Blood Princess and the Knight

5~Trouble and decision

"So, what are you going to do next?" Ji Bai asked.

"I want to go home." Lilith said in a plain but somewhat suppressed voice while stroking her skirt. "I don't belong

Here, I want to go home. "

Ji Bai moved slightly.

Regardless of her actual age, the person sitting in front of her is just a poor girl who is homeless in a foreign land and has no home to return to.

That’s all.

For the vampires, how can humans not be aliens? In this world full of aliens who regard her as enemies and scourges,

In this land, no one will look at her with tenderness and kindness. Once her identity is exposed, she will be greeted only by

"What will happen to you if you are discovered by that organization called the Temple Association? Will you be killed by them?

Ji Bai asked with a somewhat complicated mood.

"Kill? That's the best ending." Xiao Hei said coldly.

"Her Royal Highness Lilith is an orthodox blood royal family. The only daughter of the current Scarlet Queen Emily has suffered all kinds of things.

Being favored by the red blood domain, those old coins in the temple will not let go of such a good opportunity. They might

His Highness was used for dissection experiments and was imprisoned for long periods of time to satisfy their curiosity or to use them as materials to develop new models.

Weapons, obtain basic data of the Vampire Royal Family, and more. "

"Of course, these are not the most terrifying things. I suspect those shameless bastards in the temple are plotting something.

, they set up a dragnet to capture Her Highness Lilith, and spent a lot of effort on this. It must be because of Lilith.

Her Highness Liz has what they want. "Xiao Hei analyzed.

"What do you want?" Ji Bai was stunned.

"Who knows, maybe it's because of the value of Her Majesty Lilith. After all, Her Majesty the Queen has appointed and

The first heir, the next Scarlet Queen, is of great importance to the Scarlet Blood Territory. Those in the temple

The old man may have intended to use this as a condition to demand some compromise from the Queen. "

"Are you vampires hostile to us humans? ?"

"That's right, but because of the respective needs of both parties, they signed a non-aggression treaty with each other. Where did I think of you?

We humans are so despicable and plotted against us!" Xiao Hei snorted.

"What a bunch of selfish villains who don't care about the overall situation. They attacked the convoy of the blood princess. You know this

What consequences will it have? ?The situation on the mainland, which was originally considered stable, has become tense again Scarlet Red

The Queen will definitely be furious, and then she will launch a massive attack on humans. Just wait, your temple will soon be unable to hide it.

The fact that aliens exist.

"But it's useless for you to tell me this." Ji Bai said helplessly. "This is not something I can decide by myself. After all, I am just a human citizen. How can I have my say in the decisions made by the higher-ups?"

Even before meeting Lilith, Ji Bai, like ordinary ordinary citizens, had no idea about the existence of vampires.

He has an absolutely negative attitude towards the authenticity of the information. The amount of information Ji Bai receives now is no less than that of a person who suddenly runs up on the street.

People told him, "Hey, I'm your ancestor who traveled through time.

"Mr. Ji Bai, thank you very much." Lilith lifted up her skirt and gave a standard aristocratic salute to Ji Bai. "Thanks

Your generous help now means that you are still willing to have a neutral attitude towards me after knowing my identity.

"Well, I don't think anyone would be wary of a cute girl like you, right? Even if

You are not human. "Ji Bai said his guess while laughing.

The girl did not speak, but shook her head with no meaning. "Thank you for your understanding."

"I'm sorry, I sympathize with your situation, but if you want me to help you get home, I can't

There is really nothing I can do to help. "Ji Bai scratched his head and said helplessly.

He believed the girl's words, but so what if they were true? He was just a human being.

He is just a small citizen, and not only that, his physical fitness is far lower than that of ordinary people. He is not fighting against the fifth scum, but against the fourth scum.

It is impossible to be like those counterattack novels, shouting "I have no control over my fate" or "I believe in fate but I feel

Passionate speeches such as "Is it necessary to accept my fate or not" immediately exploded, helping the vampire princess return to her hometown, gaining favor, and then

Then marry a vampire princess and reach the pinnacle of life, right?

Lilith shook her head. "I can't thank you enough for your willingness to lend me a helping hand many times,"

"Besides, you really can't help me." After saying that, Lilith stood up and said to Xiao Hei. "let's go


"Hey, are you leaving now?" Xiao Hei was stunned.

"Well, staying here is not an option." Lilith nodded.

“But, Your Highness Lilith, you are still injured.

"It's okay, it's nothing serious." After saying that, Lilith bowed to Ji Bai again and walked towards the entrance.

"Are you leaving now? I don't mind letting you stay for a few more days." Ji Bai stood up and felt a little embarrassed.


To be honest, he has a good impression of this vampire girl. After all, in a sense, she also saved him, and

And as far as the situation of the other party is concerned, some problems have arisen more or less.


I always felt that it was a pity that I couldn't help her.

I don't know why, Ji Bai just couldn't restrain such thoughts, and felt an indescribable feeling of guilt in his heart.

"Mr. Ji Bai, it's too late to forget all this." Lilith put on her leather shoes and said with her back to Ji Bai.

"If you continue to stay with me, you may be in real danger."

"Ah, why?"

"The Temple Association will not let go of anyone who has an affair with a vampire, so please turn back now

You still have time. "Lilith turned her head and looked deeply at Ji Bai.

"If you still want to continue living your life, don't think about anything, take a sleep and forget everything." When the words fell,

With the sound of the door closing, the room returned to calm.

"Plop." Ji Bai sat back on the sofa.

He wanted to say something else, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out.

The situation of this vampire girl may be very pitiful. Now she is injured and has not eaten for several days. She is in extremely bad condition.

It was bad, but he chose to leave because he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Maybe this is what ordinary people should do, this is the standard moral code, but even if it is the standard

There are still many moral principles that humans cannot achieve. After all, there are idiots in this world who like to cause trouble to others.

There are too many now. In terms of morality and self-awareness, they are even worse than a vampire.

At least after these two days of observation, Li Qiye finally confirmed what the girl said. She might really be because of

Human beings were forced to leave their homeland due to their unruliness.

After all, if she is really the kind of vampire that wanders around the human world looking for food, it is impossible to see her without any reaction.

, and even suppress their biological instincts, and will never attack humans even if they are hungry.

Even if it is just pretending, it is too much. There is no need to pretend it to yourself, right? There is no need.

Wouldn’t it be better to make your true race known to the public and keep yourself in the dark? ?

But so what? Why did he need to help her? He couldn't even care about himself.

Why would she have the leisure to care about the life and death of others? Besides, she is still a vampire.

And, most importantly, he can't help

Different races, different paths. As expected, I still pretend not to know anything. Go to sleep and forget all this -

After reading this, Ji Bai took a deep breath, took off his clothes and lay on the bed, planning to take a nap, tossing and turning.

I couldn't sleep either, all I could think about was the previous events.

"It was such an annoying scene that he couldn't get rid of. Ji Bai had to get up and try to divert his attention by reading comics.


"It is the duty of a knight to protect the weak. Remember, a true knight will never ignore anyone in need of help.

"Knights protect not only people, but also humanity. The beauty of humanity is the beauty of kindness.

"Ji Bai threw the comic book aside and scratched his hair in distress.

No matter what, vampires are vampires after all. They are all harmful to humans. Dealing with them will bring no harm to humans, right?

But even if they are vampires, should good vampires die? Like humans, they all just want to live

Just go down, and they didn’t hurt humans at all, right? ?

Ji Bai fell into hard thinking. No matter what, he could not convince himself to ignore this matter.

So, I really can't sit back and do nothing.

Ji Bai sighed.

But so what, what can he do even if he wants to take care of it? Can he take care of it?

Right, since you can’t control these things, why not forget them? ?

Ah, so annoying. "Ji Bai stood up and came to his second-hand laptop.

Play a game for a while to divert your attention.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but soon dusk has arrived, indicating that the day is coming to an end.

Ji Baiguan found a heavy rain outside the window when he was on the computer.

"Tsk, why is it raining? The weather forecast is inaccurate again." Ji Bai complained, and then thought of noon

The vampire girl who left in time.

Speaking of which, vampires shouldn’t be afraid of the cold, right? .

Probably not.

Vampires in movies and TV shows are all invulnerable, right? They just got caught in a heavy rain.

However, no matter how Ji Bai comforted himself in his heart, - he imagined that petite silver-haired lolita in the pouring rain.

Ji Bai couldn't let go of the scene where he was homeless, hugging his knees and huddled pitifully in a small box on the street.

Calm down yourself.

No, it's still inappropriate no matter what. At least it's raining so heavily and she can't be left alone outside.

Bar? ?--

After thinking about this, Ji Bai rushed out of the rental building with an umbrella and looked for him on the deserted street in the heavy rain.

The figure of the girl appears.

"Lilith, Miss Lilith?! Where are you?" The water soaked into Ji Bai's trouser legs. The rain was really too heavy.

Due to the old drainage system in the old city, the water soon reached Ji Bai's knees.

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