After a while, the two returned to Ji Bai's rental house and started staring at each other.

"Ahem, Miss Lilith, you just said that this is not the place to talk. No one can hear you in this place.

The two of us have communicated. Tell us what's going on. ”.

Mr. Ji Bai, I am different from you. "Lilith's face flashed with a hint of hesitation, as if she was thinking about it.

How should I mention this matter to Ji Bai?

"Ah, I know, I know." How could a poor student who can only afford to live in a rental house and a young lady from a wealthy family -

Well, this is true.

"You know?" There was a hint of surprise in Lilith's eyes.

"Of course I do. I noticed it from the first time we met." Ji Bai said without thinking.


Is Mr. Ji Bai's perception so sharp?

"It's okay, but this kind of problem is too obvious. I can see it at a glance." After all, even if it's a little broken,

It was damaged. The dress and dress the girl was wearing were made of high quality materials. I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs running away. Although

He said that he didn't know what kind of material it was, but it was not difficult to tell that this material was valuable.

"Then, I'll tell you the truth." After risking her life to save her just now, Lilith seemed willing to open up to Ji Bai a little bit.

A little more open-minded. "Mr. Ji Bai, my current situation is very embarrassing."

"Yeah, I can see that." I ran away from home and forgot my money. How can I not be embarrassed?

"I want to go home, but I can't." Lilith continued.

"Oh, that's it." Because I had such a big fight with my parents, I have a family now and can't go back, right?

It is true that it is a bit unrealistic for such a distinguished young lady to lower her face and apologize.

"I didn't know this kind of thing would involve you. They should have noticed you by now."

Come on. "Lilith said quietly. "Even if you don't notice it, it will happen sooner or later. "

"Ah? Have you noticed me?" No, have Lilith's parents noticed him? ? Not so soon

Yes, are her parents so knowledgeable?

"Then, I want to ask, what will happen to me if they really notice me?" Ji Bai tried


"Something bad might happen to you." Lilith looked at Ji Bai calmly and said after a moment.

Ah, not really, just a little bit closer to help - take their daughter, forget it without thanks

, repaying kindness with hatred is a bit unreasonable, right?

"You shouldn't help me, let alone have anything to do with me." Lilith said calmly. "Anyone who has anything to do with me, they're going to investigate."

"Isn't it too scary here?" Ji Bai, a young man living in the new era, heard about this experience

I couldn't sit still for a while, - stood up and patted the table. "Girl, do your parents have any serious sperm?"

A mental illness? Why are you so strictly controlled? You won’t even be allowed to come into contact with anyone, and those who come into contact with you will be detained.

To overturn the verdict would be too spiritual, wouldn’t it? ?”

"My parents..." Lilith's face was full of doubts. "What's the meaning?"

"Isn't it? How can a parent take care of his or her children as if they are their own personal belongings?

Well, although I don’t have parents, I feel that this kind of person is not worthy of being a parent! Oh” before I could be filled with righteous indignation.

After Ji Bai finished speaking, he felt a heavy blow to his head and fell down on the sofa.

"Ah, you bold human being! Don't speak ill of Her Majesty the Queen!

"Fuck, what is this?!" Ji Bai felt a swelling on his head and wondered if he was

I was hallucinating. Why did I see a fleshy bat flying over me? ?

"I'm not a thing!" The little bat that suddenly hit Ji Bai before proudly crossed its arms in the air.

"I am the only familiar designated by Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"A familiar? No, can a bat like you still talk?" Ji Bai was confused.

"Hmph, the language system used by you humans is so low-level that you can just use a magic spell to translate it.

What's so surprising?" Little Bat said disdainfully.

"It's over, it's over." Ji Bai patted his head. "I must have not slept well last night, or maybe I was studying

I'm under too much pressure. I had hallucinations today. How come I saw a talking bat and was ridiculed by it as a lowly person?

Where are the super creatures? They must not have slept.

"You inferior human being, your understanding ability is really poor. You are really a monkey who has never seen the world!" Bat

Bat said angrily.

"What did you say? ?" Ji Bai was somewhat angry at being scolded as a monkey.

“Monkey monkey monkey!

"Okay, Xiao Hei, you can't be rude." Lilith clapped her hands. "Come to me.

"Hey, I obey, Your Highness Princess~" The bat named Xiao Hei's attitude towards Ji Bai was different from Lilith's attitude.

They are simply two extremes. Facing Lilith is like a different bat, just like a cute pet.

Drill into the pair

Fang's arms kept rubbing against each other.

"Mr. Ji Bai is my benefactor. You were very rude just now."

"Well! Who let this inferior monkey say bad things about Her Majesty the Queen!" Xiao Hei said aggrievedly. "Xiao Hei, look

Just give him a lesson!'

"Damn it! Can you see this bat too?" Ji Bai pointed at the bat in Lilith's arms in confusion.

"Stupid monkey! Are you really stupid? I actually exist in the material world, you can see me

Is there anything strange? ?" Xiao Hei said disdainfully.

"Does it exist in the material world? ? No, no, no, it's impossible for a bat that can only talk to exist in the material world, right?

?There must be some mistake. "

"Tch, that's why I say your IQ is not high enough to understand such advanced beings as Xiao Hei!" This bat

The bat spun around in the air and landed on Lilith's head, wrapping its wings around her like hands.

"This is so evil." Ji Bai touched the bag on his head. It was quite painful.

This proved that the impact just now was not his hallucination, but actually hit him in the face. He began to

Gradually accept reality.

To be honest, this is a world bound by common sense. All human beings in human society are working under the name of "science".

Under the shackles of thought, accept the knowledge unilaterally instilled by the media and news without any doubts about it.

Like the frog at the bottom of the well, in their view, the world may only be three-thirds of the city they are in.

Ji Bai's ability to accept this phenomenon that was far beyond common sense in such a short period of time was already stronger than many human beings.

Contacting Lilith's power that seemed to have changed the established facts, Ji Bai gradually had a bold idea in his heart.

speculation, but he himself still didn't want to believe it.

"It's my familiar, Xiao Hei.

"Magic..." Ji Bai frowned slightly when he heard this proper term.

As a fan of knight novels, he is naturally very familiar with this term. Generally, the only familiars are knights.

Their mortal enemy, only vampires have, that is

"Well, Miss Harris, I would like to ask you a question."

"Mr. Ji Bai, please speak."

"Well, you, you are not human, are you?" Ji Bai swallowed.

"Hmph, are you just realizing it now? Human beings are really too slow." Xiao Hei snorted.

"Yes, my Highness is the noble of Eternal Night, the only daughter-in-law of the current Queen of the Scarlet Blood Realm, Lilitha.

Sambo!" Xiao Hei waved his wings and introduced solemnly.

Vampire? ?”

"Compared to this ungraceful and rude title, I think the title of vampire is more appropriate.

oh. "Xiao Hei corrected.

"No, no, no matter how you think about it, this is impossible." Ji Bai was stunned for three seconds and immediately shook his head. "Who are you,

Vampire, huh?"

Lilith nodded.

This is not something you can say casually, Miss Lilith, you say you are a vampire, do you have any evidence? ?"No.

Ji Bai kept looking at the pure and flawless white-haired girl in front of him, and he didn't want to believe it.

The vampires in movies and TV shows are either ugly or weird. Even if they are not ugly, they are definitely the kind of evil-looking ones.

He has a good appearance, big fangs, and a thin and pointed face. He just has the words "I am a vampire" written on his face. Why?

You don’t even think about how beautiful you should be, right? ?

This is not a vampire, this is simply an angel

Mr. Ji Bai, do you want to see evidence?" Lilith tilted her head. "What specific proof is it?"

"Vampires in movies and TV series will transform into a colony of bats, and can you do this?

"Ji Bai thought for a while and made demands towards these almost impossible things.

"A bat colony plus magic?"

Ok, I see. "Lilith raised her hand.

A colony of bats appeared out of thin air, flew over Ji Bai's head and then disappeared out of thin air.

Vampires, no, shouldn't they all have fangs? It's convenient for vampires and so on.

"I do." After saying that, Lilith grinned, and a pair of small but extremely sharp fangs appeared.

"Do you have any other questions now?"

Gone. "

"Are you afraid of me now?"

"There is no, no, no such thing."

"Then why did you grab the cheap cross necklace you were wearing on your chest?" Lilith tilted her head.

"Ji Bai didn't speak, his expression was frozen.

"That kind of cheap cross is useless to me. Mr. Ji Bai, if you are worried that I will attack you

, it’s better to change it. "Lilith suggested

Oh, me, I don’t need to look at it, haha. "Ji Bai threw the necklace aside and laughed.

If you wanted to attack me, you would have attacked me long ago, right? Would you wait until now? And

"I don't believe that such a cute girl would attack me.

Is it. "

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