It’s already past two o’clock, why haven’t you seen this girl lying down to rest? ?

"Um, miss, aren't you going to sleep? ?" Ji Bai looked a little strange.

It's not like she is holding her eyelids open because she doesn't want to fall asleep in a stranger's house, she is really energetic.

The girl shook her head.

"It's better to take a nap." Ji Bai advised -

She hasn't eaten for days, plus she hasn't slept. This girl is still so young, so it's strange that her body isn't broken.

The girl still shook her head and said nothing.

When Ji Bai saw this, he didn't know what to say. If he didn't want to sleep, then he shouldn't sleep. He brought a pile of blankets and put them next to her.

He turned to his side, indicating that she could rest at any time if she felt sleepy. Ji Bai ignored her and returned to his room.

He didn't have any other thoughts about the girl. One was the age issue, and the other was the identity gap between the two.


This girl is most likely the daughter of a big boss in Xincheng District, while Ji Bai is just a girl without a father or mother.

Poor students, to put it bluntly, the life trajectories of two people are two parallel lines that do not intersect, and there is no possibility of intersection.

So Ji Bai let go. All he could do was to give the other party some help within his ability and guide this person.

The eldest lady who is quarreling with her parents should just go home. If the other party thinks that what she said is farting, there is nothing she can do about it.

Back in the room, Ji Bai fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

Late at night, Ji Bai's door opened with a creak, and a figure slowly moved in front of Ji Bai.

Ji Bai, who was sleeping, hesitated for a while, put something on the bedside, turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

In the early morning, Ji Bai woke up and opened the bedroom door. There was no one in the living room, and all the furnishings were back.

He moved to his original position as if no one had been there.

Ji Bai walked to the sofa. The pile of blankets had been folded and placed on the coffee table. Other than that, it was completely untouched.


Is this, gone?

Ji Bai took the blanket back into the room. This rental house of less than fifty meters square had only two rooms and a living room.

You can see it all with your eyes.

Arriving at the entrance, indeed, the shoes were gone.

Probably going home.

Recalling the girl's dreamlike face, Ji Bai shook his head. He felt as if he had done something yesterday -

Just like a dream, after waking up from the dream, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Then, when he was cleaning the room, he found a small green stone on the side of his bed.

This stone is only as big as a fingertip. It is completely green and has been carefully processed into a jewelry pendant.

"What is this? Ji Bai was sure that there was no such thing in his belongings, and then he quickly thought,

Maybe it was the eldest lady who stayed here yesterday.

Why would you keep something like this for yourself? Could it be a thank you gift?

Ji Bai_I searched for information about this stone on the Internet and found that this stone is very similar to natural green olivine.


Oh my god, is it actually peridot? And it’s natural. How expensive is it? ?

Ji Bai said poverty limited his imagination.

She deserves to be called the lady of the big boss's big family. She rewards her so generously. The accommodation fee is just one star.

Peridot, which is natural and of excellent color, is too careless about money, right?

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?" Ji Bai looked confused as he held the peridot that still exuded fragrance.

To be honest, he didn't want to accept the stone. After all, he didn't do anything worthy of the other party's gratitude.

He was uneasy about buying such expensive things, and he didn't need jewelry.

The money is enough. If he doesn’t have money, he can just go out and do odd jobs on weekends. He himself doesn’t have much material needs.

, it cost very little, and he really didn’t want this peridot.

But everyone has given it to them, so you can’t just throw it on the street just because you don’t want it, right?

Ji Bai accepted it.

On this rare weekend, he plans to stay at home all day today, reading comics and playing games, and will pile up his homework until tomorrow.

I glanced at the freezer and realized I was out of soda.

Ji Bai rubbed his head, casually grabbed some money, put on his shoes and went out.

It's summer, and under the scorching sun, the moldy old streets seem to have been purified and glowed.

Some unusual vitality.

Because the equipment in the old town is so old, the latest soda vending machines must at least be renovated.

After a few kilometers, it’s time to exercise.

Before he had walked a few steps, Ji Bai began to sweat all over his body and his limbs became weak.

Hu Xia Tian's strenuous exercise was indeed too much for a sick man like him.

After putting the soda drinks he bought into the basket he was carrying, Ji Bai, who was about to go home, suddenly heard a hurried sound.

Horn sound.

When he turned around, he happened to see a young figure walking drowsily in front of the road in front of the road, not noticing the speeding bus.

"Danger! Almost without thinking, Ji Bai dropped the basket in his hand and rushed as fast as he could in his life.

Towards the road.

He pushed away the girl who was in a daze, and the latter noticed him and the speeding car.


He didn't know whether it was fate or coincidence. He didn't realize until he saw the girl's appearance clearly.

The child was exactly the one he picked up yesterday.

It's already too late.

After pushing the girl away, he had no room to dodge.

When Ji Bai comes back to his senses, he may feel that he was reckless, but he will never regret his actions.

The congenital lack of heart and insufficient blood supply prevented him from spending his youth freely like ordinary people. He had no relatives or friends.

The old man was still alive, and he might have died of a heart attack in his own home one day.

Ji Bai had thought about dying suddenly in his sleep no less than ten times, and no one would find it until the body stinked and rotted.

Then he was buried anywhere by spontaneously organized people. After all, he, a poor student, had no relatives and no

My friend, the best result is to be buried in the ground. If there is no ground to bury, it doesn’t matter. Just find a place to throw it away.

It doesn't matter, just pretend he never came.

It's better to die for a righteous act than to be a coward and wait in a rented house that is so small that one can't breathe.

If he died suddenly, at least he saved one life and used his few days to make his life a lot better.

It makes a little more sense, and I installed a nice fork by the way.

After saving someone's life, he left a message saying "This is what I should do", and then left gracefully. He had already done that a long time ago.

I wanted to try this knightly move, but unfortunately it was the first time and the last time.

For a moment, the screen went dark

Am I dead?" After an unknown amount of time, Ji Bai, who was lying on the ground, regained consciousness. He first rubbed

His cheek, then groping his body, looking around.

Is this going to heaven or going to hell? ?

Why does this place look so familiar? Isn’t this near my home?

I am not dead? ?

"Are you okay?" A soft and slightly familiar voice came, and Ji Bai found that at this moment, he was sleeping on the pillow

On the soft black stockings of the silver-haired girl.

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay." Ji Bai was so frightened that he stood up immediately. He noticed the noise around him, and then he paid attention.

The large truck that crashed into him just now, for some unknown reason, rolled over, but he himself was unharmed.

He was clearly the focus of this traffic accident, but he became a bystander as if nothing happened.

What's going on? ? He clearly remembered that he had just pushed away the endangered silver-haired girl, and then he became

The bus was the only target, so why did the two poles flip in the blink of an eye? ?

He rubbed his sore head and captured some incomplete memories before he fainted.

The moment he pushed the girl away, the girl's expression was surprised for a moment, and then she regained her composure, holding in her hand -

A red energy ball, then

Then he didn't know anything. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the girl's lap, on the side of the bus.

Turn aside.

Could it be that this girl did something to change the established facts? ?

This thought was rejected by Ji Bai the moment it crossed his mind.

Please, please, stop joking. How many centuries has this been? Magic and other things have not long been proven by science to be medieval.

Have you forgotten the boring tricks of the trickster? I still believe that there is magic in this world. It is indeed a knight novel.

If you watch too much, you will make your own people look stupid.

Ji Bai laughed at himself.

Moreover, even if magic does exist, can it be unleashed by a child who has not even finished elementary school?

Sure enough, he was hallucinating, right?

"Hey, long time no see. Although we only met yesterday, this kind of opening statement means that Ji Bai doesn't know how to talk to a girl.

Awkward chats made by children to communicate

Why do you want to save me?" The girl turned a deaf ear to Ji Bai's words and stared at Ji Bai with her eyes.

It was eerily calm.

"Ah? Just now? If you want to save, then save." Ji Bai obviously didn't react and blurted out without thinking.


Lilith. "After a moment of silence, the girl said softly.


"My name is Lilith.

"Ah, oh, okay, Miss Lilith, I understand." Although I don't know why the other party suddenly

Ji Bai was willing to say his name again, but from this, Ji Bai remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, Miss Lilith, is this peridot left by you? Sorry, I can't have it. Please take it.

good. "

Seeing Peridot being handed back to her hands again, Lilith was in a daze.

"You do not want?"

"Well, I don't want it.

"But you are very poor." Lilith said bluntly, making Ji Bai embarrassed for a while.

This is not a matter of poverty, and I can't do you any favors. I really shouldn't accept this thing.

"Lilith stared at Ji Bai for a long time. When the latter felt very uncomfortable, she moved away.


She took back Peridot, gently pulled Ji Bai's sleeve, and motioned for her to follow her.

"Mr. Ji Bai, your name is

Is that the right name? This is not the place to talk.

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