"Second sister, are you back?!" Luo Lin said in surprise when she saw the girl.

"Well, I'll be back soon after finishing things. Speaking of which, what are you doing?" The blond girl looked curiously at the people who seemed to be playing tricks. When her eyes moved to Bai Jin's face, she revealed He smiled meaningfully and gestured towards her.

Long time no see, blond lady knight.

"Second Miss, you're back." Xiangxiang wanted to salute the girl, but she was pressed against Bai Hibiscus and couldn't do it, so she could only nod slightly.

"Well, Xiangxiang, long time no see

This is your second sister? ?" Although I had already guessed that the two were related, I was still a little surprised to know that the relationship between Luo Lin and Luo Lin was actually that of sisters. The most important thing is that the personalities of the two sisters are very different. Luo Lin is a pure girl.

A pure and arrogant little girl, but her second sister is a slightly sinister and slutty witch.

Although they look quite similar, their personalities really don't look like sisters.

"What's wrong, do you know my second sister?" Luo Lin was stunned. From Bai Jin's tone, it seemed like this was not the first time the two of them had met.

Do these two people know each other?

"No, no" Bai Jin quickly denied it. For some reason, she always felt that it would be bad to have anything to do with this dark elf.

"Eh, are you so heartless?" The elf girl held her face in her hands, approached Bai Jin with a smile, and pretended to be sad. "It's too much. We had a very deep and intimate physical contact just a few days ago. It's so heartless. After a few days, we turned against each other and stopped recognizing each other~" As she said that, the elf girl licked her lips. It seemed that what was in front of him was a piece of delicious food.

"What are you talking about?"

"Dear, intimate contact! ?" Before Bai Jin could say anything, Luo Lin preempted her. The latter looked at Bai Jin with a gloomy face, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. She was smiling but not smiling. Looking at Bai Hibiscus. "It turns out that you went up the mountain not only to kill wolves, but also to hunt Po Yan, right?"

"What hunting for beauty? ."

"Keep pretending, keep pretending! You're such a sly man with a paralyzed face, you're actually attacking a girl without even looking at you!" As she said that, Luo Lin picked up her small fist and punched Bai Jin's chest. hammer.

"To make you so astringent, to make you so astringent! Old bastard, old bastard! You're a phony, you're a phony, now I've finally caught you! I must let that man remove you from your post and leave you without food. !”

"What on earth are you talking about? Stop it, stop it, stop it

"Ah?" The elf girl who was listening to the exchange between her sister and Bai Jin was slightly surprised, her eyes like those of a fox constantly wandering between Bai Jin and Luo Lin.

"It seems that a lot of things happened in the area after I left~~"

"Second Miss, Mr. Bai Jin is the tutor hired by the master for Third Miss.'

"Oh~ Tutor? What do you mean sir?" The elf girl looked at Bai Jin with a smile on her face.

Bai Jin's heart skipped a beat, secretly taking pills, and looked at the elf girl in panic with her beautiful eyes.

"Eh? Is my title wrong?" Xiangxiang tilted her head, wondering what the man should be called instead of sir.

"Oh, I mean Bai Jin is still young. Isn't it too old to call him sir? Well, should we change the title, for example, young master?" Seeing Bai Jin's pitiful eyes that were so close to begging, the elf girl suddenly felt A burst of excitement and enthusiasm rushed to his brain, and the desire to tease mixed with a little bit of sadism rose in his heart.

Okay, so cute. I really want to tease her.

"So your name is Bai Jin~Miss Knight?~~" The elf girl approached Bai Jin and blew hot air into her ear.

Bai Jin groaned and tightened her body.

"You are so stupid!" Seeing this, Luo Lin was so angry that she used her teeth and bit Bai Jin's arm hard, leaving a shallow white tooth mark on it.


"I see. When I came back just now, I heard that my father has hired a tutor for little Luo Lin. I am not sure what kind of tutor he is. If he is not qualified, he plans to use his own methods to force him out. "As she spoke, the elf girl's tone became a little more dangerous.

"Second Miss Eileen, Master Bai Jin is the tutor personally appointed by Lord Bran for the third young lady.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'm completely relieved now." As she said that, Irene poked Bai Jin's nose.

Is her name Erin?

As if noticing Bai Jin's gaze, Irene turned to Bai Jin and gave her a smiling expression.

"After all, it's my Darling who takes care of my sister, so I can feel completely at ease~"

"Da, darling?!" Luo Lin's mouth twitched a few times. "Second sister, what is your relationship with him?

"It doesn't matter, it's just, well, there was a physical~physical~ relationship~"

"Don't talk nonsense, blaming someone's innocence out of thin air. When will

"It's so heartless. Even though we only had skin-to-skin contact a few days ago, it's really too much to refuse to recognize someone even if they put on clothes.

"What is skin-to-skin contact? There is none." Bai Jin protested.

"That's too much. You've obviously slept on someone's lap, and yet they helped you take off your clothes. In the end, you can't even get a single status in exchange for your meticulous care?"

"That kind of thing, even if it is like this,

"Ah? ? Could it be that in Bai Jin's eyes, knees

Can the pillow only be regarded as "that's all?" It's really... I just had an intimate relationship with someone some time ago, and now I'm entangled with her sister, a playboy with a pineapple head! Irene shouted tenderly.

"Bai Jin was speechless. She was hit with a series of attacks by Irene. She couldn't change her mind and didn't know how to respond.

"Hehe, hehe." Luo Lin sneered at this. "Are you actually such a person? I really misjudged you.

"It's not like that at all." Bai Jin wanted to say something else, but suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen, and her face showed pain.

"Hey, you, what's wrong with you?"

"Oops, Mr. Bai Jin's illness can't be delayed any longer! Push him to the operating room quickly!" Xiangxiang shouted.

"Okay, the operation is urgent. Let's go with the professional team!" The old man was full of enthusiasm. He took out all kinds of terrifying surgical tools and swarmed up with his professional team.

"No!.You guys

"Ah? It turns out that you have been busy for so long just to treat his injuries." Irene glanced at Bai Hibiscus and it was clear at a glance.

"Yes, Mr. Bai Jin doesn't know why, but he seems to be very resistant to treatment. We had no choice but to resort to this tactic."

"Maybe I can help with this." Irene lowered the brim of her hat and waved it casually. The old man and his professional team rushed aside on the spot.

"Sorry, old sir, leave the treatment to me. You can go about your business."

"But two

"Don't worry, miss. It's great that the second miss is willing to help. Don't forget that the second miss is the top priest of the Sacrifice Academy. It will be no problem to leave it to her." Xiangxiang said.

"Yes~ And I think Mr. Bai Jin would prefer me to be his attending doctor, right?" Irene gestured towards Bai Jin, who understood and nodded quickly.

Although it is risky to give treatment to Irene, a dangerous and suspicious witch, it is better than having her identity exposed.

"Look~ Leave this place to me."

"Hmph, although this Luo Lin is still thinking about it, she can only put Bai Jin's safety first and leave the matter to Irene.

"Then, Mr. Bai Jin, lie down and don't move, otherwise it will hurt a little. Irene took out her wand and drew a few runes in the air. Bai Jin wanted to say something else, but his muscles suddenly relaxed. down.

Feeling that Bai Jin was no longer struggling, Luo Lin, Xiang Xiang and the guard captain who were holding Bai Jin down also breathed a sigh of relief and got up from her.

"Don't worry, everyone, just leave everything to me~ Let's go then, dear Mr. Bai Jin~?" With that, the witch hummed and pushed the stretcher away.

"Don't be nervous, relax, take it easy~ I won't eat you, right, Bai Jin, sir?" After pushing Bai Jin, who couldn't move, to the medical hospital, Irene poked Bai Jin's little nose. A playful way

"I thought Miss Knight Ji was so stupid. What, didn't this keep everyone in the dark?

Right, Mr. Bai Jin, the tutor?" Seeing that Bai Jin didn't speak, Aileen continued to tease Bai Jin.

Bai Jin turned her head away silently, not wanting to pay attention to this witch.

"Speaking of which, we are really destined. After our encounter that day, I thought I would never have the chance to see you again. I didn't expect that we met again just a few days ago. It seems to be God's arrangement."

"Hey, Miss Bai Jin, Miss Bai Jin? Miss Knight Ji? Pure white, innocent, kind and lovely Miss Knight Ji?" Seeing that Bai Jin didn't want to pay attention to her, Irene continued to call and called in different ways.

What happened. "Bai Jin was a little afraid that the witch's call would attract irrelevant people, so she had no choice but to respond.

"Oh, you answered it. I thought you would keep pretending that you don't know me." Eileen clapped her hands happily like a child.

"Hey, Miss Knight, I helped you hide your identity, how can you thank me?" As she said that, Irene began to adjust the equipment and her wand.


"Is this just a thank you?" Irene's face suddenly moved closer to Bai Jin. "Miss Knight Ji, you should know what I want, right~?"

"Guh, I don't know."

"I don't know~ Then, do you need me to let you know?".

what you up to? ?"

"No matter what I do to you, Miss Bai Jin can't resist? After all, in everyone's eyes, you are a male, so it will be useless even if you scream at the top of your voice today."

Puchi, don’t be so nervous, you’re just kidding~”

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