"Get out of here." Ji Bai pushed this old and dishonest bastard away and said angrily. "I just helped her

A few times, I just let her stay here. "

"Hey, stay here? ?" Lin Tuo seemed to have caught the key word again, and came over with a lewd expression. "Okay, little one

Son, tell me, what on earth did you do to capture other people’s hearts? ?”

"Capture you ghost!"

"Otherwise? People can tell at a glance that she is the kind of girl from a rich family. Why would they fall in love with a poor guy like you?

!" Lin Tuo said disdainfully. "Okay, okay, let's talk about it quickly and teach you some life experience. I'm still here now.

Being single makes me feel uncomfortable!

"Go away, what does your discomfort have to do with me? It makes me look like the kind of scumbag who often hooks up with little girls outside.

Just like men, if you want nothing to happen, leave immediately. "Ji Bai said very rudely.

"Hehe. Don't be so anxious. Are you so anxious to live out your two-person world?" Lin Tuo chuckled.

He showed a smile I know, the kind that made Ji Bai want to go up and punch him twice.

"But boy, I have to warn you, take your time and don't let others have a bad first experience, but even though it's like this

Besides, the sooner this kind of thing happens, the better. After all, as long as the rice is cooked, even if her parents come to find her, it won't matter.

The plan can be implemented.

"Where did you learn this? I told you it's not what you imagined." Something popped up on Ji Bai's head.

A big tic-tac-toe.

He is in love with a vampire. This is outrageous.

"Get out of here, you're not serious. You'd better get out of here. I don't need you to read it." Ji Bai was so open-mouthed.

A look at the yellow-tongued bastard.

"Hehe, by the way, when will you get better from this cold? But, it doesn't matter if you stay in bed for a few more days. You can steal

Not to mention, it’s great to be able to enjoy the personal care of such a beautiful girlfriend. If I were you, I would

I will definitely choose to stay in bed for a few more days. "

"Well, you big-headed ghost!

At this moment, the door opened and Lilith came in carrying a small plate.

"Classmate Lin Tuo, drink some water."

"Oh, okay, thank you." Lin Tuo took the water glass and glanced at Ji Bai.

Ji Bai glanced at the plate. There seemed to be only two glasses of water on it.

"Would you like some water, dear?"

"Oh what?" Ji Bai suspected that he heard wrongly.

Honey? ?

"If my dear wants to drink water, I will feed you." Lilith put down the tea tray and held the water glass.


"That, that, no need. I'm not so weak that I can't even lift a cup." The corner of Ji Bai's mouth twitched.

Lilith's sudden change was unexpected.

"No, you are still seriously ill, so you naturally need personal care. In this case, I will feed you."

"Okay, okay." Ji Bai accepted, but just when he thought the way to feed water was mouth to cup, Lily

Silk took a sip of the water in the cup, and then brought her little mouth over little by little.

"? ? ?" Not only Ji Bai, but also Lin Tuo were shocked.

God, I’m still there. Is this Ji Bai’s little girlfriend so playful? ?

"Come on, I'm not a light bulb." Lin Tuo waved his hand. "Go on, you two, and play."

With that said, Lin Tuo exited the room, and soon there was the sound of the door closing.

"Boy, what are you looking at? You don't really think that Her Highness the Princess will feed you water mouth-to-mouth, do you?

"After Lin Tuo left, Xiao Hei was furious.

"Ke Ji Bai quickly looked away, with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"Mr. Ji Bai's illness will probably be completely cured by tomorrow. These are the notes you took in class today. You

See how. "

"Can you write human words?" Ji Bai took the note and looked at the neat handwriting on it, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Dare to believe.

"Of course, otherwise who do you think my Highness is?" Xiao Hei snorted and said proudly with his hands on his hips. "My princess is proficient in ten foreign languages, including human languages. Moreover, you humans

The language is so easy to learn, why can’t my princess learn it?”

"Speaking of which, there weren't any strange people following you when you came back today, right?" Ji Bai asked.

"Weird people? Yes." Lilith said without thinking.

"Who?" Ji Bai became nervous.

"That Mr. Lin Tuo just now."

"He doesn't count." Ji Bai said speechlessly. "He's just a funny guy, so that doesn't count."

"Then, there should be no more."

"Should it?


"What's the matter with your suspicious eyes? No matter how you say it, my Highness is the only daughter of the Scarlet Queen.

How can you not feel something like this if someone is following you?" Xiao Hei said matter-of-factly.

"Even if you are really being followed by someone and you don't notice it, then that person must have deliberately turned on the sanctuary system.

, it is impossible to hide one's past. His Highness's identity has not been exposed so far.


, there is no reason for the people from the temple to follow. "

"What is the Holy Land?

"Forget it about the Holy Domain, you don't understand it even if you tell me. In short, it is used by humans who have [Holy Martial Arts].

Props to hide their whereabouts. After all, they are different from ordinary people. If they don't hide their aura, they will be easily discovered by aliens.

"Xiao Hei popularized the science.

"Oh, what is the Holy Martial Arts?" Ji Bai was like a curious baby. As for anything about the temple, what is it?

The topics are of great interest.

"Why are you asking one question after another? ? Shengwu, you can understand it as a special ability that can be awakened by some people.

Ability, okay, that's it. Even if you have more questions, I won't be able to answer them. "Xiao Hei said with a very bad attitude.

"Tch, didn't I just ask you a few questions? How can I be so stingy?" Ji Bai pursed his lips and looked through Li Li's books.

To be honest, I remember the notes Liz took for him very well. They were very detailed and almost recorded every sentence the teacher said in class.

It's all recorded. It's a pleasure to watch Lilith's words. It's more comfortable than reading those printed words.

By the afternoon, Ji Bai was almost able to walk. He just wanted to take off his clothes and take a shower, but he didn't realize that

So far, I am not alone in this small rental house.

"Selang!" As soon as Ji Bai opened the bathroom door, he was hit in the face by a black ball.

"Uh-oh!" Ji Bai took a step back and fell down.

"You hateful little human wolf, what do you want to do to my Highness?" Xiao Hei said angrily, sticking to

Ji Bai's cheeks can't come down.

"What the hell, you, you come down first!"

"Don't come down! You damn big p-- must be trying to take advantage of others' danger and do harm to my Highness!"

"Ah, I really didn't know that your highness was taking a bath. Do you vampires take baths without making any sound?

"We vampires can't bathe in water that flows too much, we can only use basins. You don't know this bit of knowledge.

Dao? ?" Xiao Hei snorted coldly. "You dare to blaspheme my Highness, you are so brave, human being, today I

I’m going to suffocate you to death!”

With that said, Xiao Hei blocked Ji Bai's mouth and nose.

"Woooo! ?"

"Okay, Xiaohei, stop it. Mr. Ji Bai probably didn't mean it." Until Lilith's voice came from behind.

Only then did Xiao Hei give up and spat.

"I'm warning you, human being, don't think that His Highness is going to be in your care now because you have some evil intentions. Let me tell you, sooner or later, His Highness will

One day I will return to Her Majesty the Queen. If I snitch next to Her Majesty the Queen, believe it or not,

His Majesty the Emperor will take your life from thousands of miles away!"

"Wochao, is your Queen so powerful?"

"Huh, that's of course. Her Majesty the Queen's strength is unfathomable. No one has ever made it clear that she has a thousand-year lifespan.

How powerful is the vampire queen of fate?

"Then if that's the case, your queen is so strong, why don't you reach out and help your daughter who is in crisis?

"Where can I save my son?" Ji Bai asked curiously

"Xiao Hei suddenly felt embarrassed, and he threw himself on Ji Bai's head and slapped him again. "You hateful human being.

, you dare to mock me, right? You must be a hermaphrodite!"

"Ouch! Don't pull my hair, what kind of intersex person are you? ? I don't have one. I just asked a very reasonable question casually.

It’s just a problem, stop fighting, stop fighting!”

"Okay, Xiaohei, stop making trouble and help me get my clothes." Lilith's voice came out again.

After a while, Lilith, who was all dressed up, reappeared in Ji Bai's sight.

"By the way, I have always had a question, how did the Temple and the others find you?"

"There is a specific method, but if the distance is not close enough, you still can't find it." Sitting on the sofa

Lilith replied.

"That's not bad." At least there is no black technology such as full-image search, but it is impossible to think about it.

If there was such a thing, Lilith would have been caught long ago.

"The vampires should be looking for you now, right? How did they find you?

Lilith hesitated for a moment and shook her head. "I don't know much about this."

As she spoke, she took out a red pendant. "This is the symbolic pendant of the blood royal family. I always wear it.

Hopefully this will help my people find us. "

"But it doesn't seem to have much effect now, right?" Ji Bai asked

Um. "Lilith nodded. "Up to now, I have been here in human society for almost half a month.

, and still no tribesman has taken the initiative to contact me. It seems that I haven't been found by them yet. "

"That's it. Ji Bai almost understands the situation now. It's roughly that humans are searching for Lilith. Blood

The clan is also searching, and the two sides are probably already at loggerheads.

"Don't worry, as long as you stay here, you won't be found." Ji Bai said confidently. "Here is only

It's just a civilian area of ​​a remote city in human society. No matter what the temple says, it's impossible to find it here.

bring it on

. "

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