"I am very grateful for your generous help, but after all, we are not creatures of the same ethnic group, and we will never be the same.

can understand each other. "

Hearing this, Ji Bai didn't know what to say for a moment. "I, having said that, I really can't help

It’s true that you are very busy, but I also hope that you can return to your home safely and reunite with your parents.

"Please stop talking." Lilith raised her eyes, with a meaning that Li Li couldn't understand.


"Mr. Ji Bai, don't you understand? So what if you understand me? You can't help me. You can't help me at all."

Can't help me

I see. "After a long silence, Ji Bai nodded, got up and went to the kitchen without talking anymore.

Maybe these were not words of anger, maybe she really thought so.

Since there is nothing I can do to help, why continue to waste words? All I can do for her is to be kind and help her.

It's just to provide her with a temporary residence out of compassion. What else can we do besides that? Could it be that we wait until the temple is found?

Are you going to live and die with her here? Don't be ridiculous, die for a foreigner you've known for less than a week.

, Ji Bai thought he couldn't do it.

And even if he decides to live and die with her, so what? As the girl said, he can't help at all

Her help will not only not help, but will also be a disservice. If she goes there, she will only die and be buried with him.

So she was right, she didn't need to do anything extra, she just needed to provide her with a temporary shelter, and then

Just pretend that nothing happened and doesn't exist.

Thinking like this, Ji Bai cooked noodles and eggs for himself. After eating, he lay down on the sofa comfortably.

On the bed, he glanced at Lilith, who was resting with her eyes closed, and started reading a comic book out of boredom.

The day passed like this. Although he couldn't ignore the people next to him, Ji Bai felt that this was just a person.

Sooner or later he will be able to adapt to the process.

Lilith looks very depressed today, but this has nothing to do with herself. She did help.

Without her help, I can't help her, and even if I ask the other party, I won't appreciate it.

The next day went by as usual, except that Lilith's condition seemed to be worse, sleeping in her own bed all day long.

Inside the "nest", Ji Bai never saw her wake up.

Doesn't this guy need to eat?

Maybe something happened to the bat named Xiao Hei, which made her feel so depressed.

Ji Bai began to understand Lilith, who suddenly became passive. Because of the attack on the princess who was living in a foreign country, she was an alien in the eyes of everyone in this strange town. No one could communicate with her, and only the people around her could

This little cute pet could comfort her lonely heart a little, because it was the only one that belonged to the same world as her.

But now, the only person with whom she can communicate is gone. It means that the world is full of strangers who have malicious intentions towards her.

No one can accompany her anymore.

When you think about it, it seems entirely reasonable that she would fall into isolation.

For some reason, Ji Bai's sympathy for her deepened.

Perhaps it was because of the relatively similar situation that gave rise to the feeling of empathy. Ji Bai was the same, in this world

He has no relatives. Although he has a friend who can talk to him, he is still lonely most of the time because he can understand him.

There are also a minority of people.

On the surface, he pretends to be just like an ordinary person, but on the inside he is very scared. He is afraid that once he falls asleep, he will not be able to get up again.

It’s time to say goodbye to life in this world.

He has very few friends, just that one one, but he still has nostalgia for this world. For example, if he dies, he

I won’t be able to play such a fun game. If I die, I won’t be able to continue to follow the magazine and fantasize about my own knighthood, so

He doesn't want to die, and he doesn't want outside interference in his daily life.

Silently turning his attention to the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, Ji Bai stepped up his rag movements.

I have to finish it quickly. There is a lot of homework today. If I finish it early, I might still have time to read some comics.

An ordinary yet extraordinary day has passed.

He didn't know if it was Ji Bai's illusion, but he always felt that Lilith's body seemed to be getting worse day by day. Maybe

It's because I haven't eaten, but is it really the only reason?

The clothes on her body were becoming more and more torn, as if they had been punctured and scratched by something, and were stained with some

Xu blood stains.

He could tell with his butt that she was in trouble, but Ji Bai knew that even if he asked her, he would definitely not tell her

Until today, Lilith, who had always been a transparent person, actually took the initiative to speak to him.

"Mr. Ji Bai, thank you for your help these days. If one day I suddenly disappear, you won't be surprised."

Weird, just continue to live your life. "This sentence seemed to be floating by his ears, softly speaking.

It was like a breeze passing by at will, fleeting.

By the time Ji Bai came to his senses and turned around to say something, Lilith had already walked away and returned to the sofa.

He continued without saying a word.

" "Even now, are you still unwilling to reveal anything to him?

Ji Bai shook his head.

Maybe the two of them are destined to be people in two worlds.

Lilith's words made Ji Bai a little uneasy, so much so that he couldn't sleep at all that night, and he didn't know what he was doing.

What exactly is he anxious about? It's clear that all this has little to do with him.

In the morning, a hot breakfast was placed on the dining table as always.

Although Lilith does not eat human food, human meals are always cooked well. Thanks to her, sister

Bai saves money and time on buying breakfast every day.

I don’t know since when, Ji Bai got used to this kind of life, got used to the extra person in the family, got used to

Everyday breakfast and seeing her sitting on the sofa when the sun rises and sets, until that day finally comes

In the end.

"I'm back." Ji Bai said as usual when he returned home. He didn't know who he was talking to.

It has almost become his habit. As usual, no one responded. Ji Bai didn't pay attention. He walked in and threw away his schoolbag.

But I didn't find that familiar love figure on the sofa as usual.

Not only that, the appearance of the living room set off alarm bells in his heart.

The pillows were randomly thrown away, the coffee table cover was completely overturned, the blanket fell to the ground and was stepped on several times.

What makes people think deeply is the messy footprints on the ground, which are obviously not made by one person.

The entire living room can only be described in one word: messy.

How is this going? ?

Ji Bai was silent for a long time, then slowly sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the tragic scene in the living room, dazed.

What's going on? In fact, he has already made up his mind.

If Lilith was at home, all the furniture and furnishings would be neat and tidy. She would be like a virtuous person.

Like a newlywed wife, she will never allow any mess in her home.

However, now, the family is in such chaos, even if Ji Bai deceives him, he can't hide Lilith's appearance.

It is a fact that I am no longer at home.

Recalling what she said to herself, "Whenever you disappear, just pretend that nothing happened." Ji

Bai felt increasingly uneasy.

Did he find it after all? .What should he do when encountering such a thing? ?

Ji Bai subconsciously wanted to call the police, but his movements were stagnant for two seconds. He slowly put down the phone in his hand and smiled bitterly.

There was a sound.

I'm afraid I'm not crazy. I asked the police in the human world to help me save the vampires who are being hunted by the temple. Jane

Nao is too stupid

So, does this matter have a lot to do with him? Probably not.

Ji Bai struggled to straighten the overturned coffee table.

It's so difficult for him to even move a coffee table, let alone anything else. It's unprecedented to be safe when encountering something like this. What can he do to save others?

Still, just pretend that nothing happened. Stay clean and restore everything to the original state.

The recent abnormality will also be restored to its original state, right?

After staring at the messy living room for a long time, Ji Bai started to move. As soon as he took a step, he felt like he was stepping on something

When he came upon some paper product, he looked down and picked it up.

Yes, my own knight comic.

No, it's not the same.

Ji Bai slowly put away the comics and stood in the middle of the living room, murmuring.

Fundamentally, different.

Ji Bai rushed out of the room.

Maybe he was too reckless in doing this, but if he wasn't so reckless, maybe he would really regret it for the rest of his life.


It should, it should still be nearby, so, where would it be.

Ji Bai's brain started working crazily. He remembered that Lilith mentioned that the existence of the temple was not something ordinary people could do.

They will know, that is to say, if those people plan to deal with the incident, they will definitely choose a hidden and uninhabited place.

The only thing in this neighborhood that meets this characteristic is

At this moment, in the sewer of the slum.

"Okay, let's solve it quickly." A man wearing a white Holy Cross cloak ordered from behind, while staring at the next person.

While watching the movements in the waterway, he watched the movements outside to make sure no one was passing through the sewer.

"Are you still counting on your people to save you, my princess?" A cloaked man took off his cloak, revealing

Got a mechanical eye.

"Give up. The vampire clan's officials are now being dragged down by us, and they can't reach out at all. You are the one

It's no use being a sewer rat in this city, there's absolutely no chance they'll come to save you within a year!

Several men gradually approached, and the street lights slightly lit up the dim entrance to the sewer, illuminating the delicate tunnel in the sewer.

The little sickly body cast some shadows.

The silver-haired girl who was forced into a dead end pursed her lips and remained silent, gradually weakening in the face of the three people's offensive, but the fact

She is now at the end of her strength and has little room for resistance.

Due to the lack of food for many days and the continuous accumulation of wounds, she is far from her prime now.

Even three not-so-high-level knights couldn't deal with it.

"Go ahead and capture her, Your Highness the Vampire Princess. In the name of God, your good luck has come to an end!"

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