no one can redress these dead souls, only her, with the blood of her enemies.

Judging from the dried blood, the village had been hit by disaster for several days. It was impossible to follow the traces of the victims.

If a group of trolls rebel against the army, then lure the snake out of its hole.

The knight Ji Mian in skirt armor walked silently on the conspicuous road. There was deathly silence around her.

The forest, full of vitality, now resembles a dead corpse.

Hunters and prey alike are patient.

Suddenly, a tearing sound of horses broke the silence of the jungle.

Hearing this, Bai Jin instantly raised his head. The voice came from the front, and at the same time, there was a flash of light.

In the light of the fire, a thick smell of blood began to spread.

"Clang, Clang, Clang!" Bai Jin's long sword was unsheathed and galloping forward, the heavy skirt armor continuously emitting golden light.

There was a sound of friction, and the golden ponytail ended by a black butterfly swayed in the wind like a flame.

Fifty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, in the dark night, she could already see clearly what was ahead by the light of the fire.

The accident scene.

The crowds of people running away and screaming, the bodies lying on the ground still bleeding and still warm, and

Under the firelight, the explosive muscular body skin appeared turquoise.

"Hahaha, Gulagaya wow! (Scream, revel!)



The shrill screams were mixed with unintelligible language. This was an army of trolls that had not escaped.

At this moment, three of the four wheels of the carriage fell off, and one was missing. Both the horse and the carriage turned upside down.

On the side of the road, the driver had already died.

The passengers who were lucky enough to survive and fled were caught up in two or three steps by the troll soldiers, who were screaming like crazy.

They were cut to the ground like wheat harvesters.

Seeing that they could not escape, the caravan guards waved their weapons and slashed at the troll soldiers in panic.

In the past, however, these human mercenaries were no match for the regular troll army. The iron swords and spears in their hands could not even break through the thick skin of the troll. Half of their ears were cut off, and they covered their wounds on the ground and howled in pain.

The trolls seem to be happy to see this scene. The painful screams and the smell of blood make them drink nectar. Perhaps killing the weak is a supreme enjoyment for them.

Torturing men and raping women is probably the pastime of trolls, at least these are far better than humans.

In the eyes of such powerful savage creatures, weak humans cannot compare with them at all.

"Hey, fa, what happened?" A golden figure emerged from the carriage lying next to it.

walked down.

She rubbed her slender waist, straightened the pointed witch hat on her head, and her gorgeous blond hair was spread out.

Then, he staggered down from the overturned car.

"The quality of this carriage is really poor. It turns over while sitting on it? Is this?" She waited until she rubbed it.


With his sleepy eyes, he tilted his head and stared blankly at the miserable scene in front of him that was like a purgatory on earth.

The moment the girl dressed as a magician spoke, all the trolls turned around.

Their eyes were involuntarily attracted to the girl's appearance. For a moment, their eyes were bloodshot and wrinkled.


Even half-hidden by a witch's hat could not conceal the girl's exquisite appearance, which was as if it were made by a god.

These male trolls could hardly resist the stunning temptation, and they all swelled up and raised their heads toward the sky.


"Vada vada so much satan (this woman is mine! )"

"Sadafa Satanfa Damo! (Whoever grabs it first belongs to him!)"

"Eh, eh?" No matter who it was, he just woke up and saw a group of trolls howling at him.

~~Qing, those senses must not be very good, the girl realized almost immediately that she

the outcome that one might suffer.

"Ah, it seems that I'm done with it this time." The girl yawned lazily and rolled her eyes lazily.

Wiping away the tears from his corner, his beautiful eyes were filled with helplessness and laziness.

The pendant on the girl's chest had cracked due to the violent collision just now, so that the illusion

Unable to maintain it, the pair of pointed white elf ears popped out unobstructed.

"Um, although it is unlikely, is there any knight who happens to be passing by who is willing to rescue me?

?" The girl's hands were in the shape of trumpets, and even when she was shouting, there was a hint of laziness.

"Little girl, I am willing to pledge myself to you." The girl continued to shout. "Compared to these, they look bigger and thicker.

Trolls are not at all in line with my aesthetics, but humans are more in line with my aesthetics.

"Guwa!" The trolls didn't know what the girl was shouting, but at least they

In their eyes, this girl is already theirs.

"Ah, as expected, no one came to save me?" The girl sighed, and said to the people in the deep mountains and forests, why?

Maybe people come when they are told, and even if a knight does pass by, the other party will most likely not dare to show his face.

After all, nothing matters except your own life, right?

"So, now is it time to unfold a scene from the 18X comic book?" The girl helped

Hold the hat.

For example, Elf X Troll or something?

[Wrath of the Watcher]

The light gathered on the long sword, and the sword struck down like a war hammer. The troll soldier only felt that his eyes were

A golden light flashed forward, and he lay paralyzed on the ground.

"Varga? ? (Who? ?)" The troll soldiers were shocked.

"Ah?" The blond girl dressed as a witch also opened her eyes slightly.

At some point, a golden shadow stood between the troll and the girl.

The breeze mixed with the smell of blood ruffled Knight Ji's blond hair, and the blood-stained sword edge had no expression on her face.

Qing's face is as sharp as ever.

The troll soldiers fell silent, then boiled again.

"Gawa Dasada (this woman is mine too!)

"Great Valbarro! (I saw it first!)

"Safafasada (that woman is for you, this one belongs to me!)"

While these trolls were still discussing the distribution rights of the two girls in front of them, Bai Jin had already drawn his sword.


"Back off." Bai Jin said this to the girl behind her.

Although the long sword in her hand is not as good as those artifacts and holy objects, it is still the product of the elite craftsmen of the Flame Spear Leader. -

The general iron sword will be broken directly when it encounters it. In addition, if it falls into Bai Jin's hand, it will be even more powerful, and it will be unexpected -

The blow penetrated the chest of a troll.

However, the troll man's life is so tenacious that he still has strength even after his heart was pierced.

He reacted and pulled down the knight who was stepping on him.

Bai Jin rolled on the ground after being thrown to the ground, and faced her angrily.

The troll soldiers who rushed over used the Three Watch Knights that Landrito taught her.

[Epee Breaking Edge]

Focusing all his strength on the sharpest point of the long sword, the tip of the sword, Bai Jin sprinted with the sword, only to see a white light shining, the troll soldier's face was dull, and his chest was connected with the ax in his hand - and



"Gadalala! Vassadalala (Let this woman be uniformed first, and then discuss the distribution."


Realizing the threat of Bai Jin, two of their companions had been killed, and the Troll soldiers temporarily gave up their fight.

Noisy, turned to deal with Bai Jin with all his strength.

These troll soldiers do not have any hatred towards the death of their companions.

If you die, you can only blame the incompetence of these compatriots. Since they were killed because of their strength, then they died.

He deserves it, no one would have any feelings for him.

After uniting, these troll soldiers launched tactics. No one planned to attack rashly, but

It formed a circle, surrounding Bai Hibiscus in the middle -

A group of strong trolls nearly three meters high surrounded a delicate knight, forming a

The contrast looks extremely sharp.

The trolls are so excited now that they can't wait to go up and knock down Bai Jin and take off her clothes.

Her armor, on the other hand, was obviously weakened after using the sword skill twice.

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