"Tea or boiled water?" Somehow, after just a few words, Ji Bai led him home.

Just now, the white-haired girl seemed to be very repulsive to outsiders and turned a deaf ear to Ji Bai's questions.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. It's just that because this area is an old city, the security is very poor.

In case there are some local gangsters who are looking for trouble, if you want to wait for someone here, you can wait at my house. After all,

It's really not safe for you, a girl, to sit outside. "Seeing that the girl was unmoved, Ji Bai sighed and didn't

I expected the girl to agree, and when I was about to leave after saying these words, after some hesitation, the girl unexpectedly stopped.

He stood up and nodded to Ji Bai.

So just like that, Ji Bai led the way, and the girl followed behind, but always kept five meters away from Ji Bai.

The distance was as if she was afraid of what Ji Bai would do to her.

There is really no need to be careful.

Ji Bai shook his head.

If she was really worried that he would be harmful to her, she shouldn't have followed him home, right?

Of course, Ji Bai didn't think anything wrong about boldly inviting a girl to his home.

Yes, although this girl is really beautiful, she is more beautiful than Ji Bai has ever seen in his life, and it is very possible that she is

year of birth.

Refresh successful

This white-haired loli is too young. She looks like she is still in elementary school. How can she treat such a child inappropriately?

I am afraid that I have really lost my mind, and coupled with the other party's extremely beautiful appearance and posture, it is like a perfect thing.

The flaws are like a perfect work of art, which makes people unable to think of blasphemy.

So just like that, one after the other, the white-haired loli followed Ji Bai's home like a little tail.

"I don't have small slippers at home, so just make do with these big ones." After returning home, Ji Bai put a pair of plastic slippers on his hands.

He handed the slippers to the girl.

"Don't worry, these are new slippers, no one has ever worn them." Seeing the girl's hesitation, Ji Bai added.

Hearing this, the girl was silent for a moment, then gently took off her leather shoes and put her small feet covered in translucent black into them.

He was wearing slippers, then he leaned forward and seemed to say something secretly before entering the house.

This girl seemed to have a mysophobia, Ji Bai judged.

It can be seen from the fact that she always keeps a distance from strangers and does not like to come into contact with others, that this girl seems to have a certain spirit.


"I just washed the sofa blanket today, so feel free to sit on it."

The girl stared at the sofa in silence and sat down with some trepidation.

"Tea or boiled water?" Ji Bai asked.

For children from poor families, it is good if they can have boiled water at home. The so-called tea is just filtered

Tea residue, tastes very bad.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Ji Bai poured a glass of boiled water and placed it in front of the girl.

For some reason, looking at the silver-haired girl in front of him who was so beautiful that she seemed to be out of this world, Ji Bai always felt that he

They became the servants who served Her Royal Highness in the fabricated stories.

The girl's sitting posture and casual behavior all reveal a good upbringing, - every move is a lesson

The calligraphy style of lady etiquette gives people a sense of elegance and elegance at first sight. Most people cannot teach such a ladylike etiquette.


"What you're wearing doesn't look like you belong here, right?" Although the skirt was a little torn, Ji Bai could still see

This gorgeous dress is worth a lot of money, at least it is definitely not something that should appear on civilians.

Hearing Ji Bai's words, the silver-haired girl had a rare reaction. She shivered slightly and then nodded.

She really doesn't belong here.


Ji Bai felt that his guess was almost accurate.

This girl who is as beautiful as a fairy must be a certain eldest lady living in Xincheng District. Because of her disagreement with

My parents had a fight and wanted to run away from home, so I fled to the old city.

Ji Bai touched his nose. He felt that he was solving a family dispute.

It is said that an upright official cannot handle family affairs. Although Ji Bai is not an official, as an outsider it is difficult for him to comment on other people's family affairs.

Three things and four.

"Nan Ji Bai coughed dryly to break the silence. "Actually, your parents are also doing it for your own good. After all, they

We are your only relatives in this world

"The girl doesn't speak.

"You definitely don't want to go home now, right? I think it's better for you to go back. Your parents must be very happy.

worry about you

"I want to go back."

"Eh?" Ji Bai was stunned. This was the first thing he heard the girl say.

The girl's voice is very soft and light, like flowing water flowing through silver bells, making people feel like a spring breeze. With this age,

He is young, yet has an indifference that is different from his age.

"I want to go home." The girl repeated it again, with a serious expression.

"Want to go home?" Ji Bai rubbed his belly before he could eat.

"Let's go. Where is your home? I'll take you back." Ji Bai stood up and said

"The girl looked at Ji Bai quietly, and the atmosphere sank again.

"Don't you want to go home? Can I take you back?"

Ji Bai didn't understand. He kept saying that he wanted to

Go home, but she didn’t say anything when I proposed to take her home. What does this mean? Could it be that I can’t bear to look like this?


"How about you talk to your parents and I think they will understand? If you don't

If you go back, even if you torture yourself, your parents will be worried. "

The girl still didn't speak. No matter what Ji Bai said next, the girl just stared at the table quietly.

, as if he didn't hear her.

What's wrong with this girl? ?

Three black lines appeared on Ji Bai's head.

"Forget it, just don't go back if you don't want to go back for the time being. I'm a little hungry. It's almost past meal time. Do you want to go back?"

Do you want something to eat? I’ll give it to you later. "

The girl suddenly looked wary.

Ji Bai touched his head. He didn't know if he had said something wrong or why the other party suddenly became wary.

Intensified again.

Forget it, let’s cook two bowls of noodles.

Ji Bai entered the kitchen, skillfully put the noodles into the pot, mixed the soup, and added vegetables and


Noodles have always been his best dish. He is very particular about making noodles.

Boil cabbage and noodles together, and fry an egg. The nutritional combination is very balanced.

Regarding cooking noodles, Ji Bai's proficiency is straight to the point, and the taste is quite smooth.

Well, the needle doesn’t poke.

Ji Bai ate so much that he kept making slurping sounds, but the silver-haired girl next to him didn't.

Impressed, he looked at the greasy noodle soup and the eggs floating on it with a disgusted expression.

"Huh? What, don't you like noodles?" Ji Bai, who had finished drinking the noodle soup, saw the silver-haired

The noodles in front of the girl were almost soft and she still hadn't touched her chopsticks, she asked in question.

Could it be that the eldest lady has lost her temper and looks down on these common people's food?

"At least eat something. Are you hungry after not eating for so long? It's not good to waste food."

The girl pushed away the noodles in front of her, saying that she definitely did not eat this kind of thing.

this child

Ji Bai couldn't accept the fact that the noodles he made were rejected. He looked at the noodles in front of him that no one was eating.

He patted his belly.

Well, I'm half full, but I can still pretend.

So, he ate the bowl of noodles in one go.

The lake is so swollen that it can’t hold it anymore. Do you really have nothing to eat?”

The girl shook her head.

"Well, not eating all the time is not an option." Ji Bai scratched his head. "How about, Miss, you want to eat something?

What? I’ll do my best to get it for you?”

The girl subconsciously glanced at Ji Bai, or Ji Bai's neck to be precise, and then shook her head.

This young lady is really picky.

Ji Bai rubbed his head, feeling that it would not be good to leave his girl here, but the other party refused to let him give it away no matter what.

When she went home, she had no choice but to let her stay here.

It was getting late, and this small rental house only had one bed. Ji Bai deliberately let the other party sleep in his own bed.

But considering that the other party has mental mysophobia, 80% of them will not accept it.

Forget it, never mind.

The eldest lady's temper can only last one night and she will be fine. If she is hungry at night, she just doesn't want to do it the next day.

I can only go home obediently.

After washing up, Ji Bai didn't intend to go to sleep. He picked up the knight comics placed casually on the coffee table and relished them.

looked up.

Then he noticed that the girl sitting not far from him seemed to be very interested in the comic in his hand, and her eyes

He always glances at the comic book in Ji Bai's hand from time to time.

Isn't this eldest lady interested in knight culture? It seems not, this is weird and intriguing

No matter how you look at her expression, it doesn't match your liking, right? Then why are you always glancing this way?

"By the way, I don't know your name yet. My name is Ji Bai. As you can see, I am a high school student. What about you?"

"The girl didn't answer. It seemed she didn't want to tell Ji Bai her name.

"Do you like knight comics? Or are you interested in these?" Seeing that the other party did not answer, Ji Bai was not in a hurry.

, it was very difficult for him to find a fellow fan who seemed to be interested in knights, how could he let him go so easily?

"No, not interested." The girl shook her head desperately and added. "I hate them."

"Ah?" Ji Bai was stunned.

"No, I can understand that you don't like knights, but why do you say you hate them? That's not the case.

?" Ji Bai said incomprehensibly.

"It's just that I hate it." The girl didn't say the reason, lowered her head and stopped talking.

This young lady is really strange

Since the other party didn't like it, Ji Bai took the comic into his room and read it there.

After half the night, Ji Bai yawned melodiously, glanced at the clock and found that it was almost two o'clock.

"Hey, it's a bit late. It seems that you have gone too far in cultivating immortality." Ji Bai got up and planned to go to the toilet and then sleep, but


He opened the door and found that the light in the living room was still on and the girl was still awake and sitting upright.

It's already almost two o'clock. Why is she still so energetic? Could she be a master of cultivating immortals?

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