"Humph, that... egg..." Above the classroom, Luo Lin absentmindedly played with the pen in her hand, her mind completely absent from the teacher's endless chatter in class.

"It's so troublesome. Why does Jin cause trouble to others? ?"

"Ahem, classmate Luo Lin?" A shout woke up Luo Lin, whose thoughts were far away from the classroom.

"Ah, may I ask what the teacher called me for?" Luo Lin quickly regained her composure and calmness, and stood up in the eyes of all the fans.

"As expected of your sister, even if you get distracted at an inappropriate time and get called on by the teacher, you still remain calm and collected. You are truly a role model for our generation!"

"Ah~~ Lady Luo Lin is so elegant and beautiful. I want to be stepped on by Lady Luo Lin~~"

"She is indeed a perfect young lady. Her every look and smile are so beautiful."

In the school, she is still the perfect young lady in the eyes of many little fans, but this young lady doesn't have much self-consciousness about it.

"Student Luo Lin, please pay attention and listen carefully in class. I just asked who would be willing to come up to answer these questions and no one responded. Then you can come up and set an example."

"Okay, teacher." Luo Lin walked up to the podium calmly, picked up the chalk and easily wrote the solution process on the blackboard, without even taking the time to think.

"Are there any mistakes?" After finishing writing, she gently put down the chalk and cast a questioning look at Teacher Mediterranean.

No, no, um, Luo Lin, I know it’s easy for you to learn anything, but I still ask you to pay attention to the class next time, or at least, don’t get distracted. "

"Teacher, I personally feel that I can skip the knowledge points I understand, and I will not disturb other students."

Well, you go down. "What Luo Lin said was so reasonable that the teacher himself couldn't refute it.

"Sister, you are so chic! No, my girlish heart is beginning to throb. If I stay like this, I will be broken!"

"Tsk, wake up, you're not straight to begin with."

"Huh, that's because I met Lady Luo Lin!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking. Even if my eldest lady is blind, she will never look down on you."

Not hearing the small discussion below, Luo Lin returned to her seat while rubbing her sore temples.

She didn't sleep well last night, all thanks to a facially paralyzed man who loved to cause trouble for others. It was all because of him that her precious sleep time and game scoring time were delayed!

That damn facially paralyzed man, I hate him so much. Why is it that my brain is so out of control that I can’t stop thinking about him?


Unknowingly, she drew a white hibiscus on a small piece of paper, and immediately realized it and painted it over


Damn Luo Lin took the tip of her pen and stabbed the white hibiscus drawn on the note heavily.

It's all because of that guy that I can't even calm down!

After the lunch break, Luo Lin came to the locker room to change into indoor shoes. When she was about to open the lock, she felt that the lock was not working properly.

The posture was a little weird, as if something had opened it and then forced it to lock again.

After opening the box, she found a small note stuffed in her shoe.

'Dear classmate Luo Lin, I like you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I still like you so much.

From the first time I saw you, I fell deeply in love with you, your fingers, your hair, you

Cherry red lips, infatuated with your fair skin, infatuated with your slender thighs, infatuated with your - Tsk! I want to possess you

You, I'm sorry for possessing you, please forgive me, this is all for love! '

Opening the note and looking at the shocking words on it, Luo Lin was so frightened that she almost sat down on the ground.

The note was unsigned. The person who stuffed it obviously didn't want to leave any information. Even the handwriting had been specially processed.

The camouflage makes it impossible to distinguish.

"Hey, Luo Lin, what's wrong with you?" Noticing Luo Lin's discomfort, the female classmates behind her all looked at her.

expressed concern.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

"No, I'm fine." Luo Lin stuffed the note into her pocket and said calmly.

Seeing Luo Lin's insistence, the others didn't say anything more, nodded and left.

Left alone in the dressing room, Luo Lin turned over the note again, looked at the persistent and even scary content on it, and swallowed slightly.

Do you want to tell the teacher? Forget it, it's not a big deal, it's probably just a prank by some junior students.

With this thought in mind, Luo Lin threw the note into the wastebasket and stopped paying attention to it.

But what happened after that became even more bizarre and scary.

Something was deliberately carved on Luo Lin's desk. It was a cute rabbit.

It looked very strange, its heart had been penetrated by a sharp knife, and its eyes were empty and lifeless, as if it was looking at someone.

This is not over yet. Several strange patterns have been painted on the soles of Luo Lin's indoor shoes with indelible pens. In addition, some of the clothes she left at school have been missing in recent days. Today it is a top, tomorrow it will be sports. pants

, the day after tomorrow it was a stocking, and later it became an internal object.

Luo Lin gradually realized that this might not be as simple as a prank, but after much hesitation, she still didn't

There will be generals

I told the teacher and didn’t even tell anyone around me.

She planned to use communication to make people who do these crazy things stop, so when she left school every day,

Put a note in your indoor shoes to persuade or even warn the other person to stop immediately, otherwise the matter will be reported.

handed it over to the school, but the result was

"Why, why why? ? It doesn't matter if you don't like me, Luo Lin, but I can't let you go in the future.

Being defiled by those maggots! Instead of this, it would be better for the person who defiled you to become me! Haha

how so? !

Looking at the feedback content on this note, Luo Lin trembled with fear.

She didn't know that somewhere she couldn't see, there was a figure watching her quietly.

She had never encountered anything like this before, and she had no idea how to deal with it, so she was distracted all the time.

Yeah, I feel like I'm in a trance no matter what I do.

Sensing the abnormality, Xiangxiang once asked Luo Lin what happened, but what she got was that she shook her head.


Until one evening when school was over, Luo Lin accidentally forgot something in the desk box and went back to pick it up, only to find that there was something there.

During this time when everyone left the school, there were still people in the classroom.

"Eh?" Luo Lin was a little surprised, but she didn't think much about it. Maybe the other party had forgotten something like herself.

I came to get it, but unexpectedly, after I entered the classroom, the door was slammed shut by the other party.

"Luo Lin," this female classmate who usually looks very inconspicuous has a mushroom head and empty eyes.

The hole looks like it is filled with deep void.

"Um, classmate?" Luo Lin took a step back uneasily. "Is there anything you need?"

"What do you like? Even if you look a little flustered but still strong and calm, I still like it~~" The girl held her face in her hands, showing her fanatical and paranoid expression.

"You, what are you talking about? ?"

"Luo Lin, please become mine~~Only when you completely become mine can I rest assured that you will not be contaminated by those dirty maggots! So, become mine!"

"What on earth are you talking about? This classmate, didn't you come back to get something because you forgot something?"

Luo Lin, sensing the danger, backed away step by step.

"This, classmate?" The girl's head tilted, her eyes filled with disappointment. "Luo Lin, don't you even remember my name?"

"It's really too much. I'm obviously talking about Luo Lin every day and every night.

He never missed any opportunity to observe Luo Lin's classmates. Even when he was sleeping, they were all Luo Lin's classmates.

Study, but in the end, classmate Luo Lin didn’t remember her name, haha!” The girl laughed crazily.

stand up.

"Um, classmate, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay! After this, Luo Lin will only be able to remember my name.

That's right, Luo Lin doesn't need to remember anything except my name!!" The female student showed her madness.

smile. "Luo Lin, you are completely mine."

"You, what the hell! Did you do those letters and those things? ?" Luo Lin asked nervously.

"Luo Lin, you are really outrageous. You actually throw other people's hard work into the wastebasket without mercy.

That’s what makes it interesting! It’s about starting like this and completely turning Luo Lin into my shape!” As she said that, the woman

The student took out an electric shock device and rushed towards Luo Lin.

"Yeah!" Luo Lin was so frightened that she hurriedly ducked aside.

"Help, help!" The classroom door was locked, and it was only at this moment that she remembered that she should yell.

Attract people to come over.

"Don't run, don't struggle, Luo Lin, I'm fully prepared for today."

Smiling, holding the electric shock device in his hand, he approached Luo Lin little by little.

"All the teachers and classmates have left, and I have locked the teacher's door from the outside. Today, Luo Lin can only belong to me~"

"You, don't make any more mistakes

"Keep on making mistakes? Luo Lin, please don't say strange things. Seeing Luo Lin with other women, or even men, will make me continue to make mistakes!"

At this moment, the door opened with a bang, and the female student's wrist was tightly covered.

"Uh-huh!" The female student felt so painful that the electric shock device in her hand hit the ground. She raised her eyes and looked at those emotionless blue eyes in surprise.

You are a pest that stays around Luo Lin, I will completely eliminate you today! Uh.

ah. "

After a moment of dizziness, the female student fell unconscious and knew nothing.


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