"Seeing the figure rushing in clearly, Luo Lin subconsciously said while covering the precarious school uniform on her body.

"Are you okay?" Bai Jin asked after knocking the female student unconscious.

Why are you here?"

"You're quite strange these days." Bai Jin said calmly. "So I paid more attention."

Be careful." Luo Lin wanted to say something else, but her tone suddenly changed and she pointed in front of Bai Jin in panic.

"?!" Bai Jin turned her head and met the female student who was rushing towards her with a ferocious look.

The previous strength seemed to be out of control, and the other party did not faint.

"It's you, it's you, it's you, it's you! You are the cockroach and pest that is lingering around Lady Luo Lin!

Come with me to hell!"

"Bai Hibiscus!"

In order to protect Luo Lin behind him, the electric shock device hit Bai Jin's abdomen. She let out a muffled groan, and then used her last strength to hit the female student's shoulder with the knife, causing the latter to completely faint.

"Bai Jin, are you okay? ?".

"Bai Jin curled up and fell softly into Luo Lin's arms.

Normally, this electric shock would not have caused her such embarrassment, but now the situation is no different than usual. Bai Jin has hidden wounds on her body from fighting the trolls a few days ago. She has been enduring these injuries, which has worsened. Although The female student was not very strong, but what hit her body was a real electric shock device, and her tense muscles were completely shocked.

The electric anesthesia subsided, and even my brain felt a little numb.

"Are you okay?" Luo Lin knew when she felt that Bai Jin's breathing was becoming more and more disordered, and even beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. The usually rigid face that had not changed for thousands of years finally showed a hint of fatigue and pain. The current situation of the other party is not optimistic.

"No, I'll be fine if I just rest for a while." With that said, Bai Jin struggled to get up. "Today's class is the same as usual, but it has to be postponed for a while. I might want to take some rest.

"Why are you always like this?" Luo Lin clenched her fists.

"I said, it's okay, let's go. Just as Bai Jin was about to say something, he was grabbed by his sleeves.

"It's okay, I said something was wrong!" Luo Lin's strength must be much greater than that of the extremely weak Bai Jin. Pulling her, Bai Jin couldn't use any force for a while.

"what you do?

"Don't tell anything, you damn facial paralyzed man, how much do you want to make people worry?" Luo Lin snorted, then pulled her, and Bai Jin fell into it. In Lorraine's arms.


"Bai Jin's mind was spinning. She was completely stunned by what happened in front of her. "Luo Lin, hurry up.

Let me go, men and women can't accept each other

"Really, how can I care about this kind of thing now?" Luo Lin's face was also red, but she gritted her teeth.

"Today, you must follow me to find the doctor!" It wasn't until Bai Jin threw herself into Luo Lin's arms that Luo Lin felt the original pain.

Lai Baijin's weight is so light, much lighter than she imagined. She doesn't weigh as much as a man at all, and she also exudes a pleasant body.

"No, Bai Jin covered her clothes as if she didn't feel safe.

"A grown man is still afraid that this young lady will molest you? ?" Luo Lin said with some annoyance. The men in this world who want to be molested by her range from the Human Federation to the Scarlet Blood Realm. I don't know what kind of strangeness this facially paralyzed man is. variety.

"Don't move, I'll ask Xiangxiang and the others to come and pick us up." Luo Lin said and dialed the phone. After a few minutes of communication to explain the situation, she saw Bai Jin swaying and trying to escape from her restraints.

"Okay, don't move. You are so big and yet you are so worried. Isn't it just to see a doctor? It seems so difficult that you are still afraid of injections? Now you are not even afraid of a five-year-old child, okay?" Lorraine muttered dissatisfiedly.


"If you feel uncomfortable, take off your clothes first. It's not cold today. Why are you wearing so many clothes?" As she said that, Luo Lin reached out to Bai Jin's collar button.

"Don't, don't!" Upon seeing this, Bai Jin, who was unconscious, suddenly woke up and hurriedly stopped Luo Lin who wanted to take off her clothes.

"Don't take it off, Bo Jin can't protect the collar and won't let it go no matter what.

"How old are you? You are so shy even though you are a grown man."

"Of course I, Bai Jin, can't let Luo Lin take off her clothes. This is related to her most important secret. Moreover, she made an appointment with Ji Yue. This secret cannot be known to anyone, especially outsiders.

"Cold? Is your body cold?" Luo Lin asked Bai Jin to lie in her arms for a while. She tested the temperature of her forehead with her hands, and then tested the temperature of Bai Jin. She didn't feel how big it was. abnormal.

"Cold, good

"Is it cold?" Seeing this, Luo Lin gritted her teeth, took off her uniform jacket, and covered Bai Jin's body.

"Humph, you're so lucky! How about it? Is it still cold?"

Better. "Bai Jin lifted the uniform to her chin with both hands, feeling Luo Lin's body fragrance on it, and her cheeks flushed a little more from the guilt caused by the lie.

"You are so weak and you still come to class with me. What should I say to you idiot?" Luo Lin held her forehead.

At this moment, a pleasant ringing sound rang.

"Hello? Does it smell good?"

"Miss, the car is ready. Please help Master Bai Jin out."

"Oh ok

Come on, idiot, we're going home. "

"Go home? Which home?" Bai Jin tilted her head in confusion. "Did you get the flame spear?"

"You are stupid, of course you have to go back to our house." Luo Lin put the clothes on Bai Jin and helped her down the stairs.

, at the school gate, you can see Xiang Xiang with worried eyes from a distance.

"Miss! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but that guy with facial paralysis is in trouble." Luo Lin's small mouth moved towards the weak Bai Jin.

"Mr. Bai Jin, please help me carry Mr. Bai Jin into the car." During this trip, Luo Lin's personal guard also came with her. The girl with a single ponytail was responsible for lifting Bai Jin's other hand as her When Bai Jin's arms were wrapped around his neck, he instantly felt a ray of fragrant wind.

She was still in a daze until Bai Jin was carried into the car.

Having been fighting for many years, she has a very clear understanding of the skeletal structure of ordinary people. Is this feeling really what a man should have?

The captain of the guard had another layer of speculation about Bai Jin's identity.

As if aware of the seriousness of the matter, the carriage driver sped up and the carriage soon returned to Feng Yaling's house.

""Where are you going to take me when I get here?"

"Quickly, prepare a stretcher so that Master Bai Jin can rest first and get up after a nap. We will arrange medical equipment for you."

"Medical, medical equipment?!" Bai Jin exclaimed. "Why prepare that? ?Wait, I'm not sick, I'm really not sick at all

"You are still saying these silly things. You went to the mountains to kill wolves a few days ago. It must be the injury left at that time, right? You actually said nothing and planned to carry it by yourself. I don't know that injuries become more and more difficult to deal with as time goes by. ?”

Lorraine snorted.

"Xiangxiang, have the medical staff you were asked to call just now called?"

"Already on the way. He's coming."

"Where is the patient?" An old man dressed in robes came over with a professional medical team, as if they could put on a BGM and perform a funeral on the spot. "It's Mr. Bai Jin."

"I, I really didn't

"Okay, kid, please stop talking. I can tell at a glance that you are sick, and you are very sick!" The old man narrowed his eyes. "Old man, I am the best doctor in Fengya Territory and the lord's royal consultant physician. I have been practicing medicine for decades.

, I can smell it with my nose whether you are sick or not. "


"Stop it, you should take good care of yourself. It doesn't matter if you are delayed for two days. I will follow you. That man is not such an unkind person. He will not even deny you sick leave."

"So what are you afraid of? If you are sick, you must treat it. Even if it is just a minor problem, it will lead to a serious illness. Stop trembling. A grown man is giving back to his mother-in-law." Luo Lin pursed her lips.

Do you need to take off your clothes for treatment?" Bai Jin asked weakly.

"Isn't that natural? My kid, how can I give you a comprehensive examination if you don't take off your clothes?"

"Do you want to take all of your clothes off?"

"It depends on the needs, but I suggest you do a comprehensive examination, so it is probably necessary. After all, we want to see which parts of your body are broken."

Bai Jin's eyes widened and she immediately showed resistance. "No, I don't want it, I don't want a check!

I didn't at all

"The patient is showing strong resistance, hold the patient down quickly!" the old man shouted.

"Doctor, the patient's strength suddenly became surprisingly strong. What happened?"

"The virus must have invaded the brain, causing the patient to fall into a state of madness! Quick, take out the paralysis needle and give her an injection!"

"You! Bai Jin was anxious, but everyone rushed up to him and held him down until he couldn't move.

Luo Lin held down her left arm, the guard captain grabbed her right hand, Xiangxiang pressed down directly and restrained her legs.

"Okay, the situation is urgent, surgical paralysis begins on the spot!

Did the surgical paralysis start before even checking? ?Is this doctor really reliable? ?

Just when the old man wearing a white mask and hat walked up to Bai Jin with a thin needle, a teasing voice came over.

"Hey, it's so lively, what are you doing~?" The blond girl wearing a pointed witch hat walked up to the crowd, glanced at Bai Jin, who was pressed by the crowd, and her smile became even stronger.

"Who are you?

"Eh? Second sister?" At this time, Luo Lin spoke up, with a hint of surprise in her voice. "Did you come back?

"Well, once things are done, I will naturally come back."

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