"Wori, did I see it wrong? ?" The red-haired man with glasses rubbed his eyes to make sure that the information in his friend list was correct.

When one of them lights up, I suddenly feel like I'm in another world.

Just imagine, after the end of the world, you, as a survivor, have the rare opportunity to open a mobile game that you have not logged into for a long time.

But I found that there was one person in the dark friend list, and the status was still 'in game'. This was already one by one.

Ghost story.

Since the end of the world and the demise of the Human Federation, no one has been running this game until that vampire

After the queen became a god, she listened to everyone's opinions and re-operated this long-dusted human-made mobile game.

It is said that the operating principles are different from before, but almost all player data has been retained.

And it’s different from before. Since this game has become one of the games operated by ‘Kami-sama’, it’s more

It used to be a lot more convenient. For example, this game could only be played online through the Human Federation network.

Now, all of Barand is connected to the Internet without any interruption.

In other words, your teammates and opponents may be of any race, including humans, Gulans, vampires, and trolls.

Humans, demicats, argonians, dwarves, etc. are all possible.

Anyway, the continent is now completely peaceful. Anyone who doesn’t want peace will be taught by the gods ‘peace’. The troll tribe has stopped.

In order to survive, they transformed from a nomadic people into a farming people, and the Yacat people finally got their dream

In order to seek peace, a certain Asian cat queen thought life was too dull and returned to her old job as a game anchor.

"Hey! Everyone has been waiting for a long time. It's time for Xiao Shasha's live broadcast~~" I saw the cute blonde Ya on the screen.

The Cat Queen blinked her big eyes and looked cute in front of the screen. Suddenly, the screen was occupied by a bunch of barrage of gifts.

Of course the Asian cats support their queen's debut as an idol.

As for the mobile game played live, it is naturally this mobile game [Before the Catastrophe] endorsed by the Lord God himself.

No more, no more war, this game has almost become the biggest entertainment product in reality.

The biggest pastime of the trolls who have nothing to fight is to play this game and kill everyone. For example, if a retired troll

A troll man with nothing to do.

"Hahaha, look at my magical girl flying on a plane!"

“Ouch, what a mistake, what a mistake!

"Uncle Huo Lei, didn't you say you were a thief?!" Xiao Sha's dissatisfied voice came from the game.

"Hey, it's a mistake, it's a mistake." Huo Lei scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Hmph, forget it, the anchor effect is pretty good anyway." Xiaosha snorted.

On the other side of the Gulan Empire, Landry poked at the ID in his friend list [it was a big chestnut].

"What are you doing? Just tell me if you have anything."

"Is it me?" Landretto typed.

"Knocking on your little biscuit is not me, I am your horse.

Okay, I’m convinced that I am indeed right.

"By the way, I didn't expect that the man with glasses like you is still alive?"

This is 100% what I want to say, okay? ? The corners of Landrito's mouth twitched and he complained in his heart.

"Thanks to the Queen, the world has not been destroyed, and I am naturally still alive. Not only am I still alive, I will survive for a few more years.

+ years is not a problem. "Landry had a mean look on his face.

"Tsk, you are as stubborn as a cockroach, Mr. Lin Tuo."

"Haha, speaking of which, how did you survive? "

"It's up to you to take care of it, it's your claws." Li Zi replied with a slightly grimacing expression.

"I guess it's the work of Her Majesty the Queen, right?"

"You still need to ask this? I doubt your IQ."

"The corner of Landrito's mouth twitched a few times. Why does it feel like this white-haired man's mouth is sharper after his resurrection?

"Now, let's help Lizi to score points."

"Ah, this." Landrito hesitated, looking at his losing record all day long, he hesitated a little.

It’s not like he doesn’t know how much Li Zi cheats him. If he and she were to play in a double row, the situation would be as high as the sky.


"Why, do you dislike chestnuts? ?"

"No, no, this is not a matter of dislike."

"Hmph, Li Zi hasn't disliked you for playing the game, but you have already disliked Li Zi! Li Zi said unconvinced

Ah, he was actually cheated by the crater. Landrito didn't know what kind of appearance he should put on at this moment.

The expression is good.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since we two met?"

It was as if the two of us had met often before. "Landrito said speechlessly, as early as the Moon Knights

At that time, Li Zi was a senior otaku, the kind who huddled in his room without leaving the door or entering the room.

The two didn't meet often at that time.

Is Lin okay?" Landrito thought for a moment and asked cautiously. After all, at the end of his life

At this moment, neither mother nor daughter have resolved their misunderstanding.

However, when he asked this question, he felt a little regretful and wondered why he asked such a stupid question.

What about rubbing salt into the wound?

"Ah? Lin? Who is it?


"? ? ?" Landry Tuoyi looked confused.

"Oh, I remember, Lin, she doesn't seem to have recovered yet.

"The corners of Landrito's eyes twitched. Is this how a mother takes care of her daughter? ?

"You, you are not worried about your daughter at all? ?"

"Hey, there's no point in worrying. This isn't something Li Zi has the final say on. My lovely and almighty nephew

The girl will help me get it done, I guess I'll be able to see her soon. "

Lin's mother was unfortunate in every sense of the word.

"Okay, okay, compared to this, come on, I'm going to score higher! Knight Lintuo, come over and protect Li Zi.


"Okay, okay, I know Landrito sighed, guessing that I probably won't get any points today."


"Auntie." Just when Lizi was having fun playing games, a voice made her shudder.

You little scoundrel, why are you here again? ?What do you want to do this time? "A few days ago, I equipped her with all the shooters.

The memory of switching to mage equipment is still fresh in my mind.

Li Zi crossed his legs and looked at Lilina who came over with a wary look on his face.

"Auntie, I know I was wrong, and I'm specifically here to apologize to you this time." Lilina poked her finger in aggrieved tone.


"Apologise? Lizi's precious points can be exchanged for you, a naughty kid, just by apologizing? ?" Lizi muttered.

"Besides, apologizing is about showing off your fatness. Don't you understand this?" Lizi said casually, with the purpose of

I just wanted to embarrass this naughty child, but what I didn’t expect was that after she said that, Lilina

He actually actually bent down.

"Hey, wait! What are you doing, kid? Lizi just said it casually. Put it on quickly and don't take it off. It's really

How can a child be so casual? ?"

"But, if my aunt doesn't forgive Lilina, Lilina must accept punishment." Lilina

A firm way.

"? ? ?" Li Zi was a little confused, wondering what was going on with this child and why he suddenly became so loud.

Talk started.

"Okay, okay, put your clothes on quickly. Really, you don't have to worry about the maids seeing you and laughing at you." He said

, Li Zi threw away the phone, and put on the program that Lilina took off like an adult.

Although the blood relationship is between an aunt and a grandniece, in appearance they are indeed two silver-haired children about the same age.

Girl, people can't help but feel a little inconsistent.

"Auntie, have you forgiven Lilina?

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Come and sit with your aunt, and your aunt will play games with you~"

"Oh." Lilina obediently lay on Li Zi's white silk thighs and watched her play games honestly.

Lizi's outfit is standard otaku wear, simple and easy-to-wash white stockings, standard animal-ear headphones and cool

Wearing a suspender skirt, there are happy water and potato chips beside it, and her back is leaning on a body-size pillow.

Feeling the soft warmth on her legs, Lizi hummed happily.

Thinking back to the past, when she and Lilias were young, Lilias was not a sinister at that time, and she was still

A very responsible sister, Lilias lay on her lap like this, begging her to tell her stories.

Time flies, and now the person sitting on her lap has changed from Lilias to Lilias’ daughter, and from Lily to

The daughter of Yas became the granddaughter of Lilias.

Unknowingly, the Ratsambo family has flourished.

"Auntie, Lilina wants to sleep."

"Ah? Go to sleep, but the sound of the game is so loud, can you still fall asleep?"

"Anyone will fall asleep if they keep staring at the black and white screen." Lilina tilted her head and said.

"You kid! Did you take such a big detour just to complain about me? You obviously didn't die a few times, okay?

"My aunt is so good at playing." Lilina complained, unable to stand it. "They've all died. Fifteen times, but not many."


"You, what do you know! Li Zi, this is called tactical meritorious service. When the enemy kills me, it is a waste of time.

Oh no, I'm buying time for my teammates!" Li Zi argued.

"Oh, but the big brother who is double lining up with you is so pitiful. He has been tricked by you and is suffering unspeakably."

Go to sleep!" Li Zi couldn't refute and had to say angrily.

"Oh, then, aunt, I didn't mess with my fatness."

"Eh? Didn't I just put it on for you?" Li Zi frowned.

"I'm tired of wearing this one. Auntie, how about we change it?"

"Li Zi, who was silent for a moment, gave Lilina a brain wave without hesitation.


"Who did you learn these from? Are you here to tease my aunt again?" Li Zi pursed his lips.

"Aren't you going to change it? Then, auntie, what color is your weight today? Oh!

After a while, Lilina ran out of Lizi's room after completing the task. She had completed most of the 'task' and brought back most of the books, only


Looking at the dialogue in these picture books, she was reminded of her shameful PLAY, and even though she got the book back, she couldn't be happy at all.

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