"Impossible, impossible! How could I lose to a human?!" Liliko's eyes widened ferociously, muttering in a language that Bai Jin couldn't understand.

They are just human beings, just inferior first-order creatures! If we follow the laws of the Creator God, then they are a group of savage and inferior races transformed from the dead skin of the Creator God. Why can they be noble vampires? ??

They are just a group of weak and incompetent insects!

Lifting her eyes, Liliko stared hard at the blond knight Ji who was gradually walking towards her.

"Surrender, Prince, as long as you surrender, I will guarantee your life safety. Knight Ji also looked at her with a complicated look. After receiving the memory given by Bai Ji, she seemed to have experienced it with empathy, so that she His attitude toward Liliko and the Vampires began to become complicated, and it was no longer just hostility and hatred.

"You hateful cow, don't come to me with that victorious attitude!" Liliko laughed evilly. "You, a human being, want to defeat me? Just dream, I haven't lost yet!"

Liliko stood up and continued to gather the power of the spell.

"Stop, your curse eye is almost exhausted. If you continue to use it, it may damage your roots." Bai Jin said solemnly. "Don't do anything like this that will hurt yourself."

"Ha! I want you to take care of me? Who are you to me? You are just a humble and insignificant human being, and you are not qualified to take care of me? Rather than this, you should be more concerned about whether you will be torn into pieces by me in the next second!" "Liriko said angrily.

[Despair Level Crushing Thunder]

Bai Jin picked up a long sword. [Counterattack Gauntlet]

"Boom boom boom!"

The blade of the sword was blown away, but Bai D was unharmed.

"What kind of deceit is this!" Liliko couldn't believe that her full attack was blocked again, but it had no impact on Bai Jin.

Fear comes from the unknown, and it gradually takes root in Liliko's heart.

As a modern vampire, Liliko's knowledge about the Gulan Empire was limited to textbooks, and she had never heard of terms such as "Sheng Lun" or "Sword Master". Naturally, she was afraid of Bai Jin's weird swordsmanship.

This human's swordsmanship is really weird. It's clear that she is holding an extremely ordinary long sword in her hand, but dealing with the vampire soldiers is like chopping melons and vegetables. She doesn't even have time to regenerate or heal the wound before she cuts it off. He cut off his limbs and head and chopped them into human sticks.

What's even more frightening is that no one can clearly see his movements. It seems that she just drew a few swords in the air, and the enemy was completely defeated.

What a terrifying strength!

Not only Liliko, but also the surrounding vampire soldiers were killed by this human being and fled away, not daring to approach even ten meters away.

"Your Excellency, since you do not want to surrender, you should let your army turn back and retreat. I guarantee my credibility and personality that I will not pursue you."

"You bastard!" Liliko became even more angry after hearing this. "You self-righteous guy, do you think you can tell me what you want from a high place??"

"Come here, cut this golden-haired cow into pieces! If anyone can kill her, I will make him a baron!" Seeing Liliko's excited expression, Bai Jin tilted his head in confusion.

Since she didn't want to surrender, she could just let the other party retreat quickly. She thought her idea was very thoughtful. Could it be that the other party was afraid that she would break her promise and pursue them?

"Your Excellency, I promised not to pursue you, so I will never pursue you. You can just run with your tail between your legs, and I will never take action." Thinking that the other party did not believe in his sincerity, Bai Jin spoke again.

Who knew that after saying this, Liliko would become even more furious.

"You bastard cow! You insulted me. When I catch you, I will crush your stupid things!" Bai Jin rubbed her head, confused. She didn't know what she said that made Liliko angry. . If she was clearly trying to persuade someone to show weakness, why would the other party feel that she was provoking her?

There was no time for Bai Jin to think about the situation, and thinking was not what Bai Jin was good at. Therefore, she gave up thinking, picked up two swords from the ground, took a stance, and looked at Liliko, who was rushing towards her, with an expression on her face. dignified.

If the other party wants to beat him, she can only accompany him to the end, but since someone has told him not to beat him too hard, Bai Jin will not beat Liliko into an idiot or something.

The two swords crossed in the air and met Ririko's cursed ice blade. She used the unique skill that the King of Knights from another world line was best at. 【Night Duo】

【Sin-Eating Baptism】

Two iron chains attached to black magnets were slashed out along with the long sword, sweeping away in all directions. "Swipe!"

The figures of Bai Jin and Liliko intertwined in the air. After landing, they slowly sheathed their swords. "Thumping." Liliko fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Listen to the vampire soldiers who are still resisting." Bai Jin held Lili Zi's collar like a chicken.

He lifted the fainting latter up and walked to a high place to signal to all the vampire soldiers who were still fighting.

"Your prince has been captured by me, but don't worry, our knights treat prisoners preferentially, as long as they show up

In laying down your weapons, we guarantee the safety of your lives. "It is helpless to carry Liliko to threaten the vampire sergeants.

Hey, after all, this is the best way to end the battle so far. Everyone in the knights under her is still bleeding.

Fighting hard.

Sure enough, this move produced a huge reaction. Almost all the blood soldiers were heartbroken because their leader was defeated.

Scattered, collapsed in a matter of seconds

into an army.

The situation that was one-sided just now has now become one-sided on the other side.

"Stop chasing, everyone." Bai Jin led Liliko to the knights.

"Captain, you defeated the vampire prince? ?" Everyone looked in disbelief.

The nobles who are related to the vampire royal family are extremely dangerous creatures that are classified as irrevocable species by humans.

Forget about the prince level.

Most of the people had seen the battle between Bai Jin and him just now, and it was no less shocking than now.

This girl under twenty years of age has achieved one miracle after another, but the biggest miracle is undoubtedly the present day

at this moment.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that although Bai Jin was one of the few talented knights who could use holy weapons,

It was too overestimating her abilities to ask her to fight against the vampire royal family. No one expected this outcome.


Everyone looked at each other, and some stared at the unconscious Liliko, but no one dared to reach out.


After all, according to rumors, the Vampires are the living dead, carrying no less than hundreds of blood viruses.

It will be troublesome if it is not easy to cure the infection.

At this moment, an army hurriedly came from the direction of the Human Federation.

When everyone was at war with each other, Bai Jin signaled everyone to put away their swords.

"He's one of our own." Seeing the family crest on the carriage, Bai Jin was slightly stunned.

"Bai Jin! Bai, are you okay?" A black-haired girl got out of the car. When she saw the man in armor,

Bai Jinhou, who was safe, suddenly had tears in his eyes.

"Ji Baijin quietly threw Liliko aside and walked towards Ji Yue in a daze.

Long time no see, how are you doing?" After a long silence, Bai Jin chose this opening statement.

"You're okay, everything is fine. Looking at the girl she hadn't seen for many years, Ji Yue couldn't help but hug her.

The young girl who was young many years ago is now an adult and has grown into this slim and mature knight Ji, Ji Yuexin.

There is sadness and emotion in it.

Bai Jin also hugged Ji Yue tightly and whispered in her ear. "I'm back.


"Speaking of which, why are you here?"

"I heard that you were going to stop the army with the blood prince alone. After that, you immediately mobilized the family's troops.

The army came. "Ji Yue motioned her to look behind her, and Muzun, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, greeted her.

"I was really scared at the time. Ji Yue hugged Bai Jin tightly. She was very scared. She was afraid that the tragedy would happen again.

This world line and Bai Jin are strangers again.

"It's okay." Bai Jin also hugged Ji Yue and said in a complicated tone. "The blood prince has been attacked by me.

Defeated. "

"Hey? ?

"It was only at this moment that Ji Yue noticed Liliko lying not far away, and her eyes were full of


"Bai Jin, this is what you knocked down? ?"

"Yeah." Bai Jin rubbed Ji Yue's head. "Actually, I think vampires are the same as humans. The reason why they fight each other is

Killing is just because of the existence of each other. Let's understand each other. If we understand each other, there won't be so many wars, right?



Bai Jin, do you think so? If it is your idea, of course I support it. "Ji Yue caressed

Bai Jin's face.

"Thank you, Ji Yue. In front of the Radiant Knights and the Flame Spear servants, the two of them spread a lot of dog food again.

Bai Jin's proton period in the Wind Arrow Territory ended, which meant that she regained her freedom and returned to the Flame Spear Territory.

Now, both Bai Jin and Ji Yue are adults.

Because of Bai Jin's victory over the vampire royal family, he was nominated as the Knight King. After that, he won many battles and won the title of "Knight King" in the church.

With the blessing, he was officially crowned the King of Knights.

Finally, in a holy and immaculate church, under the witness of the priest, bishop and everyone in the temple

, Bai Jin and Ji Yue walked into the pure white palace that symbolized happiness and beauty.

There may be many ups and downs in the future, but both of them are ready.

As the knight who defeated and captured the blood prince, the church believes that controlling Liliko is of great importance.

No one except the King of Knights was qualified, so Liliko, a vampire prisoner of war, was handed over to Bai Jin.

Just this one

"Hey, my slave, I've eaten the potato chips and Coke. Buy me new ones quickly!" Liliko, who was lying on the sofa lazily playing mobile games, said nonchalantly.

If I remember correctly, you are a vampire.

"Who stipulates that vampires can't eat potato chips and drink Coke? Go and buy some, otherwise you will be abusing the captives!

Why do you feel that since becoming a prisoner, the prince has become happier and happier?

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