"Okay, class has started. Let's start roll call now. Wang Fugui and Li Hua. It's another boring Monday morning.

In the morning, the potbellied head teacher walked into this classroom full of pajamas, read the list in his hand, and dozed off for a while.

All the sleeping classmates woke up.

The answers came one after another. After all, most students in this grade do not dare to skip class. If they dare to skip class, the teacher will

I called my parents' house and ordered a meal of stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots in the evening.

However, the roll call was answered smoothly, but the response was lost after a name was read.

Ji Jibai? Classmate Ji Bai? "The head teacher clicked the name several times and glanced at the class with a slight surprise.

"Who is classmate Ji Bai's deskmate?'

"Teacher, it's me." Lin Tuo stood up and said.

"Didn't he come to class today?"

"It seems, yes." Lin Tuo said hesitantly. "I didn't see him this morning either. It's a little strange. In the past, I didn't see him.

He must have arrived at that point. "

"Is that so?" The head teacher obviously knew the situation at Ji Bai's family and had no plans to call the parents to inquire. "

Classmate Lin Tuo, do you have Classmate Ji Bai’s phone number?”

"Yes, but I just called him this morning and he didn't answer." Lin Tuo sounded worried. "I don't know him either.

Is there something urgent over there, or am I temporarily sick?

This is possible. You know where his home is, right? Later) L gives me the address and I will come to ask in person.

ask. "When a student has a problem, the teacher must find out for himself, otherwise it would be too disrespectful.


"Then let's start class first

"Tuk-tuk-tuk." Three knocks on the door sounded. It was not too loud, but it was enough to make all the students in the class listen.

See you.

"Excuse me, everyone."

When everyone turned their attention to the classroom, they suddenly looked dazed. The first class in the morning

The drowsiness was swept away.

The girl, who seemed to be only about ten years old, held up her skirt and presented herself to the crowd like a noble lady in the Middle Ages.

He made an elegant and decent aristocratic salute, raised his head, and his ridiculously beautiful face hung down like fine silk.

With long hair, the silver-haired girl looks like an elf coming out of a dreamy fairy tale.

At this moment, everyone present was conquered by the girl's appearance.

Are you?" The class teacher was also stunned for a second or so, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. As a people's teacher who has escaped from vulgar taste and has a family, he would actually stare at a little girl who is dozens of years younger than him.

In the past, it was simply insulting to politeness.

"Excuse me, are you the teacher? I am Mr. Ji Bai's sister. My brother was caught in the heavy rain last night. Now because of

I am short of minerals, so let me explain the situation.

"You, you are Ji Bai's classmate, sister?" The corner of the head teacher's mouth twitched a few times. It's not that he didn't want to believe it.

, but unbelievable.

This girl obviously doesn't have the same style of painting as Ji Bai, or even the whole class. You said she is a certain person?

He wouldn't doubt the daughter of a rich man, how could she be related to a poor student like Ji Bai who has no father or mother?


"Yes... the head teacher's face was full of disbelief.

Don't be kidding. Ji Bai's file clearly states that he has no blood relatives. How come this happened all of a sudden?

Where is a younger sister who suddenly pops out? ?

"Little girl, you are not Ji Bai's biological sister, are you?"

"That's right, but she's better than her own sister." After being exposed, Lilith was not anxious at all and continued. "Rather than

Speaking of family ties, we have transcended the shackles of family ties."

"Ah, this." The head teacher was shocked. The more he heard this rhetoric, the more wrong it became. It transcended the shackles of family ties. Then

Is it possible?

"Well, you can also understand that we are in a relationship." Lilith said something shocking. As soon as she finished speaking, the whole classroom burst into excitement.


"Holy shit, shit, are you kidding me?"

"Let's be reasonable, let's be reasonable, how could He De, that boy from Ji Bai, get such a top-notch girl?

"Oh my god, it's so unfair. Hey, how is that boy better than me? Is it because he's more handsome?"

? I think I'm pretty handsome, but why don't I have a girlfriend? "

"What an enviable guy! Damn it. What kind of sweet words did he say? I want to learn it too.


"Quiet, everyone be quiet." Looking at the boiling students below, the head teacher frowned slightly and turned to Lilith.

"Little classmate, what do you call me?"

"My name is Lilith"

"Well, classmate Lilith and classmate Ji Bai can't come to school, so why don't you come here to ask for leave for him on his behalf?" Ban.

The director took a deep breath.

As long as it did not violate school rules, he had no control over the relationship between Ji Bai and this girl. Although the school rules stipulated that students were not allowed to fall in love, since Lilith was not a student of their school, they had no control over it.

"Yes, what he said will probably take a few days of recovery before he can return to school. Before that, he asked me to listen to him

class and take notes, so that he won’t miss too many classes.

"Hiss." "As soon as I heard this

This beautiful girl will study in the same classroom with her for a day, and she will learn everything in one day

Shengdu took a deep breath.

"Okay then, Ji Bai's seat is over there." The head teacher pointed to Ji Bai's seat, which was regarded as acquiescing to Li.

Liz's behavior.

"Thank you very much." Lilith bowed.

"You can pass Miss Lilith, are you sure your clothes are okay?" The head teacher was a little worried.

The way.

Not for anything else, just because Lilith’s clothes are too conspicuous, like those in a medieval palace.

It's like the kind of dress worn at a princess banquet.

What is this place? This is school. Well, school is a place for learning, not a place for showing off. You

If you are dressed so differently, will everyone still look at the blackboard in class? Are they all staring at you? ?

Lilith brought this set of clothes with her when she went out. There was nothing she could do about it. Ji Baiyi, a grown man, also brought this set of clothes with him when he went out.

There is no women's clothing, even if he really has a special transvestite, the size does not match, so there is no way, Lilith just

I can wear this outfit instead of going to class.

As soon as she sat down, as expected, all the eyes in the class were focused on Lilith, like a magnet.

Shi Tongli attracted everyone's attention.

"This is the first time we meet. I am Mr. Ji Bai's sister Lilith. Please give me your advice." After sitting down, Lilith said

Meeting with Lin Tuo early in the morning.

"Well, my name is Lin Tuo, Ji Bai's friend." Lin Tuo nodded after hesitation.

There was something indescribably strange in his heart.

As the person who knows Ji Bai best in the class, he has never heard that Ji Bai has a younger sister. He usually goes to Ji Bai's house to play

I have never seen this person before.

"Miss Lilith, I would like to ask, are you really Ji Bai's sister? How long have we known each other?" Lin Tuozhi



"I just met her recently. Why did she claim to be his sister?" After hearing this, Lin Tuo felt a little happy.

"It's probably love at first sight." Lilith's tone was still calm.

Lin Tuo frowned slightly. If the other party said it like this, he really wouldn't be able to continue.

The morning's class ended quickly.

As expected, a group of students, especially boys, immediately gathered around Lilith in the next class, asking various questions about Lilith.

Regarding silk-related issues, he showed great enthusiasm.

Lilith responded to them calmly, dispelling their enthusiasm, and kept writing in her hand.


"Teacher, let me go visit Ji Bai. I know where his home is, and he is my deskmate.

This is also more convenient. "After class, Lin Tuo volunteered to come to the class teacher's office.

"Well, that's up to you."

After school, Lilith walked in front, while Lin Tuo followed her.

"Since Miss Lilith has only recently met Ji Bai, she must not be familiar with the direction of his home address.

Do you understand? "For some reason, Lin Tuo always doubted this silver-haired girl.

Unlike those students who were so obsessed with beauty that they lost their minds, Lin Tuo, who saw the true nature, was suspicious of Lilith.

Youjia, he felt that he needed to confirm Ji Bai's true situation.

The two of them were speechless. They arrived at the downstairs of Ji Bai's house and knocked on the door.

"No need to knock, I have the key." Lilith took out the key and opened the door.

"Ahem, is it Lilith?" Ji Bai's voice came from inside the room.

"Eh? Why are you here?" Ji Bai was stunned when he saw Lin Tuo.

"What, dad, I can't come and see you?" Lin Tuo said angrily, after seeing Ji Bai was fine

, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm your kid, why are you so careless? I'm going to have a bad cold. How are you? Are you okay?"

"Fortunately, it would be better if you came a day later." Ji Bai grinned.

"Oh? Why."

"One day later, it happens to be when I'm at my worst, and I might be able to infect you. Why don't we just lie down together?"

It would be great to go to school and just be excused from class. "

"Ha! You kid, then I should thank you!

"I'll get you a glass of water." Seeing Ji Bai and Lin Tuo chatting animatedly, Lilith exited the room at the right time.

"Hey, okay, I'm not here anymore, please tell me quickly!" Seeing Lilith exiting the room, Lin Tuo poked Ji Bai's cheek.


"Say? What did you say?" Ji Bai was puzzled.

"What can I say? Of course, how did you, a pauper like you, end up with such a beautiful girlfriend?"

," Lin Tuo smiled without seriousness.

"You're such a big-headed guy." Ji Bai said angrily. "Don't talk nonsense about girlfriends or not, they are just

"We're just ordinary friends, right? Stop bragging. We're just ordinary friends and we'd be willing to give you a leave of absence from school."

I am willing to take care of you for so many days, and even go to school for you for the sake of your studies!

"Ji Bai hesitated to speak, but found that he could not refute.

"I still don't understand you? Okay, tell me, where is the progress?

One step ahead? Have you opened meat or not?

"Get out of here.

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