"Hello, Your Highness, my name is Ke'er." The blond maid in front of her gracefully bowed as a maid.

Lilina didn't say anything, she squinted her eyes and looked at Ke'er like a kid.

"I am the personal maid assigned to you by your mother. Please give me your guidance in the future." Kerr didn't pay attention to Lilina's gaze and still looked very kind.

"Are you sent here by your mother to control Lilina?" Lilina pursed her lips, raised a face, and wrote the word "unhappy" directly on her face.

"Rather than discipline, I would rather call it teaching." Kerr shook her finger.

"Tch, aren't they all the same?" Lilina whispered, and then she showed a natural smile and stretched out her hand. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Please give me your advice in the future."

Ke'er smiled without saying a word, stretched out his hand and shook it.

The smile on Lilina's face became even wider, and she subconsciously clenched her hands.

The scene froze instantly.

Five seconds passed.

Seeing the other party's unchanging expression, Lilina's expression gradually became weird.

Why does this person look like nothing is wrong? ?

"Your Highness, you can't play with such dangerous things." Ke'er smiled and took her hand back, pinching her fingers

There is something like a nail stuck in the gap.

"Tsk! After Lilina was stunned for a moment, she clenched her fists and looked at Ke'er with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.


Isn’t this woman a simple thing? ?

No, no, judging from her appearance and tone of voice, she should still be young. She can't be the kind of experienced veteran who knows everything.

It should just be a coincidence.

"Oh, sorry, I was just playing. This is actually a pendant. I almost forgot to take it off my hand." Lilina explained with a poor excuse.

"Oh, so that's it. Then please be careful, Your Highness Lilina. This kind of thing is not something you should play with at your age." Kerr nodded, as if he believed it.

"Well, can you go out now?" Lilina and Kerr stared at each other for a while. “Lilina doesn’t like to be in the same room with other people, and she doesn’t like other people to come to her room.

"Is that so? I understand, I understand. Ke'er respects Her Royal Highness Lilina's request." Ke'er nodded after hearing this and walked out of the room.

"She's quite obedient." Lilina nodded. "Well, it's okay to keep her, it doesn't seem to affect

Lilina. "

"Hehe, Lilina smiled. After making sure the door was locked, she jumped out of bed and took out the box hidden under the bed.

Moved out.

"Which one should I read~?" Lilina was choosing a book, and on the other side, Ke L was also choosing a book.

“Which book should I burn first~?”

"Eh?!" Lilina's eyes widened and she rubbed her eyes in disbelief. "You, how did you get in?

?Didn’t Lilina lock the door? ?”

"Ah, these are not the important points, Your Highness." Ke'er casually took it from the bottom of the box - the cover of this book was hard to look at.

Fan Album, looked at Lilina with a smile.

"Ke'er thought that Her Royal Highness Lilina was just naughty at most, a little trouble-making, but she didn't expect that she would even think about it.

I think it's a bit distorted. "

"This is not the age of your Highness. Your Highness Tulina should see this. You need to think about it."

Dimensional correction. "

"Correct, what are you correcting? Give it back to me. This is my thing." Lilina pouted and tried to grab it, but

But he was subdued by Ke'er with a backhand.

This maid moves so fast! ?

Lilina, who was pressed down on the bed, was shocked. Kerr's movements were so fast that she almost didn't react. Of course, there were also

It was unexpected and she hadn't touched the sword for too long, but this kind of skill was definitely not what a maid should have.

Did she use a magic spell? ?

"Quickly, let me go. I am the princess. According to common sense, you, the maid, are guilty of the following." Lilina threatened coldly.

"This, I'm sorry, it's hard to obey." Ke'er was still smiling.

As he said that, Kerr held Lilina's hands with one hand and put his knee on Lilina's chest.

"You, you perverted maid, what do you want to do to Lilina? ?"

"This is just because Her Highness Lilina's mind is full of yellow garbage.

"As His Highness's personal maid, Ke'er has the obligation to lead His Highness astray and return to the right path."

"Me, you don't need to worry about my affairs, and no one else needs to worry about it!" Lilina said unconvinced. "Let me go, do you really think Lilina is easy to bully? It was just Lilina who was careless and did not dodge. When Lilina breaks free, she wants you to look good!"

"Ah, I know, I know, His Highness's swordsmanship is superb, I know this, but in fact, regarding this aspect,

I'm not bad either. "

"Then let me go, let's make gestures between the two of us..."

"Well, I'm sorry, we can't do it now. Let's talk about it later when we have time." Tie Lilina's hands and feet together

After that, Kerr slowly stood up from Lilina's body.

"Okay, now it's time to punish the bad boy."

"What, you, what do you want to do?" Lilina, who was trapped like a hot crab, lost her hands and feet.

In the space for activities, the feeling of uneasiness suddenly increased rapidly.

"Of course, destroy these poisons that have poisoned Her Highness Lilina, and by the way, let Her Highness Lilina taste the diseases in the world.


"What are you talking about? ? Let me go. Wait, what are you going to do?"

"Excuse me, Your Highness." Holding a corner of a book, Kerr took out a lighter and lit it gently.

There is something special about lighting a fire. It is not about burning the whole fire, but lighting a corner and letting the flames burn slowly.

And it was still placed in front of Lilina, allowing her to see her collection - Ben - Ben's death up close.

"You, you! Do you know what you are doing?! That book is a collector's item. Lilina is so useless.

I just got it back from the Comic Con, so I’m so ashamed of what the secret code is.

"Lilina spent several months of saving to buy that book!


"Hey, wait a minute! You must not burn that volume. You can't burn it! It's the only volume in the world!

Under the fire, countless artistic treasures were burned, and at the same time, Lilina's heart was also burned.

He lay helplessly on the white sheets, his tears soaked the sheets, his eyes were dull, as if he had been played badly.

"It's gone, it's gone, it's gone. The collection that Lilina has treasured for so long is all gone. Lilina was so disheartened that she kept mumbling at the corner of her mouth, foaming at the mouth, and almost fainted.

The girl's helpless wail seemed to echo throughout the Blood Spirit Palace.

At this moment, Bai Ji, who had just finished eating and was taking a nap on the throne, suddenly woke up, feeling that something had happened in the palace.

Forget it, forget it, it should be fine. With Ke'er here, nothing else could happen.

In the room, the girl who was tied to the bed and unable to move had tears dripping down her hair. Her face was expressionless, her eyes were lifeless, and she was sobbing, as if she had been completely ruined.

"Well, now, all the comics of Her Royal Highness Lilina have been burned." Ke'er looked at Lilina with a smile and poked her cheek. "How do you feel?"

"Devil, you have destroyed the collection. What's the point of Lilina's life?"

"Pfft, Your Highness Lilina seems to really like those reading materials. So, do you want to save them?"

Ke'er is like a devil who seduces people's hearts.

"What's the use of talking about this now? It's burnt to the point where there's not even ashes left. Lilina is in mourning.

I couldn't help but cry until the pear blossoms were wet with rain.

"Of course it works. Your Highness Lilina still has a chance to save them." Ke'er smiled and patted Lilina.

head. "After all, Ke'er will not make His Highness sad."

"Really, really?" Lilina raised her head.

"Of course, if you don't want to save them, Your Highness will have to pay some price."

"What, at what price?" Looking at Ke'er's smile, Lilina always had a bad feeling.

"It's very simple. Just whisper in Lilina's ear for a few times. Suddenly, Lilina

His face suddenly turned red.

"You, you are crazy, you must be crazy to say, hehe, ahhe

"Oh, it seems that those reading materials are just that for Her Highness Lilina. Her Highness Lilina doesn't need them at all.

If they look like that, forget it, Ke'er won't force it. "With that said, Ke'er stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, wait a minute. Lilina had no choice. As if she had gone through a hard ideological struggle, she chose

Choose to compromise.

"I, I do it, I can't do it yet"

"Hey, you are so good~"

"It's strange, why haven't I seen His Highness running towards me these days?" In the palace, Tina was in her residence in the Blood Spirit Palace, smearing on her drawing board and murmuring strangely.

Never mind her, it’s better that the little devil didn’t come. I finally have time to draw what I want.

"Miss Tina, Her Majesty Lilina is here to see you." The maid's voice came from outside the door.

"Ah, you really can't escape?" Tina sighed, put away her brush and drawing board, and went downstairs with her skirt in hand.

She was mentally prepared to see how naughty the little devil would be today and what unreasonable demands he would make later.

"Your Highness, are you here again today?"

What surprised Tina was that Lilina was unexpectedly reserved today, as if it was her first time here.

"Your Highness? Sit inside?

No,... that, Sister Tina. "Lilina hesitated to speak. "I've been a little strange in the past two days, so don't be surprised by what Lilina says later.


"Ah~~Okay, it's so big, so I don't want it. If I want it, it will be broken! ~~"

"? ? ?" Tina's face was filled with confusion.

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