Blood Princess and the Knight

10~Don’t ask too many questions

"Well, Miss Lilith, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Ji Bai, I'm a little tired. Can you let me take a nap first?"

"Ah, so you are sleeping? ?" Ji Bai looked at Lilith lying flat under the coffee table with black lines on her head. "

If you want to sleep, sleep on the bed, or on the sofa. I need a blanket, it's not as cold as the cold floor.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Ji Bai, racial habits cannot be changed." Lilith's plain tone sounded a little different.

Silly tired.

"I've been searching for a long time, and in this room there is only one under the coffee table that best fits the definition of a coffin, at least one of them.

Open the lid.

"Ah, Ji Bai touched his head, almost forgetting that all vampires sleep in coffins.

"Having said that, it still feels weird, Miss Lilith?" A gradually calming voice came from under the coffee table.

Suckling, Ji Bai's voice stopped responding.

"Did she fall asleep now? Yes, it seems like she hasn't had a good sleep in the past few days."

By the afternoon, Ji Bai could already walk on the ground. Although he was still a little weak, if he had taken a nap,

It's almost time to go to school tomorrow.

"You brat, I warn you not to do anything strange while my Highness is sleeping, otherwise I will kill you.

Get castrated!" Xiao Hei looked at Ji Bai warily.

"Oh, what if I insist on doing this?" For some reason, Ji Bai suddenly wanted to tease this dog that he usually rides on.

The little bat on my head.

"You! Then you will be on the most wanted list of the Vampire Clan, and you will be pursued by the Vampire Clan's military forces from top to bottom.

I will never spare you until the end of the world!"

"Not only that, but in the Vampire Palace, including the queen, ministers and nobles, they will not let you go.


"But these people you mentioned are so far away from me now, how can they make me look good?" Ji Bai asked.

Spread your hands. "If now I get jealous and insist on taking action against your Highness, and then run away, what can you do?

Woolen cloth?

"You, you! Human beings, don't go too far and dare to speak arrogantly. If I hadn't exhausted my magic power, I wouldn't be able to show it.

If you reveal your true identity, you, the bastard who dares to blaspheme Her Highness, will be cut into pieces!" Xiao Hei said angrily.

"Eh? So you still have a real body?" Ji Bai asked curiously. "Isn't this your true identity?"

"Do you think I want to keep looking like this weakling? ? It's not because the magic power is used up, so I can only turn on the energy-saving mode." Xiao Hei snorted and stared at Ji Bai fiercely. "Otherwise, where would you be needed? If you can show your true

I want to kick you out of the window right now!"

"Oh, it turns out you have legs." As he said that, Ji Bai lifted up Xiao Hei's wings like he was lifting a chicken.

Pulled it up.

"You! What do you want to do as a human? Put me down quickly!"

"Stop making noise. Well, your highness is asleep. She hasn't slept for several days. You don't want to disturb her sleep."

Right?" Ji Bai poked Xiao Hei's face.

"Put me down, damn human! Don't poke me! Ah, after I regain my true form, I must let you

Guy pays the price!"

"Okay, okay, before that, come with me to the supermarket to buy something."

"What the hell is a supermarket? And why should I accompany you to a place like that?"

"Shhhh, don't make a sound. You're out now. If everyone notices that this bat of yours can talk, what will happen?"

It will be great fun, maybe they will suspect your princess.

Human being, are you threatening me? ?" Although he said he was not convinced, Xiao Hei still kept his mouth shut.


The city in the old town is not very popular, and since it is working time now, there are almost no people visiting the supermarket.

"Hey!" After entering the supermarket, Xiao Hei, who was lying on the trolley, immediately acted like a curious baby - - Double

The big eyes are full of strangeness. Look here and there. These colorful jars are very strange to it.

"Hey, human beings, how about we buy a can of that one?

"Huh? Aren't you a vampire's familiar? That's dog food for dogs. What do you want?"

"Don't your familiars want to eat?! Buy, buy, buy. Maybe after eating this, my magic power will be able to

It’s restored!”

"Don't make trouble. Food for dogs doesn't contain magic power. How can it become magic after eating it? Besides, you are a puppy.


"Buy it, buy it, I bought it!" When Ji Bai disagreed, the latter immediately hugged the canned dog and started beating him.


Don't tell me, this shameless look does look like a mangy dog.

"Okay, okay! Put your things down quickly. Is there anyone else watching here?" In desperation,

Ji Bai looked around and had no choice but to compromise and add the canned dog to the shopping cart.

When I got home and opened the can, a certain bat was circling in the air, holding the dog can like

He looked like a drunken man.

"I'm afraid this bat is crazy." Ji Bai complained.


Late at night, when vampires are supposed to be most energetic, Lilith is still sleeping.

It seemed that she was indeed very tired, and she was still catching up on her sleep during the "daytime" as a vampire.

Ji Bai didn't know when the other party woke up. It was too late. After reading the notes from today's class, he

Went to bed.

When I woke up the next day, Miss Lilith was still sleeping.

"Ah? Has she been sleeping since last night?" Ji Bai looked at Lilith under the coffee table in disbelief.

"You idiot, human, of course you are not. Morning is vampire's sleep time, so Miss has woken up in the middle of the night.

, but is she adjusting her biological clock now? "Xiao Hei, who was lying on Lilith's head, yawned and explained.

Then you go to bed first, I'm going to school. "-To a certain extent, vampires are relatively sleepy.

Biology, after all, the day is much longer than the night. Ji Bai sleeps all day long and lives day and night.


Today was supposed to be an ordinary day. The head teacher didn't say anything. Seeing that Ji Bai had returned to school, he just

He nodded and said "take care of yourself" and put it in the folder.

However, because of some explosive events that happened yesterday, the classmates began to look at Ji Bai in a different way.

Something is wrong.

How to put it, it was probably a look of envy, jealousy, and jealousy that made you want to kill someone.

"? ? ?" Three question marks popped up in Ji Bai's head. He didn't know what he had done that made people and gods angry.

Love, isn't it just taking a day off due to illness? This makes everyone envious?

"Old Lin, what's going on?"

As soon as Ji Bai returned to his seat, he started asking Lin Tuo next to him.

"What's going on? What exactly are you referring to?" Lin Tuo looked at the troubled Ji Bai with interest, knowing that


"What else can happen? Don't pretend to be confused because you understand!" Ji Bai patted Lin Tuo neither lightly nor hard.

"Oh, you have to ask your little girlfriend about this matter." Lin Tuo said seriously.

"What little girlfriend? Where did I get my girlfriend?"

"Stop pretending, you've gotten to this point and you're still pretending? This matter has been spread to other classes, you know! Now

Including the two classes next to me, who doesn’t know that your boy has a girlfriend who is as good as a fairy?”

Is it you who is messing with me?" Ji Bai narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, it's none of my business. I personally had no involvement at all. If I have to blame, I can only blame everyone for going there.

That aspect, and your little girlfriend is too open-minded, right? She actually claimed to be your girlfriend in public, that’s incredible!”

"Hey, I see a look of disgust on your face. Don't be ignorant of your blessings. If you don't want it, what's the point?

People want it!

"I want you to be a ghost." Ji Bai glared at Lin Tuo, who was in high spirits, and pulled up his chair and sat down.

Today was not much different from the past, so I was stopped by members of the FFF group in class and said some harsh words.

After saying that, he was reprimanded by the regiment leader again and again, and was called "traitor", "scum", "unfaithful" and so on.

Ji Bai didn't have time to pay attention to these funny people. He had to seize the time to catch up on the homework he missed yesterday.

It's the same today, I returned home under the same sunset as usual. The only difference is that my home is now

There are two more "creatures" on the head.

However, something was different today. Lilith did not come to pick her up as usual, but sat on the sofa.


"Is Mr. Ji Bai back?"

"I'm back. Ji Bai feels that Lilith looks a little abnormal today.

"Speaking of which, why haven't we seen that noisy bat today?" Ji Bai joked in order to lighten the atmosphere.


"" Hearing this, Lilith lowered her head.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ji Bai, who felt something was wrong, sat on the sofa together.

"It's okay." Lilith shook her head

Speaking of which, Xiao Hei, doesn’t he always fly around next to you? Why not today?

See it?" Seeing that Lilith didn't seem to want to say anything to him, Ji Bai could only take the initiative to start talking.

""Lilith still didn't speak.

"It couldn't be that Ji Bai gradually had a bold guess in his mind. "Are you in trouble today?

"Were you tracked and found by the people from the temple when you were going out? ?" Ji Bai asked hurriedly.

"If that's the case, then we have to find a way quickly."

"It's not us, it's me." Lilith raised her head. "Mr. Ji Bai, thank you for your kindness these days.

But after all, we are not members of the same clan, and we must not be able to understand each other. "

"You're talking about this. Aren't I trying to understand you?"

"Thank you for your kindness. I know you are kind, but we are vampires. As a human being, no matter what

There is no way you can put yourself in our shoes. "

“So, please don’t ask too many questions, okay.

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