Blood Princess and the Knight

68~Knight’s Persistence

"Gah baby, Satan is beating you! (You have no way out, human woman!)"

"Fourth Officer Satan Osada! (Put down your weapons and accept your fate!)"

The ears were filled with the incomprehensible roars of monsters, and the tall troll man waved the wolf in his hand.

The dental stick and the ax kept moving towards Bai Jin.

Being exhausted and unable to stop him, Bai Jin could only summon [Tianhui].

"Wow wow wow? (What is this?)" The debris storm spreading outward in a ring will

The troll, who had a thousand desires, pushed back and watched as a circular barrier formed to wrap up the knight.

The trolls suddenly felt an invisible threat.

"Varvarrosa, Sardar Satan! (Whatever it is, just smash it into pieces)" Troll

The soldiers greeted Tianhui fiercely with the weapons in their hands.

Under the dark moonlit night, the sky glows brightly, not because of these influences from the outside world.

Attacked and showed a hint of dimness, only

Bai Jin, who was protected in the center, sat cross-legged, covering her hot and painful arms, which were hurt by the fall just now.

When it came to her muscles and bones, her whole arm was a little weak.

Tianhui's support is limited, and when the Curse Eye is exhausted, it will be unable to maintain it. Yes, she is doing it now

Fighting with trapped beasts.

Only two trolls died under her sword, and the number of remaining trolls remained at more than ten.

And this is not a wheel battle. These trolls are not ordinary trolls, but troll soldiers. They have experienced hundreds of battles and know tactics. They will never do something stupid like Calabash Boy saving grandpa.

Teacher, have I still overestimated my ability?" The metal gauntlet closed and she slowly tightened it.

He picked up the pendant in his arms.

"Ah, where is the knight? There is indeed a passing Mr. Knight." Looking at the knight not far away

Siege, the blonde witch tilted her head. "Although it's not quite what I imagined, it's a knight.

Speaking of Ji, isn’t Troll Man x Blond Knight Ji also interesting? Yeah, let’s just

Keep this idea and go back and develop it slowly.

The blonde witch said something incomprehensible and took out a paintbrush from her cloak.

With his wand, he started scribbling on the ground.

Well, thanks to Miss Knight Ji who suddenly appeared, there are no trolls staring at her anymore.

, after all, in the eyes of these trolls, she is just a scumbag.

It's strange that she can draw a magic circle and run away now.

As the curse energy continued to be consumed, Bai Hibiscus finally couldn't bear it anymore. The light of Tianhui shone in the darkness.

The night was getting darker and darker, not because of the depletion of protective power, but because of a serious lack of energy supply.

Amidst the crisp knocking sounds, Tianhui disappeared, accompanied by the last thought in Bai Jin's heart.

The slightest sense of security was gone.

Without the barrier of Tianhui, she was exposed to the sight of these greedy trolls.

The undisguised gaze of Dao Dao Chi~~Naked~Naked made her feel very uncomfortable, and she felt like she was being looked down upon.

Bai Jin subconsciously clenched her sword tightly. Only the weapon in her hand could bring her some sense of security.

However, what surprised her was that these trolls didn't seem to intend to kill her just like that.

"Aas Asnasafa? (Woman, are you out of strength?)"

"Hey hey hey! Although I can't understand the language, I can tell these trolls just by listening to these lewd laughs.

What do you want to do?

When he knew what was about to happen, Bai Jin's eyes gradually turned dull.

They, they wouldn't be.think

As Bai Jin expected, a troll grabbed Bai Jin's lotus-like forearm.

Bai Jin, who was in pain, couldn't hold the sword in his hand and dropped it to the ground.

“Hey hey hey!

The troll threw her to the ground without any idea of ​​pity, and then stretched out his hand towards

own waist

Go, go away!" Bai Jin said in disgust, but her strength was much smaller than that of the troll.

How can we break free from the clutches of these trolls?

However, to the trolls, this was just a small fuss and a meaningless scolding.

Using it, she actually slapped away the troll who tried to get close to her.

"Asda?! (What? )"

Not only the trolls were stunned, but Bai Jin himself was also stunned.

"Hey, Miss Knight, you've been strengthened!" Not far away, the blond witch spoke lazily.

The voice shouted towards Bai Jin. "Come on, I will give you my life if you defeat these trolls."

"This golden light overflowed from the surface of his body, and an indescribable power filled Bai Jin's body.

After hearing this, she subconsciously ignored the second half of the blonde witch's words and picked up the long sword on the ground.

At this moment, she felt that she had inexhaustible strength, and the long sword was displayed in the darkness.

The awns easily penetrated the thick skin of the trolls and chopped into pieces their limbs.

"Ahhh!" Seeing that their lives were almost unsafe, the troll soldiers no longer dared to worry about what might happen.

Injured Bai Jin, but even so, the weapons in their hands were like tofu, touching them

Right now


Seeing that there was no chance of turning around, the remaining troll soldiers fled.

"Don't run!" Seeing this, Bai Jin chased after him, but as soon as he took two steps, he fell down weakly.

On the ground.

"Why, can't move

"Of course I can't move. [Tenfold Strengthening] Hey, not to mention the short strengthening time, the side effects are also -

It's ten times more powerful, what do you think? "The blond girl dressed as a witch walked up to the limp Bai Jin

, squatted down and poked the tip of her nose.

Who are you?"

"He's not an important person, he's just an unlucky guy." When talking about this matter, the blond witch seemed

Don't complain. "An unlucky guy who even rides a carriage back to his hometown will be robbed by trolls."

"Really, these trolls are really ignorant. They are sitting on a carriage blazing hot pot and singing songs.

, I was robbed all at once, is that okay?" the blond girl muttered.

"But luckily, we scared them away before the reinforcement expired, otherwise the two of us would have formed a group-

A group debuted. "


"The 1 8X combination can turn experiences into comics that will be passed down forever." The blonde witch smiled.

He wagged his fingers in amusement.

I don't understand what you are saying. "Bai Jin feels that this strange girl who talks about running on trains is very...

She must be somewhat familiar, but she was sure that it was the first time she had met this girl.

"Ah, it seems you are not the same person." The blonde witch sighed. "That's right, generally

In this case, the normal knight would have run away long ago. The one who jumped out to save people was either a fool, blinded by desire, or a rigid wooden person like you. "

"Bai Jin didn't answer the girl's words. She felt that she couldn't stand up to the girl in front of her.

Bo didn't waste his words and struggled to stand up from the ground, but failed repeatedly.

"Do you need help?

Um. "Bai Jin nodded. Due to the side effects, she was indeed a little unable to stand up.

It is always good to have personal support.

"Okay, don't move yet." After saying that, the blond witch lay on Bai Jin's body, and then

I love Zaizai.

"?What are you doing?"

"Help you take off this armor." The blonde witch said matter-of-factly.

"Why did you take off my armor?" Bai Jin frowned.

"Isn't that natural?" The blonde witch said with a 'Do you have any common sense' expression on her face. "I want you to

Stand up. You must first take off your heavy armor. Otherwise, how will you stand up?


"Bai Jin didn't speak, just stared at the blonde witch quietly.

"Ah, okay, okay, stop reading. I admit that I have selfish motives. Well, I just haven't seen it for a long time.

It's such a big scale, so I thought if I could get up close and personal with the blonde witch holding her face.

He said shyly.

"Pa!" Bai Jin slapped away the other person's outstretched hand and struggled to stand up from the ground.

, then glanced at the blonde witch with disgust and said softly. "Changed."

"Ah, even though I don't care about the insults coming from the beautiful girl, what are you doing?"

Looking at Bai Jin, who was shaking and walking back and forth around the abandoned carriage, the blonde witch narrowed her eyes and asked.

"If you are looking for survivors, there is no need to look for it. The only passengers on this carriage are me.

Except, everything is gone. "

Bai Jin, who was about to step onto the overturned carriage, hesitated, then walked in regardless of the girl's words.

"Really, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't hit the wall yourself?" The blonde witch sighed.

Three minutes later, Bai Jin's figure appeared at the entrance of the carriage, with a heavy look on his face.

"As I said, almost everyone in this carriage except me is dead." The blonde witch touched*

The pendant has a broken mouth. "I should have died too, but this pendant saved me.

Life. "

"Bai Jin was silent for a long time in the dark night, and then continued to move, even though she now

At the end of the struggle, taking one step deeper and one step shallower seems to make you fall down and unable to get up.

She began to process the scene, burying the poor people whose bodies were exposed in the wilderness one by one.

"I said, do you want to bury all these people?" The blonde witch glanced at Bai Jin. "Forget it, don't do this useless work, let's wait for the families of these victims to come and claim them, and besides, people

Different - I will definitely accept your love.

Bai Jin didn't reply, as if he didn't hear the blonde witch's words.

"If they are not buried before they rot, they will not be able to sleep peacefully."

"There are so many people in this world who can't sleep peacefully. Do you want to take care of them one by one?" said the blond.

The witch raised an eyebrow.

"At least, within my field of vision, I will never sit idly by and watch.

The blond witch stopped talking when she saw Bai Jin's figure, but she didn't go to help, she just looked at her like this

Bai Jin struggled to carry the corpses one by one to the wild. When the processing was completed, it would be dawn.

"It's almost done." Despite the backlash from the blessing spell, he still managed to

Can you hold on and finish this?

These things, the blonde witch has never seen such a crazy person.

"Let's go." After finishing everything, Bai Jin half-squinted her eyelids that were about to droop, and walked to Jin

Send the girl in front of you.

"Where to go?"

"I'll take you back to the city.

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