Blood Princess and the Knight

70~Loyalty or justice?


After a period of swirling darkness, Bai Jin gradually regained consciousness. She lay on her back, pillowing something as soft as a cotton pillow.

Are you home? -

In the darkness, Bai Jin couldn't tell the difference between day and night and space. She only felt that the pillow was particularly soft. She subconsciously thought that she was back home. She turned over, grabbed the pillow and continued to sleep. She was really too sleepy.

"Ah, ah, ah, he is such a naughty child. Although I don't mind, but I remember that Miss Knight seems to have someone she likes, right? She goes out with other women behind her back and you follow me. Is that okay?" Came a teasing voice.

After seeing clearly which woman's thigh he was resting on, Bai Jin immediately sat up straight.

"Ah, aren't you going to continue?" The blond elf tilted her head and sat cross-legged on the ground. Her white leather boots were placed not far away. Her smooth thighs and ankles were unobstructed, acting as Bai Jin's knee pillow. .

At this moment, the other party's pair of extremely clear eyes looked at Bai Jin with a smile.

Bai Dong glanced at the other party with a hint of resentment.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Oh, it's not that long, look." The other person pointed to the sky. "It's only three poles a day."

Where's my armor? Did you take it off?" After waking up, she found that her chest protector was gone, and Bai Jin suddenly felt alarmed.

Be vigilant.

"Isn't this an obvious question?" The elf admitted it without any hesitation.

"?! You!" Bai Jin hurriedly covered her chest, with a few blushes on her face.

"Ah, what are Miss Knight afraid of? She wasn't so shy when she threw herself into my arms without any scruples.

Nan oh. "The elf licked his lips and deliberately made a dragon's grasping gesture with his hands.

"Besides, I've given you a knee pillow for so long that your legs are numb. Can't you let me ask for some reward? Okay.

That's too much. I've been lying on someone's lap for so long and you still can't let me rub it a little. "

Bai Jin didn't say anything. After getting up, he put on the armor that was casually thrown aside and looked at the front being destroyed by himself.

At the troll camp, he took out a cross and placed it on his chest, falling into silence.

"Will Miss Knight not only pray for the victims, but also pray for the alien trolls?" The elf girl

He put his hands behind his back and walked forward playfully.

Bai Jin said nothing.

"Then the question is, Miss Knight, in your opinion, do trolls count as human beings? '

Bai Jin looked strangely at the girl in front of her who couldn't understand her intentions.

"Don't be in a hurry to answer me. You can think about it carefully and answer this question in your own mind."

The spirit girl said meaningfully.

"If you can't answer it, then I'll ask you another question. In your eyes, does the life and death of aliens have anything to do with you?

Do they count as human beings in your eyes?"

“So what if it counts, so what if it doesn’t count?”

"Oh, so that's it." The elf girl tilted her head and nodded. "Are you avoiding this problem?

?Miss Knight. "


"Then why don't you give me, or rather yourself, a definite answer?

Bai Jin opened her mouth. She felt like she couldn't answer the elf girl's question.

Is this important?"

"Of course it's important." The elf girl said matter-of-factly. "This is related to the next series of Troll Man

Oh fate. "


"Miss Knight, do you remember what I told you just now, the root cause of the continuous breeding of trolls on the border of the Wind Arrow Territory?

What is it?" The elf girl changed her appearance.


"To be precise, it should be a civil war." The elf girl shook her finger to correct Bai Jin's statement. "Thanks to trolls

The civil war between the tribes continued to heat up. Many defeated troll soldiers were homeless and could only flee to various factions.

In the fringes of power, they made a living by robbing local merchants and ransacking villages. At the same time, the outbreak of war also caused the troll tribe to

It breeds deserters and rebels, running around everywhere. This is the root cause. "

"So, how can we solve this root cause? It is very simple to say, let the trolls stop the civil war. This

In this way, the root cause will be eliminated. However, this kind of thing is easy to say. How can we solve the civil war?

"The amount of information in the elf girl's words was too large. Bai Jin, who was not good at thinking, quickly stopped thinking.

Shaked his head. "I have no idea."

"The battle between trolls is nothing more than territory and food. After all, trolls are not a farming people. They

They are predators and never grow their own food. Even if they do, they must be the humiliated troll slaves at the bottom.

Subordinate species. "She explained slowly.

"One troll tribe is rich and the other is poor. Then the poor one will definitely rob the rich for food.

Some of that, that's inevitable, is the way trolls survive. "

"So what?"

"Understanding the root cause of the war, we can start to solve the root cause." The elf girl grabbed a stick casually.

The branches write and draw on the ground.

"First of all, since these trolls started the war because of food problems, then naturally we

Have to follow

They started with food and burned all the food they used for winter~~" The elf girl used

He said these extremely terrifying remarks in a cute tone.

"This can't be done." Bai Jin shook his head without thinking. "No one can do it."

"Don't be so absolute. At least, I can do it."

Bai Jin wanted to say something else, but was suddenly speechless. She remembered the extraordinary power shown by the girl before.

Just by drawing a few runes on the ground, you can get such powerful blessings that your combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Several grades.

Maybe, she can really do it? ?

"The troll tribe is not far from the human federation, only a few forests away. This distance is enough for me.

The cast curse hit. "

"Don't be silent, Miss Knight, this is not my business to begin with. I intend to stand by and watch. By the way,

,Gonggonghuo~" The elf girl put on her boots, stood up and jumped, and said very naughtily. "The choice is yours, ride

Miss Shi. "

“It’s up to you to burn or not to burn the trolls’ food.


Even if they are burned, the trolls will not stop fighting. "

"That's wrong. If the trolls really don't have any food left for them, what do you think they will do?"

Where are you?"

"They will still have civil war."

"No, they won't have a civil war and won't be able to grab food among their fellow tribesmen. They will become surprisingly united.

Then, in order to survive together, we declare war on other forces and plunder their food. "

"Wouldn't this spark a war? ? Worse than border harassment!

"Yes, but what does this have to do with you?" The elf girl smiled. “It’s not the United Nations that is suffering.

Bang, what does this have to do with you?"

"The Human Federation and the Troll Tribe are separated by several forests. In theory, they are not bordering each other, but the Asian Cat Kingdom is.

It’s different, they are directly bordering the trolls, and the human federation and the troll tribes just signed an agreement not long ago

After signing the armistice agreement, and then comparing the combat power, the portal of the human federation is guarded by a barrier, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, while the sub-cat people have a soft nature.

Weak enough to fight

"Whether it's in terms of distance, strength, or terms of war, I don't need to say more about which one of the two should we fight?"

"Also, although the trolls are not very trustworthy, they are not so arrogant as to declare war on two countries at the same time.

So you can rest assured that the Human Federation will not be attacked.

"Okay, I've finished talking about the stakes. Choose Miss Knight, who wants to eliminate the bane of the human federation and will not hesitate to expose it.

A war or something else?" The elf girl was like a demon playing with people's hearts, giving an extremely difficult question.

With the answer of choice.

"Miss Knight, which one do you choose, loyalty or justice?" The elf girl handed the branch to Bai Hibiscus and said


"Poke the branch to the troll man painted on the ground, and the fire will ignite. As expected, tomorrow night he will

All their food was burned. "

"And once the food is burned, they will have to unite and gather their forces to attack the Yamao Kingdom. In this way

No matter who loses or wins, the Human Federation can reap the benefits and gain peace for a long time. "

"Bai Jin remained silent for a long time, took the branch, and slowly squatted down.

Seeing this, the elf showed a smile that was either teasing or mocking.

"It turns out that you are the same. You can sacrifice others without any scruples for your own benefit. Sure enough, human beings

A knight should always be loyal, right?"

"Crack!" The branch was broken by the white hibiscus and then thrown into the river like garbage.

"? What does this mean?"

"A boring trick." Bai Jin turned around, glanced at the troll pattern on the ground, and stamped it out with one kick.

"Is this your choice?" The elf raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I don't have to make a choice at all." Bai Jin replied without emotion.

"Can you tell me the significance of your choice?"

"There's no point in thinking about making decisions. I'm not good at this kind of thing, and there's no need to do it.

, no matter how high the income is. "

"In other words, you chose to escape again?"

"It's not that I'm avoiding the choice, but I feel it's unnecessary. I don't want to think too much. I just do what I feel is worthwhile and the right thing is enough.

"I once swore to fight for peace and fight for the weak. If you want me to start a war and sacrifice more weak people in order to end the dispute, I can't do it." Bai Jin said decisively, and then held the sword and Go down the mountain

What a strange wooden man. "After staring at Bai Jin's back for a while, the elf girl murmured to herself, and then ran to follow her.

"Hey, wait a minute, I don't know your name yet~ Miss Knight, can you leave me your name or something?

"Oh, it's okay if you don't want to leave your name. Is your phone number okay?

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