Blood Princess and the Knight

77~The end of the world line

"My name is Liliko Rasambo, the eldest sister of the Scarlet Queen Lilias, and the prince of the blood clan." In the sky,

The vampire royal named Liliko looked down at the white hibiscus in a playful manner, holding up a long skirt woven with black and blood webs, and walked towards the white hibiscus.

An elegant noble lady ceremony.


"Human, the reason why I tell you my name is just because I think you are special." Liliko

Sharp fangs emerged. "Compared to those ants, you are special, that's all."

Below is the leader of the Radiant Knights, Bai Jin. "Bai Jin held the sword in her hand tightly and looked at it cautiously.

The vampire prince in the air gave her tremendous pressure.

"Your Majesty is a blood prince, why do you invade the territory of the Human Federation without declaring war?

"I won't do such out-of-style things, and you humans are not qualified to let me go without saying anything.

war. "Liriko said contemptuously.

"Then why did your army appear here? This is not a disputed area. If you do this, you will inevitably

Triggering diplomatic disputes broke the peaceful status quo on the mainland. "

"Human, are you teaching me how to do something?" Liliko narrowed her eyes. "I never hesitate to give my orders

If you don’t give me an explanation, let alone you group of ants, if you dare to stand in the way of my army, you will only die!”

"For the sake of your specialness, human being, I will give you a glorious funeral." Liliko Rouruo

The small boneless hands gathered a ball of magical energy, blended it, transformed it, and then released it.

[Dark Night Baptism]

The bat colony that blocks out the sky is like a dark cloud, submerging the white hibiscus like a flood.

"The bats attached themselves to the white hibiscus and kept attacking and biting Tianhui, making a thumping sound.

"Are you aware of your own fragility, human being? There is nothing you can do if you try a little trick, become my nourishment, and then

Let’s reflect and repent in the endless abyss. "Liriko looked at Bai Jin who was being tortured by the bat, as if

Teasing a target worthy of her teasing and teasing.

"Captain, Commander! What's wrong with you, Commander, are you okay?"

"Rescue the captain quickly!" Seeing that Bai Jin was in danger, the Radiant Knights hurriedly tried to help save her.

However, he was surrounded by the vampire army. Both in terms of quality and quantity, he was far inferior to the opponent. There was no way to save Bai.

Hibiscus's spare time.

"Wait, you don't want to die?!"

"The leader must be rescued. She still has a lover waiting for her!"

"I understand the truth, but how can I break out in this situation? ?"

"Tsk, it's really noisy." Liliko rubbed her ears and looked impatiently at the chatter below.

human knight.

"I have to let you be quiet for a while." Liliko kneaded out two balls of magic spells and put them together, like ink -

Generally, it is painted by dipping it in the air.

Several lightning storms appeared out of thin air and swept over.

Upon seeing this, the vampire soldiers hurriedly evacuated. These lightning storms, which did not recognize friendly forces at all, were everywhere they passed.

Ashes didn't even spare his own people. Several of them were swept away by the vampire soldiers before they had time to escape.

Exploded into powder.

"You, do you really not even care about your own soldiers?"

"Ah? You're not dead yet." Liliko glanced at her and said sarcastically. "Not bad. Just talking about vitality.

It is indeed much stronger than ordinary humans.

"That's it." Liliko clapped her hands, and the bat colony surrounding the white hibiscus exploded at the same time.

It turned into a cloaked god of death in the air.

[Virtual Image of Wushen]

Knowing that he could not escape, Bai Jin could only stand with his sword in hand, looking at the building as tall as a building.

The god of death chopped down the giant scythe.

Faced with this attack that she was unable to counterattack, she used what she had learned throughout her life.

[Wrath of the Watcher]

If a toothpick-sized sword collided with a huge scythe, Tianhui would also make a cracking sound at this moment.

Sure enough, it ended with Ji Yue.

Radiant energy is about to run out, which also indicates that the armor is about to break.

But at this critical moment, a mysterious and illusory voice sounded in front of his ears.

"Hey, wait a minute, Master Shenglun, it's not like this, it's not like this." The delicate voice was -

Silly and lazy

What "Bai Jin-shi" thought she was hallucinating, until she opened her eyes again and saw Zhou

Encountered a vast expanse of white, and the majestic and boundless throne.

The surrounding scenes gradually became clear between blurs.

Bai Jin saw the surroundings clearly. It was a white stone temple with a fountain garden, but the inside of this temple

The decoration is very evil.

The decorations on both sides of the door are not crosses or knights, but green-faced and fanged gargoyles.

Various weapons are suspended above the fountains on both sides, - black on one side, white on the other. Apart from the decorations here

The decoration style is really as mysterious as a temple in mythology.

"You're so ugly in the fight. We thought you could at least

After supporting for a period of time, you may be able to fight Chestnut by five

Five or something, I didn't expect it to hit the street so quickly. "The white-haired girl sitting on the highest throne is wearing a dark and elegant dress.

Rong's long skirt and crossed legs, revealing the black silk and high-heeled leather boots that bound her feet. A pair of scarlet eyes were like overflowing fresh eyes.


"Sure enough, without inheritance, the combat effectiveness is probably only a little bit higher than that of humans.

"How about it?" The girl on the throne was talking to herself, completely ignoring the confused Bai Jin below.

"Wait, wait, are you? Rias?" The girl's appearance instantly reminded Bai Jin of the girl she had met before.

The vampire queen.

They are so similar that you can't tell any difference at a glance.

"Ah? Don't just call a vampire Lilias when you catch it, okay?" The girl on the throne was annoyed.

road. "We are not that idiot Lilias."

"Then, are you a vampire too?"

"That's right, that's not the case either." The girl smiled and gave an ambiguous answer. "You can call us

He is a vampire, you can also call me, the god of Baland. "

"Lord God? Bai Jin became alert instantly.

"Let's see, what are you thinking? Are vampires actually starting to pretend to be the gods of the world? You

That's what you think, right?" The girl told Bai Jin's thoughts in an understatement, which made the latter suddenly widen his eyes.


"It's really strange. Don't we act like a god? Why don't we act like a god? Why are there so many

People will doubt the authenticity of my identity when they see me?" The girl said with some resentment.

"Are you really the god of Baland? ?"

"Forget it if it's fake. You probably don't believe it even if I say it. After all, a vampire can become a god or something."

, if it were the us from before, we wouldn’t complain, I almost forgot, you are the us from before, oh no, it should be

It’s said to be us in another parallel line. "The girl looked at Bai Jin and said with a smile.

"What? Bai Jin was confused by the girl's rhetoric. What does it mean that she is the same person as before? ?What?

Another parallel? ?What nonsense is she talking about? ?

"Okay, don't be so wary of us. You are wary of us just because of our identity as a vampire.

It’s too unfair. After all, if we didn’t make some changes and manipulations in this world line, it stands to reason

In the future, you will become a vampire, just like us. "

"What on earth are you talking about?

"Sometimes, many racial wars are started because the two sides cannot understand each other. After all, everyone

Every race has its own set of values. Human beings cannot understand the vampire race just as the vampire race cannot understand humans.

In this way, at this time, you only need to change your identity, and it will become easier to think about the problem. I digress.

The silver-haired girl blinked her eyes cutely and tapped her little brain.

"You can't just die like this. If you die like this, this world line will be in vain.


"So what have you been talking to yourself from the beginning? ?" Bai Jin felt that her own IQ was no longer enough.

It is necessary to keep up with this girl who talks about the train.

"You don't need to know, you just don't understand anyway." The silver-haired girl did not give her any explanation.

"Anyway, you won't die in a place like this. You probably don't want to die in a place like this, right? Bi Jing

There are still people who need you in this world, right?".

"Bai Jin remained silent for a long time before speaking silently. "You are a vampire?

"Ah, okay, okay, what's wrong with us being vampires? Do all vampires deserve to die? Do you know?

If this world loses the important and strongest fighting force of the vampire clan, it will collapse directly, don’t you understand? ?”

"The trolls in the north, as well as the large and small demons in the extreme south, all the warlike races are afraid of the vampires.

Don't dare to launch an invasion rashly. If there is no vampire clan, humans will definitely be involved in disputes even if they have the protection of elves.

, why can’t you even understand such a simple question? ?You are such a stupid person. "The silver-haired girl has some

He said with a headache.

She now somewhat understands why so many people were speechless towards her in the past. Sheng Lun's dull head has

It does make people feel like their blood pressure is rising.

"I don't understand the logic of this idiot like you. I suggest you try it again with a new head." The girl said angrily.

"Change your head?

How to change. "

Forget it, I'm such a fool for trying to explain to you what's going on. Let's just talk.

Is it much more inconvenient to pour it into your brain?" The silver-haired girl gave up explaining and changed her sitting position on the throne.

He hummed.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Jin felt Naoren'er faint, as if something was trying to pry open her head.

, and then pour a hot stream of heat into it.

Parallel, world, Shenglun family, bloodline awakening, swords, etc., what are these? ?

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