Due to the obsolete facilities in the old city, although the drainage system is still in operation, it is not stable despite such a heavy rain.

It was overburdened and water was constantly oozing out.

This is disgusting

Does anyone know if the water seeping out of the sewer is rainwater, fecal water, or both? ?

It was useless to roll up his trouser legs, because the rain had already flooded Ji Bai's thighs, making him walk abnormally.


"Lilith, Miss Lilith? Where are you? We will discuss whether we are involved or not. Let's discuss it now.

Follow me home to hide from the rain!" Ji Bai shouted in the heavy rain, but the response he received was only more and more fierce

The sound of rain.

The umbrella in his hand completely lost its function. Not only that, Ji Bai had to spend a lot of time to stabilize it and prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind.

He held it tightly with all his strength and simply gave up. He walked forward in the rain and wind.

Cough. Miss Lilith, Miss Lilith. "Ji Bai covered his heart, his voice gradually became hoarse, and then

And no matter how much he shouted, he got no response

The guilt in my heart continued to increase sharply, and my uneasiness gradually increased.

If I had saved myself at noon, wouldn’t such a thing have happened? ?

Ji Bai didn't know that he had to search aimlessly like this. It seemed that he had been in the rain for too long.

He kept coughing, and his heart began to cramp, aching and hot.

Even so, he still did not stop, his voice drifted in the violent storm, like a man sinking into the sea.

Water droplets generally disappear without a trace and receive no response.

Finally, his steps began to falter, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. He only remembered that he was looking for someone, but he forgot

Who to call.

He thought he might have a fever

"Lilith, miss."

Just when the soles of his feet slipped and he almost lost his balance and fell into the water, an invisible force

Helped him up.

"Eh?" After he woke up slightly, he rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw.

In the pouring rain, there were actually black dots flying in the sky. Flying

"Is it a hallucination?"

"I'm hallucinating a ghost, human being. It's me, Xiao Hei. Didn't I forget you after not seeing you all afternoon? Could it be that your head

Is it the head of a goldfish?" the latter said contemptuously.

"Xiao, Xiaohei? By the way, where is Lilith? Where is she now?" Hearing this slightly familiar name,

A few seconds passed before his groggy brain responded. Ji Bai looked stunned and asked hurriedly.

"Ah, you came just in time, I'm in a hurry now too!"

"Afraid? Why, did something happen to Lilith?"

"Nothing serious happened. I just didn't eat for a few days and fainted. And

"Fainted? Where is she now?" Hearing this, Ji Bai asked anxiously.

"I've placed the lady at the door of a building on the roadside, so you can come with me."

"Okay!" I don't know whether it was fate or luck. Ji Bai successfully found Lilith's wife.


"Wait a minute." Just when Xiao Hei was on his way, he stopped his wings and looked at Ji Bai meaningfully. "Human little

Son, are you really sure you want to get involved in this matter?"

"Don't forget what my Highness told you. Once you get involved in this kind of thing, it will never do anything good.

You might even take risks, or even risk losing your life. "

Ji Bai was silent for a moment, and then spoke to it word by word. “Now that things have happened, I don’t think it’s okay to say these words.

Is it too late?"

"It's all mixed in, what else can I do? ? Pretend I didn't see it?"

"No matter what, just don't take care of it from the beginning. Since you have taken care of it, there is nothing to regret. I will take care of it."


Yep, he's just a human being, so saying something so handsome is really annoying. "Xiaohei cut-

The voice seemed to acquiesce to Ji Bai's words and led the way without saying a word.

On a stormy night, a dreamlikely beautiful silver-haired girl was lying quietly under the eaves in front of the department store.


"Lilith, Miss Lilith? Is she okay?" Ji Bai shook Lilith's shoulders and asked Xiang Xiao


"Human, don't take this opportunity to touch my Highness! Don't worry, Your Highness is fine. It's just that if

It's not certain if it continues like this. "There was a trace of worry on Xiao Hei's face.

"The blood clan has stopped eating. Due to lack of nutrition, the injuries cannot be recovered, so they can only do more harm. Now His Highness has already

The only option is to enter the cloud semi-stunned mode to reduce consumption as much as possible, but this is not the answer after all. "

"Then, what should I do to save her?" Ji Bai asked.

Xiao Hei gave Ji Bai another meaningful look. "Young man, you asked a good question, but I

I think you asked the wrong person. Now, the one who can save my Highness is not me, but you. "

"Since you have read so many knight novels, you should know how our vampires eat, right? It couldn't be easier to save my Highness. You only need to give her "food". After absorbing the nutrients, she can

to recover slowly

, the same is true for injuries.

"You mean, let me donate my blood? ?" Ji Bai's mouth twitched slightly, recalling the scenes of vampires in movies and TV shows.

The scene of the two big fangs piercing the neck made him shudder.

"This is the only way at the moment. Of course, I'm not forcing you to do this. As we said, without permission

Yes, we will never suck the blood of humans. This is a promise we have made, and we will never violate it.

On the contrary, even if you humans break the agreement first. "Xiao Hei explained.

"Whether you save or not save, it depends on you human being, I will not interfere with you." The bat said calmly

"If I don't save you, what will you do?" Ji Bai was silent for a moment.

"No matter what, think of a way yourself." Xiao Hei seemed to have expected Ji Bai to say this, and said calmly.

Find a way by yourself. "I won't beg you. Don't forget, we are a vampire and we have our own pride.

He will never bow down to human beings for the sake of life and death. "

"After talking for a long time and talking so much nonsense, isn't there still no one to help you?" Ji Bai suddenly said.

"Why are you pretending to be sophisticated? If I don't help you, who will help you? If you take jujube pills, since it's like

Come on, hurry up. ""As he spoke, Ji Bai pulled off his collar.

"You little human being." Xiao Hei felt like he couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's it, right?" Ji Bai took off his collar and said. He had read a lot of novels about vampires.

Know how to make feeding easier for vampires.

"Human boy, are you really sure you want to do this?" Xiao Hei raised his eyebrows.

"How come you, the bat, have become so mother-in-law now? Do you still want to save your highness? ?" Ji Bai


Ha, yes, it is true that I talk too much. "Xiao Hei flew over and woke up Lilith.

Xiao Hei? Rain, has the rain stopped?" Lilith narrowed her eyes slightly, and when she woke up, she said the words she trusted most

The familiar.

Xiao Hei didn't speak, but motioned to Ji Bai next to him.

"Miss Lilith, it's me. I don't know if you still remember me."

"You are, Mr. Ji Bai, why are you here?"

"Okay, don't say anything else, come and have dinner." Ji Bai opened his collar and approached Lilith.

"If you refuse, don't say anything. You must know that I suffer from congenital heart disease. This is all a risk."

It rained heavily all the way, just to find you back. Do you know my determination? ?Okay, don’t talk too much.

Come on, let’s start quickly. If I delay it for a while, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on anymore. "

"Are you still planning to get involved with me?" The scene was silent for a long time, looking at Ji Bai's unwavering eyes.

, Lilith sighed lightly. "Okay, Mr. Ji Bai, and thank you."

Lilith's body came close to Ji Bai, and her slender and soft palms gently caressed Ji Bai's chest.

Ji Bai, who thought it was just a mosquito bite, was not afraid when the other party put his head on his shoulder.

But he started to panic again.

Emma, ​​is it too late for me to regret now? Can being bitten by a vampire and being bitten by a mosquito be the same thing?

?The teeth are so long and sharp that they can burst into blood vessels even if they pierce them? ?

"Don't move, don't worry, I will try to be gentle." Lilith murmured softly, smoothing Ji Bai's trembling back.

Ah? Wait, isn’t your statement easily misunderstood? Ah!

A sharp stinging pain exploded from Ji Bai's neck, followed by the girl's unique body fragrance and hair.

The fragrance was mixed with this painful feeling but with a hint of pleasure. Under the complexity, Ji Bai felt that he

It was like going to heaven, only to be thrown down to hell a few seconds later, and then go to heaven again.

The sourness is almost as good as drinking Vita lemon tea.

During a burst of twitching, Ji Bai felt that his body fluids were being rapidly absorbed and flowed out of his body, gradually

He lost his voice.

"Your Highness, Your Highness! How do you feel?" After Lilith finished eating, Xiao Hei handed it to her thoughtfully.

Got a napkin.

"Well, I feel much better. I have more strength." Wiping the remaining blood at the corner of her mouth, Lilith let go of Ji Bai.

"Mr. Ji Bai, thank you for your generosity."

"Pfft." Ji Bai fell into Lilith's arms without saying a word.

"Ah! You big pervert, you actually took this opportunity to take advantage of Her Highness Lilith!

"No, Xiao Hei, Mr. Ji Bai seems to have fainted." Lilith said calmly.

"Eh? Fainted? No, did you faint now? How much blood did you suck? Even their human adults

The amount of blood donation is not enough, are you fainting now? This human being is too weak. "Xiao Hei poked Ji Bai and said speechlessly.

"Sure enough, the human body is too weak. It just rained a little, and because of the lack of physical strength, it sucked some blood.

I can't bear it anymore

"Hey, will being exposed to the rain make humans sick?" Lilith was puzzled.

"Of course, miss, after all, humans are such fragile creatures. Forget it, Your Highness, let's take care of this family first.


Help her home. "

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