Ah, it’s so cold. Where am I? Am I traveling through time?

Ji Bai opened his eyes. Different from ordinary time travel novels, what he saw was the familiar ceiling and room, and

Still a familiar person.

This seems to be his home. Why is he lying on the bed and feeling weak? By the way, he is just fine.

It seems to have gone.

"Your Highness, that human boy is awake!" The moment after Ji Bai opened his eyes, there was the flapping of wings.

There were sounds and shouts, followed by a burst of hurried footsteps.

"Mr. Ji Bai, are you okay? How do you feel?" Lilith pushed open the door and walked in, holding a bowl of hot steam in her hand.

Steaming soup.

"Lilith? I'm fine, I'm just a little cold."

"Come, drink this bowl of soup and you won't be cold anymore." Lilith handed the soup to Ji Bai's mouth.

"Did you make this soup?" Ji Bai was not so feverish that he couldn't distinguish reality. He looked at it in disbelief.

With Lilith.

"Yeah." Lilith nodded flatly.

"Ahem, it's not Miss Lilith, it's not that I look down on your craftsmanship, are you sure you can make humans drink?

The decoction?" Ji Bai asked weakly.

"This is the ginger soup I made after reading Mr. Ji Bai's family recipe. It is said that it is very good for Mr. Ji Bai's current illness.

Has a healing effect. "Lilith brought it to Ji Bai's mouth.

"When you are sick, you have to take medicine, that's how you humans are.

"Ah, I know, Ji Bai is still a little hesitant. As a native vampire, Lily

Si must have never been in contact with a human kitchen owner, and Ji Bai could not imagine what would happen if a vampire came into contact with a human kitchen.

What's the matter? After all, vampires are rumored to be afraid of garlic.

He was afraid that Lilith, who knew nothing about human cooking, would cook some dark food that would kill people.

"You won't get better if you don't take medicine. Well, that's what the book says." Lilith thought about it, and the medicine in her hand was still there.

Put it against Ji Bai's mouth. "Although it doesn't taste good, you still have to drink it to cure your illness, right?"

But I was afraid that this dose of decoction might not cure my illness, so I went there first!

I sniffed the ginger soup in front of me. It tasted pretty normal, but I didn’t know what it tasted like when I drank it.

Well, it's so hot that it feels like my throat is about to burn. It's really the taste of ginger soup, and there's no peculiar smell.

"How do you feel?" Watching Ji Bai drink the soup bit by bit, Lilith sat next to her with an expressionless face.

There was a rare hint of nervousness.

"Does it taste the same as the soup you've had?"

"Well, Zhi, it's quite consistent. It's better to say that as a beginner, you really did a good job. It's definitely

First time? "After drinking the ginger soup, Ji Bai's condition became somewhat better.

Lilith, maybe the kind of genius who is very good at anything, actually made it for the first time when she encountered human ingredients.

To reach this point, Ji Bai really didn't expect it.

"Yeah." Lilith nodded and said expressionlessly. "This is indeed my first time. "

Ji Bai was speechless for a moment. He always felt that this kind of speech was a bit strange, but he couldn't think of anything for a while.


"Well, thank you, you even learned how to make ginger soup for me." To be honest, this was the first time in Ji Bai's life that he had been

Taking care of a girl, well, although the person taking care of him is a vampire, and he is already over forty years old, but for now

It's a girl, maybe.

"I should be the one to thank you, Mr. Ji Bai, for your generosity." Lilith stood up and placed her hands flat on her belly.

Bowed to Ji Bai.

"But in this way, you are destined to be involved in danger."

"What's the point of saying this now?" Ji Bai said angrily. "I helped what I should have done, but what I shouldn't have done

Those who helped have helped, but now it’s useless to say anything. "

You don’t understand, the Temple will not let anyone go who has contact with vampires, they will treat you as

Be a traitor to mankind. "Lilith said softly.

"Isn't that right? Didn't I just take you in for a few days and then contribute some "food" to you? As for giving

Am I branded as a "betrayer of humanity"? "Ji Bai doesn't understand.

"Furthermore, from what you said, the other party is composed of clergymen and knights. They should be regarded as the kind of righteous ones.

A messenger type, right? In short, if you catch me, you won’t sentence me to death, and you won’t even give me a chance to appeal for grievances.


Lilith just shook her head. "Their understanding of aliens is absolutely dark, and they are extremely ruthless towards traitors.

If you are interested, you can refer to medieval criminal law. "

"Ah, it's not like it's a modern society anyway, and it's still engaging in the cruel and inhumane practices of ancient feudalism.

The criminal law is somewhat anti-human and cannot be justified. "Ji Bai swallowed.

"Some things have always existed and will not disappear due to the changes of the times." Lilith looked at the window quietly.

Heavy rain outdoors. "The reason why you think they disappeared is just because they disappeared on the surface."

"You humans don't really believe that the temple is a symbol of beauty and purity, do you? No way?

Do you know?" Xiao Heigu

Weird way. "If the guys in the temple really care about the lives of the people, they shouldn't attack the convoy of the vampire princess.

, thus completely falling out with the Scarlet Blood Territory. "

"Is there any misunderstanding between the two of you?" Ji Bai asked.

"Misunderstanding? Maybe there is, but more of it is that the interests of those guys in the temple are not in line with those of the temple. They talk about racial bigotry.

Righteousness, what do you think in your heart? No one knows. "Xiao Hei snorted.

"It is true that our vampires are not good people, but if you think that all the temples are good people, you are totally wrong.

Wrong, there are even more lunatics there than us.

"But, no matter what, knights exist, right?" Ji Bai said still unwilling to give up. "Since they are riding

Sir, then you shouldn’t be unable to listen to my voice. The knight is sworn to protect the weak, isn’t he? ?”

You humans are really unreasonable. Forget it, just think so if you want to. Keep your heart.

In the end - the slightest bit of beauty is not bad either. "Xiao Hei held his forehead.

After talking to Ji Bai, he became more and more sleepy.

It’s already late at night, Miss Lilith, aren’t you going to bed?”

"I've already slept." Lilith replied.

"The Vampires don't sleep at night." Xiao Hei answered on her behalf.

"Do you want me to tell you some bedtime stories?"

"Huh? Bedtime story?" Ji Bai was a little confused.

"Well, when I couldn't sleep before, my mother would sit in front of me and tell me bedtime stories to coax me to sleep." Lilith said seriously.

"No, I'm not a child anymore, and I don't want to listen to bedtime stories.

"But, yesterday I saw Mr. Ji Bai was very interested in these comic books." Lilith held the book

He said, "Do you really don't need me to tell Mr. Ji Bai a story?"

"Perhaps due to illness and excessive exercise, Ji Bai fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

Ji Bai's health was very poor. He caught a cold and had a fever, which made matters worse. He slept until the afternoon the next day.

When he woke up at one o'clock, it was still Lilith who prepared ginger soup and breakfast for Ji Bai.

Maybe Lilith is really talented in cooking, or maybe she is an out-and-out cook

He is a genius, he can learn everything in one go, and his breakfast is delicious.

The cold was much better, but he still couldn't get out of bed. Seeing that he would have class tomorrow morning, Ji Bai was a little anxious.

, wondering if I, a perfect student who has never been absent from class, might be absent from class for no reason now? ?

Although his grades are not good and he is not conspicuous in the class, he has never done anything illegal or disciplinary.

If I just skipped class without saying anything, I would be a little bit intolerant of it.

"Is Mr. Ji Bai worried about something?" Lilith asked after seeing the sadness on Ji Bai's face.

"I have to get out of bed within tomorrow."

"But your illness is not cured yet. According to this trend, it will take another three to five days." Lilith said calmly.

Be authentic.

"No, I have to go to class tomorrow. If I don't go, the teacher won't be able to explain it." Ji Bai was embarrassed.


"It turns out that the human world also has schools and classes?" Lilith tilted her head.

"Could it be that you also have a school there? ?" Ji Bai was confused. He didn't understand that a vampire school could teach


"What do you usually teach in class?"

"The main ones are arithmetic problems, etiquette lessons, magic summoning lessons, and home economics lessons." Lilith thought for a moment.

"So, that means you are still a student?"

"Lilith has graduated a long time ago."

"I almost forgot, the white-haired lolita in front of me is already over forty years old.

"No, no matter what, I still have to go there. At least I have to tell the teacher clearly that I am sick and

Not absent from class. "Ji Bai thought for a while and then insisted. "Actually, if I just need to ask for leave for you one by one, I think I can do the job. "Lilithsi

After asking for a moment, he volunteered.

"Huh? You? But isn't this very dangerous?" Ji Bai was stunned.

"The school should be considered the safest place, with the power of the temple there."

"But, no matter how you say it, it's too outrageous! You're a vampire, are you sure there won't be any trouble if you travel during the day?"

"No, I will only become weaker during the day. I can still do it by just taking a day off." Lilith

Be certain of the way

Ji Bai still felt something was wrong.

Mainly because what happened to him in the past few days was too magical. First he bumped into a vampire, and then...

He fell ill, and in the end the vampire took care of him in order to repay his kindness and went to school to ask for leave.

No matter how you say it, it’s almost too weird!

"It's okay, just leave everything to me.

"Then, what identity should you use to ask for leave from me?"

"Yes, sister."

"Do we look like brother and sister?

"That's it, girlfriend."


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