Blood Princess and the Knight

75~The beginning or the end

"Huh?" It was like waking up from a dream, and when I woke up, I saw a strange ceiling.

Bai Jin moved his fingers and found that he had regained his ability to move.

"Ah, Sir Bai Jin, have you woken up? How do you feel?" Seeing that Bai Jin had woken up, Xiangxiang, who was serving at the side, immediately approached her and asked her about her physical condition with concern.

fine. "Bai Jin moved her body a little, and waved her arms as white as lotus roots to confirm that she could move flexibly and freely. Her limbs, body, and neck all moved a little, and there was no feeling of soreness. After making sure that her body was restored to its original state, Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's okay~ But you can't do strenuous exercise these days. Miss Irene said that although all your injuries have been repaired, you are still in the recovery stage and will need to be repaired for a month."

"A month? Okay, I understand, eh, wait, what are you doing?"

"Let me change your clothes." Xiangxiang said matter-of-factly, and then continued to unbutton Bai Jin's jacket without any intention of stopping.

"Wait, wait a minute! I can handle this kind of thing. If men and women can't accept it, Bai Jin quickly wants to stop it.

"It's not clear what is given and what is received? Hey, what are you talking about? Where is the problem of unclear giving and receiving? Don't you think so, Miss Bai Jin~?" Xiangxiang also deliberately threw a little devil at Bai Jin. ordinary eyes

Bai Dong was stunned for a moment, and then as if he realized something, his eyes slowly moved down, and then he realized

His original clothes had disappeared, and instead he was wearing a set of white hospital gowns, and the fabric that he used to wrap his chest had also been removed as expected.

"Is this Miss Bai Jin looking for? ~" Xiangxiang pointed to the bandages on the bedside table and looked at Bai Jin with a smile. "I'm afraid that these things will affect your wounds or sleep quality, so I have already removed them."

"Ah ah ah!" Bai Jin was stunned for five seconds before she reacted. She hurriedly covered her chest and her cheeks were flushed.

"Don't, don't look at me, don't look at me!

"They are all girls, what is Miss Bai Jin so shy about?" Xiang Xiang couldn't understand. She was much older than Bai Jin thought. Whether she was taking care of Bai Jin or Luo Lin, she had a kind of care. It's normal for little girls to change their clothes or something like that if they don't understand. "

Bai Jin didn't speak, and looked out the window with dull eyes, as if her heart was dead and all thoughts were lost.

"Actually, Miss Bai Jin, I already know your true gender." Xiangxiang sighed. "You don't have to be disappointed by this. You know, we are not human beings, so we can still distinguish the scent of male and female. You are really good at disguising it, but it is in vain for us."

Does the lord know?"

"Well, I think the lord recognized you the first time he saw you, so he asked you to teach Miss Luo Lin."

"Miss Luo Lin also knows?

"No, Miss Luo Lin's recognition of scent is not yet mature. She didn't recognize it, but now...

Miss Xu Aileen has told her the truth. "As soon as he finished speaking, a figure walked into the room.

Bai Jin looked up, and those eyes were looking at her with complicated emotions at this moment.

"You've lied to me for a long time."

Bai Jin didn't speak. She didn't dare to look into Luo Lin's eyes. She sat on the bed and covered her hands in vain.

Her breasts could not be covered, and she felt like a clown being watched.

"You idiot!" Luo Lin clenched her fists and shouted towards Bai Jin. "- - Why have you been hiding your identity? ?Are you worried about us, afraid that I will leak your identity? Or do you think that our Fushiya family are a group of despicable people who can't keep their word and can't communicate? "

"I still trust you so much, why don't you even give us any trust?"

not like this. "

"What if it's not like this?" Luo Lin gritted her teeth and said.

"Miss, please be more sensible. Miss Bai Jin also has her own difficulties, and

"The reason, what the reason is, isn't it because she doesn't trust our family and thinks that our family is a bunch of bad guys and wants to eat her!" Luo Lin snorted coldly.

Bai Jin didn't know what to say at this moment. Her mind was in a mess. She was obviously trying to keep her promise, but she deceived more people who shouldn't have been deceived. She felt that what she did was right, but she felt wrong. .

"Since you don't trust our family so much, why don't you just leave? I'll tell that man and let you go back to the Flame Spear Leader and continue to be your young master." You don't have to worry about us making your identity public. , we are not that kind of villain!" With that, Luo Lin ran out of the room.


I'm sorry, Miss Bai Jin, my lady is angry right now, and she will inevitably say something irrational.

If so, please don’t take it to heart. "

Bai Jin said nothing, neither nodded nor shook his head.

Her injury recovered quickly, but she was not arranged to continue teaching Luo Lin.

A month later, she came to Lord Bran's office at his invitation.

"Thank you, Master Bai Jin." Lord Bran is still so amiable. "That child Luo Lin has been unwilling to communicate with the outside world for a long time. Now at least she is finally willing to take the most crucial step and go to school. Her grades have also been unanimously praised by the teachers. She was even elected as the class president recently. Below The students were surprisingly unanimous in their approval

, it seems that they get along well with Luo Lin. "

"I just did some trivial work, it's not worth mentioning." Bai Jin's indifferent face was a little restrained.

"Is your injury almost healed? Haha, you don't need to worry about Luo Lin's child anymore. This matter is considered to have completed the commission. I said that I will give you a corresponding reward, plus you have been The commission has been completed. I now need to congratulate you. You are now an official knight recognized by the Temple. Knighthood Order

You don’t need to worry about getting your graduation certificate. These are all things that come naturally. You don’t even need to pass the exam to get it. With that said, Lord Bran clapped his hands, and a maid handed over a chopping board containing knighthood medals and certificates of honor. Arriving in front of Bai Jin.

"Congratulations, you have become the youngest person in the history of the Knight Academy. This is the special privilege you deserve.

Rong, I think your behavior is fully worthy of this medal. Please accept it.

Thank you Lord. "Taking the chopping board, there was no emotion like joy on Bai Jin's face, but she turned her gaze to Lord Bran. "Mr. Lord, can I join your knights now?"

"Of course, this is what we agreed on, isn't it?"

"If possible, I would like to ask the lord to take special care of me."

"Oh? What do you mean by special care?"

"Send me to a more dangerous area to carry out missions. Please don't let me soak to death in warm water."

"Is this what you call special care?" Bran pondered. "But Mr. Bai Jin, don't forget your identity.

"You are the hostage entrusted to me by the Flame Spear Family. If something happens to you, we will not be able to explain to the Flame Spear Family, let alone the world."

"This is my Lord Faith as a knight, please don't stop me."

Well, if you really want to go to the dangerous zone, you can, but I have a condition. "

"What conditions?"

"You have to take Eileen, my second daughter, and let her follow you so that I can rest assured." Bran sighed

I feel that when the time comes, it will not be your daughter who protects me, but me who will protect her.

"Haha, don't underestimate Irene. That girl is so subtle that even I can't figure out her strength."

"Okay, this matter is settled. If Master Bai Jin really wants to go to the dangerous zone, then take Irene with you. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss this matter."

"Okay, I understand." Bai Jin compromised.

"Young man, you are really full of blood." For some reason, looking at Bai Jin's appearance makes Bran very friendly. It always reminds her of his late wife. This is why he trusts Bai Jin so much. Maybe There is such a relationship in it.

After this incident, Bai Jin joined the Knights of the Wind Arrow Leader. In the next two years, she fought in all directions and became a knight renowned throughout the Human Federation. People called her the 'Holy and Immaculate Knight Lady', prompting her to ascend the throne. The first step towards becoming the King of Knights.

"Is that guy gone?"

"Yes, she applied to join the Knights of Lord Bran. From now on, she may rarely see the young lady again." Xiangxiang shook her head.

Bran's move was also selfish. He discovered that his daughter's feelings for Bai Jin were not in the right momentum, and it seemed to be gradually developing in the direction of love.

It would be okay if Bai Jin is not a member of the Flame Spear Leader. Bran will not stop his daughter from free love. As long as the person is good, then adult beauty is not a problem. But the problem is that Bai Jin is not only a Flame Spear leader. On the surface, the young master is Ji Yue's fiancée.

What kind of thing is my daughter falling in love with a girl who has an unmarried partner? ? What will happen if Luo Lin can't get rid of her in the future, and she doesn't marry Bai Jin? ? In that case, she will only suffer from longing for her whole life without getting anything. happiness.

For the sake of his daughter's future, Bran could only forcibly prevent Bai Jin from contacting Luo Lin.

However, what he doesn't know is that the root of longing has been planted, and can it be changed overnight?

As time goes by, the root of this longing will only grow stronger and stronger, and finally reach an uncontrollable point, and these are all things for another time.

Before that, Bai Jin had never imagined what kind of impact her short career as a teacher would have on herself. She only realized it when it affected her in future generations.

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