My name is Ji Bai. I am sixteen years old. I am a high school student. I am a modern person. I am currently studying at Nicholas Middle School. I have won honors.

When I was in elementary school, I served as a group leader. I was praised by my instructor for my hard work. Then, I didn’t


As you can see, I am an ordinary high school student who can be seen everywhere. If I am thrown into the crowd, I will look ordinary.

The kind that doesn’t come out. If you have to say what characteristics a person like me has, my biggest characteristic is probably that I have no characteristics.

Just order it.

My hobbies are knight novels, knight comics, knight peripherals, knight toys, in short, everything about knights.

I like them all, and even want to be a knight myself

Well, but these are all unrealistic. In this modern era of information technology, knights under the command of medieval lords

The thugs under the knife have long been outdated. Although they are respected by many people as a cultural meteor, they are still sixteen years old.

If you are still saying that you want to be a knight at this age, you will probably be regarded as an idiot by the people around you.

It's the same today. Ji Bai has a pair of panda eyes like staying up late reading comics, carrying his backpack and putting on his shoes, looking lazy and lackluster.

He stepped out of his rental house of less than fifty square meters and walked to school.

Walking on the same street, waiting for the same red light, crossing the same road, crowded and lifeless like him

The heavy crowd finally came to the same school.

Everything is so monotonous and boring. I listen to boring courses all day long and have to study hard after returning home.

After finishing his homework reluctantly, probably only the spare time of comic novels can make Ji Bai live in this unchanging black and white.

Find a hint of colorful color in your life.

To be honest, his academic performance is not bad, but it is not good either. He can be regarded as just getting by. In the class

, students with outstanding academic performance are praised by teachers and attract much attention, and students who are naughty and mischievous are often invited by teachers to solve problems.

Drinking tea in the office is, in a sense, attracting the most attention.

As for the students in the middle section, if they don’t have any outstanding personality traits and are average-looking,

They often disappear from the crowd and have no sense of existence. Almost many students in the class will think about themselves a few times when they think of them.

Is there such a person in my class?

Ji Bai probably belongs to this group of people. He doesn't cause trouble, doesn't do anything to bring glory to the class, and refuses any slander.

Sensitive behavior.

The noise and noise between classes in the early morning were the unique vitality and youthfulness of the student years. Ji Bai didn't dislike it, but he didn't dislike it either.

No matter how you like it, his arrival usually won't attract anyone's attention, except for his only best friend.

"Hey, you brat, why do you still look like a dead horse today? What time did you stay up all night yesterday?

Huh?" The red-haired man with glasses patted Ji Bai's back gently or hard, and said carelessly.

"You're the one who killed the horse." Ji Bai rolled his eyes at him as he was hurt by being slapped by the other party. "Can you please stop taking random pictures? It will come out

of human life. "

"Oh, sorry, sorry, I almost forgot about that." The man with glasses thought of something and gave a smile.

This guy's name is Lin Tuo, Ji Bai's deskmate and best friend, and the only one in this class who has the same interests as him.

A talkative guy.

"That's right, Lao Bai, I recently discovered a super fun and exciting harem game! Let me tell you.

Wow, the setting is particularly touching, and the plot...

"Not interested." Ji Bai interrupted the other party's words without intending to listen. After hanging up his schoolbag, he ignored him.


"You." Lin Tuo began to look at Ji Bai up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen enough?" Ji Bai rolled his eyes at him.

"Fuck you, I'm not Lan Zou. I'm just doubting whether you are a normal male." Lin Tuo

The way of speaking righteously.

"Should normal men have their heads full of pornographic waste?" Ji Bai said angrily.

"What's wrong with men being perverted?!" Lin Tuo's answer was convincing and convincing.

"as long as you are happy."

"Tch, you are pretending to be noble, don't think that I don't know that you must be playing this kind of game in private!

Lin Tuo was convinced.

"as long as you are happy."

Can you please stop saying this all the time? It’s boring to talk to you, Old Bai. Lin Tuo rolled his eyes. "I said

, you didn’t stay up all night reading chivalry novels again yesterday, right? Come on, what’s so good about that kind of thing? Riding

Things like scholars have long been outdated with the times. "

"Maybe." Ji Bai didn't say much or make unnecessary arguments.

You guy, if I were you, I wouldn’t spend my limited life on these boring things.

, I simply didn’t even want to go to school, and just went to enjoy the little time left in my life. "Lin Tuo sighed


He wanted to say something else, but the school bell had already rang, accompanied by the math teacher with thick glasses and a big belly.

Entering the classroom, Lin Tuo also shut up.

For high school students, there is nothing more exciting than hearing that there will be no more exercises between classes, but today is very unpleasant.

Fortunately, Mr. Sun went to work as usual and swiped his card to go to work. After two classes, the students began to check in one after another.


He walked down the playground in a noisy manner.

As an academically stressed high school student, after passing the high school entrance examination in junior high school, the opportunity for physical education classes became extremely luxurious. Under various curses from the class teacher with a prophet, the physical education teacher was either sick or had something to do, or something happened directly.

, students can hardly get a decent physical education class. If there is a physical education class, it must be in a country where many teachers are too busy.

When it comes.

Regarding physical education classes and recess exercises, Ji Bai didn't have to go, but he didn't choose not to go.

As long as Cao's body allows, he will go with his classmates - he doesn't want to show his abnormality.

As the last class of the weekend, it was naturally assigned to the class meeting. However, the class meeting understood everything and knew

Everyone knows that this is a class specially given to the class teacher.

"Students, this class, we have a meeting at work." The novel speech of the pot-bellied math teacher made the students excited.

Their eyes lit up, but before everyone could be happy, the math teacher showed a meaningful smile.

"Well, the content of the class meeting is to study mathematics. Okay, everyone will take out their mathematics books."

Hearing this, the students' eyes all dimmed, like defeated roosters.

"Ah, this damn old Zhang, it's true that a dog can't change his habit of eating shit." Lin Tuo said matter-of-factly. "It's the weekend

He also gives students extra classes. I guess he must be trying to increase our progress so as to give us more homework. It is so inhumane!

You say so, Lao Bai. "


"Don't look so lifeless. Let's go and have fun tonight. Hey, no, I'm sorry for this weekend.


"Which weekend did you not say that? ?" Ji Bai said with disgust.

"Hey, let's go, let's go. Didn't you have a lot of fun last time?" Lin Tuo said calmly. "Let's go, let's go, this

This is my treat!

Of course, you still have to pay the bill, hehe. "

"Go away." Ji Bai glanced at him and pushed him away. "I won't go, I'm a little tired today."

"Hey, how can a young man say no? Lao Bai, tell me the truth, are you vain?" Lin Tuo said with a look on his face

He said solemnly.

"Get out of here, bastard, you are weak.

The two buddies bickered for a while and then went their separate ways after school.

Lin Tuo did not force Ji Bai to go. After all, he knew that Ji Bai had some inherent defects in her body and that she was not feeling well.

It is better to go home early.

In fact, this was just Ji Bai's perfunctory rhetoric. He didn't feel any discomfort today.

, but, because of this, he embarked on a road of no return.

As usual, Ji Bai took the bus near his rental house and got off the bus.

For the sake of price, the rental house Ji Bai chose was very close to the suburbs. This was the old city with many

All the residents living in Qian have moved to the new city, and those who remain here are probably some poor people from the bottom of society who dare not visit them when they are sick.

The old alley is very old and dilapidated. It has a history of nearly a hundred years. Unfortunately, it is not considered an antique.

Being old doesn't change the fact that it's just a wall in a poor neighborhood.

The people living here are probably the same as Ji Bai. They have no prospects or prospects for their lives.

It's such a muddled life, deceiving myself in the passing time.

Therefore, in this deep alley, the white figure is particularly conspicuous.

"Huh? Is there someone there?" Ji Bai accidentally noticed that there seemed to be a person squatting in a dead end, and Ji Bai was curious.


It seems like a child.

How could such a young child sit squatting in a cul-de-sac? And the makeup on her body seemed a bit strange.


Ji Bai gradually entered the alley. After getting close enough, he saw the girl sitting in the alley clearly and paused.

I couldn't help but stare at the time.

A small nose, soft lips like cherry blossom petals, skin as white as snowflakes, and a head that looks like silver.

Kind-hearted white hair.

She was wearing a gorgeous black dress that had no place in this ghetto, with a pattern of bats on it.

In this way, although the dress is a little broken, it has become a support for the girl's appearance.

She was as holy and flawless as a princess from a fairy tale, so beautiful that Ji Bai almost forgot to breathe.

To be honest, this kind of beauty was something a poor student like Ji Bai had never seen since he was a child. It made him stand there blankly.

The ground didn't calm down for a long time.

The girl seemed to be asleep and her breath was weak. It wasn't until Ji Bai approached her that she noticed someone coming, like -

Like a vigilant cat, he suddenly raised his head. After seeing the young man in front of him, his burgundy pupils tightened.


She seems to be afraid of herself? It should be said that she is wary.

"Um, you, what's your name?" After a long time, Ji Bai finally asked.

The other party didn't speak and looked at him in silence.

"I have nothing to say to you, but you look like you need help. Are you lost? If you are lost,

If so, I'm quite familiar with this place and I might be able to help you. "Ji Bai organized language to explain.

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