Is this true? Is all this true? ?

Vampires, vampires that only exist in fictional stories in comic novels, actually appear alive in my own body.

In front of her, there was such a beautiful little Mengli, which simply ruined one's outlook on life.

"Then, Miss Lilith, since you are not a human being, that means you no longer live in this city at all? ?"

Lilith nodded without thinking.

Then, where do you live?" Ji Bai asked tentatively.

"My home is far away from here." Lilith leaned her head out the window, as if her thoughts were following her sight.

Fly away together.

"Then, how did you get here? It was because you were playful, so you came here because of an accident.


"Hey, human, speak with respect. My Highness is much older than you and has a higher level of mental maturity.

Not that low. "Xiao Hei interrupted at this time.

"Ah, the age of the vampire does not match his appearance. This is exactly the same as in the novel.

In other words, the person sitting in front of him now may be someone who only wears loli skin and has lived for who knows how many years.

Expired old monster.

"Then, I would like to take the liberty to ask, Miss Lilith, will you live a long life this year?

"Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady's age?" Xiao Hei interrupted again.

"Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake." Ji Bai quickly apologized.

"I have been in this world for more than forty years." Lilith did not pay attention to Ji Bai's rude question.

Question, it didn't seem to be an important thing to her.

"Are you over forty years old?" Ji Bai was a little unbelievable. This person looked like he was still in the first or second grade of elementary school.

The girl is already an aunt in human years.

"Don't use your human concept of age to force us vampires, humans." As if he saw Ji Bai's thoughts.

, Xiao Hei hummed.

"Perhaps in your human concept, you are about to enter your twilight years when you are over forty years old, but in our blood clan,

It is said that at the age of forty, my experience is still shallow, and my life has not even begun yet. "

"In our vampire family, the longer you live, the more respected you are."

"Is this so?" In fact, it is not unacceptable to be forty years old. It is better than those who are hundreds or even thousands of years old.

Old monster.

"Let me ask you a question, do you vampires really have that kind of old monster that has lived for ten centuries, or even more than that?"

"Human, if you dare to say this in front of Her Majesty the Queen, you may have been cut into pieces.

Then throw it into the turbulent flow of the alien space until even the ashes are left. "Xiao Hei pursed his lips.

Is your queen already a thousand years old?!" Ji Bai couldn't believe it.

"What's so strange about this? It's really rare and strange." Xiao Hei said disdainfully.

"Is a thousand years old common among your vampires?"

"It's not very common. You can't find many in contemporary times. The Scarlet Queen may not be the eldest member of the vampire clan today.

One, but it must be the one with the most qualifications and reputation. "Xiao Hei pretends to be an understanding brother. In Ji Bai's case,

A person who knows nothing and has never seen anything shows off his talents in front of human beings.

"Oh." Ji Bai also showed an expression of sudden realization, which greatly satisfied Xiao Hei's vanity.


"However, in our vampire family, it is still very common for people to be hundreds of years old. For example, almost all the dukes and marquises are

It starts when you are over 100 years old. "

Ji Bai was very curious. If you could live so long, would you really not feel bored? A long but empty and lonely life.

, is it really interesting?

Ji Bai doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand. To be honest, even if he is really given such a long life, he probably won't be willing to.


After witnessing the death of relatives and friends, and experiencing countless separations and deaths, I am the only one who is still alive and well.

Ji Bai felt that he might not be so strong.

Sometimes, living is a curse.

To be honest, Ji Bai is very curious and admires how these vampires dare to live so long, at least, if they can live so long

He is a normal human being. I am afraid he has gone crazy long ago. Even if he is not crazy, at least his temperament will change drastically.

However, vampires are not human in the first place. They are a kind of "monster", so we cannot use common sense to figure it out.

These monsters.

Monsters should be scary. After all, they are so different from humans, and what humans are afraid of is

This is the anomaly of those who look similar to me but are completely different.

However, after coming into contact with this vampire princess, Ji Baijing felt that these vampires were no different from humans.

So different.

"So, you really did a lot for me on the bus just now?" Ji Bai recalled the previous scene.

That picture is not an illusion.

Lilith did not deny it and nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Ji Bai, for helping me at that time."

What would happen if you were hit at that time?" Ji Bai suddenly became curious. "Will you die?"

"Probably not. It's just that it will probably be very troublesome."

"Huh, human, are you thinking

What? My princess is a noble and orthodox blood royal bloodline.

How could the collision of positions possibly harm my princess??"

"If he is found to be alive after being hit, it will definitely attract the attention of many people." Lilith seemed

I still have lingering fears about this. "It would be bad to lure 'em here."

"who are they?"

"Humans, don't you even know the organization that protects you?" Xiao Hei complained.

"Temple Association." Lilith explained calmly.

"Temple Association..." Ji Bai was stunned when he heard this unfamiliar term, and then he realized something.

Yes, since there are vampires in this world, there must be corresponding knights, right?

"The Temple Association? They are knights?"

"Not entirely. If I have to say it, they have many arms, and knights are just one of them.

"Oh oh oh! It turns out there really is a knight!" Ji Bai suddenly became excited and suddenly made a sound that scared Xiao Hei and Li.

Liz jumped.

"Human, what are you doing? You are making such a fuss. My Highness is injured right now. You are frightening my Highness.

Can you afford the compensation? ?" Xiao Hei complained.

"I'm sorry, I'm just, I was so excited. I didn't expect knights to still exist in this world!"

"Speaking of which, are you injured?

"Ah!" Xiao Hei realized that he had said the wrong thing unintentionally and immediately covered his mouth. “No, no, man.

You heard me wrong!"

"It's okay, Xiao Hei, Mr. Ji Bai is not one of those people who wants to do harm to me." Lilith said calmly.

"Are you injured? Ji Bai was a little surprised. He scratched his head in confusion. "If I remember correctly, blood-sucking

Don't ghosts have very powerful self-healing capabilities? It seems that even broken arms and legs can heal themselves. "

"If it's just an ordinary sword slash." Lilith lowered her head slightly. "The silver blade held by the Temple Society

They are all blessed by priests and anointed with holy water. They are extremely lethal to vampires under a hundred years old like me.

And it cannot be restored in a short time. "

"They are looking for me."

Ji Bai's eyes widened.

"Human, do you know what my princess is facing now?" Xiao Hei sighed.

"My princess has been injured and has not been fed these days. The wound naturally heals very slowly."

"The temple has a large number of people. Once the whereabouts of Her Royal Highness are found, the city will be sealed off. Then my princess will be in danger."

"Not eating? Ji Bai hesitated for a moment. If he remembered correctly, the vampire's way of eating should be:


"You haven't eaten for how many days? .

"Yeah." Lilith nodded.

"Then, uh uh, I mean, since you are a vampire, why don't you grab any human when you are so hungry?

What about sucking his blood?" Ji Bai was puzzled, but he didn't know that it was very dangerous for him to ask such a question.

After all, in his view, according to vampire values, human beings are just food, and there is no so-called morality at all.

Moral condemnation included.

"Humans, don't think of us vampires in such low terms, okay? ?" Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes.

"We are not in need of the blood of non-intelligent creatures. What we usually drink is animal blood. In addition to serving as blood slaves,

Except for human beings and prisoners of war who have no human rights, we will not take the initiative to suck human blood. "

"Are you so principled? ?" Ji Bai was shocked. After all, in the old impression in film and television works, vampires are very

The image of evil is so deeply ingrained in his body and mind that he never expected that vampires could be so principled.

But thinking about it, it was true that the girl in front of him was obviously very hungry, but he had not seen the girl after getting along with her for almost two days.

Have actively attacked humans, or attacked themselves.

"Of course, the world of vampires is much more orderly than you think." Xiao Hei snorted. "No order."

The order is not perfect, we know this kind of thing better than you. "

"Then, how did you get here?" Ji Bai asked.

Lilith shook her head. "I don't want to come here."

"The princess's convoy was attacked by your temple fanatics on the way, and she was forced to live here.

Come. "When it comes to this matter, Xiao Hei seems to be extremely angry.

"There aren't many escorts in the convoy. We believe that you humans will not do such an undeclared war.

Unexpectedly, you not only planted moles and undercover agents, but also planned this attack for a long time. "Xiao Hei is very

He said unhappily.

"Humans, took the initiative to attack you?" Ji Bai was a little unbelievable.

He has only heard of vampires actively attacking humans, but is the reality more magical than the movies and TV shows?

But he didn't believe it all. After all, if his identity was confirmed, Lilith was a vampire and a vampire woman.

Although the emperor's daughter didn't want to think so, Ji Bai felt that she couldn't fully believe her words out of rational considerations.

After quickly understanding the situation, he was not stupid enough to question himself for a foreigner.

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