Blood Princess and the Knight

76~Blood Prince, Lizi

The long sword cut open the body of the last troll soldier, signaling the end of the knight's battle.

As always, local conflicts in small areas, the knights led by Feng Ya faced off against the troll army, and finally won a complete victory.

"It's okay, citizen." The knights rescued the surrounded villagers, together with their families.

"Thank you for your help, Sir Knight! However, our food has been plundered by these trolls. If nothing unexpected happens, we may not be able to survive this winter."

"Nothing, no need to worry. Our deputy captain has recovered the looted food for you, so you can rest assured." The knight waved his hand to signal the villagers not to panic.

"Thank you, thank you so much! Your flag looks familiar. Which knighthood are you members of?"

"In the name of the Holy Lord, we are members of the Radiant Knights."

"Oh, so you are the Radiant Knights?? I have met your leader!"

"Oh? Really." The knight laughed dumbly. "Are you admitting it wrong? The leader of my family is very beautiful, and he usually has many things to do and is very busy."

"That's right! About a year ago, that blond Knight Ji flashed in front of me." "Oh, that's it. It's normal. After all, our regiment was first established at that time, and the regiment leader was running around to recruit members. Woolen cloth."

"So that's it. By the way, I heard that there have been big moves on the border recently. It seems to be related to the vampires. Mr. Knight, what do you think of this?"

"Sorry citizen, it involves confidential questions, I am not authorized to answer." The knight immediately put on a serious face. "Oh, sorry, sorry, I just mentioned it casually, haha..."


The Radiant Knights are located in the War Room of Wind Arrow Leader.

The people sitting here are all the key members of the Radiant Knights. Since its establishment, the number of seats here has been continuously increased, absorbing like-minded knights, and gradually grown to the scale it is today.

The blond knight at the head looked at the map spread out on the table with a solemn expression. "Army, how far is it from the border town?"

"It's less than a hundred miles away, Miss Leader." One of the members pointed at the bright red rose on the map. "Are the vampires going to start an undeclared war? No, those vampires shouldn't do such a low-profile thing, but why?"

"There is no undeclared war. Look, didn't they inform us before they came that they wanted to take a break? This probably doesn't count."

"But, you see, the location where they borrowed the passage is very close to the arsenal, not even a thousand meters away. It's like walking right in front of each other. How can this work? How can we trust these vampires? Moreover, it is said that they came here He is also a member of the vampire royal family, he seems to be a prince, so how can they let them pass easily?"

"My opinion is, wait and see for the time being. After all, the vampires probably don't have the time to attack us. Their target is probably the troll tribe entrenched behind them, which has nothing to do with us."

"How do you know it doesn't matter? What if they just want to use a feint to attack the east? The arsenal is of great importance. There are several unfinished Holy Light Cannons in it. Who will be responsible if anything happens?"

"Then what can we do? Are you going to deal with the vampires? Not to mention the strength of our new knights, what if there are a few more brother knights? He is a blood prince, no joke! Just crush us. It’s like crushing ants!”

"Are you starting to be cowardly even before the war begins? Raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while. If you don't regard defending your homeland as your own responsibility, why do you want to be a knight??"

"It's not that we are timid, it's that we shouldn't fight. This is an unnecessary fight!"

"Captain, what do you think?" The voices below became a quarrel. Different opinions were incompatible with each other. The rational people invariably turned to Bai Jin, who was in deep thought.

"We must go and take a look. It is the latest weapon developed by the temple. It is related to military secrets. We can't just sit idly by." Bai Jin pondered for a moment and said.

Her words were the final word, and there was no movement in the whole place, except that everyone looked at each other in silence. "If you have any other opinions, you can express them. It's just a discussion, not my words." "Leader, the question is, who will lead the team?"

"Of course it's me." Bai Hua said matter-of-factly. ""Everyone was greeted with silence again.

"What's wrong? Everyone stopped talking."

"Captain, I heard that you will be going home to get married in a week." "Yes, let us go alone this time."

"The deputy captain, Your Excellency Eileen, hasn't come back yet. I think this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term. Don't make a conclusion so early. How about I wait?"

The members of the group were surprisingly unanimous on this matter and did not want Bai Jin to directly participate in this dispute.

"You guys, who heard you say that?"

Miss Erin, deputy leader. "

"And Miss Irene also said that you and your lover have been separated for many years due to some reasons. Next time

Sunday happens to be the time when you can go home to see your long-awaited lover. If something goes wrong at this juncture,

That nosy guy. "Bai Jin rubbed his head, and Irene's ancient spirit appeared in her mind.

Weird looking.

"Otherwise, Captain, you'd better go back. It's enough for us to handle this matter ourselves. If we really can't inform you,

Other brother groups should be fine. "

"Yes, the vampires don't necessarily want to fight us. Are you going?

It's not a big problem. "

"I am the regiment leader. If the regiment leader cannot take the lead, I might as well not be the regiment leader." Bai Jin's

Her attitude is very determined and no one can stop her determination.

"On the other hand, you each have your own parents, brothers and sisters. If it's not allowed this time, you might as well not go."

Bai Jin stood up and said. "Even if it's just me, I have to go."

"This is the duty of a knight."

"But, the Head's Pavilion

"There is no but, whether it's business or private, I have to go."

"Your Excellency, Captain, what should you do with your lover? We can finally meet again after being apart for so long. Do you want to

Is she sad?"

"It's precisely because of her that I absolutely want to go." Bai Jin raised her head high. "I don't know anything else, but I'm sure

, if she were here, she would definitely agree and acquiesce to me. If it were her, she would definitely do the same. "

"Help and dedication are what she taught me when we first met. I will always remember them."

So if I take a step back from this today, she will definitely look down on me!" Bai Jin said righteously.

"Do you still remember the slogan of the Radiant Knights?"

"In the face of a powerful enemy, be fearless, loyal and honorable, and worthy of justice!"

The wind on the battlefield was howling.

The vampire army is as domineering as ever, and they will not interfere with the intentions of the armed forces blocking their way.

He Wei will not try to get them to give up blocking him.

Whenever something blocks the road, it can be removed by force. Even if it causes diplomatic disputes, there is no need to harm them.

Afraid, as the most powerful country in the mainland, the Blood Clan has never been afraid of diplomatic disputes.

Naturally, the Radiant Knights, who blocked the way and planned to negotiate with the vampires, had not had time to talk to the representatives of the vampires.

As soon as he spoke, he was drowned by the overwhelming curse.

After all, humans have no effective way to deal with the curse, and they bombard them indiscriminately before even getting close to the vampires.

Then they were defeated.

"Why didn't you wait for me to deal with such a thing? ~" At the critical moment, there was a helpless voice

The sound reached Bai Jin's ears.

“Irene? ?

"You're as anxious as ever, Miss Head, even though you've been the leader for so long, you're still so immature, really.

He is an absolute fool. "After the words fell, a barrier of blessing shone up.

"Eileen, where are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm probably thousands of miles away from here now, but I can still help you with your magic resistance.

Arrived, okay, fortunately this vampire army is not elite, the spell is not too violent, and they are all low-level demons.

Curse, otherwise it would be useless even if I appeared. "Irene added.


Dan promised me that if he can't be beaten, he must escape. Do you understand? Don't forget that you owe me a life. I didn't agree.

Xu Qian, you can't die like this. "Irene's voice had a hint of resentment and worry.

"Brothers! Protect your home and country today!"

"Stop these blood-sucking beasts!"

The knights who were crazy about sacrificing their comrades roared. They didn't care about any negotiation if the other party made the first move.

Or not, just start the fight, rely on the magic barrier covering your body, and rush forward despite the magic spell.

The bravery of the knights inspired their comrades, and a group of warriors who were not afraid of life and death formed the Tao Steel with their flesh and blood.

The defense line stubbornly intercepted these immortal monsters.

"Interesting~~" In the camp, members of the royal family who learned that their troops had been obstructed finally showed up.

As soon as it appeared in the sky there was a loud noise.

Bai Jin, who summoned the radiance to charge and kill the enemy, was chosen as the target by the black light and hit.

"Your Majesty the Captain!"

"Hmm! Bai Jin couldn't change her posture in the air, and was hit into the wall by the beam. Fortunately, the Radiant Helmet

The body armor did not cause fatal damage to her.

When she came out of the hole she had fallen into, a joking voice sounded.

"Interesting~Human, you are not dead?~"

Bai Jin raised her head with difficulty and saw the petite white figure above her.

"Rias? ?" Bai Jin exclaimed, but after taking a closer look, she found something slightly different.

"Lilias? Ah, you made a mistake. I'm not my stupid sister~" The vampire girl in the air flipped her long silver hair.

"My name is Liliko Ratsambo.

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