Parallel World Saint Theory, Sword Saint, Bloodline Awakening, First Embrace, Emperor Gulan, what are these things?!

Bai Jin covered her head. The huge amount of information washed away her brain like a flood that burst a dam. Memories that conflicted with the original memories kept pouring into her mind, almost driving her crazy.

What is going on with these, these strange yet incongruous memories? Even though I have never experienced them, I still feel the same way. Why, why does this happen? ?

"Stop, stop! You tempting vampire, stop your magic. I will not give in to you!"

"Hey, hey." The silver-haired girl sighed and put her chin in her hand. "How can there be such stupid people in this world? Doesn't your head have any other use besides being beautiful? Please use it to think about problems."

"Here, these extra false memories, get out of here!" Bai Jin's consciousness was firm, even if she had already started

I can't tell which part is the original memory and which part is the extra memory, or the yelling and fighting.

"Don't be ungrateful. It's definitely not possible for you to defeat a royal-level vampire. At this stage, you can only

It is only possible to instill all the knowledge of Shenglun swordsmanship into you along with the memory. "The white-haired girl said angrily.

"This is the precious memory we once had. It was obtained through the killing of blood and fire. Don't give it away in vain. You still have it."

It’s so weird here, you’re really getting an advantage and still behaving well!”

Bai Jin could no longer hear the white-haired girl's words. Her head hurt so much that she almost forgot to breathe.

Still resisting the entry of these memories into his brain, he kept rolling on the ground, fighting for the ground with his head.

"What are you doing, Sheng Lun's headbutt?" Seeing this, the silver-haired girl chuckled. Not forgetting to tease Bai Jin. "

Be gentle, although our territory is not afraid of being destroyed, we have always wanted to set up a research topic, Sheng Lun’s brain

Which is harder, a bag or a brick?'

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, Bai Jin grabbed her head and rolled on the ground. She waited until the pain disappeared and her consciousness gradually came back.

By this time, the whole body was soaked with sweat.

"What kind of strange memories are these? Have you instilled them into me? Are these memories that should not belong to me at all?"

"Bai Jin murmured something to herself, but soon she fell silent.

She noticed that the experience of the knight king named Ji Bai in her memory was surprisingly similar to hers, even to the point of

The whole half of her life overlapped completely, which made her feel like she couldn't tell the difference between you and me.

Recalling the memories, she always felt like she was him.

"It's not a fake memory, what are you excited about here?" The silver-haired girl raised her eyebrows. "As long as it's not a fake memory, it won't harm you. This is our original memory."

"After reviewing this somewhat lengthy memory, Bai Jin looked at the silver-haired girl with a complicated expression.

"Humph, now you understand, we can be said to be you in another parallel world, but the route is different.

In the same way, the people I met were also different, leading to completely different results now. "The silver-haired girl crossed her legs and tasted

Red wine in a goblet.

"Me? Me in another time and space?" This sounds incredible, but Bai Jin has to believe it, because

The fact happened before her eyes. This vampire girl knew what she was thinking with just a wink.

Just by looking at yourself, you can force memories that are not yours into your brain.

This is an existence that is absolutely incomprehensible with one's own knowledge, and this is indeed the case.

Later, the whole process of this girl becoming a god was recorded.

This memory was not modified by the silver-haired girl, but part of it was deleted. Of course, that is

That part of black history.

"I am a vampire in another world?" Bai Jin still couldn't believe it.

"What happened to the vampires?" the silver-haired girl said impatiently.

"Humans are Baland creatures, aren't vampires? They were born earlier than humans and established countries earlier.

As for home, why can humans live in this land but not vampires? ? It’s really human-like

"Elf, wait, the elves, they want to destroy the human federation?!" Bai Jin quickly captured the information in his mind.

An important element was captured.

"Oh, don't worry about this. This is the memory of our world, which is a little different from yours.

, after all, without Ke'er, the source of all evil, with neither the Evening Star nor the Ancestral God Cult, naturally the spirit of my world

The spirits are a little different from the elves in your world. At least at this stage, they are quite honest. "The silver-haired girl waved.


"In this way, Bai Jin is a little disappointed. Sometimes the happiest thing is to keep the status quo of not knowing anything.

After all, once you know some things, it will make you even more uncomfortable.

"Sheng Lun, Gu Lan, and Shen Luo Bai Jin were a little confused. "It turns out that Ji Yue saved me not because of meeting

Are you trying to save people who need help, but because of your bloodline, do you have to save them?"

"There is such a reason." The silver-haired girl replied, then paused. "But more reasons come from you, this

Well, you need to understand it yourself. "


"Let's take a look at how we get along with her." The silver-haired girl pouted. "Don't doubt your feelings for her

, and don’t doubt her feelings for you, that’s it. "

"Okay, we have chatted long enough, so Miss Bai Jin, oh by the way, the one you are fighting with is still our aunt, so don't fight too much~" The silver-haired girl smiled brightly, Snapped his fingers

, and then the picture in front of Bai Jin's eyes began to become illusory.

When she raised her eyes again, she found that Liliko's tight cheeks were already close at hand.

"Eh?!" Bai Jin finally realized that he was now riding on Liliko's body, pressing the latter with his hand.

both wrists, while the other hand is supporting the opponent

"Humans." Lily Zi looked at Bai Jin with a smile. "Okay, you are really capable!"

"Ah?!" Bai Jin was so frightened that she immediately let go of Liliko. This was the scene when she woke up. How could she have known first?

What happened to Ririko before? "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to

"Don't say anything," Lilizi's face was so gloomy that she could drip water. "You're really brave."

I came here to give you a happy death, but now, I have changed my mind. "

"I won't let you die so easily. I will tie you up, cut off your limbs, and feed you into my own.

Exclusive blood slave!" Liliko was completely angry.

The humiliation of being pressed down on Bai Jin made her feel ashamed. Instead, she slowly climbed up.

Rising irritation.

Just now, this hateful human cow pressed him down. Forget it, it was still in front of him.

Keep showing off that dirty trick

Okay! How dare you humiliate me like this, I will let you, the cow, never see the light of day again!

Liliko summoned a magic spell and furiously attacked Bai Jin. However, at this moment, Bai Jin, who had gained Bai Ji's memory, had

Ran learned most of the Shenglun sword skills, knew their usage, and inherited the proficiency level.

After only a brief moment of panic, she regained her composure and posed.

Of course, I have only learned most of it, not all of it. In the eyes of those who are top-notch in Shenglun swordsmanship, it is inevitable that they are a bit too petty.

"Bai Ji's swordsmanship is amazing." In the temple, a small "Bai Ji" was holding popcorn and watching the picture shown in the big mirror with a blank expression.

"Snapped! "

"Ouch." The trumpet Bai Ji expressionlessly covered her head and looked at the person who photographed her with a slightly aggrieved look.

"Children can't be rude. It's not okay to call their mother by her first name."

"Oh, my mother is very good at swordsmanship.


"Why was Lilina still beaten?" Bai Ji, the trumpet, pouted slightly.

"What are you doing here, you idiot? Have you finished the homework left by the teacher? Did you study hard today? If not, why don't you go quickly??"

"Mom, you are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Lilina has graduated from the academy long ago." Lilina still had the expressionless expression on her face.

Looks like he's complaining.

"Dare you call us Alzheimer's?" Several shouts rose up in Bai Ji's head.

"Oh haha." Seeing this, Lilina immediately dropped the popcorn in her hand and tried to run away. However, before she could even take a few steps, she was hit by a punch.

An invisible force pulled him back.

"It's over, Lilina's ass is about to bloom again."

"Girl, how many times have you told me to show some expression when you speak!" Bai Ji grabbed Lilina back and beat her fiercely.

RUA's face, as soft as mochi, was molded into various shapes.

"My mother is bullying people."

"Don't move, don't move~ We are here to help you cure facial paralysis. Why don't you kid understand our painstaking efforts?" Bai Ji

He stroked Lilina's face back and forth, completely ignoring the latter's resistance.

"My mother bullied me, I want to tell grandma."

"Okay, you've learned how to complain now, right? Let's see how I teach you a lesson!"

There is endless fighting and quarreling in the temple, and there is no idle time in a certain parallel world.

"This, what on earth is this? ?" Liliko shouted exhausted, and then used her last magic power to create a large hailstone in an attempt to completely level the land.

[Counterattack Gauntlet]

"Bang bang bang!"

"What kind of strange swordsmanship is this?" Liliko was desperate.

Looking at Bai Jin, who was gradually walking towards her, her face was ashen. She no longer had the strength to fly. Since just now, this knight girl seems to have changed. She can't see it at all. What kind of swordsmanship did Toru defeat her with? To this day, she still doesn't know how she lost.

"Impossible, me, how could I be defeated by humans? ? Impossible!" Li Zi roared crazily.

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