"I'll take you back to the city."

"Ah? Miss Knight, are you sure it was you who gave it to me, not me to you?" The blond witch looked at the man in front of her walking crookedly, as if she would rush to the street and ride on the girl the next moment.

"I still have things to do." Bai Jin's voice was very soft, but with firmness and determination.

"Is there something? It seems to be something very important. Why don't we talk about it?" The blonde witch rested her chin on her hands, her mouth curved in an incomprehensible way. "After all, you saved my life. Tell me, maybe I can help."

"Kill all the troll soldiers lurking around here." Bai Jin said calmly, as if he was just stating a very ordinary statement.

"Kill them all? Why." The blonde witch didn't ask Bai Jin if he could do it, but asked him why.

"As you can see." Bai Jin tilted her head. "You know how much of a threat they pose, having experienced it yourself.

“If they are not uprooted, this land will never have peace, and countless villages will be poisoned by them.

"Uprooted?" The blonde witch smiled. "Excuse me, Miss Knight, what does uprooting mean?"

"Literally." As he said this, Bai Jin shouldered his sword and led the way. "Let's go, time waits for no one, be

The troll soldiers he passed by were staring at me, and I can't guarantee your safety. "

"Miss Knight, I hear what you mean. You want to kill all the trolls in this area to avoid future troubles. Yes.


"Any questions?"

"No problem, can you kill them all?"

"What do you mean?" Bai Jin turned around.

"Here, Miss Knight, try to stop the flow of this creek so that it doesn't continue to flow continuously.

The water is flowing, how about it?" The blond witch pointed to the small stream next to her.

"There's no need to do this. Even if you want to stop the flow, wouldn't it be better to find a stone to block it?"

"Apart from each other?" The blond witch seemed to have heard some funny joke, and her two eyes seemed to be filled with little stars.

His eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Is it enough to separate them? Use stone slabs to separate them. The water will accumulate more and more, and then a flood will form, submerging this place.

"If you really want to solve this problem, you have to go upstream and go to its source. Otherwise, the water will flow out endlessly." The blonde witch explained in a long voice.

"What you do is to keep scooping out the water from the downstream stream, but you can't stop the water from upstream from flowing down.

Doing this serves no purpose other than exhausting yourself. ”.

"Bai Jin was silent for a moment. "Even so, I must go. ”.

He is really a qualified wooden person. "The blonde witch covered her head and shook it.

"What's the point? Wrong souls must be freed." Knight Ji clenched the sword in her hand with a cold expression. "With the blood of the enemy

The blond witch no longer made any sound, but looked at Bai Jin with an extremely surprised look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, um, Miss Knight, I'm suddenly interested in the structure of your head." The blond demon

The woman looked at Bai Jin with a smile. "If possible, please let me study whether the structure of your brain is related to seeking

Just like everyone else!"

"Miss Witch, just imagine, if you suffer in this catastrophe, your family will definitely be sad." Bai Jin

He raised his eyes and looked at the corpses here. "Like the families of these unfortunate people."

"Okay, okay, kind knight, let me agree in advance, I have no intention of stopping you. If you insist on

If you want to do this, I can help you. "The blond witch is holding a baton-like wand in the air.

I drew several runes.

"Is this divination?"

"Hey, that's right. As long as it's within a certain position, I can predict it. Don't believe it. For example, you

I can tell what color I am wearing today. "

"Okay, okay, it's just a joke, don't look at me with that disgusted expression." The blonde witch waved.

hand, and then pouted. "Really, if you don't speak a little pornographically in life, how can you go on living like this?

"Are you ready?" Bai Jin doesn't want to pay attention to this unscrupulous witch who talks about running trains. She just wants to know the result.

"Here, they are at that location." After divination for a long time, the witch gave the exact location.

"Hey, are you about to leave now? Think about it, you can't compete with them in your current state, go

Maybe it's a plot in which the knight is raped, then raped, and finally completely degenerated. "

Bai Jin ignored the witch, said thank you and left with the sword in hand.

"This wooden elm head" the witch held her forehead. "Hey, wait a minute, I didn't say I wouldn't go with you, right?

"Those troll soldiers are violent and cruel, you must follow them."

"It's okay. The big deal is just that the drama is unfolding. Anyway, I have a companion. I won't be the only one who gets kicked.

, what am I afraid of? "The witch said with a smile.

"Besides, without me blessing you from behind, do you think you can defeat those tall and powerful trolls?

?" The witch glanced at Bai Jin. "With your small body, you are afraid of being photographed.

The lower part was broken. "

"Thank you." Bai Jin didn't say anything about this, because she could see that the girl in front of her was not an ordinary girl.

Civilians, if they were civilians without fighting ability, Bai Jin would evacuate them no matter what.

"Why are you thanking me for being such a stranger?" The blond witch folded her hands together and covered the side of her face. "All old

We are an old married couple, so why should we talk about thanking each other? ”.

This kind of joke is not funny.

"A joke? That's too much. Do you think the promise I just made was just a talk? Wow woo hoo

, you scumbag who deceives the feelings of an innocent girl!".

"Bai Jin didn't say anything. She just watched the blond witch direct and act with cold eyes, crying until she was full of tears.

Not a single tear was shed.

"Ah, okay, okay, you are really boring." Seeing that Bai Jin didn't react at all, the blond demon

The woman said angrily.

"Please don't make such jokes, it's boring and disrespectful.

"Why are you so resistant? Oh, I understand." The blonde witch said with an "I understand" expression, then casually

That is to say, there is a bit of bad humor on his face.

"Miss Knight, you have someone you like, right? Or is it just your fiancé?"

"Yeah, not speaking means acquiescing." The blonde witch's face saw through the true expression.

"Ah, what a pity. It turns out that Miss Knight already has someone she likes. I came a step too late.

Yes, it doesn’t matter, I want to poach you. "

"Miss Knight, I'm sorry to say that you have a crush or an explicit love. As for me, I plan to

He's green. "

"Is this how we should walk ahead?" Bai Jin walked in front, turning a deaf ear to the bad words said by the blonde witch.

"Yes, Miss Qitu, can you listen to me for a moment? It's better to keep ignoring other people's feelings.

Oh, you scumbag.

"Miss Witch, please be more reserved, and please cover your ears, it's too public."

"What does it matter? You can see what you should see, but you can't see what you shouldn't see." The blond witch didn't care much.

road. "But Miss Knight, aren't you at all curious about my differences?"

"Not curious." Bai Jin refused to have any communication with this elf witch.

"Don't you really have any thoughts about me?" The witch's questions became more and more weird.

Jinyue didn't want to answer, so he simply stopped talking.

8 Wait for me, Miss Knight. I don’t know how to wait for my mage when walking on a mountain road. This is very difficult.

What an unprofessional behavior. "The witch who waded across the river, holding up her skirt and boots, complained slightly.

Bai Jin took the witch's hand and pulled her ashore. If nothing else happened, there was a gathering place of trolls in front of her.


After setting up the formation briefly and applying various BUFFs to Bai Jin, the witch took a deep breath and sat on the ground.

Looks exhausted.

"Ah, it's over, it's over. I've been completely drained by Miss Knight. Now if I'm attacked by a troll,

If you do, you really can't run away. "Miss Witch rolled on the ground with her bare ankles.

"Wait for me here." Bai Jin pinched her fingers and stepped forward with her sword. She really didn't know the race of elves.

To be able to talk in such a pornographic manner, it is obvious that in some legends and fabrications, elves have very low desire for such things.

, is simply two versions of the legend.

"Ah, you actually left a defenseless girl where she was. It's really a gentlemanly thing to do.

Not even talking about it. "The witch muttered.

After a while, the simple camp built on the mountain suddenly burst into flames.

"Huhu, these trolls are really miserable. They have offended such a rigid guy who doesn't know how to adapt." Sitting there watching the fire scene, the witch said to herself without sadness or joy.

Half an hour later, Bai Jin, covered in blood, walked out of the camp.

"Ah, has it been solved?" The witch was not surprised, because the blessing spells she gave Bai Jin were all of the highest level. What kind of curses could she want, such as eye blessings, fire attribute blessings, thunder attribute blessings, ice attribute blessings, and various attribute blessings? Anyone who can punch can easily defeat these trolls.

Bai Jin nodded quietly, looking at the witch with a complex and opaque look.

After entering, it was as if she was not the one who started the killing spree. This witch actually used her own power to elevate her fighting level several times.

"So, Miss Knight, what are your current plans?

"Paji!" Before the witch could finish speaking, Bai Jin fell on her back and fell on top of the elf witch.

"Hey, why are you so proactive all of a sudden? Do you want me to give you a knee pillow?" the elf witch said with a smile.

Bai Jin didn't speak. She was too tired to speak, and her consciousness gradually became faint.

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