Blood Princess and the Knight

Food table professional

"Well, sister Tina, something hasn't been right with me these past two days, so if I say something strange later, please don't take it personally.

"Eh?" Tina was stunned, wondering what happened to the little highness today, why is he so different from his usual unruly and mischievous image? He acted so reserved, as if it was the first time he came to her home as a guest. I'm not polite at all

"That, that, I'm going to start. Lilina lowered her head, with a rare hint of trepidation on her expressionless face.

"Ah? What to start with?" Tina was confused.

"Ah~~No, no, it's too big, it's really too big, I can't get in, I can't get in, I can't get in no matter what I think! ~~Ah, I can't come in, if I come in, people, people will It’s broken~~!”

"? ? ?" Three big question marks popped up on Tina's head. Looking at Lilina, who was blushing and panting, she wondered for a moment whether she had heard wrong.

"Well, um, Your Highness, what did you just say?"

"Ah! Don't let people repeat this kind of thing again." After saying that, Lilina came over and pressed against Tina.

body of.

"Hey?!" Lilina's abnormal situation scared Tina and retreated into the house.

"Sister Tina.

"Ah, ah? What?" Facing Lilina's loving eyes and shy pretty face, Tina

Rapid heartbeat.

This kind of scene is simply, simply too exciting! It is simply a reproduction of the real scene that I have imagined in my mind!

For a fan book artist like Tina, she simply cannot refuse!

"We can't tell others what happened between the two of us, not even my mother~"

"Ah, ah?" Tina was confused. "What's going on between the two of us?"

The two of them don't even have the same seniority. Although Tina often uses Lilina as material in private, the material is material after all, and that can't really happen!

"Sister Tina is too much. She had already eaten her up and wiped her clean. She was ruthless, but now she has just forgotten about her~" Lilina rubbed her hands and said shyly.

"Eat it and wipe it clean? No, no, no, I think this kind of thing has never happened."

"It's too much. I've obviously done this to you and grandma behind my mother's back, and you still deny it!" With that said, Lilina threw a straight ball, stepped forward and hugged Tina's body.

"Hey!!" In her arms was the princess who was blushing with shame and wanted to refuse to respond, that is, she was often used as her material.


The almost impossible appearance of the other party in my mind and the real appearance shown now are gradually changing.

Overlapping, Tina began to be unable to distinguish reality, so that her head was still dizzy.

"Your Highness Princess, you," Tina's eyes turned like mosquito coils, and she gradually lost consciousness.

"Lilina came to you today behind everyone's back~Sister Tina smells so good today, when she took a shower yesterday

Did you use lavender?"

With the soft little loli in her arms, Tina has already begun to lie limp and unable to move.

"Ah, why did Sister Tina fall asleep? Wake up quickly. I'm not satisfied yet. Come on, keep going.


"Pfft! Tina covered her nose. She felt that her restless painter's soul could no longer be suppressed.

"Your Highness, do you really want to

"What? After all this talk, don't you still know other people's thoughts?" Lilina looked resentful.

the way

Tina swallowed and her speech was unclear. "That, that

"Yeah, it's okay~~"


Their eyes met, two pairs of eyes looked at each other affectionately, and then

"Okay, okay, it's time to get off work." Lilina sighed, let go of Tina, and pushed Tina out.

"Hey!" Tina fell to the ground on her back with a squeak. "The shameful PLAY is finally over, let's go." Lilina covered her face and left quickly. "

Huh?" Tina was the only one left in the room, dumbfounded and at a loss.

What happened? Where am I, what am I doing? What happened just now?

"Well done, Your Highness." Ke'er walked out of the grass on the side, clapped her hands and covered her mouth with a smile.

Are you satisfied? ?Okay, return Lilina’s comics quickly. "Lilina rolled her eyes at the other person and stretched out her hand.

"Don't worry, Your Highness won't think that you can get your comics back so easily, right? We agreed that - Ben - Ben will come, right?"

You pervert, evil maid!" Lilina complained.

"Her Highness Lilina just now, only completed one book, so I can only return one book to Highness Lilina, but it doesn't matter. Her Highness Lilina has bravely taken the step to get back all her comics. The first step is to keep up the good work."


"Then, which book is your Highness Lilina going to take back next~?" Ke'er looked at Lilina with a smile.

"But I have to remind Her Royal Highness Lilina that these words must be said to acquaintances. Saying them to unrelated people does not count.

Count. "

"You devil, do you want to kill Lilina's family?


"There is nothing we can do. After all, it is His Highness who wants to get the comics back, not Ke'er. Since Lily

Your Highness Na compared Ke'er to a devil, so Your Highness should know that there is a price to pay for making a deal with the devil, right?" But

Er tilted her head cutely and said. At this moment, she seemed to have turned back into that cute Asian cat girl.

A nasty evil maid.

Somewhere in the palace.

Yana was sitting on a bench, sipping fine black tea, and was surrounded by several maids.

"Bang bang bang."

"Prince Yana, Her Royal Highness Lilina is here to see you." the maid informed.

"Oh? It's Lilina, please come in quickly." Hearing this, Yana was very happy. After seeing Lilina,

, walked up to her and rubbed her cheeks kindly. "Little Lilina~Long time no see, do you miss your aunt?"

"Yeah." Lilina's expression was a little strange, she nodded, and then stopped talking.

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"Lilina wants to be alone with my aunt for a while. Can I ask these maids to go out for a while?"

"Oh, of course." Yana agreed to her lovely niece's request without thinking.

"Go out and close the door."

"As you command, Your Majesty the Prince." The maids went out.

"Aunt Yana, I want to eat candy."

"Oh, I want to eat sweets, come here~ There are a lot of candies here." Hearing this, Yana took out a plate one by one, which contained a variety of candies made by vampires that looked tempting.

Lilina shook her head. "That's not it."

"Ah? Don't you like these? Then, would you like some tea?" Yana raised her teacup as a gesture.

"No." Lilina still shook her head. "Lilina, I want some candy."

"But you can't see these candies. Na Wei was stunned. "Why don't you, Lirina, what kind of candies do you want to eat? Tell your aunt, how about I ask the maids to buy them?"

"Lilina doesn't want to eat those candies."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Yana didn't understand.

Lilina thought, Lilina took a step closer and stared at Yana. “Lilina, I want to eat my aunt’s candy.

"Ah? My candy?" Yana still didn't react. "Where did I get the sugar on me?"

"Yes, and it's really sweet." Lilina confirmed.

"How sweet, even if you suffer like this?" Yana was about to say something, but she was rushed towards her.

Lilina threw herself down on her seat.

"That, that, little Lilina? ~"



"Lilina wants some candy."

Eat sweets, wait! Don’t you know? Oh no, no, we are aunt and nephew!

"Okay." Lilina said seriously, then slowly leaned down.

"Wait, you can't do this! Yana wanted to push Lilina away quickly to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

However, because Lilina and Bai Ji look so similar, Yana always looks at Lilina’s face.

I can't help but think of Bai Ji.

"elder sister


Half an hour later, Lilina walked out of the prince's palace. The maids were very surprised what the two people said inside.


"Get out, get out, get out!" When the maids were about to enter the palace, Yana scolded them.

The maids were very surprised. What happened to the always gentle and good-tempered Prince?

"Okay, let's move on to the next target." Lilina looked spoiled.

"Your Highness did a good job. By the way, Ke'er seems to know exactly what happened."

"What else could happen? ?" Lilina stared at Ke'er bitterly and pointed at the bruises from thigh to butt.

, the way of wanting to cry without tears. "Afterwards, I was pushed down on a stool by my aunt and spanked! Wuwuwuwu!


"Why are you laughing? Don't forget who made me become so miserable!!"

"That's right, what's your reaction, Your Highness Yana~?"

"Auntie? My auntie was so embarrassed that I couldn't speak for a long time. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak for a long time. When she beat me, she called me a little fool. What happened?" Lilina asked in confusion.

"Puff, it's nothing." Ke'er suppressed her expression and turned around.

"? ? ?" Lilina was a little confused. Why did she feel that this maid was so happy to see her aunt being teased? She was happier than when she was being teased.

Do the aunt and this naughty maid know each other, or do they have a grudge?

Lilina figured it out on her own.

At the same time, the Gulan Empire.

"Oh my god, why is it so difficult to play in this ranking today? It wouldn't be like this if you have a friend online." The red-haired man with glasses said while spitting out fragrance.

"Well, what kind of friends can I have?" He sighed. "All my former friends died in the catastrophe. If they can come online, I will eat this table on the spot."

Turning my attention to the friend list, I found that one of the friends list that was supposed to be all black actually had one light on it.

"Holy shit?! Did I see it wrong??"

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